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08-19 投稿


relinquish 发音

英:[r?'l??kw??]  美:[r?'l??kw??]

英:  美:

relinquish 中文意思翻译



relinquish 短语词组

1、relinquish formally crossword ─── 正式放弃填字游戏

2、relinquish synonym ─── 放弃同义词

3、relinquish to v. ─── 让与

4、relinquish crossword ─── 放弃填字游戏

5、relinquish abandon ─── 放弃 ─── 放弃

6、relinquish yugioh ─── 雷林基什·尤吉奥

7、relinquish control ─── 放弃控制

8、relinquish define ─── 放弃定义

9、relinquish control of ─── 放弃对的控制

10、relinquish quot ─── 放弃

11、relinquish us citizenship ─── 放弃美国国籍

12、relinquish bad habits ─── 戒除不良习惯

13、relinquish definition ─── 放弃定义

14、relinquish sth to ─── 把某物让与…

relinquish 反义词

secular | irreligious

relinquish 词性/词形变化,relinquish变形

名词: relinquisher |动词过去式: relinquished |动词现在分词: relinquishing |动词第三人称单数: relinquishes |动词过去分词: relinquished |

relinquish 同义词

monk | priest | dutiful | holy | faithful | godly |devout | spiritual | reverent | conscientious | pious | sacred | loyal | thorough | adoring | reliable

relinquish 相似词语短语

1、relinquishing ─── n.放弃;v.放弃(relinquish的现在分词)

2、reliquiae ─── n.遗体;化石

3、reliques ─── n.遗迹;遗俗;纪念品(等于relic)

4、to relinquish ─── 放弃

5、cliquish ─── adj.小集团的

6、relinquished ─── vt.放弃;放手;让渡

7、relinquishment ─── n.作罢;让渡

8、relinquishes ─── vt.放弃;放手;让渡

9、relinquisher ─── 放弃者

relinquish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In order to show the entire audience and the audience, Wang teeth relinquish its hard-bound or a spot on the stage. ─── 为了整个演出和全场观众,王斑还是咬着牙硬撑着上了舞台。

2、To hand over or relinquish(money or another possession, often reluctantly. ─── 勉强交出掏出或放弃(金钱或其他财产),通常是不情愿地

3、Syria retained all its traditional assets and bargained to relinquish many of them in exchange for a peach with Israel and acceptance by the United States. ─── 叙利亚保留了自己原有的资产,并打算放弃部分资产来换取叙以和平以及美国对其的接受。

4、Thus the smoothness of tropical or benthic environments allows species there to relinquish the need to adapt in physiological ways and allows them room to adapt in purely biological ways. ─── 因此,热带或洋底的平和环境允许那里的物种放弃以改变生理机能的方式适应环境的需要,并给它们留下以单纯的生物方式适应环境的空间。

5、relinquish all control over the company to ─── 将掌管公司的全权让给

6、He was forced to relinquish control of the company. ─── 他被迫放弃对公司的控制权。

7、The Security Council has imposed mandatory economic sanctions on Iraq, designed to force Iraq to relinquish the spoils of its illegal conquest. ─── 安全理事会对伊拉克实行了强制性经济制裁,目的在迫使伊拉克放弃它的非法占领。

8、Yadav, who has ties with the opposition Nepali Congress, had written to the army chief, asking him not to relinquish command. ─── 亚达夫与尼泊尔大会党有密切联系,他写信告知卡塔瓦,要他不要放弃军队指挥权。

9、China's yuan currency and the Gulf countries are pegged to the dollar relinquish its hard-bound forward. ─── 中国的人民币和海湾国家的货币都在硬撑着钉住美元。

10、For example, it is helpful to relinquish possession and control by discontinuance of maintenance. ─── 对该资产的实物废弃(如:永久性地废弃该资产)一般会满足上述前两项要求。

11、His two-run hits in the third and sixth innings helped New York jump out to a lead it would never relinquish. ─── 他在第三局和第六局的两分安打帮助了洋基队取得领先的局面,然后就在有没有落后过了。

12、It had been widely rumoured that the venue located in the foothills of Mount Fuji, west of Tokyo, would relinquish the hosting rights due to Toyota's financial struggles. ─── 它已被广泛传言的地点设在富士山山麓,东京以西,将放弃主办权利由于丰田金融斗争.

13、Eteocles refused to relinquish his throne. ─── 厄忒俄克勒斯拒绝放弃王位。

14、Finally, on 19 July, Suffolk had to tell his daughter to relinquish the crown. ─── 到了七月十九日,沙福克不得不叫女儿让位。

15、China, however, is Burma's erstwhile big ally, and deserves the most international pressure to show leadership by forcing the generals to relinquish power. ─── 中国自古以来就一直是缅甸的最大同盟国,因此在强迫缅甸军权放弃政权的角色上,中国理当受到最多的国际压力。

16、How could I relinquish my laptop for a week or even a day? But I couldn't continue without a workable "t. " ─── 我怎么能一周或一天没有它呢?但是,如果“t”用不了我也无法继续工作。

17、I would also have to relinquish and mourn relationships that never would heal, and find others to love and trust. ─── 也必须放弃,哀悼那些不能得医治的关系,另找爱和信任的对象。

18、Finally, Ran-ran in numerous Ruanmo relinquish its hard-bound, her mother finally agreed to see a Peas. ─── 终于,在然然无数次的软磨硬撑下,她的妈妈终于答应见豆豆一面。

19、One is therefore more capable of manifesting a dream-come-true circumstance through ascension than through non-ascension, but one must relinquish that which does not serve. ─── 一个人因此更能够展现“梦想成真”的环境,但你必须放弃所有不服务于(升)事物。

20、The BBC's Peter Biles, in Johannesburg, says Mr Mugabe has made clear he will never relinquish power, saying only God could remove him. ─── BBC记者报导于南非约翰内斯堡(BBC在津巴布韦是禁止的),穆加贝已经表明他将永不退位,并称只有上帝会开除他。

21、Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself, but do not relinquish it simply because someone else is not sure of you. ─── 除非你对自己有信心,不要尝试做某事,但也不要只是因为有人对你没信心,就放弃它。

22、Therefore all ascending humans must relinquish all electrical and radioactive frequencies in order to anchor a magnetic soul. ─── 因此为了锚定一个磁性灵魂,所有的提升人类必须放弃一切电流和放射性频率。

23、Haas broke the Argentine early and, this time, he refused to relinquish the lead. ─── 哈斯早早地破了高迪奥的发球局,这一次,他把领先优势保持到了最后。

24、They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence. ─── 他们绝对不会自动放弃独立。

25、In relation to the enemy, our counter-offensive represents our effort to make him relinquish the initiative and put him in a passive position. ─── 对于敌军说来,反攻是我军强迫它放弃主动权,同时即给以被动地位的努力。

26、If you deny me ,I have to zccept the reality and relinquish the affevtion, because that was the impasse of the love. ─── 如果你拒绝我,我也只好接受现实,我也只得放手,因为那已是爱的尽头.

27、If you relinquish some responsibility to an intelligent agent, you will need to be aware of the authority that you are transferring to them. ─── 如果你放弃使用智能代理,你将会意识到你所转向他们的权力。

28、Eteocles, to whom the first term fell, would not relinquish his throne at the end of the year. ─── 先上任的厄忒俄克勒斯在年末拒绝放弃王位。

29、to give up; to drop; to relinquish ─── 作罢

30、Do not attempt to do a thing unless you're sure of yourself; but do not relinquish it simply because someone else is not sure of you. ─── 如果对自己没信心,就不要去尝试做某一件事;但是,决不要因为别人对你没信心,你就轻言放弃。

31、Domainers in turn feel that some companies unfairly bully them to relinquish names that should not be subject to trademark. Many feel arbitration proceedings favour large companies over individuals. ─── 不过,域名所有者觉得,一些公司不公平地欺压他们,迫使他们放弃与这些公司的商标无关的域名。许多人觉得,仲裁程序偏向大公司,而不是个人。

32、She refuses to relinquish her willfulness or determination even though these traits do not stand her in good stead at Versailles. ─── 于是,她终于知道恋爱的滋味是怎样,她喜欢菲尔逊,为他着迷,也和他之间发展出一段恋曲。

33、"Must I relinquish it all," he cried with a wild lamentation, ─── “我必须放弃一切吗,”他悲痛地呼叫,--

34、Mr. Buffett made it clear he has no plans to relinquish any of his jobs. ─── 巴菲特明确表示,他没有放弃任何一项职责的计划。

35、You need only relinquish your fears, open your heart and begin. ─── 你只需放下畏惧,开放心灵,然后上路。)

36、be forced to relinquish power ─── 下野

37、Yet in order to be read , it must relinquish the attention it has drawn . ─── 但是,它又必需撤回它所吸引到的注意力才能真正被阅读。

38、It became too late to have any reasonable expectation of hearing from the Duke that day; Jeanne she could not altogether relinquish the hope. ─── 天色已晚,要希望当天还能得到公爵那边的消息,可说是不合情理了,然而珍妮又不肯死心。

39、As hostess, Jui-chueh offered to relinquish her place to Chueh-min. But he refused and was only willing to stand behind her and watch her play one game. Then he left. ─── 做嫂嫂的瑞珏想让觉民坐下来,可是觉民推口说有事情,一定不肯打牌,只站在瑞珏后面,看她和了一副牌就走出去了。

40、To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility. ─── 为了减少痛苦,有些人选择放弃所有责任。

41、He may not relinquish his autonomy, there by permitting others to dictate how he should act, and yet remain a moral agent. ─── 他不能放弃自己的自主性,既让别人命令自己该怎样做,又同时保持道德的行为者的身份。

42、Israel must clear that it recognizes the need to relinquish the bulk of the territories it took in1967. ─── 以色列必须清楚他要承认放弃其在1967年占领的大量土地是有必要的。

43、Captain Camara's candidacy has yet to be confirmed, but there are plenty of reasons to believe that the 2moons gold military might not be prepared to relinquish power so soon. ─── Camara上尉的候选人资格虽然尚未被确认,但是有许多理由相信这位军人不可能会准备如此快地放弃政权。

44、To relinquish control to another set of instructions or another routine as a result of the presence of a branch. ─── 下分支的指令因为另一分支指令的存在而引起的对另一指令组或常规指令组的放弃控制

45、The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims. The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims. ─── 原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。

46、The new set-up at ICANN will not placate countries such as China, Russia and Iran that want America to relinquish control entirely. ─── ICANN新的设置无法使像中国,俄罗斯和伊朗之类的国家感到舒心,他们想让美国彻底放弃控制权。

47、If you deny me,I have to accept the reality and relinquish the af fertion ,because that was the impasse of the love. ─── 如果你拒绝了我,我也只好接受现实,我也只得放手,因为那已是爱的尽头。

48、When finished, they both need to be released explicitly to relinquish any associated resources. ─── 在使用完它们后,必需显式地释放它们,以释放任何相关的资源。

49、Which city was originally awarded the 1908 Summer Games, but had to relinquish it to London after the costly destruction caused by the 1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius? ─── 哪个城市获得1908夏季奥运会举办权,但由于1906年维苏威火山爆发毁灭性破坏而不得不放弃并由伦敦举办。

50、Cant Bear to relinquish the idea ─── 不能忍受放弃这个主意

51、But before a country is ready to relinquish any winning weapons, it must have more than words to reassure it. ─── 但是在一个国家准备放弃任何克敌制胜的武器之前,它需要比言语更可靠的东西使它消除疑虑。

52、He does not intend to relinquish power. ─── 他不打算放弃权力。

53、In addition, if the" visionary" can relinquish ownership of the original idea, and subsequently encourage it to become the property of the group, the effectiveness of the process can be even more enhanced. ─── 另外,如果“构想”能够放弃最初的思想的所有权,而成为组织的财产,这个过程的效果将会更加提高。

54、If you need to relinquish the ownership of the object, the ─── 如果您需要放弃那个对象的所有权,那么应该调用

55、But he would not relinquish his purpose. ─── 但是他终不肯放弃他的目的。

56、Though he has promised to relinquish his magic, Prospero still seems to see his daughter as a mere pawn in his game. ─── 虽然他已经答应撤回他的魔术,但是普洛斯彼罗仍然似乎视他的女儿为他的游戏一个只典当。

57、A hot bowl of soup not only nourishes but also comforts people and we would not want to relinquish that. ─── 一碗热汤不仅有营养而且使人舒心,我们是不会舍弃的。

58、But before a country is ready to relinquish any winning weapons, it must have more than words to reassure it. ─── 但是在一个国家准备放弃任何克敌制胜的武器之前,它需要比言语更可靠的东西使它消除疑虑。

59、On 19 March, though the weather was visibly threatening, the warships from the two nations would not sail to safety and relinquish their positions in Apia harbour. ─── 三月十九日,天气明显变得恶劣,但两国战船都守着阿皮亚海港的阵地,不肯开到安全水域。

60、If you want to attract a life partner as your soul mate, there are several illusions you will need to relinquish. ─── 如果你想要吸引一个生活伴侣作为灵魂伴侣,你需要摒除几个错误的观念。

61、In essence, this means that the promisor should receive a benefit for the promise he makes and the promisee, while gaining the benefit of the promise, should relinquish something or incur a detriment. ─── 实质上,这就意味着作出承诺者应该因他所作的承诺而得到好处,而接受承诺者在得到承诺好处的同时,也应该有所舍弃或吃一点儿亏。

62、Another question is are you ready to relinquish your self destructive nature? ─── 你准备好放弃你的自毁本质吗?

63、If you dery me .I have to accept the reality and relinquish the affevtion ,because that was the impasseof the love . ─── 如果你拒绝了我,我也只好接受,我也只得放,因为那已是爱的尽头)

64、He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. ─── 他拒绝批准其它有关人民向广大地区迁居的法律,除非那些人民愿意放弃其在立法机关中的代表权; 这种代表权对人民来说具有无可估量的意义,只有对暴君来说才是可怕的。

65、It was doubtful whether Israel could be persuaded to relinquish its gains. ─── 令人怀疑的是,能否说服以色列放弃其既得利益。

66、Against them, too, I must never relinquish control- ─── 对它们,我们永远不能放松警惕。

67、If you deny me,I have to accept the reatity and relinquish the affevtion that was the impasse of the love! ─── 如果你拒绝我,我也只好接受现实,只得放手,因为那已是爱的尽头!

68、If there are any to whom it is no interruption to acquire these things, and who know how to use them when acquired, I relinquish to them the pursuit. ─── 如果有人能毫无困难地得到这一些,得到之后,更懂得如何利用它们,我还是让他们去追求。

69、He relinquish all control over the company to her daughter ─── 他将掌管公司的全权让给了女儿

70、He has a tendency to be over-optimistic and needs to learn how to relinquish what is unfeasible so that he can concentrate his energies on the most rewarding endeavors. ─── 他有过度乐观的趋向而需要学习该如何放弃不能实现的东西以便他能集中他的精力在最有益的努力上。

71、Bush is calling on the Pakistani president to hold elections and relinquish his army post as soon as possible. ─── 他呼吁木沙拉夫应立即开展选举并尽快地放弃对军队的掌控(脱离军界)。

72、Toro Rosso's new 19-year-old race driver Jaime Alguersuari will not relinquish his seat with the Carlin team in the Renault World Series. ─── 2.红牛二队的19岁新秀车手将不会放弃他在雷诺方程式卡林车队的车手席位。

73、They refused to relinquish hope. ─── 他们拒绝放弃希望。

74、Libraries are powerless to relinquish them. ─── 图书馆却无法弃而不用。

75、Democracy has been corroded by the army's continuing power, as well as by Mr Museveni's refusal to relinquish office. ─── 军队持续掌权,穆塞维尼先生拒绝卸任,所有这些都严重损害了民主。

76、They had to relinquish their position to the enemy. ─── 他们只好把阵地放弃让于敌人。

77、But in less than a year he was to relinquish the throne in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, and his younger brother had to take over. ─── 但不到一年,爱德华为了和一个离异的美国妇女结婚而放弃王位,由他的弟弟来接替。

78、If you deny me,I have to accept the reality and relinquish the affertion,because that was the impasse of the love. ─── 如果你拒绝了我,我也只好接受,我也只好放手,因为那已是爱的尽头。

79、The irony is that despite their dreadful track-record, Kanebo managers have to ask for help under IRCJ rules - nobody can force them to relinquish control. ─── 但具有讽刺意味的是,尽管嘉娜宝管理层过去的经营纪录一团糟,但他们必须按照日本产业再生机构的规则寻求帮助,没人能强迫它们放弃对公司的控制权。

80、So you should use cloth and relinquish the plastic. ─── 你必须用布尿布而不能用塑料的。

81、It seems that most people need to experience a great deal of suffering before they will relinquish resistance and accept - before they will forgive. ─── 似乎多数人在愿意放弃抵抗并且接受--即:宽恕--之前需要去经历大量的磨难。

82、The majority of the conference can't bear to relinquish the idea. ─── 与会的大多数人不能忍受放弃这个主意。

83、Finally he relinquish his plan for want of business. ─── 因生意需要彼得只好放弃计划。

84、There are ancient customs governing what rights the possessor has, usually involving only three favors or tasks he can ask of the soul stone's true owner before he must relinquish possession. ─── 古老的习俗规定了持有者的权利,在他放弃所有权之前,通常他能向灵魂石的原主提出三个愿望或任务的要求。

85、He was forced to relinquish control of the company. ─── 他被迫放弃对公司的控制权。

86、They would not have attained their position of authority if others did not relinquish their power to such individuals. ─── 如若他人并未把力量放弃给他们的话,他们就无法获得这样的权威职位。

87、Only last month, she discoursed in congress that France relinquish archaic tradition in favor of American style work mode. ─── 上个月,她还在议会里表示,法国现在应该放弃陈旧传统,采用美国式的工作观念。

88、- must relinquish display and immediate fame. ─── 他必须放弃抛头露面的机会,也不能存任何急于功名的思想。

89、can't bear to relinquish the idea. ─── 不能忍受放弃这个主意。

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