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08-19 投稿


buffy 发音

英:[?b?fi]  美:[?b?fi]

英:  美:

buffy 中文意思翻译



buffy 短语词组

1、Buffy the Vampire Slayer ─── [电影]吸血鬼猎人巴菲;僵尸终结者

2、buffy sugo ─── 奶油沙司

3、Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge ─── 布菲冠木桥

4、Buffy Fish-owl ─── 水牛

5、buffy coat vs prp ─── 棕色外套vs prp

6、buffy the vampire slayer cast ─── 吸血鬼杀手布菲

7、buffy crust ─── [医] 血沉棕黄层

8、buffy cast ─── 浅黄色石膏

9、Buffy flower bat ─── 布菲花蝙蝠

10、buffy coat ─── [医] 血沉棕黄层

11、buffy sainte-marie ─── 巴菲圣玛丽

12、buffy cats ─── 巴菲猫

13、Buffy Hummingbird ─── 布菲蜂鸟

14、buffy summers ─── 巴菲·萨莫斯

buffy 相似词语短语

1、buffe ─── n.唱谐角的女歌剧演唱家;n.(Buffe)人名;(法)比弗

2、biffy ─── 户外洗手间;户外厕所;室内洗手间

3、baffy ─── n.木制短高尔夫球棒

4、buffo ─── n.(意大利歌剧中的)滑稽男演员,丑角;演滑稽角色的男低音;adj.意大利滑稽剧的;滑稽剧所特有的;n.(Buffo)(美、意、阿根廷、法、巴)布福(人名)

5、Duffy ─── n.达菲(姓氏,英国女歌手名)

6、buffs ─── n.爱好者;黄褐色软皮革(buff的复数);v.用软布擦亮;抛光(buff的第三人称单数)

7、buffa ─── n.唱谐角的女歌剧演唱家;n.(Buffa)人名;(意)布法

8、buffi ─── 滑稽的;(歌剧中)演滑稽角色的男低音歌手(buffo的复数);n.(Buffi)人名;(意)布菲

9、buff ─── n.浅黄色;软皮;爱好者;[俚]健康的身体;增益效果,增益状态(游戏术语);(Buff)人名;[德]布夫;[英]巴夫;vt.有软皮摩擦;缓冲;擦亮,抛光某物

buffy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、quality buffy coat ─── 优质血沉棕黄层

2、Results Nerve endings of muscle spindle in equatorial and polar regions were dyed black;intrafusal fibers were dyed buffy. ─── 结果肌梭赤道部与两极部神经末梢呈棕黑色,清晰可见,梭内肌纤维染为棕黄色。

3、“She thinks it's 44)hilarious,”says Donaldson. “if Buffy were a person, she's probably draw a mustache on my picture.” ─── “它觉得这样很好玩。”唐纳森说道,“要是布菲是一个人,它说不定还会给我的照片画上一绺胡子呢。”

4、Buffy flower bat ─── n. 黄花蝠

5、Instead, too many settle for being a Buffy, a female with incredible potential kept in check by contemporary culture's definition of woman. ─── 换句话来说,很多人都满足于成为巴菲,这个有着惊人能力而又符合当代文化定义的女性。

6、Keywords Pooled platelets;Buffy coat;Aggregation;Flow cytometry; ─── 关键词汇集血小板;白膜;聚集;流式细胞仪;

7、Sarah: You're all freaks. Star Trek has more reruns than Buffy does! ─── 莎拉:你们全都是怪胎。《星舰迷航记》的回放比《魔法奇兵》还多!

8、Buffy Hummingbird ─── n. 淡黄月亮蜂鸟

9、A 40)weasel 41)squeak toy and two stuffed animals stand at attention on her crossed legs. “Buffy arranges her toys on me every time I do yoga,? ─── 一边肩膀上趴着一只摇摇欲坠的绿色橡胶蜘蛛,在她交叉的双腿上警醒地站着一只会咯吱咯吱响的玩具黄鼠狼以及两只动物填充布偶。

10、The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom. "The bun is better buttered," Buffy muttered. ─── 黄油桶底是抹上了黄油的桶底。“小面包上涂了黄油就更好了”巴佛嘟嚷着。

11、Buffett now laugh at people who may repeat the last laugh at the same time Buffy share sale error. ─── 因此现在嘲笑巴菲特的人,可能又会重蹈去年嘲笑巴菲特卖股时一样的错误。

12、Buffy the emergence of a new city Egui, the protagonist's task is to find and and the monster, devil wrestle, explore the New World, Mi... ─── Buffy城中新出现一个恶鬼,主角们的任务就是寻找并和怪物、魔鬼搏斗,探究新世界,挖掘秘密、魔法、符咒和展开冒险新篇章!

13、buffy crust ─── 白细胞层

14、Buffy : It should have ended a long time ago. It was really dumb; I had to leave. ─── 巴菲:电影早该结束啦。那电影真的很蠢,所以我就先出来了。

15、It is times like these we need to ask, “What would Buffy do? ─── 如果你是个积极向上的“吸血鬼”,那巴菲就成了好形象了。

16、Keywords 137Cs-irradiation;Buffy coat;Neutrophils;Monocytes; ─── 射线;白膜;粒细胞;单核细胞;

17、“Buffy arranges her toys on me every time I do yoga,?says Donaldson. ─── “每次我做瑜伽时,布菲都会把它的玩具放在我身上。”

18、Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Return of the Dark King ─── 吸血鬼杀手巴菲-返回黑暗世界

19、Buffy had been married about a year when one day the she came running up to her husband jumping for joy. ─── 芭菲已结婚一年了,一天,她开心地蹦跳着跑向他丈夫。

20、buffy coat ─── 血块黄层白细胞层

21、If you are an aspiring Vampire Slayer than Buffy is an extremely good figure. ─── 在你心情沮丧的时候,想一想“(填入人物的名字)会怎么做”,然后按照那个答案照做。

22、Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete First Season ─── 捉鬼者芭菲-第一季

23、Instead, feminism is just one of the many terms I use to express myself, and to differentiate myself from Buffy. ─── 而女权主义者,仅仅是我用来表达自己的众多词语之一,一个区分自己与巴菲的词语。

24、thanks my dearest buffy! ─── 我还想"抖"多两年利是呢!

25、buffy coat cell ─── 软层细胞

26、Wentworth made his professional acting debut in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ─── 大学毕业后文特沃斯来到了洛杉矶。

27、As a result, Buffett is now laughing at the same people may have laughed at last year's Buffy when the stock sale the same error. ─── 因此,现在嘲笑巴菲特的人可能又会重蹈去年嘲笑巴菲特卖股时一样的错误。

28、I hope Buffy crosses over to Angel in the fourth season. ─── 我希望芭菲能跨刀演出第四季的《暗夜天使》。

29、Rob Hall, who worked hard to blend colors pale enough to match my sunless face, has a very impressive make-up resume and worked on SuperBad, Angle, Firefly, Buffy, The X-Files and much more. ─── 罗布大会堂,谁努力混合颜色苍白足够的符合我sunless的脸,有一个非常令人印象深刻的化妆和恢复工作SuperBad,角,萤火虫,捉鬼,X档案以及更多。

30、:Sarah Michelle Gellar .... Buffy...) Michelle Trachtenberg .... Dawn... ─── (Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰演)的女孩子,和一群...

31、Buffy papules, squamae and crust were presented on the cervical part and the lower limbs. ─── 患儿男,2个月。

32、Perhaps the novelty of gay and lesbian characters on prime time television shows has warn off after the long running success of Will and Grace, Queer Eye, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ─── 也许在这三档电视节目收获长期的成功的时候,电视台黄金时段的男女同志们将不再使观众具有新鲜感。

33、Return of Buffy - The Curl Destroyer! ─── 。第一个发布视频回复。

34、WB Network shows: The Wayans Bros., Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dawson's Creek, Charmed, Gilmore Girls. ─── WB电视网节目:《韦恩斯兄弟》、捉鬼者巴菲》(译作《魔法奇兵》)《天使》、恋爱世代》、圣女魔咒》、吉尔莫女孩》。

35、Young cassowaries are brown and have buffy stripes. ─── 年轻的食火鸡身子是褐色的,带有淡黄色条纹。

36、Buffy Fish-owl ─── n. 马来鱼鸮(鸱鸮科)

37、buffy layer ─── 阻挡层

38、Within the next few years, he landed guest spots on a variety of shows including Buffy the Vampire Slayer(1997), ER(1994) and Popular (1999). ─── 米勒最初是幕后工作者。大学毕业获文学学士后,于1995年春来到洛衫矶,在一家小型电视制作公司的发展部任职。而儿时的梦想使他很快就进入了演艺圈。

39、Sometimes, cars roaring through with extremly annoying songs of buffo on the audio, but these are not the worst. ─── 偶尔,还会有汽车呼啸而过,车载音响里播放着极为吵闹的男低音演唱声。

40、a graduator student of Shanghai Traditional Opera School,mainly acts'Wu Chou'(a buffo on who has acrobatic and fighting skills in Kunju Opera) ─── 上海戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工武丑(昆剧杂技表演中的丑角)

41、Buffy: Oh, Gatorade has a new flavor. Blue. ─── 芭菲:喔,开特力运动饮料有新口味的。蓝色的。

42、Buffy has managed to free herself of the chains. ─── 巴菲设法摆脱了枷锁。

43、Reading the Vampire Slayer: The New, Updated, Unofficial Guide to Buffy and Angel ─── 吸血鬼杀手:巴菲与安吉尔新版非正式指南

44、Okay, so maybe Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not the best inspiration figure to pick, but, each to their own! ─── 下次在工作中又想看电视的时候,多坚持五分钟,而不是像往常那样起身投入沙发的怀抱。

45、UPN Network shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (after its move from the WB), Moesha, Enterprise. ─── UPN电视网节目:《捉鬼者巴菲》(从WB电视网转移以后)、《默沙》、《企业号》(又译作《星舰前传》)。

46、pelage varies from orange or russet brown to buffy brown; ─── 毛色为橙色、锈黄至褐黄色;

47、Buffy very old - three or four thousand years. ─── 菲非常老了,有三到四千岁了。

48、quantitative buffy coat ─── 定量黄色层

49、Okay, so maybe Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not the best inspiration figure to pick, but, each to their own! ─── 当然,也许吸血杀手布菲不是最好的精神偶像,但是,每个人都可挑选自己的精神偶像!

50、Buffy Tuftedcheek ─── n. 皮黄簇颊鸟

51、Mrs Buffi works at the Learning Store on Whyte. ─── 布菲女士在怀特学术中心工作。

52、Buffy: It should have ended a long time ago. It was really dumb; I had to leave. ─── 巴菲:电影早该结束啦。那电影真的很蠢,所以我就先出来了。

53、Buffy coat smear evaluation ─── 血液棕黄层涂片评估

54、In Buffy’s case, after all, the school was blown up to destroy the town’s evil mayor, who’d turned into a giant serpent while delivering a commencement address. (Oh, never mind. ─── 毕竟,在“魔法奇兵”的剧情中,学校是为了消灭邪恶的镇长才被炸毁的,因为他在毕业典礼致词时变成了一条巨蛇(好啦,不说了,你看了就晓得了。)

55、After being turned into a vampire, Darla ran into some chick name Buffy and got herself promptly killed. ─── 在成为吸血鬼后,达拉遇见了菜鸟巴菲,并被他及时杀死。

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