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unprincipled 发音

英:[?n'pr?ns?p(?)ld]  美:[?n'pr?ns?pld]

英:  美:

unprincipled 中文意思翻译



unprincipled 网络释义

adj. 无原则的;不道德的,不正直的;不合人道的

unprincipled 反义词


unprincipled 词性/词形变化,unprincipled变形

名词: unprincipledness |

unprincipled 同义词

fraudulent | corrupt | unscrupulous | amoral |dishonest | criminal | cheating | unethical | rotten | black | wrong | dishonourable | crooked | abandoned | deceitful | immoral | discreditable | dishonorable | devious

unprincipled 短语词组

1、unprincipled one ─── 无原则的

2、unprincipled rogue ─── 无原则的流氓

3、conscienceless unprincipled ─── 无良心 ─── 无原则

4、unprincipled clue ─── 无原则的线索

5、unprincipled def ─── 无原则的定义

6、unprincipled syn ─── 无原则syn

7、unprincipled men ─── 无原则的人

8、unprincipled meaning ─── 无原则意义

unprincipled 相似词语短语

1、principled ─── adj.有原则的;有操守的

2、on principle ─── 根据原则

3、principle ─── n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉

4、principe ─── n.普林西比岛(西非岛国圣多美和普林西比的一个组成部分)

5、high-principled ─── adj.操守高洁的,原则坚定的

6、principes ─── 原理

7、in principle ─── 大体上,原则上

8、principles ─── n.原则;法则;信念(principle的复数);本源;v.向…灌输原则(principle的第三人称单数形式)

9、unprincipledness ─── 不讲原则

unprincipled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an unprincipled dispute ─── 无原则纠纷

2、unprincipled peace;maintain unprincipled good terms ─── 一团和气

3、A thoroughly unprincipled person; a scoundrel. ─── 毫无原则的人;恶棍

4、In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime . ─── 在以后的几年里,他那放荡不羁的老婆把他的生活搅了个一塌糊涂。

5、(smiles) my white hair is Director Chen Musheng and art director Mr./Mrs.Xi Zhongwen designs for me, because develops the unprincipled person, I thought that the white hair is coolest. ─── (笑)我的白发是陈木胜导演和美术指导奚仲文老师给我设计的,因为演坏人,我觉得白头发最酷。

6、4.As for subjective criticism, loose and groundless talk or suspiciousness, such practices inside the Party often breed unprincipled disputes and undermine the Party organization. ─── 至于党内的主观主义的批评,不要证据的乱说,或互相猜忌,往往酿成党内的无原则纠纷,破坏党的组织。

7、2. No one should fawn on his superiors or be obedient and "loyal" to them in an unprincipled way. ─── 下级也不应当对上级阿谀奉承,无原则地服从,“尽忠”。收藏指正

8、No one should fawn on his superiors or be obedient and "loyal" to them in an unprincipled way. ─── 下级也不应当对上级阿谀奉承,无原则地服从,“尽忠”。

9、In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime ─── 在以后的几年里,他那放荡不羁的老婆把他的生活搅了一个一踏糊涂。

10、Xing Shanhu feels he discovered a new world: Novel creation principle is unprincipled, airy foundation does not have a foundation namely. ─── 刑山虎觉得自己发现了一个新奇的世界:小说创作原则就是无原则,幻想基础就是无基础。

11、Superstar: A Mobile China Town is a benevolent virus that releases unknown energy in between unprincipled changes and principled steadiness. ─── “超级明星----未来中国城”在不妥协地改变与固守原则的保守中爆发出未知的能量。

12、She was unprincipled ─── 她是不讲原则的。

13、be partial to and side with; give unprincipled protection to ─── 偏袒

14、17 Therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, be on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability. ─── 所以,亲爱的诸位,你们既预先知道了这些事,就应该提防,免得为不法之徒的错谬所诱惑,而由自己的坚固立场跌下来。

15、The rejection of absolutism implicit in our constitutional structure may sometimes make our politics seem unprincipled. ─── 宪法结构中固有的对专制主义的抑制,在有些时候可能使我们的政治显得缺乏原则。

16、He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes ─── 他从不介入无原则的争端。

17、An unprincipled, ruthless person. ─── 凶暴的人蛮横无礼的、凶残的人

18、He is unprincipled, swindling the widow and her fatherless son. ─── 他这个人很卑鄙,欺负人家孤儿寡母。

19、an unprincipled fellow; a lawless man ─── 不法之徒

20、He is totally unprincipled in money matters; you can't trust him. ─── 他在金钱方面根本不讲道德,你不能相信他。

21、Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians . ─── 法律的改变由那些无原则的政客们施加不正当的压力,在国会上强行通过了。

22、unprincipled disputes ─── 无原则的纠纷

23、But just so-called “when the poor festival is sees”, meets this crisis, the good person unprincipled person is clear immediately, this has not had is not a best education! ─── 但正所谓“时穷节乃见”,遇此危机,好人坏人马上见分晓,这未尝不是一个最好的教育!

24、(smiles) my white hair is Director Chen Musheng and art director teacher designs for me, because develops the unprincipled person, I thought that the white hair is coolest. ─── 我记得有一次拍她的戏,但是要我和她对戏,我带着大墨镜,看着挺吓人的。我当时想逗逗她,所以带着墨镜走到她面前,一摘下,就来一个斗鸡眼。

25、When she discovered when “Lin Jiahua” is the unprincipled person, she has revolted, but submits in the enticement, continues to receive “Lin Jiahua” to organize. ─── 当她发现“林家华”是坏人时,她反抗过,但屈服于诱惑,继续受“林家华”摆布。

26、This hero is upholds justly, subdues the unprincipled person is his onlyobjective. ─── 这位英雄是主持正义的,制伏坏人是他的惟一宗旨。

27、to be unprincipled , unscrupulous rogues. ─── 无原则的迁就对他有害。

28、We checked at thefreedictionary. com and found the first definition as "an unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person. " ─── 我们到thefreedictionary.com网站查了查,第一个定义是“目无法纪、欺诈成性且靠不住的人”。

29、Lacking integrity; unprincipled. ─── 不正直的,不道德的

30、"Compromise and competition" doesn't mean unprincipled compromise, but contains an affirmation of "competition", for it admits a co-existence and co-function of varieties of ideas and theories. ─── “和诤”不是无原则的调和,其中体现着对“争”的肯定,它承认各种思想理论的并存并行。

31、unprincipled praise ─── 无原则的捧场

32、unprincipled politician ─── 无原则的政客

33、an unprincipled rogue ─── 无耻的恶棍.

34、unprincipled course of action ─── 无道

35、Dyed this hair I to think that developed the unprincipled person how that to have the feeling, from the entire modelling, from own performance, was very free. ─── 染了这个头发我觉得演坏人怎么那么有感觉啊,从整个造型,从自己的表演上,很自由。

36、He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes. ─── 他从不介入无原则的争端。

37、If we look then only at what is peculiar to our age or characteristic of our age, we see hardly more than the interplay of mass taste with high-grade but strictly speaking unprincipled efficiency. ─── 只需留心一下我们这个时代的独特性质,我们几乎只能看到一些雅俗不分、龙混杂的大杂烩,但在严格意义上说,都是一些没有道德原则的东西。

38、unprincipled compromise ─── 无原则妥协

39、unprincipled behavior. ─── 没有道德顾忌的举动

40、not exactly unprincipled, but nonprincipled ─── 并非完全不道德的,而是与道德无关的

41、an unprincipled person ─── 肆无忌惮的人

42、Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians ─── 法律的改变由那些无原则的政客们施加不正当的压力,在国会上强行通过了。

43、Comprehensive, too, can mean unprincipled inclusiveness, the inclusiveness of the syllabus or the anthology. ─── 理解力也可能意味着无原则的包容,教学大纲和文集式的包容。

44、He looked me right in the eye and shouted back, "George Bush is an unprincipled, lying piece of trash too! " ─── 他看着我的双眼大声地回应,“乔治。布什也是个无原则,撒谎的混账!”

45、When we speak of unity, we do not mean unprincipled peace ─── 我们所说的团结,并非一团和气。

46、a conscienceless villain; brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless; an unconscionable liar. ─── 丧尽天良的歹徒;粗鲁、无耻、不道德的;无耻的说谎者。

47、Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him. ─── 无原则的迁就对他有害。

48、unprincipled; base ─── 品质恶劣

49、43. Without this basis there can be no united front, and in that case co-operation would become unprincipled and a manifestation of capitulationism. ─── 离开了这个基础,就没有任何的统一战线,这样的合作就变成无原则的行动,就是投降主义的表现了。

50、Unprincipled concessions in diplomacy led to a crushing failure in real politics. Isn't the lesson profound enough? ─── 外交上无原则的让步导致政治上一场毁灭性的失败。这个教训不够深刻吗?

51、It seems like that the unprincipled person said that the environment causes him to go bad is only an excuse, he is the unprincipled person originally. ─── 看来,坏人说环境使他变坏只是借口,他原本就是坏人。

52、freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny - A.E.Stevenson. ─── 避免粗鄙的不道德的中伤-A.E.史蒂文森。

53、The Unprincipled Affair of the Practical Joker ─── 恶作剧事件

54、An unprincipled, ungentlemanly man. ─── 卑贱的人不道德的,无教养的人

55、They cling to the unprincipled safe middle of every issue. ─── 他们对任何事情都严守不讲道德以求保险的折中立场。

56、It is a market where people can be very unprincipled and unpleasant. ─── 在这个市场人们可能很缺乏原则也很不友好。

57、An unprincipled, crafty fellow. ─── 恶棍不道德的狡猾的人

58、His vote is of no more worththan that of any unprincipled foreigner or hireling native, who mayhave been bought. ─── 我一刻也不觉得自己是被囚禁着。

59、not get involved in unprincipled disputes ─── 不介入无原则争论

60、We must build a centralized, unified Party and make a clean sweep of all unprincipled factional struggles ─── 我们一定要建设一个集中的统一的党,一切无原则的派别斗争,都要清

61、When we began to enact the rules a child, we should tell ourselves: children need boundaries, adults also need to, as unprincipled tolerance and unprincipled patience, may make things go astray. ─── 当我们开始给孩子立规矩的时候,我们应该告诉自己:孩子需要界限,大人也需要,因为无原则的宽容和无原则的耐心,可能会使事情走入歧途。

62、The unprincipled person played gongs and drums has become each collection high tide nearly. ─── 坏人闹场几乎成了每集的高潮。

63、unprincipled accommodation ─── 无原则的迁就

64、These years, our village well is frequently bad, unprincipled people obtain the neighbor village to pull the water, for this reason, the neighbor villagers have the opinion very much. ─── 那些年,我们村的井经常坏,一坏人们就得到邻近的村子拉水,为此,邻近的村民很有意见。

65、She quivered with indignation at the account of the conduct of the miserable Rawdon and the unprincipled Steyne ─── 她听到可恶的罗登和无耻的斯丹恩干这种坏事,气得周身发抖。

66、The false woman is very bold on the net, will be unprincipled, "she "can not learn that kind of instinctive one of real woman implicitly and shily. ─── 假女人在网上很大胆,会肆无忌惮,“她”学不会真女人那种本能的含蓄和羞性。

67、principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency; a principled person. ─── 道德实用主义和不道德的利己主义;一个有原则的人。

68、5.a conscienceless villain; brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless; an unconscionable liar. ─── 丧尽天良的歹徒;粗鲁、无耻、不道德的;无耻的说谎者。

69、2. [Abstract art is] a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. ─── 抽象艺术是无能的人的作品,然后被无良的人卖给无知的人。

70、My power was added unprincipled emotional, "help", "return" greedy grab, and I have been bogged down in the mire of evil, the ultimate Unable to pull themselves. ─── 我的权力被加进了无原则的情感,对“帮忙”后的“回报”贪婪攫取,使我在罪恶的泥潭里越陷越深,最终不能自拔。

71、There has the good person and the unprincipled person. Should not be too extreme. ─── 世界上最多人喜欢的两种花:"有钱花"和"随便花"

72、That kind of craving put any seeker at a disadvantage if the teacher was unprincipled enough. ─── 如果导师的品德不够高尚的话,这种渴望会将知识的追求者处在不利的位置上。

73、In Sian we have corrected the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation in our relations with the Kuomintang and have developed the mass struggle anew. ─── 在绵阳,纠正了两党关系上的无原则倾向(迁就倾向),重新开展了群众斗争。

74、an unprincipled, dim-witted ruler ─── 无道昏君

75、An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal. ─── 无赖,流氓,恶棍:不讲道德、欺诈和不可靠的人;赖皮或流氓

76、2.a reckless and unprincipled reprobate. ─── 不计后果且不讲道德的流氓。

77、How good is he, this Mozart? -He's remarkable. -He's an unprincipled, spoiled, conceited brat! ─── 这个莫扎特有多好啊?他很引人注目.他是一个肆无忌惮,被宠坏,而自负的家伙!

78、I believe that all politicians are unprincipled crooks and I still believe that they are better than the alternative. ─── 我相信所有政客都是无耻的骗子;我还相信如果不止两个政党可能会更好;

79、brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless; ─── 粗鲁、无耻、不道德的;

80、The semblance looked that I am an unprincipled person, but knew that I the person knew I do not go bad !!! ─── 外表看我是个烂仔可是认识我的人就知道我不坏!!!

81、maybe you can fool these people, but I know who you are. you are a selfish ,unprincipled liar! ─── 或许你能够骗骗这些人。但是我知道你是哪种人!你这个自私的,不讲原则的骗子!

82、unprincipled behaviour ─── 不道德的行为

83、unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him ─── 无原则的迁就对他有害。

84、" We must not advocate the death penalty for refusing to rely on the weak and corrupt, but much less corrupt than those lighter sentence, is no doubt a weak and the unprincipled. ─── 我们虽不主张一定要靠死刑来拒绝软弱,但贪得多比贪得少者量刑更轻,无疑就是一种无原则的软弱了。

85、Some bold, unprincipled, ignorant adventurer was found ─── 一个粗暴卤莽,无所不为,愚昧无知的冒险家被选中了。

86、Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. ─── 恶人政治由最不合格或最不讲道德的公民进行的管理。

87、Compares the youth pretty idol play, this play not too many emotional disputes, also does not have too many contradictory conflicts, is also bad so including the unprincipled person purely. ─── 相比青春靓丽的偶像剧,这部戏没有太多的感情纠葛,也没有太多的矛盾冲突,连坏人也坏得那么单纯。

88、Develops unprincipled person's words, always bullies others inside the movie, particularly big villain. ─── 演坏人的话,在电影里边老欺负别人,尤其是大反派。

89、If you really want the U. S. to ease tension on the Korean peninsula should not be unprincipled partial to South Korea. ─── 美国如果真心希望缓和朝鲜半岛紧张局势,就不应该无原则地袒护韩国。

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