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08-19 投稿


unfortunate 发音

英:[?n'f??t?(?)n?t]  美:[?n'f?rt??n?t]

英:  美:

unfortunate 中文意思翻译

adj.不幸的; 不恰当的; 穷困潦倒的


unfortunate 短语词组

1、poor unfortunate soul ─── 可怜的不幸的灵魂

2、lucky and unfortunate ─── 幸运与不 ─── 幸

3、unfortunate spacemen wiki ─── 不幸的太空人维基

4、unfortunate synonym ─── 不幸的同义词

5、unfortunate events ─── 不幸的事件

6、poor unfortunate souls ─── 可怜的不幸的灵魂

7、more unfortunate ─── 不幸的( unfortunate的比较级 );时运 ─── 不佳的; ─── 不成功的;可叹的

8、unfortunate girl ─── 不幸的女孩

9、unfortunate names ─── 不幸的名字

10、most unfortunate ─── 不幸的( unfortunate的最高级 );时运 ─── 不佳的; ─── 不成功的;可叹的

11、unfortunate event ─── 不幸事件

12、unfortunate person ─── [网络] 不幸的人

13、Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Lemony Snicket ─── 的一系列不幸事件

14、unfortunate soul ─── 不幸的灵魂

unfortunate 同义词

inappropriate | loser | sad | cursed | accursed | forsaken | wretched | unhappy | underdog |unlucky | wretch | ill-fated | weakling | unsuccessful | calamitous | afflictive | lame duck | inauspicious | poor | disastrous | abandoned | inopportune | luckless

unfortunate 反义词


unfortunate 词性/词形变化,unfortunate变形

副词: unfortunately |名词: unfortunateness |

unfortunate 相似词语短语

1、unfortunateness ─── 不幸

2、unfortune ─── 取消调谐

3、fortunate ─── adj.幸运的;侥幸的;吉祥的;带来幸运的

4、unformulated ─── adj.未用公式表示的;未系统地阐述的

5、unfortunately ─── adv.不幸地

6、infortunately ─── 事故

7、unfortunates ─── adj.不幸的;令人遗憾的;不成功的

8、importunate ─── adj.再三要求的,纠缠不休的;无理的;坚持的;令人烦恼的

9、infortunate ─── 情报员

unfortunate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unfortunate that I know the truth? ─── 不幸的是我知道了实情?

2、But we will seperate this year, I fell so unfortunate. ─── 但是今年就要分开了,好舍不得。

3、She rattled on for hours about her past unfortunate experiences. ─── 她喋喋不休地述说她以前的不幸遭遇,一说就是几个小时。

4、He screamed in fury at the unfortunate little girl. ─── 他激怒地对这不幸的小女孩尖叫。

5、Why god gave an unfortunate destiny to such a good man? ─── 为什么上帝给这么一个好人一个不幸的命运?

6、Unfortunate is, died without a few days of burro. ─── 不幸的是,没有几天驴子就死了。

7、She described the decision as 'unfortunate'. ─── 她把这项决定说成是“令人遗憾”。

8、That unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject. ─── 他说了那句不妥的话, 暴露了自己对此事的无知.

9、Living in London he felt, was an unfortunate necessity. ─── 他觉得在伦敦生活既不幸又无奈。

10、It's unfortunate when a father and son can't relate to each other. ─── 父子之间关系不好是很不幸的.

11、KR: It is unfortunate for him, but that's racing like I said. ─── 今天对马萨来说很不幸,但就像我说的,这就是比赛。

12、Was she unhappy? Any unfortunate entanglements? ─── 她是否感到闷闷不乐?有没有那种倒霉的纠缠不清的事情?

13、He was unfortunate in losing his job. ─── 他不幸的失去他的工作。

14、The unfortunate gymnast was taken on as a new laboratory assistant. ─── 那位不幸的体操运动员被雇佣为新实验室管理员.

15、A series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket. ─── 一系列不幸事件。

16、Sympathy is welcome to the unfortunate. ─── 不幸的人容易得到同情。

17、He had great sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate . ─── 他对穷人和不幸的人怀着深深的同情。

18、Do you mean the weak or the unfortunate? ─── 你是指弱者还是指不幸者?

19、Unfortunate events have rained heavily upon us since last month. ─── 从上月起,倒霉的事接踵而来。

20、It's unfortunate that you made that mistake, but don't worry; it's not a hanging matter. ─── 你犯了那个错误是很倒霉,不过别犯愁,那不是什么大不了的事。

21、You mustn't laugh at unfortunate people; its impolite. ─── 你不可嘲笑不幸的人,那是不礼貌的。

22、It was an unfortunate way to end his career. ─── 他就这样为自己的建筑生涯划上了句号,真是令人遗憾。

23、He is unfortunate who can not bear misfortune. ─── 不幸不能忍,乃是大不幸。

24、Also notice the unfortunate use of horizontal scrollbars in all list fields. ─── 不过,注意所有的列表域遗憾地使用了水平滚动条。

25、At the in terview he made an unfortunate remark. ─── 他在面谈中说了不恰当的话。

26、He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. ─── 他不幸在最后一轮输了。

27、Apparently he had been unfortunate enough to fall victim to a gang of thugs. ─── 他显然不幸落入了一群歹徒之手。

28、He made the unfortunate mistake of promising he would quit if the budget deficit was still out of control. ─── 他犯了个愚蠢的错误,承诺说如果预算赤字还失控,他就辞职。

29、It is indeed unfortunate! ─── 那的确是不幸 啊 !

30、The receivership is the result of an unfortunate Ponzi scheme. ─── 公司遭破产接管可谓庞氏投资骗局的不幸结局。

31、Sorrowing the unfortunate of China, hundred year vicissitudes. ─── 哀吾民之不幸兮,百年沧桑。

32、Your best course of action is to forget about the whole unfortunate matter. ─── 你最好的方法是忘掉这一切不幸。

33、He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing. ─── 他有失言的倒霉本事。

34、He told us his unfortunate experiences with tears in his eyes. ─── 他泪涟涟地向我们诉说她的不幸遭遇。

35、It was unfortunate that he never took to the place. ─── 不幸,他一直不喜欢这地方。

36、Fate is God for lucky person but devil for unfortunate one. ─── 命运,对幸运的人来说,是上帝;对不幸的人来说,是魔鬼。

37、Something unfortunate was about to happen. ─── 不幸的事就要发生了。

38、All through his life, he has been poverty-stricken and unfortunate. ─── 他的一生贫困潦倒,非常蹇滞。

39、She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing. ─── 不幸的是,她总是说错话。

40、A man without an education is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived. ─── 没有受过教育的人是境况不佳的不幸牺牲品.

41、His unfortunate remarks introduced a note of bitterness into the conversation. ─── 他那不适宜的话给谈话增添一份苦涩。

42、Early in my life , I was prejudiced against living in the country by some unfortunate experiences with farm animals. ─── 由于几次不幸遭遇都与牲畜有关, 所以我幼年时对农村生活怀有偏见.

43、She was always good with the unfortunate. ─── 她对不幸的人总是很友好.

44、Classmate 1: Jack, you are unfortunate, I pity to you. ─── 同学1:杰克,你真是倒霉啊,我很同情你。。

45、It is unfortunate when a father and son can not relate to each other . ─── 不幸的是父子之间不能和睦相处。

46、One unfortunate experience prejudiced him against all lawyers. ─── 一次不幸的经历使他对所有律师产生偏见。

47、He has been unfortunate in his pursuits, and unfortunate in his family. ─── 他在事业方面很不幸,在家庭方面也很不幸。

48、This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the U.S. assigned to duty in another country. ─── 这对解释某位被分配到另一国家去工作的美国农业学家的不幸遭遇是有帮助的.

49、You mustn't ridicule unfortunate people. ─── 你不该嘲笑不幸的人。

50、Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured. ─── 从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。

51、It was an unfortunate accident. ─── 那是一次不幸的事故。

52、It is another unfortunate myth of our culture that older people are asexual. ─── 我们的文化里还有一种错误观念,就是认为上了年纪的人就不再有性欲了。

53、Therefore,any unfortunate event is grounds for a law-suit. ─── 因此,任何一件不幸的事都可以诉诸法律。

54、His indifference to future needs is unfortunate. ─── 他对未来的需要漠不关心真令人遗憾。

55、I count myself to be unfortunate. ─── 我认为我自己时运不佳.

56、She was always good with the unfortunate. ─── 她对不幸的人总是很友好。

57、He has come to explain the unfortunate affair about the insurance. ─── 他是来解释这件关于保险的不幸事件的。

58、He didn't expect to suffer such an unfortunate incident. ─── 他怎么也没想到,会突然遇到如此惨变。

59、It was unfortunate that there should be such an accident. ─── 不幸竟发生那样的意外事故。

60、He unleashed a torrent of abuse againstthe unfortunate shop assistant. ─── 他对那倒霉的店员骂不绝口.

61、He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. ─── 他不幸在最后一轮输了。

62、It was unfortunate that he couldn't speak English. ─── 可惜他不会讲英语。

63、It's unfortunate for me to work under him. ─── 在他手下干活对我来说真不幸。

64、An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup. ─── 人倒霉喝凉水都塞牙。

65、You're putting me in a most unfortunate position. ─── 你正在把我推入十分可悲的处境。

66、Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map. ─── 匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。

67、The unfortunate part about his success is that it has made him very proud. ─── 不幸的是成功使他变得很骄傲。

68、But this is not allowed, you're uninvited, an unfortunate slight. ─── 但这是不允许的,你未被邀请,真是有些不幸。

69、He was unfortunate in connecting himself with a failing business. ─── 兴每况愈下的企业有关系是他的不幸。

70、He said the continuing circumstances were unfortunate. ─── 他说那种持续性的情况真的很倒楣。

71、Does this unfortunate news augur war in the near future? ─── 这个不幸消息预示最近的将来会发生战争 吗 ?

72、The unfortunate natives were left in the lurch . ─── 倒霉的当地人就在危险时被舍弃不顾了。

73、What some other clubs do is unfortunate, but we want no part of it. ─── 其他一些俱乐部的所作所为令人遗憾,但是我们不愿介入。

74、His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm. ─── 他的不幸去世对他的商行来说是个重大损失。

75、It was an unfortunate way to end his career. ─── 他就这样为自己的建筑生涯划上了句号,真是令人遗憾.

76、He's been so unfortunate as to lose your friendship. That is irreversible? ─── 他失去你这份友谊真是不幸难道这没办法改变吗?

77、She hurled insults at the unfortunate waiter. ─── 她大骂那个倒霉的服务员.

78、I sincerely pity these unfortunate beings. ─── 我真诚地同情这些不幸的人.

79、Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people. ─── 每年我们都有慈善日来筹款帮助贫困人群。

80、He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune. ─── 不能承受不幸的就是不幸。

81、It' s unfortunate that you were ill on the day of the pop festival. ─── 太遗憾了,流行音乐会演那天你病了。

82、He did his best to comfort (to give comfort to) the unfortunate man. ─── 他尽力安慰那个不幸的人。

83、A beautiful girl has often an unfortunate life. ─── 红颜多薄命.

84、A situation, especially a bad or unfortunate one. ─── 境况,困境一种情况,尤指坏的或不幸的境况

85、He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake . ─── 他责骂这个犯了错误的人。

86、It was unfortunate that the police were put off the track by the man's seemingly excellent alibi. ─── 不幸的是,那人非常巧妙地证明自己当时不在现场,这使警方迷失了方。

87、She was unfortunate to lose her husband. ─── 她不幸失去了丈夫。

88、Unfortunate to say that my firm went under. ─── 不幸的是我公司破产了。

89、It really is desperately unfortunate that this should have happened just now. ─── 刚才竟发生这样的事儿,实在是太不合时宜了。

90、They ridiculed conceited people and were quick to help unfortunate ones. ─── 她们嘲笑自以为了不起的人,乐于帮助不幸的人。

91、By an unfortunate oversight, full instructions do not come with the product. ─── 由于一个不幸的疏忽,产品未能附上完整的说明。

92、In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. ─── 从许多方面说,这对可怜的演员们都是不幸的,这要求他们夜复一夜地重复相同的台词。

93、She described the decision as 'unfortunate'. ─── 她把这项决定说成是“令人遗憾”。

94、It was unfortunate for Davey that his teacher did not take kindly to him. ─── 戴维真倒霉,老师不喜欢他。

95、Or, in the case of one team of salvage experts, unfortunate enough. ─── 但是对于一队打捞专家来说却是交上恶运的开始。

96、It's insensitive to laugh at unfortunate people. ─── 嘲笑不幸的人是麻木不仁的行为。

97、He came at an unfortunate time. ─── 他来得不是时候。

98、How unfortunate that I should have failed in the exam! ─── 多不幸,我考试没及格!

99、His inaptitude for the job is very unfortunate. ─── 非常遗憾他对此工作无法胜任.

100、His anger descended on the unfortunate boy. ─── 他对那个倒霉的男孩大发脾气。

101、Don't laugh at unfortunate people. ─── 不要嘲笑不幸的人。

102、An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup. ─── 不幸的人掉在茶杯里也会淹死。

103、He is a poor, unfortunate man with no home or family. ─── 他是个不幸的穷人,无家无室。

104、He's a natural with any kind of engine but he has an unfortunate yen for speed. ─── 他天生对各种发动机就非常在行,但却过分追求速度。

105、A miserable, unfortunate, or unhappy person. ─── 可怜的人,倒霉蛋悲惨的、不幸的或不幸福的人

106、She couldn't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance. ─── 戴夫糟糕的表演结束后,她忍不住想挖苦他一番。

107、He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake. ─── 他对着这个犯了错误的可怜人大声叫骂.

108、That's a rather unfortunate name. ─── 多么不适宜的名字。

109、You mustn't ridicule unfortunate people. ─── 你不该嘲笑不幸的人.

110、They have tried to reach out to these unfortunate people. ─── 他们已尽力向那些不幸的人们伸出援助之手。

111、Through some unfortunate accident, the information reached me a day late. ─── 由于发生了不幸的意外,我知道消息的时候已经晚了一天。

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