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egret 发音

英:[?i?ɡr?t]  美:[?i?ɡr?t]

英:  美:

egret 中文意思翻译




egret 网络释义

n. 白鹭n. (Egret)人名;(法)埃格雷

egret 词性/词形变化,egret变形


egret 短语词组

1、egret quote ─── 输出报价

2、egret clipart ─── 悬崖要出来了。

3、American egret ─── [网络] 美洲白鹭

4、great egret ─── 大白鹭

5、little egret ─── [网络] 小白鹭;小白鹭商行;小白鹭吃鱼

6、cattle egret ─── [网络] 牛背鹭;黄头鹭;牛鹭

7、egret bird ─── 鸟儿会飞出来的。

8、egret capital limited ─── 白鹭资本有限公司

9、egret sound ─── 白鹭之声

10、egret pictures ─── 退出图片

11、egret wing ─── 白鹭翅

12、snowy egret 【 ─── 鸟类】雪鹭(Egretta thula)

13、egret baits ─── 白鹭字节

14、intermediate egret ─── 中白鹭

15、Reddish Egret ─── 红白鹭

16、egret ono ─── 正在退出。。。

17、egret egg ─── 鸡蛋

egret 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the sky has kingfisher's singing joyfully, the shoal has egret's whispering. ─── 天空中有翠鸟的欢唱,浅滩有白鹭的低语。

2、Egret Hotel: Jiangsu Hotels - China Hotel Jiangsu Hotel Reservation ─── 南京白鹭宾馆:江苏饭店-中国饭店江苏饭店订房网

3、Egret Island Park, a sculpture of the goddess egrets, she is Ludao Xiamen is a symbol of urban sculpture in the boutique. ─── 白鹭洲公园内有一个白鹭女神雕塑,她是鹭岛的象征是厦门城市雕塑中的精品。

4、A smart monkey told him, "Why don't you go to an egret? ─── 一只聪明的猴子告诉他,“您为什么没去找白鹭帮忙?

5、Foreign experts to be recognized with "Egret Friendship Awards" ─── "白鹭友谊奖"表彰外国专家

6、Perched beside the dusky, heavy-lidded Abdullatif, he looked like an egret about to snack on a lizard. ─── 他站在皮肤黝黑、眼皮松弛的阿布杜拉提夫旁,像一只正要捕食蜥蜴的白鹭。

7、Upright, herons and their egret cousins have the gaunt, hunched air of sharp-eyed spinsters dressed for an Edwardian salon. ─── 当然,夜鹭和它们的白鹭伙伴们全都骨瘦如柴,它们被穿着像参加爱德华时代沙龙的眼神犀利的妇女高高举起,倒吊着。

8、But when they retaliates, the King egret is burned by the bad birds.Instead of dying, she turns into a beautiful phoenix and defeats the vultures. ─── 在烈火中战斗的大白鹭经过火的考验变成火凤凰,反将雕王烧死,宝岛再次重现昔日美丽景象。

9、Wide eyes: Black eyeliner made from charred egret bones. ─── 大大的眼睛:用烧焦的白鹭鸟的骨头做成的黑色眼线。

10、During July in 2005, we studied nest selection of Chinese egret in Wuzhishan Archipelago of Zhejiang Province.A total of 74 nests were recorded. ─── 2005年7月, 我们在浙江五峙山列岛对黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择进行了研究, 共测量了74个巢。

11、Heavy Metal Contents of Young and Adult Little Egret in Xiamen ─── 厦门白鹭保护区白鹭体内重金属含量的分析

12、One of the Chinese Egret state to protect rare birds and II, and another Chinese Pond Heron, cattle egret, night heron, black tiger crown Ikaruga, and other rare birds. ─── 其中的黄嘴白鹭属国家二级保护珍禽,另有池鹭、牛白鹭、夜鹭、黑冠虎斑鸠等珍禽。

13、Doctor Cattle Egret flew up to the buffalo's back and found many flies were biting her. ─── 于是白鹭医生就飞到水牛的背上.发现有很苍蝇正在咬着水牛.

14、Chen Xiaolin*, et al.Diversity, Population Dynamics and Conservation of Ardeids in Xiamen Egret Natural Reserve: a 5-year Study. 23rd International Ornithological Congress. 2002 (Beijing): 259. ─── 须黎军、王昱、陈小麟*.梅花山国家级自然保护区夏季鸟类群落的生态分析.厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2002,41(3):364-369.

15、The snarge revealed a 99.5% match with a skylark, and a 98.5% match with a great egret. ─── 结果表明,约翰逊寄来的“血团”是一种云雀的概率为99.5%,而有98.5%的可能性是一种大白鹭。

16、He is immortalised in the stunning Swinhoe's pheasant, endemic to Taiwan, as well as a rail, a snipe, an egret and a storm-petrel that breeds off the rocky coasts of Japan. ─── 他发现了只有在台湾才有的鹇白鹭,这个发现令人震惊,他因此被铭记,同时发现的还有秧鸡、沙锥鸟、白鹭和在日本沿海的岩石中生长的海燕。

17、A great egret was suspected to have died of the disease, which is endemic to south-east China. ─── 一个很棒的白鹭被猜想已经死,是对东南方的中国地方病。

18、In a matter of days, GLAST will achieve the same source sensitivity that EGRET took years to reach. ─── 而在观测辐射源时,高敏感度的GLAST只要几天的时间,就能够达到EGRET得花费数年才能达到的成果;

19、Chinese Egret ─── n. 黄嘴白鹭

20、The Egret Chemical Fiber Group, whose economic benefit ranks No.1 in the trade, is the leading domestic enterprise of viscose filament. ─── 白鹭化纤集团是国内粘胶长丝龙头企业,经济效益居同行业第一位。

21、The research has unveiled that at least 8 species of waterbirds aggregated on the Caiyu Archipelagos including the Swinhoes Egret. ─── 研究发现,菜屿列岛上集群的水鸟有8种。

22、With clear water and fine watersheds, the lake nurtures numerous fishes.In the summer, groups of wild duck, seagull and egret can be found on shoals and islands in the lake. ─── 这里湖水清澈,水草丰美,成群的细鳞鱼和无鳞鱼在湖中游来游去,夏季,湖边浅滩和湖中的岩岛上,飞舞着成群的野鸭、鱼鸥和鹭鸶。

23、A yellow-beaked Eastern white egret mixes with a flock of the little egrets. ─── 一只体型硕大、嘴部黄色的大白鹭,鱼目混珠在小白鹭鸶群里。

24、Nobody knows in the Boudoir, Hakkas'Ancient Village Replays Colors--Ahalyse and develop utilizing in egret's ancient village tourist resources characteristic ─── 处在深闺无人知,客家古村重放彩--白鹭古村旅游资源特征分析与开发利用

25、Slaty Egret ─── n. 蓝灰鹭

26、small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals ─── 温暖地区广泛分布的小白鹭,常聚集在放牧的动物周围

27、I spotted this lone Great Egret in a large area of marsh grass. ─── 我看到大面积的沼泽地里的孤独大白鹭。

28、White-faced Egret ─── n. 白面鹭(鹭科)

29、a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume ─── 戴在帽子上的长羽毛(尤指白鹭羽毛)或一件羽毛状的珠宝

30、Although there is no chicken, there are varieties of birds, such as the kingfishers with bright coat color, wild cranes, mynah egret, owls, etc. living in the beautiful and precipitous forest. ─── 虽然没有鸡,但岛上山峰险峻,林木茂密,风景秀丽,栖居着多种鸟类,如毛色亮丽的翠鸟、毛鸡、白鹭、野鹤、八哥、猫头鹰等。

31、eastern great egret ─── n. 大白鹭

32、To investigate the relation between the g-ray emission and the radio structure, we observed a subsample of EGRET sources with VLBI and VLA, which radio images are absent in the literature. ─── 对g 射线活动星系核的研究是目前世界上最活跃的前沿课题之一。为了完备EGRET 活动星系核的射电观测图像样本,以便进行更可信的统计研究。

33、I shot this in Bradenton, Florida. The overcast day worked to my advantage. This cattle egret just brought in a stick and was staring at me. ─── 照片拍摄于佛罗里达的布雷登顿。阴天对我来说很有优势。这只牛背鹭刚好带来一根树枝,并且正盯着我看。

34、Reddish Egret ─── n. 棕颈鹭

35、By now, the tour guide reminded do not want to speak loudly, in order to avoid frightens off the egret. ─── 这时,导游提醒不要大声说话,以免吓走白鹭鸶。

36、The Wolf and the Egret(狼和鹭鸶)A wolf caught a hare and ate it quickly, but he was choked by a bone. ─── 答案补充 狼捉住了一个野兔并且迅速吃了它,但是他由骨头堵塞。

37、In Xiamen lakeshore the south, does the bus station arrive at the egret continent public transit vehicle circuit? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>地区>福建>厦门市>厦门湖滨南长途汽车站到白鹭洲的公交车线路?

38、There are quite a number of little egrets near the University and the area near the Tai Po railway station is one of Hong Kongs egret colonies. ─── 大学附近有不少小白鹭,大埔火车站是香港其中一个鹭林。校园内偶尔有小白鹭踪影的地方是崇基的未圆湖。

39、A little egret found dead in Tuen Mun on Monday has tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus. ─── 在屯门捡获的小白鹭经测试后,对H5N1禽流感呈阳性反应。

40、The Biggest Chinese Egret Breeding Flock of China ─── 中国最大的黄嘴白鹭繁殖群调查报告

41、a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume. ─── 戴在帽子上的长的羽毛或一件羽毛状的珠宝。

42、The Physiochemical Characteristics of Intestine Proteinase Taken from Little Egret and Cattle Egret ─── 白鹭和牛背鹭肠蛋白酶理化特性的研究


44、My mother took over the job, stuffing ground fish down their gullets, egret style, and later releasing minnows and shiners in a dishpan where the young birds could succeed in the fine art of fishing. ─── 妈妈收养了这些小白鹭,向它们的咽喉里塞了一些小鱼,这也是白鹭妈妈通常的做法。然后再往碟子里倒了一些像鲦鱼、欧扁鱼之类的生活在海底的小鱼。

45、the common American egret; a variety of the Old World Casmerodius albus ─── 普通美洲白鹭;东半球的变种

46、In this damaged rice field there's only one webbed footprint, the others are egret and rail tracks. ─── 被破坏的秧苗田中,只留下一个有跃的脚印,其他是鹭鸶与秧鸡的足迹。

47、There is a little lake in the white Egret Park.It connects with the sea, so it is very clean. ─── 湖的两侧各有一个石桥,显得古老而又雅致。

48、Sh! Look at the egret over there. ─── 嘘!你看那边有只白鹭。

49、Egret goddess figure of beautiful, Xianjing to Guizuo in a rock, combing hair, shoulders also parked a little egret, many visitors stop all in this photo opportunity. ─── 白鹭女神身姿优美、娴静地跪坐在一块巨岩上,梳理长发,肩上还停着一只小白鹭,许多游人无不在此驻足拍照留念。

50、Danzhou City in the north of the city, 10 km from the Rockies town of Wu Ji Village, is everywhere here Mau Lam Xiuzhu, the habitat of the Shang Wanzhi egret, the people here called "egret paradise. ─── 在离儋州市城北10公里的洛基镇有个屋基村,这里到处是茂林修竹,栖息着上万只白鹭,人们把这里称为“白鹭天堂”。

51、During the mating season, the little egret uses its wings as an umbrella. ─── 繁殖季节,小白鹭头上长了两根羽饰。

52、small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals. ─── 温暖地区广泛分布的小白鹭,常聚集在放牧的动物周围。

53、An egret flew to southeast. ─── 白鹭东南飞.

54、Those who let Ramos awkward is, the egret lane Defoe, with a grain of opening remarks record's spot kick, retaliated old has sold heartlessly his hot thorn. ─── 更让拉莫斯尴尬的是,白鹭巷旧将迪福,用一粒首开纪录的点球,报复了无情出售他的热刺。

55、snowy egret ─── n. 【动物,动物学】雪鹭

56、In the sky has kingfisher's singing joyfully, the shoal has egret's whispering. ─── 天空中有翠鸟的欢唱,浅滩有白鹭的低语。

57、North Building Preferential Room Nanjing Egret Hotel Reservation ─── 北楼特价房,南京白鹭宾馆预订

58、Most of the white egret feathers to the breeding season, will grow very long beautiful feathers. ─── 大多数白鹭有白色的羽毛,到了繁殖的季节,还会长出很长的漂亮羽毛。

59、egret it when he is old. ─── 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

60、an egret mesmerized by its reflection in a pond, as if it were the master of the universe; ─── 白鹭顾影自怜,自认为是天地间的主人。

61、He told the egret, "I will give you a gift if you help me to take the bone out. ─── 他告诉了白鹭,“我将给您一件礼物,如果您帮助我把骨头弄出去”。

62、As for the rising sun, the wind Zhanyi egret, evaded as Xie Fei, Qian Shu like cotton. ─── 至于旭日东升,白鹭迎风展翼,款款斜飞,宛如棉花千树。

63、Shen Lin Peak "Egret Court," not only poetry, calligraphy and painting grade seekers can explore more of the lake to watch the whole Shanguangshuise. ─── 身临山顶的“白鹭阁”,既能品位文人墨客诗词字画,更能观赏全湖的山光水色。

64、Gattle Egret ─── n. 牛背鹭(鹭科)

65、Jiangnan, the waterfront, Egret Island, school, neighborhood and all of this is what is likely to draw a sketch of this thrilling true picture? ─── 江南,海滨,鹭岛,校园,小区,这一切的一切是怎样的一只素描绘出如此扣人心弦的真实画面?

66、This unlucky egret thought he had found a perfect spot to go fishing. ─── 这只时运不佳的雪鹭自以为找到一个完美的捕鱼地点。

67、Sleep lonely in flourish grassland and rest on flowing water.When it is clear and bright, egret will fly to the distance high above in the sky. ─── 在这片珍稀乐园,高尔夫球友们更能品味出这首千古名篇的古诗新韵。

68、Tariff on" Kuala Lumpur" FIT Tour,Sky Egret, ─── 厦航蓝天白鹭假期--“活力吉隆坡”自由行报价

69、Little Egret ─── 小白鹭

70、Cattle Egret ─── 牛背鹭, n. 牛背鹭

71、Visitor you are nice! The culture welcoming the visit Jiangxi province egret roc develops Ltd. website ... ... ─── 访客您好!欢迎访问江西省鹭鹏文化发展有限公司网站......

72、All are Little Egret, no problem. ─── 惭愧的一问:是大白鹭?还是小白鹭?

73、Picturesque mountain city, the sunset sky, the wind will be stolen pavilion murmur. Egret Shuangli jungle bird's-eye view, a lake repeatedly Xiacai gold. ─── 山城如画,日暮晴空,风定楼阁窃私语。白鹭双立瞰丛林,霞彩揉碎一湖金。

74、The diagonally held bill of the egret leads our eye out of this picture after exploring the egret's eye and that of the Fish. ─── 对角线上的鸟嘴,把我们的视线引向了鸟的眼睛和鱼的眼睛。

75、The Spatial Distribution of Breeding Ardeidae in Dayu Island, Xiamen Egret Natural Reserve ─── 厦门白鹭自然保护区鹭类繁殖的空间分布

76、The fifth and sixth lines of this poem are, "Three mountains lie far under the blue sky, two lakes divide the white egret island." ─── 这首诗的颈联是"三山半落青天外, 二水中分白鹭洲。"

77、Breeding Population of Chinese Egret in Fangcheng of Guangxi Province ─── 广西防城发现黄嘴白鹭的繁殖种群

78、egret to inform you that the flight you requested is fully booked, and there are at present no cancellations. ─── 我们很抱歉的通知你,你所要求的班次的座位已全部订完,而目前无人取消预约。

79、Analysis on the Contents of Heavy Metal in the Eggs of Little Egret in Xiamen ─── 厦门白鹭卵的重金属含量分析

80、the common American egret; a variety of the Old World Casmerodius albus. ─── 普通美洲白鹭;东半球的变种。

81、widely distributed Old World white egret. ─── 广泛分布的东半球白鹭。

82、This cattle egret just brought in a stick and was staring at me. ─── 这只牛背鹭刚好带来一根树枝,并且正盯着我看。

83、The Breeding Behaviour and Reproductive Capacity of the Little Egret ─── 厦门白鹭自然保护区的白鹭繁殖行为和繁殖力研究

84、Egret like habitat in the lakes, marshes and moist forest, is for the birds. ─── 白鹭喜欢栖息在湖泊、沼泽地和潮湿的森林里,属涉鸟类。

85、A yellow- beaked Eastern white egret mixes with a flock of the little egrets. ─── 一只体型硕大、嘴部黄色的大白鹭,鱼目混珠在小白鹭鸶群里。

86、large egret meat ─── 大白鹭肉

87、Several Oriole in the green willow tweet merrily, his party fly egret catch-me eager for the sky with the companion. ─── 几只黄鹂在青翠的柳树上欢快地鸣叫,一行白鹭不甘寂寞随着同伴你追我赶飞上了青天。

88、Egret Island Park is a member of the party platform when the lake area of 10 hectares, is a city of new leisure, recreation, shopping centres for the city parks. ─── 白鹭洲公园是员当湖的一方台地,面积10公顷,是我市新建的一个休闲、游乐、购物为中心的城中公园。

89、In a legendary, there is an egret island where live a group of beautiful egrets and the vitality changes a lonely island into a vivacious paradise. ─── 传说在鹭江有座鹭岛,一群美丽的白鹭在此建筑家园,使荒岛变成了百花争艳,飞香走红的乐园。

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