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08-19 投稿


bankable 发音

英:[?b??k?bl]  美:[?b??k?bl]

英:  美:

bankable 中文意思翻译



bankable 词性/词形变化,bankable变形

名词: bankability |

bankable 短语词组

1、bankable project ─── [经] 银行肯担保的项目

2、bankable loan ─── [财]银行通常办理的贷款

3、bankable bill ─── [经] 可贴现票据, 可靠票据

4、bankable cdfi ─── 银行cdfi

5、bankable asset ─── 银行可接受的资产

6、a bankable actor ─── 可以充当

7、bankable assets ─── 银行可接受的资产

8、bankable actor ─── 可担保的行为人

9、bankable ppp ─── 可银行购买力平价

10、bankable a ─── 可存入银行的

11、bankable actors ─── 可银行化的参与者

12、bankable uk ─── 英国银行

13、bankable ppa ─── 银行批准的购电协议

bankable 相似词语短语

1、bannable ─── 可转让的

2、bookable ─── adj.(英)可预订的

3、packable ─── adj.可捆扎的;可打包的;可压紧的

4、frankable ─── 坦率的

5、makable ─── adj.可制作的;可标记的

6、maskable ─── adj.可屏蔽的

7、hackable ─── 可破解的

8、batable ─── 可打击的

9、linkable ─── 可接受的

bankable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Schwarzenegger remains one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood today commanding around US$25 million per film. ─── 施瓦辛格依然是当今好莱坞票房收入最佳的明星之一,他的片酬接近两千五百万美元。

2、bankable assets ─── 银行可承兑的资产

3、With its bankable leading man and fresh material, it may well land the award for the show of the spring. ─── 极具号召力的人物加上令人耳目一新的作品,这场展览完全可以获得春季最佳展览的殊荣。

4、Lots of suggestions were put forward, including two extremely bankable young American stars: Leonardo diCaprio and Matt Damon, along with a slightly older one, Tom Cruise. ─── 很多建议被提举出来,包括两个非常有投资收益潜力的年轻美国演员:莱昂纳多和马特达蒙,还有稍微大一点的汤姆克鲁斯。

5、The success of the movie made her one of the world's most bankable stars. ─── 这部影片的成功是她成为世界上最有身价的明星之一.

6、Meanwhile, China's overall bankable population is about 130m households, equivalent to 70 per cent of the country's urban population. ─── 与此同时,在中国,银行愿意接受的家庭总数约为1.3亿户,相当于中国城镇人口的70%。

7、Such structural information could be bankable. ─── 这种蛋白质结构的资讯是可以卖钱的。

8、The movie's success has made her one of the world's most bankable stars. ─── 这部影片的成功使她成了世界上最有身价的明星之一。

9、Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles. ─── 史温顿也因为这部影片而成为了可以保证票房收入的女演员,但她仍继续接演一些非传统而具挑战性的角色。

10、And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies. ─── 而且去看的人越多,尼古拉斯凯奇在好莱坞制片人的眼里就越能“赚钱”,这也让他可以参演更多的电影。

11、This film made him the most bankable star in Hollywood. ─── 这部电影让他一举成为了好莱坞最卖座的明星。

12、The goals claim to convert campaign slogans into bankable pledges, complete with a number and a date. ─── 联合国“千年发展目标”要求将(这些)行动口号变成可以兑现的承诺,在一个确定的日子完成一个确定的数据。

13、a bankable movie ─── 可吸引投资的电影

14、bankable paper ─── 可承兑票据, 银行票据

15、Bankers say that there is no shortage of bank credit, but a shortage of bankable propositions from the business side. ─── 银行家说,银行信贷并不匮乏,匮乏的是银行能够接受的企业提案。

16、Investment of this magnitude obviously can not rely on invigorated "bankable projects" that can only be resolved through bank loans for financing. ─── 如此规模的投资显然无法靠盘活“有收益的项目”来保证,只能通过银行贷款进行融资来解决。

17、Stone is usually on the money — and Gekko’s such a bankable monster. ─── 斯通一向擅长于描绘金钱交易 —— 而盖科是极富号召力的猛兽。

18、A further $21.5m payment will be made on completion of a bankable feasibility study or three years, whichever is earliest. ─── 公司将再多付出2150万美元,用来完成用以筹集资金的可行性研究报告,最早在3年内完成。

19、But the more you can place your own emphasis on bankable achievements, the more marketable you'll be to a broad range of employers. ─── 但是如果你能把重点放在可以兑现的工作成果上,那么你将在更广阔的买家市场中大受欢迎。

20、Work on a bankable feasibility study costing $2.7 million was expected to finish in the second quarter of 2004, the company said. ─── 该公司称,这个价值270万美元的可行性研究预计将会在2004年第二季度结束。

21、Passing up what he knew were makeable shots in order to deliver a bankable dime to a teammate. ─── 不再坚持过去他认为自己可以做到的那种投篮,相反,给队友创造更多的出手练习机会。

22、“Love him or hate him, he has a strong claim to being the most bankable star over the past twenty years. ─── 我们无法确认在未来的三十年里,阿汤哥能发保持住这个状态。

23、bankable bill ─── 可贴现票据

24、bankable funds. ─── 银行可承兑的资金

25、A bankable movie star ─── 富有票房率的电影明星

26、He's one of the few guaranteed bankable stars. ─── 他是为数不多,最有票房保证的影星之一.

27、without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest. ─── 缺乏卖座明星的电影剧本难以引起兴趣。

28、But the more you can place your own emphasis on bankable achievements, the more marketable you'll be to a broad range of employers. ─── 但是如果你能把重点放在可以兑现的工作成果上,那么你将在更广阔的买家市场中大受欢迎。

29、Who’s the Most Bankable Star in Hollywood? ─── 谁是好莱坞最强吸金高手?

30、bankable securities ─── 银行可承兑的证券

31、bankable loan ─── 银行肯担保的贷款

32、One of its foremost proponents is the country's most bankable director, Feng Xiaogang. ─── 其中最著名的拥护者是在中国最卖座的导演冯小刚。

33、Pau Gasol had 15 points and 10 rebounds, but wasn't a bankable offensive force for much of the game. Sasha Vujacic added 12 points. ─── 加索尔拿下15分,10个篮板,但更多的时候防守并不如人意。沙沙拿下12分。

34、Blizzard, the maker of World of Warcraft, is the world's most bankable games studio, according to a study. ─── 调查显示,魔兽世界的制造商--暴雪,是世界上银行最能接受的游戏工作室。

35、On Developmental Prospects of Network of Bankable Financial Setup in West Regins ─── 西部地区银行性金融机构网络化的发展前景

36、But by the exacting standards of single Chinese women, it seems, Mr. Wang lacks that bankable attribute known as real property. ─── 然而,按照中国单身女性严格的标准,王先生似乎缺少被称为不动产的有利条件。

37、bankable project ─── 银行可担保的项目

38、Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles. ─── 史温顿也因为这部影片而成为了可以保证票房收入的女演员,但她仍继续接演一些非传统而具挑战性的角色。

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