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08-19 投稿


belted 发音

英:[?belt?d]  美:[?belt?d]

英:  美:

belted 中文意思翻译




belted 同义词

belted 反义词


belted 常用词组

belt conveyor ─── 皮带运输机,带式运输机

conveyor belt ─── 传送带

orogenic belt ─── 造山带

belted 短语词组

1、belted kingfisher ─── [网络] 翠鸟;束带翠鸟;一只带翠鸟

2、belted cow ─── 带腰 ─── 带的牛

3、belted coat ─── 紧身外套

4、belted ammunition ─── [网络] 带弹药

5、belted sandfish ─── [网络] 腰带沙鱼

6、steel belted radial ─── 钢带径向

7、belted coastal plain ─── 带状沿岸平原

8、Belted Galloway Society ─── 拒绝加洛韦协会

9、steel belted ─── [材]钢带

10、belted galloways ─── 皮带飞车

11、belted cattle breed ─── 带状牛品种

12、bias-belted tire ─── [橡胶] 带束斜交轮胎;斜向交织层轮胎

13、belted cable ─── 铠装电缆

14、belted galloway cattle ─── 带腰 ─── 带的加洛韦牛

15、belted shields ─── 皮带护盾

belted 词性/词形变化,belted变形

原型:belt 过去式:belted

belted 相似词语短语

1、beleed ─── 政策

2、belled ─── adj.套接的,有钟形口的

3、belated ─── adj.迟来的;误期的

4、felted ─── adj.黏结起来的;毡制的;用毡覆盖的;v.把…制成毡;用毡覆盖;粘结起来(felt的过去式和过去分词)

5、belied ─── vt.掩饰;与…不符;使失望;证明…虚假错误

6、bolted ─── adj.用螺栓栓的;脱离的,分开的;v.突然说出;突然冲撞;拴住(bolt的过去分词)

7、pelted ─── v.向……连续投掷;连续向……投掷;(雨)倾盆而下;(非正式)(朝某处)飞跑;剥下(动物)的皮毛;n.(动物的)皮毛;(绵羊或山羊的)生皮;投掷;(非正式)(人的)毛发;n.(Pelt)(美)佩尔特(人名)

8、melted ─── adj.融化的;溶解的;v.融化;溶解(melt的过去式)

9、belter ─── n.了不起的人或事;嘹亮的歌

belted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The officer belted his sword on. ─── 军官用皮带扣住佩刀。

2、He pulled his knife from his belt. ─── 他从他的皮带上抽出刀子。

3、His big fat belly overhung his belt. ─── 他那硕大肥胖的肚子挺在腰带上面。

4、The coat is belted at the waist. ─── 上衣被束紧在腰间。

5、He gave the ball a terrific belt. ─── 他给那球狠狠一击。

6、She fastened the belt loosely around her waist. ─── 她把皮带松松地系在腰上。

7、He buckled up his belt tightly. ─── 他把裤带扣得紧紧的。

8、If you do not shut up,I will belt you . ─── 你再不住嘴,我就要用皮带抽你。

9、The conveyor belt was divided into compartments. ─── 传送带分成好几格。

10、It's as well to belt up about this matter. ─── 关于这个问题还是保持沉默为好。

11、You wear a belt with gadgets and mini tools. ─── 你的腰带里有各种装备和小工具。

12、I'll belt you if you do that again. ─── 你要是再这样,我就揍你。

13、He sat down and unloosened his belt. ─── 他坐下来解开腰带。

14、Would you please fasten your safety belt,sir? ─── 先生,请系好安全带。

15、She wore a wide belt round her waist. ─── 她束了一条宽腰带。

16、A white leather belt clipped her waist. ─── 一条白色皮带束在她腰上。

17、The dress was belted at the waist. ─── 那件连衣裙的裙腰束着带子。

18、He had a black belt in the martial arts. ─── 中国武术是中华文化的精髓。

19、He is a man with a lot of experience under his belt. ─── 他是个阅历很深的人。

20、They would be fastened to his webbed belt. ─── 他们将系牢在他那根网状的皮带上。

21、He insulted her so she just hauled off and belted him! ─── 他侮辱她,所以她让他吃了一顿拳头!

22、Most people know electricity standing still is no more useful than is a stationary belt between a steam engine and a machine to be driven. ─── 大多数人认为,停滞不动的电并不比架设在蒸汽机和要被传动的机器之间的固定带更有用。

23、He belted along in the car . ─── 他驱车向前冲。

24、They belted down the loose cables in a hurry. ─── 他们快速地沿着松松的钢索移动。

25、He belted along on his motorcycle. ─── 他骑著摩托车一路疾驰。

26、Some of the waiting crowd began to dance when the sound system belted out a Michael Jackson tune. ─── 当音响中传来迈克尔·杰克逊的歌曲时,等待的人群中有人跳起舞来。

27、He belted the ball more than 200 meters! ─── 他把球扔出去200多米!

28、Rolls of fat hung over his belt. ─── 一堆肥肉坠在他的腰带上。

29、He easily held the belt for honesty in that country. ─── 在诚实方面,他轻而易举地取得该地区的第一名。

30、On seeing the downpour, she belted (up) her raincoat. ─── 一看到倾盆大雨,她就用皮带束好雨衣。

31、Gene Shepard: That was a35 dollar belt! ─── 吉恩·帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!

32、If you don't shut up,I'll belt you. ─── 你再不住嘴,我就要用皮带抽你。

33、But for the safety belt I wouldn't be alive today. ─── 假若没有安全带, 我就活不到今天了。

34、A short sword that may be hung from a belt. ─── 佩剑可以悬挂在腰带上的短剑

35、He laid a pair of fine silver-mounted pistols on the table, and I saw that he was belted with a great sword. ─── 他把一对镶银的漂亮的手枪放在桌子上时,我看见他身上还佩带一柄巨大宝剑。

36、It's silly to drive without fastening one's seat belt. ─── 不系保险带开车就太傻了。

37、She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening. ─── 她整晚一个接一个地大唱民谣和乡村小调。

38、He belted out a Frank Sinatra number and the boys said he was really good. ─── 他唱的是FrankSinatra的歌,男孩儿们都说他唱得真是好。

39、He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife. ─── 他用刀子在皮腰带上又扎了一个洞。

40、He belted out Sinatra and Beatles hits. ─── 他高唱着西纳特拉和甲壳虫乐队的热门歌曲。

41、If you don't shut up, I'll belt you (one). ─── 你再不闭嘴, 我就揍你(一顿).

42、The soldiers belted up and set off. ─── 士兵们系上子弹带出发了。

43、He trims his belt and his button. ─── 他理好腰带和钮扣。

44、She wears a ribbon belt round her waist. ─── 她在腰部束了一条缎带。

45、" Should be. " Zhou Lijun also belted, looked round also sat on the bed of the sea, " when you find yourself like a man? " ─── “应该是。”周立军也系好腰带,回头看了一眼还坐在床上的小海,“你什么时候发现自己喜欢男人的?”

46、She tightened her belt an extra notch. ─── 她将腰带又束紧了一格。

47、She belted (up) her raincoat. ─── 她把雨衣的腰带系上。

48、He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. ─── 他吊在半空中,安全带救了他。

49、A belt of trees encircled the field. ─── 一条林带把田围住。

50、He strapped the driver with a leather belt. ─── 他用皮带抽打司机。

51、To encircle with or as if with a belt. ─── 以带环绕用带子或象用带子围住

52、Most people agreed that the newspaper was hitting below the belt when it tried to discredit the cabinet minister by detailing some of her childhood misdeeds. ─── 大多数人一致认为,如果报纸试图用该内阁大臣孩提时的某些不端行为使她信誉扫地的话,那么报纸就是玩弄卑鄙手段了。

53、Generator drive belt condition and tension. ─── 发电机传动皮带的状况和张力。

54、A candidate out on the hustings in the farm belt. ─── 到大农耕带发表演说的竞选者

55、Your mackintosh looks better belted. ─── 你的雨衣系上带子更好看。

56、I am given this book by his belt. ─── 他带给我这本书。

57、He likes to belt along(the motorway)in a car. ─── 他喜欢驾车(在快车道上)飞驰。

58、He belted the ball right out of the park. ─── 他用力一击,球径直飞出了球场外。

59、The tennis player belted the ball right out of the court. ─── 那位网球选手将球用力打出球场去了。

60、He wore a belt studded with brass nails. ─── 他系了一根饰满铜钉的带子。

61、After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. ─── 他饱餐一顿以後就松开腰带睡著了。

62、She refused to sit in the car till her husband promised to wear his safety belt. ─── 她拒绝上车,除非她丈夫答应系好安全带。

63、She gave the ball a terrific belt. ─── 她猛击了一下球。

64、He was belted in the face with a bat. ─── 他被木棒狠狠击中脸部。

65、The conveyor belt feeds the machine with boxes. ─── 传送带向机器输送盒子。

66、His hand fell upon his swordless belt. ─── 他的手摸着没有刀剑的腰带。

67、The soldiers belted up and went out. ─── 士兵们系好腰带后出去。

68、He insisted that she fasten her safety belt. ─── 他一定要她系好安全带。

69、She belted him with her fists. ─── 她用拳头打他。

70、I always wear my seat belt when I'm flying. ─── 坐飞机时我通常会系好安全带。

71、A belt that carries from a motor to the machinery. ─── 从发动机传送到机器的带子。

72、She belted out a high note . ─── 她大声唱出高音。

73、The peasant carefully sewed money into his belt. ─── 农民小心地把钱缝在腰带里。

74、She already has good academic qualifications under her belt. ─── 她已获得良好学历。

75、She belted up her wind coat. ─── 她把风衣的腰带束紧。

76、He made a small hole in the belt with a leather punch. ─── 他用打孔器在皮带上钻了一个孔。

77、Hardly had he opened the door when his dog belted out. ─── 他刚打开门,狗就窜出去了。

78、The police belted up or go away. ─── 公安系上皮带,走了出去。

79、It's get a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collar that keep your ear warm. ─── 大衣的腰带很宽,其中还有个厚厚的毛领使耳朵不受冻。

80、Gene Shepard: That was a 35 dollar belt! ─── 吉恩·谢帕德:那地方可值35美元呢!

81、His stomach bulged out over his belt. ─── 他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。

82、The generator drive belt is loose or worn. ─── 发动机传动皮带松动或腐蚀了。

83、The clasp on his belt had broken. ─── 他的皮带上的钩子已经坏了。

84、In his ramshackle apartment, we belted out Bob Dylan songs as he twirled me across the sloping floorboards. ─── 在他破旧的公寓里,我们一边咆哮着鲍勃·迪伦的歌,一边抱在一起转圈圈。

85、He undid his belt because it was too tight. ─── 他解开了他的腰带,因为它太紧了。

86、A belt of trees grew between the two fields. ─── 两块田之间有一条树木带。

87、Her remark was a bit below the belt. ─── 她的话有点不太公正。

88、New roads are cutting into the green belt. ─── 一条条新路在逐渐吞噬着绿化地带。

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