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08-19 投稿


catalpa 发音

英:[k??t?lp?]  美:[k??t?lp?]

英:  美:

catalpa 中文意思翻译



catalpa 网络释义

n. 梓;梓属植物

catalpa 短语词组

1、Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey. ─── [医] 楸树

2、Catalpa ovata Don. ─── [医] 梓树

3、m catalpa m ─── 梓树

4、catalpa de madeira ─── 马德拉梓

5、catalpa lin ─── 梓树林

6、Catalpa bignioides ─── [网络] 梓木

7、catalpa maple ─── 梓树枫树

8、catalpa intelligent ─── 梓树智能

9、Catalpa speciosa ─── [网络] 黄金树;西美梓;梓木

10、catalpa hin ─── 梓欣

11、catalpa seven ─── 梓树七

12、catalpa static ─── 梓树静电

13、catalpa leaf ─── 梓叶

14、catalpa ocean ─── 梓属海洋

15、catalpa language ─── 加泰罗尼亚语

16、catalpa ink ─── 梓树油墨

17、catalpa qi ─── 梓气

18、genus Catalpa ─── [网络] 梓属

19、Catalpa L. ─── [医] 梓属

catalpa 词性/词形变化,catalpa变形


catalpa 相似词语短语

1、catalpas ─── n.梓;梓属植物

2、talpa ─── n.(Talpa)人名;(俄、捷)塔尔帕

3、catalo ─── n.美国野牛及畜牛的杂种;n.(Catalo)人名;(葡)卡塔洛

4、catalos ─── n.美国野牛及畜牛的杂种(catalo的变形)

5、calpa ─── 牛犊

6、catasta ─── 卡塔斯塔,

7、catalepsy ─── n.[内科]强直性昏厥;全身僵硬症;[内科]僵住症

8、catalog ─── n.[图情][计]目录;登记;vt.登记;为…编目录;vi.编目录;按确定价格收入目录(等于catalogue)

9、catapan ─── 笔记

catalpa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、”Planted the Chinese catalpa saying that looked like he such situation, in 798 artistic areas, was not rare. ─── 植梓1981年出生在广东,2004年在北京艺术设计学院毕业后,来到798,想实现自己的艺术理想,2005年,认识了怡然,开始在咖啡馆帮忙。

2、Catalpa Erubescens ─── 浅红梓(紫葳科)

3、Chinese Catalpa Resource and its Development Strategy ─── 优良乡土树种楸树种质资源及发展策略

4、Reproduction techniques of high-quality seeds in Chinese catalpa ─── 楸树良种特性及繁殖技术

5、ovate catalpa fruit ─── 梓实(中药)

6、bark of Chinese catalpa ─── 梓白皮

7、Current situation and prospect of new cultivars and fast-growing and high-yielding technique of Chinese catalpa ─── 楸树新品种及速生丰产技术研究的现状与展望

8、catalpa oil ─── 梓油

9、Catalpa Scop ─── 梓树属

10、Technology of tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of Catalpa bungei ─── 金丝楸茎段的组织培养及植株再生技术研究

11、ovate catalpa leaf ─── 梓叶

12、any of various,usually deciduous trees of the genus Catalpa,especially C. bignonioides or C. speciosa,native to the United States and having whorled,heart-shaped leaves,showy clusters of white flowers,and long,slender,cylindrical pods ─── 梓树,一种通常落叶的梓属树木,尤指比格诺滕梓属或美丽梓属,原产美国,有轮生的心形叶子、绚丽的白色花簇和细长的圆柱形豆荚

13、We didn't have a car until I was 15 and I let it roll down the hill until it came to rest at the base of a Catalpa tree. ─── 直到我11岁时家里才有了电视,但我的祖父母在那之前就有一台。当然,那是台黑白的,不过他们买了一块彩色塑料片罩在电视屏幕上。

14、hardy catalpa ─── 美国梓树

15、Vegetative propagation technique of Catalpa bungei ─── 楸树无性繁殖技术

16、farges catalpa bark ─── 泡桐木皮

17、Catalpa bungei(Wanqing number 1) ─── “皖青1号”楸树

18、"Big Catalpa Spirit" ─── "大梓牛神"

19、The wooden floor board that sells on the market at present basically has the capable person such as wood of teak, oak, Chinese catalpa wood, northeast china ash, birch qualitative. ─── 目前市场上销售的木地板主要有柚木、柞木、楸木、水曲柳、桦木等材质。

20、Chemical constituents in fruits of Catalpa ovata ─── 梓实化学成分研究

21、Gallinaceous wing wood " have write a law differently, or make, "Gallinaceous wing wood " , or make " wood of a surname catalpa " . ─── 鸡翅木”有不同的写法,或作,“鸡翅木”,或作“杞梓木”。

22、Technology of Breeding Improved Variety of Seed and Sound Seedling of Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey ─── 楸树的良种壮苗繁育技术探讨

23、Manchurian catalpa leaf ─── 楸叶

24、Catalpa bungei "Yu Qiu No.1" ─── “豫楸1号”

25、Catalpa bungei ─── 楸树

26、Catalpa mosaic virus ─── 梓树花叶病毒

27、Sowing and seedling-raising techniques of Catalpa ovata G.Don ─── 梓树的播种育苗技术

28、Catalpa L. ─── [医] 梓属

29、Keywords Catalpa Ovata G.;flavonoid;extraction; ─── 梓树;黄酮;提取;

30、Don or Catalpa bungei C. ─── Don 或楸 Catalpa bungei C.

31、Manchurian catalpa bark ─── 楸木皮

32、Catalpa tibetica ─── n. 藏楸

33、Advances in study on chemical constituents in plants of Catalpa L. ─── 梓属植物化学成分研究进展。

34、Catalpa bungei "Yu-1" ─── 豫楸1号

35、Catalpa speciosa ─── n. 黄金树

36、Foliar nectaries and glandular trichomes in Catalpa (Bignoniaceae). ─── 梓属 (紫威科) 叶上蜜腺和腺毛.

37、The categories of trees in the mountain mainly include Japanese red pine, black pine, larch, locust tree, Chinese catalpa, cypress and various fruits trees. ─── 主要树木有赤松、黑松、落叶松、刺槐、楸树、柏树及各类果树。

38、In SO2 treatment Manchurian Catalpa had the peak at 1.5 mg/m~3and Paniculed Goldraintree had the peak at 0.3 mg/m~3,they were all significant higher than CK, too. ─── SO_2处理中楸树在1.5mg/m~3时达到峰值,栾树在0.3mg/m~3处理时活性最高,均极显著高于对照。

39、The neuter wood that the course such as wood of the new annatto that grows in South America and Africa, Chinese catalpa, Ju wood handles is " Xin Muxin is done " main material. ─── 生长在南美和非洲的新红木、楸木、榉木等经过处理的中性木是“新木新做”的主要材料。

40、Growth of Yang, Hazel, Eva, oak, pine, catalpa, and other 250 kinds of woody plants. ─── 生长着杨、榛、桦、栎、松、楸等250种木本植物。

41、METHODS The content of catalpa was determined by HPLC. The contents of sugars was determined by colorimetry. ─── 方法梓醇含量的测定用HPLC,糖的测定用比色法。

42、In vitro Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Catalpa bungei var. ─── 金丝楸的离体培养和植株再生。

43、The Chinese catalpa should be with everybody hard when being revealed afterwards! ─── 以后梓露要和大家一起努力!

44、fruit of Chinese catalpa ─── 梓实

45、catalpa orata ─── 梓树

46、Definition: Catalpa Fruit is the fruit of catalpa ovata G. ─── 本品为紫薇科植物梓catalpa ovata G.

47、Lofty group hill is towering aloft the precious tree such as Chinese catalpa of fir of Korean pine, northeast china ash, cloud, yellow pineapple, walnut, linden, oak, color, Yu, birch is planted; ─── 巍巍群山耸立着红松、水曲柳、云冷杉、黄波罗、胡桃楸、椴、柞、色、榆、桦等珍贵树种;

48、The neuter wood that the course such as wood of the new annatto that grows in South America and Africa, Chinese catalpa, Ju wood handles is " Xinmuxinzun " main material. ─── 生长在南美和非洲的新红木、楸木、榉木等经过处理的中性木是“新木新作”的主要材料。

49、Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey. ─── [医] 楸树

50、English Introduction: Affect my lifetime moment! Give your courage and the strength encouraging the ambition the short film! The UK Chinese catalpa is feminine sixth. ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"影响我一生的瞬间"这个小游戏,影响我一生的瞬间!给你勇气和力量的励志短片!英梓坤第六部

51、The resistance of test trees pecies to SO2 was in order of: Bigleave Box > Paniculed Goldraintree > White Pine > Ovate Catalpa > Armand Pine > Bunge Pine > Purpus Privet > Chinese pine > Manchurian Catalpa. ─── 对SO_2的抵抗能力由强到弱依次为:黄杨、栾树、乔松、梓树、华山松、白皮松、女贞、油松、楸树。

52、Also referred to as "Yu-chu-ping," is due to the use of ancient jade piece to do in order to do catalpa wood board, "ping" that the board; ─── 又称它为“玉楸枰”,是因古代多用玉石做棋子,以楸木做棋盘,“枰”即棋盘;

53、Catalpa tree is a unique species with the advantages of ornamental Plant, environmental protection, prevention, corrosion resistance. ─── 楸树是我国特有的集观赏、环保、防护、耐腐蚀等优点于一身的树种,深受群众喜爱。

54、A beautiful catalpa tree in the small courtyard, shades an open air theatre where religious plays and pageants are given. ─── 美丽的楸树在小院,色调露天剧院宗教戏剧和选美等。

55、seedling stems of Catalpa bungei ─── 楸树苗干

56、OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of different process technics on the contents of catalpa in rehmannia root. ─── 目的:探讨不同炮制方法对地黄中梓醇含量的影响。

57、To obtain chemical constituents from the fruit of Catalpa ovata G.Don,the methods of water extraction,ethanol extraction and petroleum ether extraction were used. ─── 采用水提取法、醇提取法和石油醚提取法对梓树果实的化学成分进行了比较全面的定性实验。

58、Catalpa ovata Don. ─── [医] 梓树

59、abstract: Aim To assess effects of catalpa on spatial learning and memory dysfunction induced by scopolamine in mice. ─── 目的研究梓醇对由东莨菪碱所致小鼠空间学习记忆障碍的影响和机制。

60、Mey.The accumulation of MDA was increased significantly and the largest accumulated amount was in grafted nursery plants with Catalpa ovata Don. ─── MDA的积累都有明显增加,金丝楸嫁接苗积累最少,梓树嫁接苗和灰楸嫁接苗增加较多;

61、Catalpa bungei C. A. Meyer ─── 金丝楸


63、Landscape Characters of Catalpa bungei and Their exploitation and Application ─── 楸树的园林特性及其开发应用

64、With happily compared to, after being “80”, plants the Chinese catalpa to want the vanguard many, in 2005, he in 798 has also made the action art which kisses. ─── 最令怡然烦心的是798日益浓烈的商业气息,“总担心会重蹈美国苏荷区的覆辙,”怡然说。

65、Western Catalpa ─── 黄金树(紫葳科)

66、Waterlogged catalpa wood ─── 饱水出土梓木

67、Main tree is planted have deciduous leaf loose, birch, poplar 4 kinds, other still Chinese catalpa of pine of dragon spruce, camphor tree, northeast china ash, walnut waits for more than kinds 30. ─── 主要树种有落叶松、桦、杨4种,其他还有云杉、樟松、水曲柳、胡桃楸等30余种。

68、The rooting of cutting of Catalpa duclouxii is difficulty. ─── 滇揪扦插生根较困难。

69、My heart also seems to be what the east of Catalpa pain, after all, she is my first love ah! ─── 我的心也仿佛被什么东面楸痛,毕竟她是我的初恋啊!

70、Breeding technology and utilization of Catalpa ovata in arid and semi-arid area ─── 干旱、半干旱区梓树的繁育技术及其利用

71、Catalpa wood is used for the base, and there are two holes, one big and on small (called the "phoenix pool"and "dragon pond", respectively) to emit the sound. ─── 底板用梓木制成,开有两个一大一小的出音孔,称"凤沼"、"龙池"。

72、A thought of the illness and death, the world is ever changing, my mind has been on the chain, as the Catalpa. ─── 一想到这些生老病死,世事无常,我心里就一直楸着像上了链条。

73、Catalpa Fargesii ─── 灰楸(紫葳科), n. 灰楸

74、A Study on Seedling Culture and Afforestation Techniques of Catalpa bungei ─── 楸树育苗造林技术的研究

75、A new benzofuran in Catalpa ovata ─── 梓实中的新苯并呋喃

76、Ancient Boat wood are more a hundred years old trees, mainly Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland's wood, such as Catalpa wood. ─── 古船木都是些百年的老木,主要有铁力木、石头椎、昆甸木、楸木等。

77、ovate catalpa wood ─── 梓木

78、Study on a new variety of catalpa bungecl 'Yu-1' ─── 楸树新品种-豫楸1号研究

79、It can be concluded that the unearthed catalpa wood from Changtaiguan has been degraded heavily. ─── 研究表明,长台关出土梓木已遭受严重降解,高度腐朽。

80、Catalpa yuan the skin of 13 shoes line of business that hillock takes an assemble has professional market, the year's harvest hands in the forehead to exceed 10 billion yuan. ─── 梓元岗一带所集聚的13个鞋业皮具专业市场,年成交额超过100亿元。

81、After the event, the local people turned the well into their grave by filling it with soil.Eventually seven rare Catalpa Bungei Trees grew up around the site. ─── 嗣后,乡人以土填井掩埋,后来在井边长出七棵枝叶苍劲茂盛、奇特罕见的香花树。

82、The reaction of catalpa oil, tung oil and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene gives alkyd resin with quick-drying property. ─── 利用梓油和桐油以及带端羟基的聚丁二烯(下文简称丁羟)合成了具有快干特征的醇酸树脂。

83、Keywords Catalpa ovata G.Don;Catalposide;Vanillic acid;Sterol;Palmitic acid; ─── 梓白皮;梓苷;香草酸;甾醇;十六碳酸;

84、After getting rich of Zigong's salt merchants, they did contribution for social commonweal cause such as conducing mulberry and catalpa. ─── 摘要自贡盐商发家致富之后,曾对有益桑梓的社会公益事业作出了不可忽视的贡献。









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