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08-19 投稿


excepting 发音

英:[?k?sept??]  美:[?k?sept??]

英:  美:

excepting 中文意思翻译




excepting 词性/词形变化,excepting变形

动词现在分词: excepting |动词过去分词: excepted |动词第三人称单数: excepts |动词过去式: excepted |

excepting 短语词组

1、excepting alice ─── 除了爱丽丝

2、excepting recall ─── 召回除外

3、excepting definition ─── 例外定义

4、excepting crossword ─── 除了填字游戏

excepting 常用词组

except for ─── 除了…以外;要不是由于

except as ─── 除…之外

excepting 相似词语短语

1、exceptive ─── adj.例外的,特殊的;优越的;吹毛求疵的

2、excerpting ─── n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用

3、exceptant ─── adj.例外的;n.例外者

4、exception ─── n.例外;异议

5、excerptings ─── 摘录

6、exceptions ─── n.免责条款(exception的复数形式)

7、exceeding ─── adj.非常的,超越的;adv.非常地,极度地;v.超过(数量);超越,越出(权限);优于,占优势(exceed的现在分词)

8、excelling ─── v.胜过,优于;擅长,突出(excel的现在分词)

9、accepting ─── adj.承兑的;易接受的;赞同的;v.接受;同意;承担(责任等)(accept的ing形式)

excepting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am willing to love all mankind,except American. ─── 我乐意爱全人类,除美国人而外。

2、I am sure he would never strike a person, except under provocation. ─── 我确信他不会打人,除非是受到挑衅。

3、You would all be punished; I can except no one. ─── 你们全得受罚,我一个也不饶。

4、All were there, not excepting him. ─── 所有的人都来了,他也不例外。

5、She remembered nothing (about him) except that his hair was black. ─── 她(对他)什麽都不记得,只记得他的头发是黑的。

6、You will all be punished; I can except no one. ─── 你们全得受罚,我一个也不饶。

7、Yes,most of them are,except for the plastic parts. ─── 是的,除了这些塑胶组件之外大部分都是。

8、There is nothing we can do except dig in and wait. ─── 我们除了耐心等待别无他法。

9、The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs. ─── 主动脉系统血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里

10、Perhaps he cannot spare any time except on sundy. ─── 他,大概除了星期天,不会有空。

11、Perhaps he cannot spare any time except on Sunday. ─── 他大概除了星期天不会有空。

12、I have no other wish except to pass the examination. ─── 我除了要通过考试之外,没有别的心愿。

13、As a place to stay, the island seemed to him to offer all that the heart could desire except the means of earning a living. ─── 作为居住场所,这个岛似乎为他提供了人们所想望的一切——除了谋生的条件之外。

14、I was very excepting,I just always knew that I needed to get out. ─── 我之所以一直(与这种环境)不沾边,是因为我始终明白我必须得逃离(这种环境)。

15、He is an honest man, excepting for his quick temper. ─── 他是个老实人,只是。

16、Whitespace can be inserted between any pair of tokens. Excepting a few encoding details, that completely describes the language. ─── 空白可以加入到任何符号之间。以下描述了完整的语言。

17、"She's never had another beau except him. ─── "除了查理,她从来没有过男朋友。

18、All the boys were late, not excepting Jim. ─── 所有的男孩都迟到了,吉姆也不例外。

19、I feel awkward as everyone except me is in evening dress. ─── 我感到很尴尬,因为除了我,谁都穿上了夜礼服的。

20、Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. ─── 公共汽车是空的,只坐了一位老妇人。

21、I believe, however, that it cannot be so taken excepting as the child is also introduced directly into social life. ─── 然而,我相信,除非把儿童引向社会生活,要这么看历史也是不可能的。

22、I would buy the suit,except that it costs too much. ─── 如果不是它售价太高的话,我本想买下那件衣服。

23、I suppose no, except a bottle of whiskey. ─── 我想没有,除了一瓶威士忌酒。

24、Everyone knew about the reception, except Ashley. ─── 其实除了艾希礼本人,别的人都是知道了的。

25、The carpet is good except for its price. ─── 地毯很好,只是价钱太高。

26、All the students are late,not excepting Luther. ─── 所有学生都迟到了,卢瑟也不例外。

27、Our dresses were the same except mine was red. ─── 我们的连衣裙是一样的,只是我的那件是红色。

28、Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives. ─── 希尔夫人不会客,但近亲除外。

29、puzzled amazement awoke in every face in the house, not even excepting Potter's. ─── 每个人都莫名其妙,惊诧不已,连波特也不例外。

30、I had nothing on except for my socks. ─── 我除了短袜什么都还没穿。

31、of meat for much of this region (excepting Japan) has traditionally been the pig. ─── 该区域大部分地区(除日本外)的食肉传统上都是猪肉。

32、They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits . ─── 他们仅猎获了两支兔子。

33、I am willing to love all mankind, except American. ─── 我乐意爱全人类,除美国而外。

34、A set of operations that are to be performed sequentially, each of which(except the first) uses the output of the previous operation as input. ─── 一组要依次执行的操作,除第一个外,每个操作均使用前一个操作的输出作为输入。

35、He never came to visit except to borrow something. ─── 他除了来借东西以外,从不来访。

36、Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing. ─── 就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。

37、I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days. ─── 在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。

38、Everybody must observe the law, not excepting the president. ─── 人人须遵守法律,总统亦不例外。

39、The company is breaking even now, and excepting to move into profit within the next two months . ─── 公司现在收支相抵,期待下两个月开始获利。

40、You will all be punished, I can except no one. ─── 你们都得受罚, 一个也不能例外。

41、All of my classmate go to the party except me. ─── 出我之外,所有的同学都去参加晚会。

42、The processor does nothing except wait. ─── 处理器除了等待,没有做任何事。

43、Oh,Mr Huang! This is George Richter speaking. I have been excepting your call. ─── 啊!黄先生!我是GeorgeRichter。我正在等你的电话。

44、He'd never drunk any wine before, except blackberry cordial. ─── 他除了黑莓甜酒外从来未喝过酒。

45、The doctor asked us to call him during the night except in case of necessity. ─── 医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他。

46、When I say that the boys are lazy ,I except you . ─── 我说男孩懒惰,不包括你在内。

47、The walls were bare except for a clock. ─── 墙上除了一只挂钟什么也没有。

48、Excepting pocket money, cash of any kind is now rarely used; money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit. ─── 除了零用钱,任何形式的现金现在都用的很少,钱作为一种有形的商品已经很大程度上被信用卡代替了。

49、He will do almost anything for the poor, except get off their back. ─── 他几乎任何事情都愿意为穷人做,除了从他们的背上下来以外。

50、The room is empty except for a break wood chair. ─── 屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有。

51、Excepting you, of course, Father. ─── 当然除您之外,父亲。

52、She did nothing except complain while she was here. ─── 她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。

53、Last Sunday, a News pressman named Gerald Boyd got worked over with baseball bats on his way to the subway and no one except us gave it much attention. ─── 上星期日,纽约每日新闻一个名字叫波伊德的印刷工人在去地铁途中被人用球棒痛殴。除我们以外没人注意。

54、Nancy: Anytime except late at night. ─── 南茜:除了晚上太晚时,任何时候都可以。

55、The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food. ─── 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。

56、Everybody must observe the law,not excepting the president. ─── 人人须遵守法律,总统亦不例外。

57、Nothing is correct except what is literally recorded in Holy Writ. ─── 圣经上载了的才是对的。

58、We must all obey the law, not/without excepting the king. ─── 我们都必须遵守法律,国王也不例外。

59、We must all obey the law, not [without] excepting the king. ─── 我们都必须遵守法律,国王也不例外。

60、As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. ─── 他年纪越来越大,除了喜欢园艺以外,对一切都失去了兴趣。

61、He said nothing except that he is all right. ─── 他除了说他以外,别的什么也没说。

62、You will all be punished ; I can except no one . ─── 你们都将受到惩罚,我一个不能放过。

63、They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits. ─── 他们除猎到两只兔子以外,一无所获。

64、He had nothing on except a hat. ─── 他身上什么也没穿,只戴了一顶帽子。

65、The classroom is silent except for the busy scratching of pens on paper. ─── 教室里静悄悄,只有笔在纸上忙着写字的声音。

66、They had no operational plan except to hang on. ─── 他们除坚守以外并没有其他作战计划。

67、My wife wouldn't anything except with onion flavor. ─── 我太太除了洋葱味外什么也不吃,

68、A time Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and all the other Olympians, except Hestia, surrounded him suddenly as he lay asleep on his couch and bound him with rawhide thongs, knotted into a hundred knots, so that he could not move. ─── 有一次,赫拉、波塞冬、阿波罗和除了赫斯提外所有的奥林波斯神祗乘宙斯躺在床上熟睡之际一拥而上,用生牛皮绳把他捆绑起来并打上一百个绳结,使他动弹不得。

69、When I say that the boys are lazy,I except you. ─── 我说男孩懒惰,不包括你在内。

70、I don't know exactly where he lives, except that it's somewhere out in the wilds. ─── 他住在哪里我不很清楚,只知道他住得离城市很远。

71、But the subway have so many obvious advantage that no one except the rich can afford not to use it. ─── 但是地铁有许多明显的优点。除了有钱人,没有谁可以不乘地铁。

72、The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food. ─── 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。

73、He answered all the questions except the last one. ─── 你回答了所有的问题,最后一题除外。

74、Great gain is not win except by great risk. ─── 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

75、That will do except that it is too long. ─── 它可以用,只是太长了。

76、He is everywhere except where he ought to be. ─── 他到处露脸,只是不在他该在的地方。

77、I can answer all the questions except for the last. ─── 所有的题我都会答,只是最後一题不会。

78、All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule. ─── 他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛。

79、He wishes ill to no one except those who intentionally offend him. ─── 他不盼任何人倒霉,除去那些有意冒犯他的人。

80、Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye. ─── 最后我该说一声再见了。

81、We met with nothing except kindness. ─── 我们到处都受到友好的接待。

82、He never rides first class except on the short hauls. ─── 他除了短途旅行之外从不坐头等车。

83、All hints( except RULE) cause you to use the CBO. ─── 所有的提示(rule除外)使你使用CBO。

84、There was nothing remarkable about the pen, excepting that it had been dipped too deeply in the ink, but it was proud of that. ─── 有没有什么显着的笔,除,它一直浸在油墨过深,但它为此感到自豪。

85、Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. ─── 今天除过林涛大家都到校了。

86、I would go with you,except I have a cold. ─── 我愿意和你一道去,只是我感冒了。

87、The office is empty except for the dustman. ─── 办公室里除了清洁工,什么人也没有。

88、All my brothers come here every day, always excepting the youngest. ─── 所有的兄弟每天都来这里,而最小的弟弟总是例外。

89、I can only read and write; and there ain't a richer man in the place, not excepting Squire Morrison, with all his learnt notions. ─── 我会读也会写,但在这个地方没有一个稍微有点钱的人,包括乡绅莫里松,是因为他的学识而变富有的。

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