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08-19 投稿


Coptic 发音

英:[?k?pt?k]  美:[?kɑpt?k]

英:  美:

Coptic 中文意思翻译



Coptic 短语词组

1、Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandri ─── 亚历山大科普特东正教教堂

2、coptic christians ─── 科普特基督徒

3、Coptic language ─── 科普语言

4、Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria ─── 亚历山大科普特东正教教堂

5、coptic christmas ─── 科普特圣诞节

6、Coptic alphabet ─── 抄写字母

7、coptic church n. ─── 埃及之土著基督教派

8、Coptic Orthodox Church in Asia ─── 亚洲科普特东正教教堂

Coptic 相似词语短语

1、coppice ─── n.矮林;小灌木林

2、Coptic ─── n.科普特语;adj.科普特的;科普特语的;科普特教会的

3、Sceptic ─── n.怀疑论者;疑虑极深的人

4、copacetic ─── adj.极好的

5、cryptic ─── adj.神秘的,含义模糊的;[动]隐藏的

6、cop it ─── 警察

7、copasetic ─── adj.极好的(等于copacetic)

8、optic ─── adj.光学的;视觉的;眼睛的;n.眼睛;镜片;n.(Optic)人名;(英)奥普蒂克

9、bioptic ─── adj.活组织检查的

Coptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Afro-Asiatic language of the Copts, which survives only as a liturgical language of the Coptic Church. ─── 科普特语科普特人的亚非语系语言,现在只用于科普特教会的礼拜仪式中

2、At least 13 people died in a sectarian row when Coptic Christians protested against the burning of a church on the outskirts of Cairo. ─── 至少13人死于了一场宗教冲突,当时因开罗郊区一所教堂被烧毁,埃及基督教徒正在进行抗议。

3、Like the rest of the zabbaleen, he is one of Egypt's Coptic Christians. ─── 像其他的拾荒者一样他也是埃及哥普教会中的一员。

4、Coptic Orthodox Church ─── 科普特正教会

5、Because of the lack of any other available means, a new pronunciation system was established for Coptic that made it sounds not as Egyptian as it should have sounded. ─── 由于缺乏任何有用的方法,一种新的发音系统要为科普特语而设立,使之读起来不像是埃及人应有的发音。

6、Revival of Coptic seemed to be a necessary tool for such a movement. ─── 科普特语的复兴似乎是这种运动的必要工具。

7、Coptic was also the spoken language of the peasants and probably the clergy. ─── 科普特语是乡下人,大概也是神职人员口头上说的语言。

8、Coptic Church ─── n. 科普特教会

9、He is an Arab who is a Coptic Christian with a Jewish wife. ─── 他生为阿拉伯人,而信仰科普特基督教,娶犹太人为妻。

10、It was felt that Greek preserved the original sound value of many of the characters in Coptic because of its close association with Coptic in its early days. ─── 由于希腊在早期的日子里与科普特人保持密切的关系,一般认为希腊也会保留大量科普特字符的原本发音。

11、The Coptic patriarch of Alexandria. ─── 科普特亚历山大总教主

12、Athanasius, St.Theophilius, and St.Cyril writing also to them in Coptic, the Golden Age of Coptic was about to begin. ─── 教父们,例如是圣亚大纳削、德欧非流士和圣奚里耳也用科普特语来写作,科普特语的黄金时期就这样开始了。

13、the Coptic Church the( ancient Christian Church of Egypt,now with members in Egypt and Ethiopia) ─── 科普特教会(古代埃及建立的基督教会,现今在埃及和埃塞俄比亚均有教徒).

14、In the last half quarter of that century the movement to revive the Coptic language intensified. ─── 在那个世纪下半叶,科普特语复兴运动在强化。

15、Coptic was written in a modified form of the Greek alphabet, with seven signs added from the Demotic script for sounds that did not occur in Greek. ─── 科普特语采用希腊字母,并增加七个借自埃及通俗文字的字母。

16、He was especially interested in foreign languages and studied Arabic and Coptic, among others. ─── 他对外语特别感兴趣,学习过包括阿拉伯语以及哥普特语在内的外语。

17、Governor La Bibo Alexander said the bombing targeted the perpetrators are all the Egyptian people, not just for the Coptic compatriots. ─── 亚历山大省省长拉比卜表示,这起爆炸事件的制造者针对都是全体埃及人民,而不是仅仅针对科普特同胞。

18、By the age of 16 he had mastered a dozen languages and had read a paper before the Grenoble Academy concerning the Coptic language. ─── 到16岁他已经掌握了12门语言,并且在格勒诺布尔学院宣读了一篇关于科普特语的论文。

19、he knew Coptic, a descendant of Egyptian; ─── 他懂得科普特语,埃及语的后裔;

20、Unique to Lancaster are three Coptic crosses in the style of the fifth century, brought to this country by the King's Own Regiment during the Abyssinian Campaign of 1868. ─── 兰卡斯特独特的收藏品是三个五世纪风格的科普特十字架。它们是由国王直属团于1868年的阿比西尼亚(现埃塞俄比亚)战役中带回的。

21、Coptic should more correctly be used to refer to the script rather than the language itself. ─── 科普特语更准确来说,应该是指文字,而不是指语言本身。

22、Another factor that affected these the dialects was the fact that the Coptic language was generally weakened by the influence of Arabic. ─── 影响这些方言的另一个因素就是,在阿拉伯语的影响下,科普特语事实上普遍被弱化了。

23、Another sign of decline was Arabic texts circulating among the monks but written in Coptic characters, as they could not still read the Arabic script. ─── 这种衰落的另一个标志就是,阿拉伯语在僧侣中间流传,但它们是用科普特字母写成,因为这些僧侣仍然不会读阿拉伯语。

24、the liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia; written in the Greek alphabet ─── 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的科普特教堂的礼拜式的语言;用希腊字母所写

25、Coptic Catholic Church ─── 科普特公教会

26、the liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia; ─── 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的科普特教堂的礼拜式的语言;

27、A member of the Coptic Church. ─── 科普特教徒科普特教会的成员

28、They printed many of the Coptic service books for the first time, as they were only extant in manuscript form. ─── 他们首次印刷了很多科普特语的祷告书,因为这是他们唯一拥有的现存形式的手稿。

29、The timing of the mounting attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt and the build-up to the referendum in South Sudan are no coincidence. ─── 在埃及越来越多对科普克基督徒的攻击和苏丹南部公投发生在这个时间并非巧合。

30、Since then, the price of greater freedom seems to have fallen disproportionately on the large Coptic Christian minority. ─── 从那以后,争取更多自由的代价似乎不成比例地落在大部分科普特基督徒少数族群身上。

31、Now Bohairic is the only surviving dialect of Coptic. ─── 现在波希利语是唯一幸存的科普特方言。

32、Original composition in Coptic became limited to liturgical hymns and prayers. ─── 起初的科普特语作品变得仅限于礼拜用的赞美诗和祷告。

33、Coptic literature ─── 科普特语文献

34、Coptic language ─── 科普特语

35、It was adapted from the prayer niches common in Coptic Christian monasteries. ─── 采自科普特公教会的修道院一般常见的神龛。

36、Coptic Christians do not observe the Muslim ban on eating pork, and historically they have coexisted peacefully with the Muslim majority in Egypt. ─── 科普特基督教徒不遵守穆斯林有关吃猪肉的禁令,历史上他们与埃及的穆斯林多数一直和平共处。

37、Overwhelming majority of the Egyptian nationals are a mixed population among 1) the ancient "Coptic" race (these a ...... ─── 请问今天的埃及国民认为他们是古埃及人的后裔,还是来自阿拉伯半岛的阿拉伯人的后裔?

38、These ancient Egyptian scripts were replaced by Coptic scripts. ─── 这些古埃及文字被科普特文字所取代。

39、language used in the Coptic Church ─── (科普特教会使用的)科普特语.

40、Because of their early start, they were successful in their efforts and nearly erased any influence that such regional dialects had on their own version of Coptic. ─── 由于他们起步得早,他们取得了一些成功的效果,在这样的地区性方言中几乎把受过他们自己版本的科普特语的任何影响都抹去了。

41、The Afro-Asiatic language of the Copts,which survives only as a liturgical language of the Coptic Church. ─── 科普特语,科普特人的亚非语系语言,现在只用于科普特教会的礼拜仪式中。

42、Of or relating to the Copts, the Coptic Church, or the Coptic language. ─── 科普特的科普特人的、科普特教会的、科普特语的或与之相关的

43、The clerical college also continued the tradition of the 19th century revival of Coptic. ─── 牧师学校也延续十九世纪的传统,复兴科普特语。

44、the liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia; written in the Greek alphabet. ─── 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的科普特教堂的礼拜式的语言;用希腊字母所写。

45、Coptic fabric is reputed to be a treasure of the ancient textile world. ─── 考普特织物属於古代世界纺织的珍品。

46、Hieroglyphs were mainly phonetic; they represented sounds, not pictures, and the underlying language was Coptic. ─── 象形文字主要是语音符号;它们代表的是声音,而不是图像,其本质上的语言是科普特语。

47、Revival of Coptic seemed to be a necessary tool for such a movement. ─── 科普特语的复兴似乎是这种运动的必要工具。

48、So Coptic language education was offered in all the schools that he built alongside the other curriculums that was needed to make a new, better, and educated generation. ─── 因此,他在路旁建立的学校都提供了科普特语的教育,其他科程也需要更新,以便更好地教育下一代。

49、Coptic Cairo (Masr al-Qadima) is the oldest part of the city, and is the original site of Roman built Babylon. ─── 是这个城市最古老的组成部分,也是罗马建立巴比伦的原始地点。

50、Less well-known is Egypt's medieval heritage, courtesy of Coptic Christianity and Islam - ancient churches, monasteries and mosques punctuate the Egyptian landscape. ─── 相对不太出名的是埃及中世纪的遗产,埃及基督教、伊斯兰教的礼数,这里古老的教堂,禅林和清真寺都是埃及的风光。

51、Also the Fathers of the Coptic Church, who usually wrote in Greek, addressed some of their works to the Egyptian monks in Coptic. ─── 科普特教会的教父们也如此,通常是用希腊语来写作,用科普特语来给埃及的僧侣称呼他们的一些作品。

52、She says there are many questions about what exactly happened on Friday, and the doubts are fueling Coptic anger. ─── 她表示对于周五确切发生了什么事情还有许多疑问,这些疑问越发激起了科普特教徒的愤怒。

53、Coptic language, traditions ─── 科普特语、 传统.

54、In 828AD Venetian merchants stole the relics of Saint Mark from a Coptic church in Alexandria and brought them home in triumph, claiming they had rescued the saint from the infidels. ─── 公元828年,威尼斯商人从亚历山大港的一个科普特教会(Copticchurch)偷出使徒圣马克(SaintMark,福音书的作者,译注)的圣骨并胜利将其带回,宣称他们将圣徒从异教徒中拯救出来。

55、Eventually, the Arabic language replaced Coptic and this cut off the linguistic link between ancient and modern Egypt. ─── 最终,阿拉伯语取代了科普特语,这切断了古埃及和现代埃及之间的语言联系。

56、This policy slowly eroded the number of Coptic lay readers who were mostly from the ranks of these government workers and their families. ─── 这种政策慢慢地腐蚀了为数众多的科普特指派领读经文的信徒,他们中的大多数人都来自这些政府的工人阶级以及他们的家庭。

57、The Coptic scholars are constantly astounded by his great writings as more and more of them are being studied and accurately published. ─── 随着研究他越来越多的作品,事实上还把他的作品公诸于世,科普特语学者都相继地对他的大量写作感到吃惊。

58、On Monday, a bus carrying Coptic students overturned about 30 km south of Cairo, killing at least 13 people and injuring 30 others. ─── 星期一,一辆载有科普特学生推翻约30公里开罗南部,造成至少13人死亡, 30人受伤。

59、International Coptic Association ─── 国际科普特教徒协会

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