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08-19 投稿


saccharine 发音

['s?k?ra?n; -?n; -i?n]

英:  美:

saccharine 中文意思翻译



saccharine 短语词组

1、saccharine trust ─── 糖精信托

2、saccharine diabetes ─── 糖精 ─── 糖尿病

3、saccharine definition ─── 糖精定义

4、saccharine cancer ─── 糖精癌

5、saccharine trust band ─── 糖精信任带

6、saccharine tone ─── 糖精调

7、saccharine disease ─── [医]甜味病,糖代谢病

8、saccharine lyrics ─── 糖精歌词

9、saccharine lyrics jazmin bean ─── 糖精甘豆

10、saccharine problem to some ─── 糖精问题

saccharine 词性/词形变化,saccharine变形

副词: saccharinely |名词: saccharinity |

saccharine 相似词语短语

1、saccharin ─── n.[有化]糖精;邻磺酰苯甲酰亚胺

2、saccharides ─── n.[有化]糖类(saccharide的复数)

3、saccharins ─── n.[有化]糖精;邻磺酰苯甲酰亚胺

4、saccharinely ─── 糖精

5、saccharises ─── 糖类

6、saccharised ─── 糖精

7、saccharide ─── n.糖;糖类

8、saccharize ─── 使糖化,使转化为糖

9、saccharise ─── 糖化

saccharine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、saccharine adj. ─── 娇媚的;

2、the film is breezy, witty, with a dose of snideness to save it from saccharine -- that makes Amelie so very delightful. ─── 你和妈妈去教堂,出来的时候,妈妈被跳楼的人砸死,从此爸爸就只是一心装饰妈妈的坟墓。

3、sodium cyclamate sodium saccharin solution ─── 环己氨基磺酸钠和糖精钠溶液

4、company was formed in 1901 to make saccharine. ─── 公司的前身成立于1901年,是一家制造糖精的公司。

5、soluble saccharin ─── 可溶性糖精糖精钠

6、o-Sulfonylbenzylsuamine was prepared from o-sulfonylchloride methylbenzoate in wastewater of saccharin by miding, decolorizing and acidation etc. ─── 利用糖精废水中的邻磺酰氯苯甲酸甲酯为起始原料,经过酰胺化、脱色、酸析的等步骤制得邻苯磺酰甲酰亚胺。

7、Every movie pianist drooled out its saccharine phrases ─── 每一个为电影伴奏钢琴的人都过分感伤地演奏出它甜蜜的乐句。

8、I provided a lot of sodium (Saccharin Sodium), if necessary, please contact me! ─── 我公司提供大量的糖精钠(Saccharin Sodium ),如有需要请与我联系!

9、On this point, oddly, Europe's nationalists shed their chauvinism for a saccharine solidarity beyond borders. ─── 奇怪的是,在这一点上,这些欧洲民族主义者超越了国界,完全用一个鼻孔出气,展示出其大国沙文主义的嘴脸。

10、Keywords Multiwavelength linear regression;derivative;spectrophotometry;saccharin sodium;benzoic acid; ─── 多波长线性回归;导数分光光度法;糖精钠;苯甲酸;

11、Keywords zinc lactate;zinc gluconate;zinc saccharin;zinc-amino acid chelate; ─── 乳酸锌;葡萄糖酸锌;糖精锌;氨基酸锌;

12、This product contains no triclosan no saccharin no artificial sweeteners no artificial preservatives no artificial color or flavor and no animal ingredients. ─── 本产品不含有三氯生,没有糖精,没有人工甜味剂,防腐剂,没有人为的,没有人工色素或香料,也不含动物成份。

13、Separation and determination of sorbic acid, benzoic acid, saccharin in food by capillary electrophoresis ─── 毛细管电泳法分离测定食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸、糖精

14、MSM(Methylsulfonylmethane), Chitosan, Sweetners, Sodium Saccharin, Aspartame, Acesulfame-K ; ─── 壳聚糖, 甜味剂,比如糖精, ...

15、Unbidden, a waiter came and filled his glass up with Victory Gin, shaking into it a few drops from another bottle with a quill through the cork.It was saccharine flavoured with cloves, the speciality of the cafe. ─── 服务员不等招呼就上来为他斟满了一杯胜利牌杜松子酒,从另外一只瓶子里倒几粒有丁香味的糖精在里面,这是栗树咖啡馆的特殊风味。

16、Definition: Honey is a saccharine fluid deposited by Apis cerana Fabricus or Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Fam.Apidae). ─── 本品为蜜蜂科昆虫中华蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricius或意大利蜂Apis mellifera Linnaeus所酿的蜜。

17、Li Yi knew that there was no proof that a high saccharin level directly harmed users of loperamide. ─── 李易知道没有直接的证据证明高糖精含量会直接影响该药品的使用者。

18、When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile . ─── 他跟老板说话的时候,满脸都是谄媚的假笑。

19、saccharin disease ─── 甜味病(偏食碳水化物所致)

20、When he talks to his boss , he puts on a saccharine smile . ─── 他跟老板说话的时候,满脸都是谄媚的假笑。

21、O-Sulfonylbenzylsuamine is prepared from o-sulfonylchloride methylbenzoate in wastewater of saccharin by miding, decolorizing and acidation et al. ─── 利用糖精废液中的邻磺酰氯苯甲酸甲酯为起始原料,经过酰胺化、脱色、酸析等步骤制得邻苯甲酰磺酰亚胺。

22、Polarimeter, which is known as an optical rotation meter, is an instrument to measure optical rotation of "optically active matter" such as saccharin, ascorbic acid and sodium glutamate. ─── 旋光仪,又被称为视觉旋转量表,是用来测量动态对象的视觉旋转的仪器,用来测量如糖精、抗坏血酸和胺酸钠等。

23、Sorbitol, sodium saccharine, sodium caseinate ; ─── 山梨(糖)醇, 糖精钠, ...

24、Keywords High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC);Food;Acesulfame-K;Saccharin sodium;Benzoic acid;Sorbic acid;Aspartame; ─── 关键词高效液相色谱;食品;安赛蜜;糖精钠;苯甲酸;山梨酸;阿斯巴甜;

25、When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile. ─── 他跟老板说话的时候,满脸都是谄媚的假笑.

26、Keywords Fourth-derivative;Spectrophotometrie;Jelly;Sodium saccharin; ─── 导数紫外分光光度法;果冻;糖精钠;


28、The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries, small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in steps. ─── 关停小糖厂、小糖精厂、小造纸厂的工作也已逐步展开。

29、Keywords CZE;benzonic acid;sorbic acid;saccharin; ─── 毛细管电泳;山梨酸;苯甲酸;糖精;

30、In this paper, the measure of sodium saccharin in preserved fruits by ion selectivity electrode was researched. ─── 本实验用离子选择电极法测定凉果中糖精钠的应用进行了探讨。

31、saccharin sodium salt ─── [化] (可)溶性糖精; 糖精钠

32、Rapid spectrophotometeicdetermination of saccharin in coolingbeverage with high protein ─── 快速分光光度法测定含蛋白质高的冷饮食品中糖精

33、At 15 days of age, neonatal rats were given a taste preference test by allowing them to select nipples painted with either saccharin or water. ─── 在出生15天,观察新生鼠选择分别涂上Sac或水的奶嘴进行味觉选择性测试。

34、And every time he kisses you , you get the taste of saccharine. ─── 每次他亲吻你以后嘴角留下的只是一股苦涩的坏糖精味。

35、Purdue researchers report that saccharin altered the ability of rats to control their appetites. ─── 普渡大学的研究员报告表明, 糖精改变了大鼠控制食欲的能力。

36、pseudo saccharin chloride ─── 氯代异糖精

37、We used saccharine tablets in lieu of sugar. ─── 我们用糖精片代替糖。

38、Saccharine content in leaves of each cultivar has an increasing trend, which is consistent with that ofstems, reaching peak value in blooming stage, and declining to the bottom in consequence. ─── 各品种叶片中糖含量呈明显的增加趋势,各品种茎中糖含量变化规律较为一致,均是先不断的升高,在开花期达到峰值,而后下降至最低。

39、Keywords acesulfame-K;saccharin;reverse phase liquid chromatogaphic determination; ─── 安赛蜜;糖精钠;反相高效液相色谱法;

40、When he talks to his boss, he puts on a saccharine smile. ─── (他跟老板说话的时候,满脸都是谄媚的假笑。

41、It may replace saccharin as a sugar substitute. ─── 它可以取代糖精作为糖的替代品。

42、calcium cyclamate and calcium saccharin solution ─── 环己氨基磺酸钙和糖精钙溶液

43、Make major altercations to the product when the development is near completion: Concerned about safety and marketability, the team decides to reduce the saccharin level of loperamide. ─── 在研发阶段接近尾声时作重要变动:考虑到安全和市场可推广性,研发小组决定减少。

44、What was even better than the taste of the coffee was the silky texture given to it by the sugar, a thing Winston had almost forgotten after years of saccharine. ─── 把糖加进去,咖啡变得柔和细软,味道也更加甜美。 吃了好多年糖精,温斯顿几乎忘了,咖啡还能够如此美妙。

45、An analytic method for determination benzoic acid, sorbic acid and saccharin in high oil food was developed. ─── 建立了含油食品中的苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖精钠的高效液相色谱分析法。

46、The cloves and saccharine, themselves disgusting enough in their sickly way, could not disguise the flat oily smell ─── 丁香油和糖精本来就已够令人恶心的,更盖不过杜松子酒的油味儿。

47、Though I may be alienating myself from many a reader, here goes nothing.I find the typical over-the-top vocal delivery and cheery, saccharine upbeat guitar riffs painfully cheesy. ─── 但是他们却閒置在家,怀疑自己干麻要为了几乎快放弃的事业投注心力。

48、If her professional conscience distrusts current medical facts ? which state that there is no proof that a high saccharin level is directly harmful to users of loperamide ? is it her duty to prevent the testing? ─── 如果作为一名专业人员她不相信现有的医学事实,即没有证据证明高糖精含量对于使用该药品的人体有直接的伤害,她是否有责任阻止临床试验?

49、e.g.I found the film far too saccharine. ─── 我觉得这部电影太缠绵了.

50、The main products are: Citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, potassium sorbate, maltodextrin, sorbitol, saccharin, Gelatin, phosphoric acid.Sodium tripolyphosphate, AES, Glauber's Salt. ─── 主要产品有:柠檬酸,小苏打,山梨酸钾,麦芽糊精,山梨醇,糖精,明胶,磷酸。

51、Judging by the script's tone, the film will vary wildly between the sweet, the saccharine and the zany. ─── 从脚本的调性判断,本片可以拍得很甜蜜温馨,也可以很疯狂好笑。

52、The “Jiubao” peach that is in big size, colorful, highly Saccharine, late mature team in the base and it’s famous in Beijing and Tianjin City. ─── 基地所盛产的“久保”桃以个大、色艳、含糖量高、成熟较晚而享誉京津及内蒙地区。

53、Fruit raising Pouch made of newsprint or kraft paper can only meet the Purpose of preventing pest from hurting. without thinking of saccharine degree and color lustre of the fruit. ─── 以前育果套袋纸用新闻纸或牛皮纸制造,单纯从防病虫害出发,没有考虑到糖度和色泽。

54、Make sure the products you buy do not contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, cyclamate, acesulfame-k and other sweeteners. ─── 但是,超过那个限度,它会变成毒药。血糖的突然上升会带来不可抗拒的饥饿感。

55、Keywords uv-spectrophotometry;acesulfame-k;aspartame;sodium saccharin;principal component regression method; ─── 关键词光度法;安赛蜜;阿斯巴甜;糖精;主成分回归法;

56、We use saccharin in substitution for sugar. ─── 我们用糖精代替糖。

57、And every time he kisses you it leaves behind the bitter taste of saccharine. ─── 每次他亲吻你以后嘴角留下的只是一股苦涩的坏糖精味。

58、[Saccharin Warning Disappears, But Does the Concern? ─── 对糖精的警告消失了,但是对他的担心呢?

59、Make sure the products you buy do not contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, cyclamate, acesulfame-k and other sweeteners. ─── 请确保您购买的产品不包含阿斯巴甜,三氯蔗糖,糖精,甜蜜素,安赛蜜-K和其他甜味剂。

60、Today is the day I defile your saccharine way, or at least take aim. ─── 今天是我玷污你的糖精的方式,或者至少是盯准。

61、Different tastable substances that produce the same basic taste quality (e.g., sucrose and saccharin) can cross-adapt each other. ─── 基于同样的味觉性质的不同的可尝的物质(如蔗糖和糖精)可以产生交叉适应。

62、- Pickles or excess in the use of ultra-range colorants, preservatives, sweeteners (saccharin, sodium cyclamate, etc.); ─── -腌菜中超量或超范围使用着色剂、防腐剂、甜味剂(糖精钠、甜蜜素等);

63、Keywords High performance liquid chromatography;Food;Benzoic acid;Sorbic acid;Saccharin sodium salt; ─── 关键词高效液相色谱;食品;苯甲酸;山梨酸;糖精钠;

64、Determination of Saccharine Sodium, Dimethyl Fumarate, Benzoic Acid and Sorbic Acid in Baked Food by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 焙烤食品中糖精钠、富马酸二甲酯、苯甲酸和山梨酸的高效液相色谱法测定

65、soluble saccharine ─── 可溶性糖精, 糖精钠

66、This is a method for determination of benzoic acid,sorbic acid,saccharin sodium in drink by HPLC.The sample would be determined after dilution and filterin g by membrane syrin ge filter. ─── 将饮料样品定量稀释后,用针筒式水膜过滤器处理后,直接进样,外标法进行液相色谱定性、定量分析。

67、Great areas of it, even for a Party member, were neutral and non-political, a matter of slogging through dreary jobs, fighting for a place on the Tube, darning a worn-out sock, cadging a saccharine tablet, saving a cigarette end. ─── 即便对党员而言,生活的许多方面,依照是倾向中性,不论政治。 那是拼死拼活做完沉闷的工作,是地铁里抢个座儿,是补一双破袜子,讨一份糖精片,省一个烟屁股。

68、After-image the bitter aftertaste sometimes caused by saccharine. ─── 有时在使用糖精后引起的苦涩味。

69、The beauty and pleasure in art -- probably a human universal -- were -- began to be considered saccharine, or kitsch, or commercial. ─── 艺术中的美与乐——可能是一种人类共性——开始被认为是甜稠的、媚俗的、商业的。

70、Keywords Mucociliary Clearance;Nasal Cavity;Saccharin; ─── 关键词黏液纤毛清除;鼻腔;糖精;

71、Scratch Beginnings is certainly worth a read, especially if you want a little inspiration without saccharine sweetness. ─── 《白手起家》很值得一读,尤其是如果你想得到一点并非哗众取宠的好办法。

72、By using HPLC method, the contents of benzoic acid, saccharin acid and sorbis acid are tested in carbonioc acid drinks, ice black tea, and orange juice. ─── 摘要采用反相高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对碳酸饮料、冰红茶、橙汁中的苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠含量进行了测定。

73、Those given saccharin gained more weight and more body fat because they overcompensated for the noncaloric sweetener, Dr. ─── 最后,那些喂以糖精膳食的老鼠的体重和体脂肪增量更大,因为他们为了补偿无热量甜味剂的那部分热量,而摄取更多食物,最后引起过度补偿。

74、Determination of Saccharin Sodium and Cyclamate in Yellow Rice Wine by LCM/S ─── 液质联用法同时测定黄酒中糖精钠和甜蜜素

75、Associating the saccharin with stomach pains, the mice quickly learned to avoid the sweetener. ─── 可知由于老鼠将胃疼和甜味剂联系在一起,所以它们才回避糖精。

76、She smiled with saccharine sweetness. ─── 她的笑容简直甜腻了。

77、Sample-preparation for detection of benzoic acid, sorbicacid and saccharin sodium in milk beverage ─── 含乳饮料中苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠测定的样品前处理方法探讨

78、3.The principle and specific methods of determination of saccharin sodium, cyclamate and citric acid in wine by high performance chromatograph are introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了用高效液相色谱法测定葡萄酒中糖精钠、甜蜜素和柠檬酸的原理和具体方法。

79、An endless dirge of saccharin, pseudo-classic bilge, it sucked the joy out of the incredible visuals and drove me towards a narcoleptic episode. ─── 不停地唱挽歌,仿古的船底,吸收了我看美轮美奂的画面的乐趣并让我陷入昏昏欲睡的状态。

80、Keywords Colorimetric Sylinder gas chromatography;Saccharin (Cyclohexyl sylphonate );Hydrogen-fired ionometer; ─── 比色管顶空气相色谱法;甜蜜素;氢火焰离子化检测器;

81、Element of sweetness of the abuse in children food and saccharin natrium phenomenon are serious. ─── 儿童食品中滥用甜蜜素和糖精钠现象严重。

82、Keywords high fold sweetener;saccharin;sugar;substitutes; ─── 甜味剂;糖精;食糖;替代品;

83、She smiled with saccharine sweetness. ─── 她的笑里只有虚情假意的甜蜜。

84、a sworn enemy of the saccharine and a believer in grace over karma.I talk too much when I"m drunk and sometimes even when I am not. ─── 我厌恶甜言蜜语,谦卑的相信业报. 我喝醉的时候话很多,有时不醉话也多----我现在就没醉。

85、Imultaneous Determination of Saccharin Sodium and Benzoic Acid in Drinks by Multiwavelength Linear Regression Derivative Spectrophotometry ─── 多波长线性回归导数分光光度法同时测定饮料中糖精钠和苯甲酸

86、Before that the anchorwoman's highest achievement was a saccharine interview with Vice-President Dick Cheney when he was hunting in Arkansas. ─── 在此之前,这位主播的最高成就是当副总统切尼在阿肯色州狩猎时对其进行的一次突访。

87、Research on determination of saccharin sodium in beverages by sodium salicylate-sodium hypochlorite colorimetry ─── 水杨酸钠-次氯酸钠比色法测定饮料中的糖精钠

88、I think probably the first two films were a little too saccharine and glib, even for Harry Potter fans. ─── 我个人认为前两部的电影有点太甜腻,太油腔滑调了,即便是对于哈利波特的书迷来说。”

89、HPLC is applied to the separation and determination of acesulfame,benzoic acid,saccharin,saccharin and dehydroacetic acid in foods. ─── 建立食品中安赛蜜、苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠、脱氢乙酸等甜味剂和防腐剂的高效液相色谱测定法。

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