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autobiography 发音

英:[???t?ba??ɑ?ɡr?fi]  美:[???t?ba???ɡr?fi]

英:  美:

autobiography 中文意思翻译



autobiography 网络释义

n. 自传;自传文学

autobiography 词性/词形变化,autobiography变形


autobiography 短语词组

1、autobiography of a yogi ─── 瑜伽士自传

2、autobiography examples ─── 自传范例

3、autobiography books ─── 自传书籍

4、autobiography writer ─── 自传作家

5、autobiography meaning ─── 自传意义

6、autobiography definition ─── 自传定义

7、autobiography george muller ─── 自传乔治·穆勒

8、dictating his autobiography ─── 口述他的自传

9、my autobiography ─── 自传

autobiography 相似词语短语

1、autolithography ─── n.直接平版印刷法

2、autobiographers ─── n.自传作者

3、arteriography ─── n.动脉X线摄影法,动脉造影术

4、autobiographies ─── n.自传(autobiography的复数)

5、autobiographic ─── adj.自传的;自传体的;自传作家的

6、autography ─── n.笔迹;亲笔;原纸石版印刷术

7、autoradiography ─── n.射线自显迹法;自动射线照相术;放射自显影术

8、autobiographer ─── n.自传作者

9、autotypography ─── 自复制

autobiography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the impulsive age of 16 he met and married a fellow piano student, whom he does not name in his autobiography. ─── 在16岁那个冲动的年龄,他在音乐学校相识了一名同学,并娶了她,但后来他在自传中并没提到过。

2、The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is not only a classic masterpiece in American literature,but also a book about morality that elaborates on beauty and benevolence. ─── 《富兰克林自传》既是一部世人所赞颂的经典自传,也是一本包含了诸种善与美的道德律令手册。

3、James Joyces supremely innovative fictional autobiography is also, in the apt phrase of the biographer Richard Ellmann, nothing less than the gestation of a soul. ─── 1889年违背叔父要他成为一名神职人员的希望前往德国海德堡,在那里接触到叔本华哲学。

4、Admitted in his autobiography that he often played while drunk. ─── 他在自传中承认常在醉酒的状态中比赛。

5、There is a story in the book of Paramahansa Yogananda. Have you read that book, The Autobiography of a Yogi? ─── 在瑜珈之这本书里曾提到一个故事,你们看过这本书吗?

6、The title of his autobiography, "Before I Die Again", which appeared in 1992, refers to his belief in reincarnation. ─── 他的自传体小说“在我再次死亡之前”在1992年面世,书名是指他相信灵魂的再生。

7、Judging from her autobiography, she always has a mixed feeling for that pianist. ─── 从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

8、English: Dr. Sun's original handwriting in 1897 - manuscript of his autobiography. ─── 中文:这是孙中山先生写于1897年的自传手迹。

9、He has an autobiography? ─── 他有自传?

10、Jack. Welch Autobiography >praised as "the Holy Bible of CEO". ─── 《杰克·韦尔奇自传》被誉为“CEO的圣经”。

11、Have you read his autobiography ? ─── 你读过他的自传吗?

12、You can search through his autobiography without finding a single reference to his first wife. ─── 你可以在他的自传中找找,你会发现他根本没提到他的第一位到妻子。

13、The orbit of life is unforeknowable, so no one can finish his autobiography in advance. ─── 人生的轨道无法预知,谁也不能是先写好自传。

14、An autobiography that demystified the career of an eminent physician. ─── 剥去了一位著名医师披着神秘外衣的自传

15、His autobiography was written late in life. ─── 他的自传是在晚年写的。

16、Following duty in China, Colonel Scott gained fame for authoring his "best selling" war-time autobiography, "God is My Co-pilot. ─── 在完成在中国的职责后,斯科特陆军上校得到了他战争时期的自传“上帝是我的副驾驶”最佳销售量的荣誉。

17、His autobiography The World of Yesterday is a paean to the European culture he considered lost. ─── 他把其中一篇在鹿特丹伊拉兹马斯传记描述为一种隐形的自传。

18、Type pleased a public that was growing tired of travel narratives and sea yarns by presenting them with a fresh and exciting situation, couched as autobiography. ─── 《泰皮》给读者描写了一个新鲜而富有刺激性的场面,用自传方式叙述,使看厌了旅游随笔和海上奇谈的读者,观感一新。

19、Judging from what her wrote in her autobiography,she always had mixed feeling for that pianist. ─── 从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

20、In Chapter 9 of Therese's autobiography, she depicted this time she has experienced a strict trial, she even said she was not willing to write about it, because she was afraid of blaspheming God. ─── 圣 女 在 自 传 的 第 九 章 中 描 述 她 这 次 所 经 历 的 强 烈 考 验 , 甚 至 说 不 愿 意 多 写 , 因 为 怕 亵 渎 天 主 。

21、His autobiography is a success story about a man from a humble back ground who became the owner of an international company. ─── 他的自传是一个人的成名故事,他出身低微。最后成为一家跨国公司的拥有者。

22、Carnap' s Intellectual Autobiography ─── 卡尔纳普思想自述

23、In her autobiography The Story of My Life, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a young child. ─── 在她的自传《我的故事》里,海伦。凯勒告诉我们她年少的时候是多么不守规矩。

24、Should a tree write its autobiography it would not be unlike the history of a race. ─── 如若一棵树能写出自传,那必将无异于一部种族的历史。

25、Mourinho in the autobiography of lunatics have to disclose his coaching career: England, Italy, England, Portugal national team. ─── 在穆里尼奥的自传中狂人曾披露过他的教练生涯规划:英格兰、意大利、英格兰、葡萄牙国家队。

26、Don't Take Autobiography as Novel! ─── 别把自传当小说!

27、According to his autobiography, “There Is No Myth,” he was raised in a Christian family that was so poor that he and his siblings often went hungry. ─── 他自传中提到“不是神话”,他成长于一个伊斯兰教家庭,家里很穷,经常挨饿。

28、In his autobiography, Tesla mentions that as a child he was tortured by continuous lightning-like, prismatic displays whenever he closed his eyes. ─── 在他的自传里,特斯拉提及每当他闭上他的眼睛的时候,作为一个孩子他因为连续的象闪电一样,棱柱的展示被折磨。

29、His autobiography was published in three volumes. ─── 他的自传分三册出版。

30、An account of Sargon's early childhood from his purported autobiography closely resembles that of what religious figure? ─── 据传说中的自传记载,萨尔贡的早期童年和哪种宗教图案非常相像?

31、Hereafter composed many writings and a few autobiography novels again, express dark and silent also nonexistent. ─── 以后又写了许多文字和几部自传性小说,表明黑暗与寂静并不存在。

32、Doris Lessing (1919- ) is a famous British woman writer. During her writing career that has spanned five decades, Lessing has created novels, short stories, essays, dramas, autobiography, etc. ─── 多丽丝·莱辛(1919- )是英国著名的女作家,在50多年的写作生涯中,莱辛完成了包罗万象的作品,包括长篇小说、短篇小说、论文、戏剧、自传等等。

33、Capra was also the subject of a 1991 biography by Joseph McBride entitled Frank Capra: The Catastrophe of Success.McBride corrects many of the impressions left by Capra's autobiography. ─── 人们常把这部电影看成对传统美国生活怀旧式的甜蜜讴歌,却不知其中大有深意可挖:它活生生地展现了小镇生活的琐屑无谓和对人的欺凌。

34、Have you read his autobiography? ─── 你读过他的自传吗?

35、How is your autobiography shaping up? ─── 你的自传写得如何了?

36、Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography; it should be brief and to the point. ─── 不要把简历首页认为是自传书,它应该是简明扼要的。

37、From Right to Left: An Autobiography ─── 从右到左:我的自传

38、Her personal delusion is described quite clearly in her autobiography. ─── 她个人的妄想症在自传里描写得很清楚。

39、In July 2006,his autobiography Chan Yik Hei, young man who grabs the star was published,and became one of the bestsellers on the Hong Kong Book Fair. ─── 2006年7月,他的自传《摘星少年陈易希》正式出版,成为香港书籍排行榜中的畅销书。

40、In 1981, I was entrusted by the CPAFFC to assist Rewi Alley in his translation of Chinese poetry, and then joined in editing his autobiography. ─── 从1981年起,我在友协受命协助艾黎做英译中国诗的工作,其后又参与编辑他的自传。

41、The formation of woman writer autobiography consciousness, ages custom, reading expectation, the sex realize and text realize of aware of self all is it important source. ─── 女作家自传意识的形成,时代风气、阅读期待、性别意识及文类意识的自觉都是其重要根源。

42、He rounded out his quartet with an autobiography. ─── 他以自传作为他的四部曲的结尾。

43、Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar: Science, Humanity and Josephy Needham, Ho's academic autobiography, was published in Singapore and written by him in English. ─── 《一位漂流学者的回忆录:科学、人文和李约瑟》是2005年出版的何丙郁先生的英文学术性自传。

44、He died before he had completed his autobiography. ─── 他还没完成自己的传记就去世了。

45、Judging from what she wrote in her autobiography, she always had mixed feelings for that pianist. ─── 、从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。

46、The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" selects "Father of America Nation" as the narrator, which is reflected from the narrative style, the narrative structure arrangement, and some narrative techniques. ─── 《富兰克林自传》选取了“民族之父”这一身份为叙事立场与读者展开对话,从叙事文体、叙事结构和叙事手法等方面体现出对这一身份的认同。

47、His autobiography has been dramatized for the theater. ─── 他的自传被改编成剧本,供剧场上演。

48、The only excerpt from his diary that appears in his autobiography sheds light on his true feelings for abstaining from idleness. ─── 《艾黎自传》仅在一处摘录了他的日记,揭示了他使自己闲不住的真情实感。

49、The Liverpool captain's autobiography has been nominated in the Sports Book of the Year category of the Galaxy British Book Awards. ─── 利物浦队长的自传获得了英国银河图书奖的“年度最佳体育图书奖”提名。

50、Liddy later opined in his autobiography that he could have used a much bigger shredder. ─── 利迪后来在他的自传中说,他本应该使用一台大一些的碎纸机。

51、It's not an autobiography, it's about my journey to where I am today. ─── 它并不是自传,它记录了我能达到今天的位置的历程。

52、A Son of the Middle Border (1917) and A Daughter of the Middle Border (1921, Pulitzer Prize) are his autobiography. ─── 《中部边疆的儿子》(1917)和获普利策奖的《中部边疆的女儿》(1921)是他的自传。

53、Moreover, he admits as much himself in his autobiography and elsewhere. ─── 况且,在他的自传和别的地方,对这些话他并未作任何辩解。

54、Did you read my autobiography? ─── 你看过我的自传吗?

55、In his autobiography he simply exaggerates about his defects and goes on talking about them. ─── 在他的自传里他只是夸大了他的缺点和继续谈论它们。

56、The novel is a thinly disguised autobiography. ─── 这部小说让人一眼就可以看出是部自传。

57、Most books are the result of direct experience, whether the barely disguised autobiography of first novel or a straightforward travelogue. ─── 多数书都是直接经验的结果,一般第一本书或者一段直接的施行记录的自传几乎是没有假的。

58、Wrote most of his recent autobiography, Work in Progress, in the hours between midnight and 3 a.m. ─── 在午夜和凌晨三点钟这段时间他会用来写他的自传《在工作中奋进》。

59、In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays. ─── 她在自传里间或提起自己不愉快的学生时代。

60、Quentin Crisp, the eccentric writer, performer and raconteur best-known for his autobiography" The Naked Civil Servant," died in Manchester, England, at age90. ─── 因其自传《裸体公仆》而出名的作家、演家和演讲家昆廷.克里斯普在英国曼彻斯特去世,享年90岁。

61、And this paper stresses the superiority of oral autobiography: it turns the history into the history of the common people. ─── 在抓住将要逝去的历史这一点上,口述自传所显示的重要作用使其愈来愈受到重视。

62、He published his autobiography last autumn. ─── 他去年秋天出版了他的自传。

63、He wrote about his experiences in his travel books and articles, and later in his Autobiography, published posthumously in 1883. ─── 他写的游记及有关文章,以及他死后于1883年出版的自传记述了这方面的经历。

64、I read all of his speeches and his autobiography, and I just try to learn from his path and what he did. ─── 我读过他的自传和所有演讲稿,我希望从他的人生轨迹中学到些东西。

65、He has a simple personal autobiography. ─── 他的履历很简单。

66、His autobiography , or rather memoirs , is ready for publication . ─── 他的自传,或者说是回忆录,即刻就要出版。

67、If you want to read an autobiography, read Mandela's Long Walk To Freedom. At least he has done something to be proud of. ─── 假如你想读自传的话,读一读曼德拉的‘走向自由的漫长道路’。至少他作了些令人自豪的事情。”

68、Her new book is a continuation of her autobiography. ─── 她的新书是她自传的续篇。

69、He wrote an autobiography in 1956, and also published several collections of poetry. ─── 他在1956年写了自传,并且也出版了基本诗集。

70、Italian writer and sculptor who is known for his Autobiography and his sculpture of Perseus. ─── 切利尼,贝温尤托1500-1571意大利作家及雕塑家,以其作品自传和柏尔修斯的雕塑而闻名

71、His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography. ─── 他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。

72、Quentin Crisp, the eccentric writer, performer and raconteur best-known for his autobiography "The Naked Civil Servant," died in Manchester, England, at age 90. ─── 因其自传《裸体公仆》而出名的作家、表演家和演讲家昆廷.克里斯普在英国曼彻斯特去世,享年90岁。

73、An essay that brought elements of biography,autobiography,and general European history into powerful,meaningful confrontation. ─── 一篇对传记、自传和欧洲通史进行了有力地、深刻比较的论文

74、Yan Shiduo the incumbent General Administration of Sports trains bureau chief, once published the autobiography "Loyally Regretless". ─── 他炮制的“南北分区制”、“队委会制”、“双头制”等制度也广遭诟病;

75、Hasselbaink was charged with improper conduct and bringing the game into disrepute in relation to claims made in his autobiography about his former club Chelsea. ─── “巴因克被控行为不当以及在自传中关于他的前俱乐部切尔西的指控对赛事差生消极影响。”

76、Up From Slavery is an autobiography by Booker T. Washington, a famous African American politician. ─── 从奴隶制中奋起》是著名的非裔美国人政治家布克·盛顿撰写的自传。

77、H. G. Wells, in his autobiography, lets slip a very profound piece of self-criticism. ─── 威尔士在他的自传里无意中做了一个非常深刻的自我批评。

78、They put his photograph on the dust jacket of his autobiography. ─── 他们把他的照片放在他自传的书皮上。

79、He inquired for the autobiography of the politician. ─── 他向书店询问是否出售这位政治家的自传。

80、He wrote" My Years on the Bench", subtitled" Autobiography of a Judge". ─── 他写我在法官席的岁月,副标题一个法官的自传。

81、In her autobiography she often refers to. ─── 在她的自传中,她常常提到她不愉快的在校生活。

82、Chelsea's Didier Drogba confesses his desire to join Milan in his autobiography and reveals that he came close to making the move in 2006. ─── 切尔西的德罗巴在他的自传里表达了他想加盟米兰的愿望,并透露说在2006年他差一点就加入米兰了。

83、In her autobiography China, My Dream, My Love (1990), Siao writes: "It was more like strolling on the music beats than dancing. " ─── 在叶华的自传《中国:梦恋望》(1990)中,她写道:“与其说是跳舞,其实那更像是跟着音乐节拍漫步。”

84、Autobiography is often less truthful than biography. ─── 自传常常没有传记真实。

85、Her latest novel is a straight autobiography. ─── 她最新的作品就是一部自传体小说。

86、In his recent autobiography, Mr Ratner recalls taking his father to show off his club. ─── 健身俱乐部的生意经也比较简单:你需要有上千名从不会光顾的会员。

87、She has just written her autobiography. ─── 她刚写完自传.

88、In her autobiography she often refers to her unhappy schooldays. ─── 在她的自传中,她常常提到她不愉快的在校生活。

89、The policy-related passages in "The Audacity of Hope", his second autobiography, are scattershot and banal. ─── 在他第二部自传中于政策相关的章节,仍然显得漫无目的并且老套。








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