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08-19 投稿


oddity 发音

英:[?ɑ?d?ti]  美:[??d?ti]

英:  美:

oddity 中文意思翻译



oddity 短语词组

1、the oddity ─── 古怪反常的人

2、oddity runner ─── 古怪的跑步者

3、oddity travis ─── 奇怪的特拉维斯

4、oddity rpg twitter ─── 古怪的角色扮演者推特

5、space oddity ─── 空间奇异性

6、oddity mother 4 ─── 古怪母亲4

7、oddity rpg ─── 来自rpg

8、oddity fragment ─── 奇数碎片

9、oddity synonym ─── 古怪同义词

10、oddity central ─── 中心的

oddity 词性/词形变化,oddity变形


oddity 相似词语短语

1、nudity ─── n.裸露;裸体像

2、oddly ─── adv.古怪地;奇妙地;单数地

3、shoddily ─── adv.质量很差地;粗制滥造地

4、oddities ─── n.奇异;古怪;怪癖

5、oddish ─── adj.有点怪的

6、deity ─── n.神;神性

7、solidity ─── n.坚硬,坚固;体积;固体性

8、additory ─── adj.可添加的;附加的

9、quiddity ─── n.本质;实质;诡辩;怪癖

oddity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oddity general: The general assembly is convened when choosing a five star general of the forces. ─── 奇怪的将军:当武装部队选一名五星上将时召开会员大会。

2、For toothpaste I usedwashed-up cuttlefish bone with wild fennel seeds, an oddity for a vegan. ─── 我使用洗过的墨鱼骨头做牙刷,野生茴香籽做牙膏(素食主义者的古怪用品)。

3、The only other oddity was a bat that attached itself to the back of Discovery's fuel tank, where it posed no debris threat to the shuttle. ─── 唯一的怪异之处是,航天飞机燃料箱背部有一只蝙蝠,但那个位置并不会对航天飞机造成威胁。

4、This barber was a fellow of great oddity and humour. ─── 这理发师是个十分古怪而又富有幽默感的家伙。

5、Spudis, of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. “We had known that impacts occurred, but until the rocks, we had viewed them as a geological oddity. ─── “我们以前知道这种影响发生过,直到有了月亮石,我们才能把它砍柴地理奇迹。

6、I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour. ─── 她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙。

7、I noticed the oddity of his behaviour. ─── 我注意到他的行为古怪。

8、Before long, an oddity confirm Bell's suspicion. ─── 不久,一件怪事印证了贝尔的怀疑。

9、David Bowie - Space Oddity ─── 太空奇闻

10、There is something of oddity in the very idea of greatness;for we are seldom astonished at a thing very much resembling ourselves. ─── 因此,“伟大”这个概念本身便有些不可思议,因为我们很少对与我们本身相似的事情感到惊奇。

11、checking oddity ─── 奇异值检测

12、The last line is an oddity: For whatever reason, the function, ─── 最后一行有点古怪,不知道由于什么原因

13、Presented much oddity and mystery, but full of liveliness and strength at the same time.The series is surely untraditional, yet it is very hard to say that it is not Chinese. ─── 画中多数元素和传统中国画的常用元素不同,所以作品肯定不是传统的,但很难肯定不是中国画。

14、She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed. ─── 她突然意识到自己的话很奇怪,脸一下子红了。

15、It's golden and brighe,the full wodden smell fruit oddity and long lasting appeal. It's the best wine of all. ─── 拥有鲜亮的淡金色,华丽通透。十足的烤木香味,果香奇异,韵味悠长。乃葡萄酒中的精品。

16、A career woman be still regard as something of an oddity ─── 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪

17、A career woman is still regarded as something of an oddity. ─── 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。

18、The paper is just a probe into three sorts of his writing techniques such as "oddity in triviality","inter-promoting relation between fiction and realism" and "focus of feeling". ─── 莫友芝,晚清著名学者、诗人,布依族,一生诗作丰厚,写作手法丰富,本文通过研读和分析他的一些诗歌作品,对其平中显奇、虚实相生、情为焦点等三种写作技巧的运用及效果进行探讨。

19、aberration; abnormality; anomaly; deviant; marvel; miracle; nonesuch; oddity; peculiarity; phenomenon; prodigy; rarity; ─── 不正常,不正常的人,奇迹,奇物,天才

20、Discussing Gui Zhuang on Oddity and Righteous ─── 亦奇亦正论归庄

21、She described him as a quiet man who was a bit of an oddity looking like a kind of bushy beatnik Santa Claus with long hair worn in a plaited topknot. ─── 她所描述的卡拉季奇是一个平静的人,有一点古怪,像一个服装奇特的圣诞老人,长长的头发上编着发髻。

22、The characteristic of embedded software may be summed up four-word, little, oddity, specialty and concision in which operating system is very important. ─── 嵌入式软件的特征可概括为四个字:小、特、专、简, 其中,操作系统具有极其重要的意义。

23、Singularity means oddity or peculiarity, something that singles a man out from other men. ─── 而“奇思异想”意指奇异或怪癖,有使人从群体分离的特质。

24、Oddity capital: Switzerland is probably the only country in the world that has no capital. ─── 奇怪的首都:瑞士也许是世界上唯一没有首都的国家。

25、The oddity of agency status, he says, “is not good enough if the country is attacked and we are called upon to defend it. ─── 他说,防卫厅的怪异之处在于,“如果日本遭到袭击而要求我们保卫国家时,我们难以做出足够的回应。”

26、The occurrence of Mr Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity. ─── 李光耀的出现是个异数。

27、She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed. ─── 她突然意识到自己的话很可笑,脸一下子红了。

28、Far from being regarded as a religious oddity, the impact of Christian-run businesses is now being studied by Chinese government officials. ─── 中国政府官员并未将其视为一种宗教古怪,相反,他们正在学习这些基督教徒所得办企业的效果与经验。

29、Compared with the traditional algorithm,the improved algorithm has the advantages of no oddity,easy computing and programming. ─── 改进后的算法解决了原算法存在奇异问题 ,不需做繁琐的象限判定 ,计算方便易于编程实现。

30、Designing idea: The inspiration comes from liveliness and oddity pixie in the sea.They have the sea's spiritual, the sea's nimbus and the sea's world. ─── 设计构思:作品灵感来源于活泼可爱、古灵精怪的大海的精灵,他们有海的精神,海的灵气,海的世界,他们是这些可爱的孩子,拥有海精灵般的快乐。

31、The temple for praying rain was built in Mingchang period of Jin dynasty. The sculpt shape is oddity and is rare temple in north China special for spraying rain. ─── 雨王庙始建于金明昌年间,造型奇特,是我国北方地区少见的专门祈雨的庙宇。

32、Bolt is an exciting showman and, clearly, a gifted runner, but is he an inimitable oddity, or proof that athletes are simply getting faster overall? ─── 博尔特是一个热情的主持人,显然他同时是一个天生跑步选手,他也是一个难以模仿的怪人,或者可以证明运动员只需跑的更快即可?

33、This explanation is just to explain the oddity of eight people on the picture. ─── 这个解释只是用来说明图片中特别的八个人。

34、Yet the data reveal a striking oddity: the largest listed firms have disproportionately little debt compared with both smaller listed peers (see bottom chart) and private firms. ─── 不过,数据还揭示出一个十分奇怪的现象:与较小的上市企业和私营企业相比,大型上市企业的负债少得与其规模并不成比例。

35、He' s something of an oddity in the neighbourhood, ie unusual in some ways. ─── 左邻右舍的人觉得他有些古怪.

36、The Method Research of Identifying Interference Signal Based on the Oddity of Signal ─── 基于信号奇异性的干扰信号识别方法研究

37、Losing my hair made me feel an oddity. ─── 脱发使我觉得自己是个怪人。

38、Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of an oddity. ─── 即使在今天人们仍然认为在家照看孩子的男人是个怪人。

39、Li wore loose jeans and a black button-down shirt, with no make-up and the haircut (and body) of David Bowie during his Space Oddity phase. ─── 她的声音即使是做铁杆的粉丝也承认非常差劲:音域在苍白无力和你家夏天上初二的小弟弟的声音之间游移。

40、Oddly, the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society, given his love for ale and spirits. ─── 奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。

41、Tunchang County enjoys the land surface of splendor and beauty, mountain lakes of magnificence and oddity, animals and plants of preciousness and rarity, and human landscapes of distinctiveness. ─── 屯昌县地表形胜秀丽,高山湖泊瑰奇,动植物珍稀,人文景观独特。

42、2. A career woman is still regard as something of an oddity . ─── 职业妇女仍然多少被认为有点怪。

43、When it opened in 2004, the course was a charming oddity that reflected the optimism of the time. ─── 球场2004年开幕时,虽然有点古怪,却也迷人,足以反映当时阿富汗境内的乐观气氛。

44、This leaf struck me as so interesting and beautiful, as it fell a few blocks from my house in Vancouver and I have never noticed the oddity or beauty of it until getting behind my lens. ─── 这片紫色落叶的有趣和美丽让我迷恋,它是我在温哥华离家几个街区远的地方凋落后,我用镜头拍下的,直到那刻为止我从未注意到它是如此奇特而美丽。

45、Although it felt somewhat disquieting at first, I realized that my presence was perhaps an oddity with so few foreigners in that area. ─── 虽然一开始有些不安,但我意识到我的出现可能是一个奇怪的现象,因为那个地区很少有外国人。

46、The Suffering Life in Humour and Oddity--Comment on Li Xiaohai's Fairy Stories ─── 幽默荒诞中的忧患人生--浅谈李小海的童话世界

47、Its oddity style ineludes: figure bizarre character, distance beauty, breakthrough in classicality and tradition. ─── 其奇异性主要表现在:对奇异人物的塑造,距离美的设置,对传统与古典的突破三个方面。

48、But that oddity is for another time. ─── 这是又一个奇怪的现象。

49、oddity discriminatio ─── 单数辨别

50、oddity learning ─── 奇性学习

51、oddity and strangeness ─── 奇异险怪

52、This oddity had attracted customers to his shop, and brought him young men, who said to each other: "Come hear Father Hucheloup growl. ─── 这一怪现象使他的酒店生意兴隆,为他引来不少年轻主顾,他们常说:“还是去听于什鲁大爷发牢骚吧。”

53、But to Stoddard it's a bit of an oddity for an electric hybrid bicycle, which he says usually focus more on comfort. ─── 不过在斯托达德看来,这辆电动混合动力自行车有点怪,他认为这类车往往更多地关注于舒适性。

54、learning with oddity problem ─── 奇偶问题学习

55、Diagnostic cure of rod-shaped bacteria disease with oddity distortion in piglets ─── 仔猪奇异变形杆菌病的诊治

56、Designing idea: The inspiration comes from liveliness and oddity pixie in the sea .They have the sea's spiritual ,the sea's nimbus and the sea's world . ─── 设计构思:作品灵感来源于活泼可爱、古灵精怪的大海的精灵,他们有海的精神,海的灵气,海的世界,他们是这些可爱的孩子,拥有海精灵般的快乐。

57、1. I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour. ─── 她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙.

58、Zhou Daosheng of a day of great rich is finishing talking in tea inn short vicious talk, finish by chance short transient, go in, say: "I encounter an oddity today. ─── 一天大富翁周道胜正在茶店说毕矮的坏话,恰巧毕矮路过,就走进去,说:“今天我碰到一件怪事。”

59、Probably the triumph of youth is less a worry than a startling and contradictory oddity。 ─── 可能很多人对年轻人会取得巨大的成就忧虑重重,而这种忧虑是件惊奇矛盾的怪事。

60、Oddly, the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society, given his love for ale and spirits. ─── 奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。

61、Oddity treaties: Since 1921, Switzerland and Liechtenstein form together an economic and customs union both using the Swiss Franc as common currency. ─── 奇怪的条约:从1921年起,瑞士和列支敦士登以经济与关税上的联盟达成以法郎作为共同货币。

62、Another oddity: When paddling through the water, a platypus keeps its eyes, ears and nostrils closed, and its duck-bill serves as an antenna, sensing the faint electric fields surrounding prey. ─── 另外的奇异之处在于:在水下游泳时,鸭嘴兽的眼睛、耳孔和鼻孔都会关闭,此时,其鸭嘴就像天线一般,遥感猎物周围微弱的磁场。

63、The three rapid-fire shots that rang out at Dodger Stadium came so stunningly out-of-nowhere that it seemed fitting for one collective oddity to deserve another. ─── 在道奇球场突然响起的快炮三连轰让人目瞪口呆,但这看起来却与怪事接二连三发上的今晚相互呼应。

64、Relevant Sensory Oddity - About presenting the senses (not just the eyes) with such a unique experience that people want to talk about it. ─── 相关的感觉古怪性。用一个独特的体验来呈现感觉(不但视觉)以至于会让人们谈论它。

65、However, he has managed to develop a mathematical model that explains the distribution of the second digits, putting what might appear to be a statistical oddity on a more solid footing. ─── 不过,他应付有方,已经研究出一套数学模型来解释第二位数的分布,将统计上的疑异置于更充裕的分析基础上。

66、Those wanting to check out the oddity may do so at either the European Grand Prix, or the Goodwood Festival of Speed, where the car will be on display. ─── 那些想看看古怪可以这样做无论是在欧洲大奖赛,或古德伍德速度节,那里的汽车将展出.

67、"He must be an oddity, I think," said she. ─── “我看他一定是个古怪人,”她说。

68、oddity method ─── 剔单法独特法

69、Travel agents can apply oddity induction, celebrity induction, benefit induction and other means to stimulate the tourists' desire of consumption and thus initiate consumption; ─── 旅游服务人员在促销服务中可运用新奇诱导、名人诱导、利益诱导等方法刺激旅游者的消费欲望 ,引起消费行为 ;

70、The only oddity was the oxygen tanks. ─── 唯一奇怪的就是那些氧气罐。

71、The world had made up its mind about her oddity in her spinsterhood. ─── 对于她这种古怪的老姑娘,外面的世界早已经有了固定的成见。

72、They were an odd crowd who treasured their oddity. ─── 他们是一群怪人,并以怪为荣。

73、oddity problem ─── 独特问题

74、The oddity of agency status, he says,“ is not good enough if the country is attacked and we are called upon to defend it. ─── 他说,防卫厅的怪异之处在于,“如果日本遭到袭击而要求我们保卫国家时,我们难以做出足够的回应。

75、but i got a labotomy and i get that i oughtta become a bit of an oddity when somebody gets offended by the thought of me ─── 但是我与生俱来就很笨拙,当有人触怒了我,我就成为了一个怪人

76、eliminating oddity items ─── 检拾奇异项

77、The boss and staff of Guangtou Restaurant boosting its oddity. ─── 湖北武汉标榜奇特的光头酒家老板和员工。

78、Unit Circle Algorithm of Perceptrons Study Rule with Oddity Sample ─── 包含奇异类样本的感知机学习规则的单位圆算法

79、Oddity government: The general assembly is also convened when choosing the government Bundesrat. ─── 奇怪的政府:当选举政府议员时同样要召开联邦委员会。

80、Weigl type oddity problem ─── 韦格尔型奇偶问题

81、Homer write the oddity. ─── 荷马写了那《怪东西》。

82、The only other oddity was a bat that attached itself to the back of Discovery's fuel tank, where it posed no debris threat to the shuttle. ─── 唯一的怪异之处是,航天飞机燃料箱背部有一只蝙蝠,但那个位置并不会对航天飞机造成威胁。

83、Another oddity is that the buildup of supermassive black holes, found at the centers of galaxies, seems to have slowed down considerably. ─── 另一件怪事是,常见于星系中央的超大质量黑洞,其成长似乎已大幅减缓。

84、The oddity of this election cycle is not that Mr Obama is moving to the centre but that John McCain is moving to the right. ─── 这轮选举的奇异之处并不是奥巴马向中间路线转变而是约翰?麦凯恩正在向右翼转变。

85、From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity. ─── 从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。

86、There is something of oddity in the very idea of greatness; for we are seldom astonished at a thing very much resembling ourselves. ─── 伟大这个概念涵盖了某种奇特的东西,因为对于跟我们非常相似的事物,我们很少感到惊讶。

87、a grammatical oddity ─── 语法上的怪异

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