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08-19 投稿


counteracting 发音

英:[?ka?nt?r??kt??]  美:[?ka?nt?r??kt??]

英:  美:

counteracting 中文意思翻译



counteracting 词性/词形变化,counteracting变形

名词: counteraction |副词: counteractively |形容词: counteractive |动词现在分词: counteracting |动词过去式: counteracted |动词第三人称单数: counteracts |动词过去分词: counteracted |

counteracting 短语词组

1、counteracting difficulties ─── 克服困难

2、counteracting anemia ─── 抗贫血

3、counteracting bias ─── 抵消偏差

4、counteracting force ─── 抵销力量反作用力

5、counteracting nausea ─── 抗恶心

6、counteracting lsd ─── 抗迷幻药

7、counteracting disk ─── 抵消盘

8、counteracting problem ─── 反问题

counteracting 相似词语短语

1、counterarguing ─── 反驳。

2、counterfeiting ─── n.伪造;佯装;v.伪造;佯装(counterfeit的现在分词)

3、counteractant ─── adj.抵抗的;反对的;n.冲消剂

4、counteraction ─── n.中和;反对的行动;抵抗;反动

5、countermarching ─── n.后退;反转;背面行进;vi.向反方向前进;vt.向反方向前进;使…向后行进

6、countermanding ─── v.取消,撤消;下反对命令召回;宣布(选举)无效;n.取消;反对命令

7、counteractive ─── adj.反作用的;抵抗的;反对的;n.反作用;抵抗,对抗;反对

8、counteractingly ─── 反作用地

9、counterraiding ─── 反击

counteracting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To counterbalance or counteract the effect of;render ineffective. ─── 使无效平衡或消除...作用;致使无效

2、Sound-cancelling works by analysing any unwanted frequencies and then producing counteracting ones. ─── 声音消除系统通过对人们不希望听到的声音频率进行分析,制造出中和声。

3、It takes time for the incoming radiation from the sun to counteract the rate that the ground is losing heat. ─── 它需要时间让刚刚来自太阳的辐射去抵消掉地面流失的热量。

4、This helps to counteract the tendency for colours to darken when baked, and keeps the finished clay piece vibrant. ─── 因为烘烤后颜色一般会比烘烤前深,加入这些可以抵消一些这样的差异。

5、An air straightener should be placed down stream from propeller to counteract circular air motion in the tube. ─── 一种气体直线流动器应该使气流从推进器的反作用中使气体的活动在管内循环。

6、They have great potential, they have many resources that Valencia couldn't counteract. ─── 他们有很优秀的潜能,他们有瓦伦西亚不能比拟的资源。

7、Tui si means counteracting one's weaknesses which is a very typical thought of old Chinese scholars. ─── “退思”是取“补过”之意,它是古代文人的一种典型想法。

8、All unit SUS304 and axletree also, well organized system assure all machine enable to counteract canker and no leak. ─── 全不锈钢架构、定制之不锈钢轴承座,严密的密封措施,确保机台耐腐蚀、无侧漏。

9、Sartorelli.It is also attractive to speculate that AMPK and SIRT1 may prove to be rational targets for counteracting the devastating effects of muscle wasting. ─── 另外,一个具有吸引力的推测是,AMPK 和SIRT1可能被证明是用制止肌肉萎缩的破坏性效应的合理靶标。

10、To counteract the effect of(a drug or toxin). ─── 使无效消除(药物或毒素)的作用

11、Britney Spears has never been shy about her love for junk food and engages in all kinds of behaviour to counteract her taste for Taco Bell. ─── 布兰妮从未掩饰过她对垃圾食品的喜爱以及用各种办法来消耗掉她吃的塔克贝尔(墨西哥煎玉米卷)。

12、Applied liquid antacid is best, can counteract hydrochloric acid in gastric juice not only, still can counteract the acidity liquid on esophagus. ─── 应用液体抗酸剂为最好,不仅能中和胃酸,还能中和食管上的酸性液体。

13、Information meters can't stop thievery or hacking, but meters can counteract the effects of lazy mooching and the natural human desire to share. ─── 信息计量表虽然拦不住贼偷或者黑客,但是却可以抵消掉那些坐享其成以及人类天生的分享欲望。

14、The doctor gave him some medicine to counteract the effect of the poison. ─── 医生给他些药解毒。

15、A system in equilibrium that is subjected to a stress will react in a way that tends to counteract the stress. ─── 当体系达到平衡后,如果改变体系的平衡条件之一(如:温度、压力、浓度等),平衡就向着减弱这个改变的方向移动。

16、We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling. ─── 我们应该努力消除目前的这股反政府情绪。

17、In traditional Moroccan medicine, Argan oil is used for the care of the body and face to counteract the effects of age or weather. ─── 在传统的摩洛哥医药中,阿甘油用于护理身体和面部来消除岁月或环境所带来的负面影响。

18、Yet it may also be that editors and referees are aware of this risk, and succeed in counteracting it. ─── 然而,编辑和审稿人也许意识到了这一风险,并在成功杜绝这种现象的发生。

19、The experimental results demonstrate that the DPA-resistant standard cell library can counteract DPA attacks effectively. ─── 实验结果表明,这种标准单元库能够很好地起到防DPA攻击的作用。

20、The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance. ─── 丁坝降低对减少一些对主槽不利的侵蚀是一项比较可取的措施。

21、They will counteract the effects of his bad influence. ─── 他们要清除他的不良影响。

22、And a bigger equity cushion should help to reduce the cost of debt by counteracting fears that debtholders are too exposed to losses. ─── 更多的资金缓冲会有助于通过抵消债权人对于损失过多的担忧来降低举债成本。

23、Each region would act only in its own interest without any coordination, counteracting the efforts of the others. ─── 各顾各,相互打架,相互拆台,统一不起来。

24、Alas! I hadn't skill to counteract the effect his account had produced. ─── 唉!我却没有本事把他的话所产生的效果取消。

25、If there are no counteracting effects, the concentrations throughout the mixture tend to become the same. ─── 如果没有中和的作用,那么整个混合物的浓度会趋向一致。

26、To counteract these problems, Beijing ordered central planning and control tightened again. ─── 为了解决这些难题北京下令重新加强中央计划控制。

27、Retailers are also trying make shopping seem fun and exciting to counteract the economic gloom. ─── 为了缓和经济萧条的气氛,零售商们还努力想让购物显得趣味盎然。

28、We proposed a dynamic counteracting method by means of the pneumatic spring to counteract on the centrifugal force. ─── 为了消除这种影响,本文提出了一种使用空气弹簧来抵消离心力影响的动态补偿方法。

29、One way to counteract hard water is by using a water softener. ─── 中和硬水的方法是使用软水剂。

30、Don't count on them to thrive on the extra CO2 and counteract the greenhouse effect, though. ─── 不过,别指望这些绿色植物会因多出的CO2而长得更繁盛,甚至奢望它们可以抵消温室效应。

31、Gemmell said: "An anaesthetic can slow the heart rate and we can give patients drugs to counteract that, which could be regarded as resuscitation. ─── 基梅尔说,“麻醉会降低心率,我们可以给病人用药来抵消麻醉的作用,这也可以看作是一种复苏。”

32、They launched a campaign to counteract the influence of the extremists. ─── 他们发起了一项活动来抵消极端分子的影响。

33、He ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list. ─── 他命令把左弦上所有的大炮移到右舷以抵消船的倾斜。

34、To the users, both detector and responder play the same important role in counteracting network-based intrusion. ─── 对用户来说,网络安全体系中检测者和响应者同样重要。

35、Her moral communications with him had never been sufficiently intimate to counteract the effect. ─── 她和他又从来没有足够的道义接触来抵消这种作用。

36、This belief acts as a counteracting force, neutralizing the automatic association mechanism. ─── 对于自动联想系统来说,这个信念就是反作用力,能中和一下。

37、However, L-trp results in neither repression nor derepression in the mutant, but it can counteract the activity of CXM or IPA. ─── 对CXM抗性变株,CXM与IPA均表现为去阻遏作用,L-trp不具阻遏作用,但可抵消CXM和IPA的去阻遏作用。

38、International marketing offers a way to counteract aggressive competition from foreign competitors at home. ─── 国际营销提供了一种方式来对抗外国竞争者在国内咄咄逼人的竞争。

39、Energy policy could also play an important role in counteracting both depression and deflation. ─── 在抗击萧条和通缩的过程上,能源政策也可以发挥重要作用。

40、Medicine To counteract the effect of (a drug or toxin). ─── 使无效:消除(药物或毒素)的作用

41、He now bore off to the right to counteract the possible deviation from his true course. ─── 为了修正对正确路线的偏离,现在,他要朝右开始他那一摇一晃的行程了。

42、A more experienced fighter seizes the initiative, prevents his enemy from counteracting, and, eventually, finishes him off. ─── 更有经验的战士可以抓住主动权,牵着敌人的鼻子走,并最终将其消灭。

43、It would be easy to blame our defensive frailties, but what did the six players in front of the back four do to counteract those weaknesses? ─── 也许后卫很容易就成为了被批判的对象,但四个后卫前面的其他六个人对于我们的弱势又做了哪些贡献哪?

44、To act as a counteracting force,influence,or weight to; counterpoise. ─── 作为一种平衡力、影响或重量;平衡。

45、You should coordinate with each other, not counteract each other rs efforts. ─── 你们俩要相互照应,不要相互拆台。

46、To counteract or try to counteract the effect of an indoctrination, especially a religious or cult indoctrination. ─── 反思想侵蚀:抵消(或尽力抵消)思想灌输(尤其指宗教或教派的思想灌输)

47、The Beiyang Group grows-up Beiyang Warlord, develops a counteracting force from a force with some progress during a long time, and this accords with historical dialectic. ─── 北洋集团发展演变为北洋军阀,由一种具有某种进步性的势力发展为反动势力,经历了一个较长时间的过程,是符合历史的辩证法的。

48、Its legendary balance was achieved through a number of devices employed to counteract certain peculiarities of human vision. ─── 它运用了多种设计来抵消人类特殊的视觉偏差,从而达到令人惊叹的均衡。

49、The only way to counteract this tendency is to be competently prepared when you are in a position to do so. ─── 对抗这个趋势的惟一方法,就是当你在能够这麽做的情况下,就要完全地准备妥当。

50、As it turns out, that's good, because both laughter and crying can ease a stressful experience, probably by counteracting the effects of cortisol and adrenaline. ─── 情绪可以爆发出来是件好事,因为不管是欢笑还是哭泣,都能抵消皮质醇和肾上腺素的影响,缓解压力。

51、Energy policy could also play an important role in counteracting both depression and deflation. ─── 在抗击萧条和通缩的过程上,能源政策也可以发挥重要作用。

52、But he notes that there are counteracting forces as well. ─── 但是他也指出还有一些抵消因素。

53、The pancreas then produces more insulin to counteract these negative effects, ”Associate Professor Watt said. ─── 因此胰脏就需要分泌更多的胰岛素来抵消这些不良反应。

54、Third it causes in the circumfluence effect of duality finance structure and region finance to counteract the validity of money policy. ─── ( 3 )导致二元金融结构与区域金融的回流效应对货币政策有效性的冲销。

55、The outside structure feature is that the cylinder body is set several exhaust 360 degree symmetrically holes to counteracting the radial direction friction of the main shaft. ─── 外结构特点在于气缸体设有几个360度对称的排气孔,抵消了主轴的径向摩擦力,工作部件少和气缸体之间没有摩擦,降低了噪音,根除了机件的摩擦力。

56、Opposition is present and you should be prepared to counteract it as best you can. ─── 反对意见也有肯多,最好能尽力消除它们。

57、Five minutes of Sarvangasana should be sufficient to counteract the problem of blood stagnation in the lower part o the body. ─── 5分钟的肩肘倒立体式练习,将足以抵消因血液循环停滞在下半身所产生的问题。

58、For example, FGD, the counteract of acidic waste water, the dealing of industrial waste water for nickel, chromium and lead. ─── 例如:烟气脱硫,酸性废水的中和,处理含镍、铬、铅的工业废水。

59、We must store the necessary for live and material for counteract earthquake. ─── 我们必须储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资。

60、To act as a counteracting force, influence, or weight to; counterpoise. ─── 使平衡作为一种平衡力、影响或重量;平衡

61、This indicates there is a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem," says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group. ─── 这表明,在应对这一问题上存在切实的个人责任。”巴纳集团总编罗克珊·斯通说道。

62、The doctor said this medicine could counteract his high blood pressure. ─── 医生说这种药能遏制他的高血压。

63、To temporarily counteract weight gain our laser therapists treat energy points which speed up your metabolism and suppress appetite. ─── 为了临时阻止体重增加,速克的激光治疗人员会通过照射能量点来加速新陈代谢并且抑制食欲。

64、Our work calls for mutual support. We shouldn't counteract each other's efforts. ─── 工作要互相支持,不要互相拆台。

65、Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage. ─── 反间谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人间谍活动而进行的间谍活动

66、What sentence could you say to yourself to counteract the put down message? ─── 去抵消那些贬低你的信息,你会对自己说什么?

67、A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control. ─── (自动控制的)超驰,超驰控制装置用于抵消自动控制的装置或系统

68、A specialist"polishing Instrument" is a recommended purchase to counteract tarnishing. ─── 建议阁下购买专业的“擦亮工具”,擦去暗斑;

69、Mungo's tried to discover what potions he had been given and how to counteract them. ─── Mungo来的医生想要查出他到底是中了哪些魔药,如何处理这些。

70、Drawing inference from these three rules, having children rote recite the old Classics is counteracting to them all. ─── 如果依照这三原则去推论,是不可以教儿童读经的。

71、Interference of dual sources is an effective means of counteracting Passive Radar Seeker (PRS). ─── 两点源干扰是干扰雷达导引头的重要手段。

72、The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance. ─── 丁坝降低对减少一些对主槽不利的侵蚀是一项比较可取的措施。

73、In addition,Yifusheng could also counteract the increase of blood sugar in hyperglycemia rabbi... ─── 另外,胰复生能对抗肾上腺素诱发的家兔血糖升高。

74、If the shock position cannot be used, a warm covering helps to counteract the effect of shock. ─── 如果无法让伤者采取休克时的姿势躺下,可以通过保温来减轻疼痛。

75、The rate of melting ice at the North and South Poles - which totals 382 billion tons of ice a year - is counteracting the 'slimming' effect. ─── 每年,北极和南极的冰川都在加速融化,并且达到了3820亿吨,这些融水都使得地球的“腰围”不减反增。

76、As a practical matter, he says, Washington must counteract the damage from America's trade policies more than it has in the past. ─── 他说,在实务上,华府比过去更必须抵销美国贸易政策带来的损害。

77、"I like the idea of shutting down commerce and the city to counteract Bush's economic motives for this war," said Eric Anholt, 19. ─── 19岁的eric Anholt说,"我认为这种想法很好,把城市的商业瘫痪,来抵消布什的战争刺激经济的动机。

78、that the European Central Bank was partly counteracting the trend, by buying bonds as part of its emergency program to support the market. ─── 商人们认为欧州中央银行正通过购买证券作为的应急方法来维持市场来局部的控制这种势头。

79、The function of the counteracting bearing at the outer web is for safety. This bearing will not have any forces during normal operations. ─── 外翼板处反力支撑仅仅起安全保证作用,一般操作时不受力。

80、Nourishing skin and retaining water, counteracting free radicel and oxidation, preventing the hurt from circumstance and making skin stretch and healthy. ─── 为肌肤带来持久的活力和湿润,舒缓、改善肌肤纹理,抗氧化,防止衰老和外界有害物质的侵袭,平滑肌肤,赋予肌肤活力及健康光彩。

81、BTHP can block the outward potassium current of Kv1.2, which is one the of mechanisms for its counteracting arrhythmia. ─── BTHP能够阻滞Kv1.2通道的外向钾电流,这是其抗心律失常作用的分子机制之一。

82、For a good bond, an adhesive must counteract the effect of surface roughness and boundary layers. ─── 为了取得很好的粘结,粘结剂必须能克服表面粗糙和边界层的反应。

83、Adopt Diligence to counteract laziness, and tolerance as well as self-discipline as antidotes of lack of resolution and unyielding spirit. ─── 因为懒惰习气的缘故,我们必须精进;因为缺乏决心与刚毅的精神,所以我们需要忍耐与自制。

84、One key to counteracting the devastating effects experienced by patients is detecting the disease early, and another feat by Holtzman, with Randall J. ─── 及早发现是防止阿兹海默症病情恶化的关键。

85、When the thickness is near the critical value, the profile curve of rotor end should be rotated slightly to counteract the error accumulation. ─── 当法向齿厚处于临界值时,可以采用空间环形走刀,但需对端面型线作出一定角度的旋转以抵消误差积累;

86、How do you optimally balance a thousand counteracting variables in a complex problem? ─── 如何最有效地平衡复杂问题中的一千种对抗的变数?

87、But if your centre back is at sixes and sevens, there is little the rest of the squad can do to counteract that. ─── 但是如果你的中后卫有六,七个之多,那剩下的阵容恐怕很难抵消这一点。

88、Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. ─── 人工技术:用于模仿,补充,改变或抵消自然物品的人工尝试。

89、To partially or completely eliminate or counteract the polarization of. ─── 去极(化),退极(化)部分或完全地消除极性

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