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deodorizer 发音

英:[di?'??d?ra?z?]  美:[di'od?,ra?z?]

英:  美:

deodorizer 中文意思翻译



n.除臭剂; 防臭喷雾器

deodorizer 网络释义

n. 除臭剂,防臭剂adj. 止臭的,防臭的

deodorizer 短语词组

1、deodorizer oxygen not included ─── 不含除臭氧气

2、deodorizer distillate ─── 脱臭馏出物

3、continuous deodorizer ─── 连续除臭器

4、deodorizer car ─── 除臭车

5、deodorizer bag ─── 除臭袋

6、deodorizer spray ─── 除臭喷雾

7、deodorizer bags ─── 除臭袋

8、cat litter deodorizer ─── 猫砂除臭器

9、deodorizer gel ─── 除臭凝胶

10、deodorizer mask ─── 除臭面膜

11、deodorizer fan ─── 除臭风机

12、deodorizer oni ─── 除臭剂

deodorizer 相似词语短语

1、deodoriser ─── n.除臭器

2、deodorised ─── vt.除去...的臭味(等于deodorize)(deodorise的变形)

3、deodorises ─── v.除去……的臭味;(使)更易接受(等于deodorize)

4、deodorizes ─── v.除去……的臭气;给……防臭

5、deodorize ─── v.除去……的臭气;给……防臭

6、deodorizers ─── n.除臭剂,防臭剂;adj.止臭的,防臭的

7、deodorise ─── v.除去……的臭味;(使)更易接受(等于deodorize)

8、decolorizer ─── n.[助剂]脱色剂;漂白剂

9、deodorized ─── 防臭(deodorize的过去式和过去分词)

deodorizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate ─── 菜籽油脱臭馏出物

2、Keywords molecular distillation;numerical simulation;divided evaporator and condenser;rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate;vitamin E;sterol;fatty acid methyl ester; ─── 分子蒸馏;数值模拟;分段蒸发和冷凝;菜籽油脱臭馏出物;维生素E;植物甾醇;脂肪酸甲酯;

3、Also, it is baking soda's neutralizing action on acidic scent molecules that makes it an deodorizer. ─── 此作用于酸性分子中和后起到了除臭的功效(酸味).

4、Simulation on separation of tocopherol from rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate was carried out. ─── 研究结果表明:随着蒸馏温度和进料温度的增加,维生素E质量分数增大;

5、dry towel or bubble tea over the stem to replace the refrigerator deodorizer. ─── 用干毛巾或是泡过的干茶叶取代冰箱除臭剂。

6、Objective Rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate is an important source of natural vitamin E. ─── 目的菜籽油脱臭馏出物是天然维生素E的重要来源之一。

7、The percentage of free fatty acid(FFA) in cottonseed oil deodorizer distillate(CODD)is 40%~80%. ─── 棉籽油脱臭馏出物中含有40%-80%的游离脂肪酸,对这部分脂肪酸的甲酯化进行了研究。

8、Keywords deodorizer distillate;VE;sterol;high performance liquid chromatography; ─── 脱臭馏出物;VE;甾醇;高效液相色谱;

9、How about this one?It has a deodorizer to keep the fridge free of bad smells. ─── 这个怎么样?它有一个除臭系统,防止冰箱出现臭味。

10、The merits and faults of different methods of separating natural tocopherol from deodorizer dis... ─── 评述了各种生育酚提取方法的优缺点,并提出了该领域的发展方向。

11、Keywords cottonseed oil deodorizer distillate;free fatty acid;methyl esterification; ─── 棉籽油脱臭馏出物;脂肪酸;甲酯化;

12、The product adopt the charcoal by particle-rization treatment, its deodorization ability is 8 times higher than average ones! Use the newest bioscience of plant extract deodorizer. ─── 此产品结合了活性碳颗粒化吸收作用的方式,将除臭效果提升到活性炭吸收作用的8倍以上!利用最新的生物种植技术作为高效除臭剂。

13、This kind of deodorizer can keep the fridge free of bad smells. ─── 此种除臭剂可防止冰箱出现臭味。

14、refrigerator deodorizer ─── 低温脱臭机

15、deodorant, deodorizer ─── 脱臭剂,除臭剂

16、Can be use as an insect repellent and deodorizer or to help increase circulation. ─── 这能用来防蚊虫、防臭和帮助加强空气回圈。

17、Higher deodorizer discharge temperatures are necessary for higher melting products but should be maintained as low as possible. ─── 对高熔点的产品需高脱臭出料温度但要尽可能低。

18、A series of experiments about methyl esterification of fatty acid in deodorizer distillate were carried out, which was catalyzed by the strongly acidic cationic exchange resin. ─── 摘要对油脂脱臭馏出物中的脂肪酸采用强酸性树脂催化甲酯化反应。

19、The research progress of separating natural tocopherol from deodorizer distillate was summarized with the point of view of separation science. ─── 以分离科学的角度对从脱臭馏出物中分离提取天然生育酚的研究进行了分类综述。

20、Deodorizer distillate,produced during the last processing step of edible oil refinement,is a mixture of tocopherols,sterols,fatty acids,glycerides,hydrocarbons,water and other materials. ─── 脱臭馏出物主要成分为游离脂肪酸、生育酚、植物甾醇、甘油酯、碳氢化合物、水以及其他物质。

21、this one? It has a deodorizer to keep the fridge free of bad smells. ─── 这个怎么样?它有一个除臭系统,防止冰箱出现臭味。

22、soybean oil deodorizer distillate ─── 大豆油脱臭馏出物

23、Keywords soybean oil;deodorizer distillate;continuous enzymatic methyl esterification;lipase;vitamin E; ─── 大豆油;脱臭馏出物;酶法连续甲酯化;脂肪酶;维生素E;

24、The result showed that the impurities in crude phytosterols from soybean oil deodorizer distillate and rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate were long chain alkane and wax, respectively. ─── 以菜籽油脱臭馏出物生产的甾醇粗制品中,杂质主要是长链烷烃,易采用正己烷进行重结晶精制,精制甾醇的纯度也可达96%以上。

25、Keywords municipal garbage;microbial deodorizer;automatic spraying system; ─── 城市生活垃圾;微生物除臭剂;自动喷雾装置;

26、4W photocatalyst tube with function of sterilization,deodor,antigerms and selfcleaning. ─── 4W玻纤式光触媒灯管,具有杀菌、除臭、抑菌、清净等功能。

27、2 To minimise odour impact during operation of the Project, a deodorizer with a forced ventilation system and a H2S removal efficiency of at least 99.5% shall be installed and properly maintained. ─── 为尽量减低工程项目营办期间的气味影响,须安装附有压力通风系统及具备消除至少99.5%硫化氢效能的除臭器,并予以妥善保养维修。

28、The leaves absorb smells (they are sometimes used as a deodorizer) so they should be stored in an airtight, moisture-free metal or tin container that is away from li-ght. ─── 茶叶在购买后两个月内品尝才能保证最佳品质。六个月是绿茶存放时间的上限。茶叶会吸收异味(有时可以用做除臭剂),所以需要避光保存在密封、干燥的金属或是锡罐中。

29、Esterification process of natural VE extraction from double-low rapeseed oil deodorizer distillates ─── 双低菜籽油脱臭馏出物提取天然VE的酯化工艺研究

30、solid deodorizer ─── 固体除臭剂

31、Esterification of Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate by Solid Acid Catalyst ─── 大豆油脱臭馏出物固体酸催化的甲酯化研究

32、Therefore, proper cooling of the oil before exiting the deodorizer is mandatory for oxidative stability evidenced by color, peroxide value, and flavor evaluations. ─── 所以为了油的氧化稳定性,色泽,降低过氧化值和保证风味需对脱臭后的油进行适当的强制冷却。

33、The leaves absorb smells (they are sometimes used as a deodorizer) so they should be stored in an airtight, moisture-free metal or tin container that is away from light. ─── 茶叶会吸收异味(有时可以用做除臭剂),所以需要避光保存在密封、干燥的金属或是锡罐中。

34、batch deodorizer ─── 分批除臭机

35、Deodorizer for Refuse Collection Vehicle ─── 垃圾车除臭剂

36、A gas chromatographic method to quickly test the efficiency of refrigerator deodorizer in eliminating ethanethiol is introduced in this paper. ─── 报道一种快速检测冰箱除臭器对乙硫醇驱除效率的气相色谱分析方法。

37、The conjugated linoleic acid is prepared through caustic soda catalysis, and single molecular distillation process to eliminate residual solvent, dewater, decolor, and deodor. ─── 本发明对由烧碱催化所得共轭亚油酸,采用单一的分子蒸馏技术,达到脱除残溶、脱水、脱色、脱臭和除味的目的。

38、Extraction of phytosterols from sunflower seed oil deodorizer distillates ─── 从葵花籽油脱臭馏出物中提取植物甾醇的研究

39、Reuse of treated sewage effluent for make-up water for deodorizer, ground and facility washing, toilet flushing, landscape irrigation and polymer preparation. ─── 循环再用经处理的废水作除臭系统的补给水、清洗地面和设施、冲厕、灌溉园景及调较聚合物浓度用途。

40、Metered toilet deodorizer dispensing system ─── 卫生间配水表脱臭系统

41、Use it as a healing tool, room freshener, deodorizer or incense alternative. ─── 它可以作为治疗工具、房间清新剂、除臭剂和熏香。

42、ClO2 is the worlds most powerful DEODORIZER. ─── 二氧化氯是世界上最强大的除臭剂。

43、A gas chromatographic method to quickly test the efficiency of refrigerator deodorizer in eliminating ethanethiol paper. ─── 报道一种快速检测冰箱除臭器对乙硫醇驱除效率的气相色谱分析方法.

44、Keywords Gas chromatography;Deodorizer;Ethanethiol; ─── 气相色谱法;除臭剂;乙硫醇;

45、Development of the control release solid cleaner of using microorganism materials as deodorizer ─── 利用生物活性物质除臭的缓释固体清洁剂的研制

46、Keywords biodiesel;deodorizer distillate;molecular distillation;emission; ─── 生物柴油;脱臭馏出物;分子蒸馏;排放;

47、The current applications of cyclodextrins in pharmaceuticals,food,environmental protection,deodorizer,biomedical science,cosmetics and electrochemistry have been reviewed in this paper. ─── 综述近年环糊精在药物、食品工业、环境保护、除臭剂、生物医学、化妆品以及电化学方面的应用。

48、Keywords deodorizer;deodorize distillate;flash oil;FFA;wire net layer; ─── 脱臭塔;脱臭馏出物;飞溅油;游离脂肪酸;丝网层;

49、Keywords fatty acid;deodorizer distillate;strong acidic;methyl esterification;catalysis; ─── 关键词脂肪酸;脱臭馏出物;强酸性树脂;甲酯化;催化剂;

50、The results show that strongly acidic cationic exchange resin has perfect effect on catalyzing methyl esterification of fatty acid in deodorizer distillate. ─── 实验表明,强酸性树脂对脂肪酸甲酯化反应有着很好的催化效果。

51、Keywords soybean oil deodorizer distillate;fatly acid;methyl esteriflcation;oil of ritriol; ─── 大豆油脱臭馏出物;脂肪酸;甲酯化;浓硫酸;

52、cottonseed oil deodorizer distillate ─── 棉籽油脱臭馏出物

53、Methyl esterification of fatty acid in cottonseed oil deodorizer distillate ─── 棉籽油脱臭馏出物中脂肪酸甲酯化工艺研究

54、The principal ingredient is the extracting solution of natural grist by taking the soybean as the center, high security, the lone antibiosis of sustained time, mould proof deodorizer. ─── 主要成分是提取的天然大豆精作为核心,来达到高安全性,持续抗菌的防霉除臭剂。

55、Methyl esterification of soybean oil deodorizer distillate catalyzed by a nonspecific lipase was investigated. ─── 采用连续酶法研究大豆油脱臭馏出物甲酯化的工艺.

56、Production of Deodorizer Distillate for Improving the Content of Tocopherols ─── 以生育酚为目标的油脂脱臭馏出物的生产

57、Effective deodorizer and freshener for elimination, produce a fresh, not pungent, atmosphere, eliminates odors in living room, office, dining room and guest room, leaves fresh scent. ─── 本品是高效空气除味清香剂,具有消毒杀菌功能,香味清淡优雅,能有效去除居室、办公室、餐厅、客房内各种异味。

58、Phytosterol Extraction from Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate ─── 大豆油脱臭馏出物中提取植物甾醇的研究

59、The extraction of natural vitamin E from by-production of rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate was studied. ─── 菜籽油脱臭馏出物中含有丰富的维生素E,是获得天然维生素E的较好来源。

60、Enzymatic pretreatment of deodorizer distillate for preparing VE ─── 脱臭馏出物提取VE的酶预处理

61、Keywords artificial neural network;deodorizer distillate;methanol esterification; ─── 人工神经网络;脱臭馏出物;甲酯化;

62、of deodorizer can keep the fridge free of bad smells. ─── 除臭剂可防止冰箱出现臭味。

63、Keywords galenical deodorizer;feces;stench;animal production; ─── 植物型除臭剂;粪便;臭气;动物生产;

64、Separation of biodiesel from rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate by molecular distillation ─── 菜籽油脱臭馏出物中生物柴油的分子蒸馏分离工艺研究

65、A Gas Chromatographic Method for Testing the Efficiency of Refrigerator Deodorizer in Eliminating Ethanethiol ─── 冰箱除臭器对乙硫醇驱除效率的气相色谱测定

66、Keywords soybean oil deodorizer distillate(SODD);enzymatic esterification;lipase;tocopherol; ─── 大豆油脱臭馏出物;酶法甲酯化;脂肪酶;生育酚;

67、deodorizer distillate from soybean oil ─── 大豆脱臭馏出物

68、Keywords cotton oil deodorizer distillates;preparation;molecular distillation;tocopherol; ─── 分子蒸馏;生育酚;棉籽油脱臭馏出物;

69、Optimization of technology for methyl esterification in separation of sterols from rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate ─── 菜籽油脱臭馏出物中甾醇分离的甲酯化过程优化研究

70、deodorizer distillate ─── 脱臭馏出物

71、The article mainly reviews application of galenical deodorizer in animal production, and . ─── 本文主要综述了植物型除臭剂在动物生产中应用现状,并指出了其应用的前景。

72、Artemisia argyi was used as bacteriostatic agent and deodorizer to added into SBS to product health insole. ─── 摘要将蕲艾粉加入SBS制作抑菌、消臭的健康鞋垫,研究了各配合剂和填充剂用量分别对热塑弹性体SBS各种性能的影响。

73、The corrective action is to wash the deodorizer. ─── 改进方法是清洗脱臭塔。

74、Esterification of plant oils deodorizer distillate by solid acid catalyst ─── 脱臭馏出物的固体酸催化酯化反应工艺研究

75、Studies on Methyl Esterification of Fatty Acid in Soybean Oil Deodorizer Distillate Catalyzed by Oil of Vitriol ─── 浓硫酸催化脱臭馏出物脂肪酸甲酯化工艺研究

76、The roasted product of natural zeolite can be used as a deodorizer of refrigerator. ─── 天然沸石的焙烧活化产物可作为冰箱内的除臭剂加以使用.

77、Also, it is baking soda's neutralizing action on acidic scent molecules that makes it an effective deodorizer. ─── 此作用于酸性分子中和后起到了除臭的功效(酸味)。

78、palm oil deodorizer distillate ─── 棕榈油脱臭馏出物

79、Water base deodorizer for room Floor wax spray ─── 水基房间除臭剂地板喷蜡剂

80、The type of the deodorizer can also be determined by the proposed method. ─── 此法可同时通过谱图判断除臭器的类型。

81、Objective Rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate is an important source of natural vitamin E. ─── 目的菜籽油脱臭馏出物是天然维生素E的重要来源之一.

82、Refuse repository, stinking and easy to breed mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches, bug, fresh air can reduce mosquitoes and flies by ozone deodorizer. ─── 垃圾存放处易滋生蚊、蝇、蟑螂,常用厨卫杀菌除臭器除臭,可使空气清爽,减少蚊蝇及细菌滋生;

83、The Assessment of A Deodorizer's Effect on the Removal of Malodor Generating from the Process of Garbage Collection ─── 微生物除臭剂消除垃圾压缩中恶臭的效果评估

84、The roasted product of natural zeolite can be used as a deodorizer of refrigerator. ─── 天然沸石的焙烧活化产物可作为冰箱内的除臭剂加以使用。

85、The article mainly reviews application of deodorizer in animal production, and. ─── 本文主要综述了植物型除臭剂在动物生产中应用现状, 并指出了其应用的前景.

86、Active Carbon deodorizer contents activate carbon composition, make deodorant effect more obviously. ─── 活性碳消臭剂添加活性碳成分,使消臭效果更为明显。

87、Use it as a healing tool, room freshener, deodorizer or incense alternative. ─── 它可以作为治疗工具 、 房间清新剂 、 除臭剂和熏香.

88、Keywords oils;deodorization;deodorizer;deodorization process;deodorization effect; ─── 油脂;脱臭;脱臭塔;脱臭工艺;脱臭效果;

89、Solvent base deodorizer for room Flume away ─── 溶剂基房间除臭剂水槽疏通剂

90、Considering the importance of phytosterols,several recovery processings of phytosterols from deodorizer distillate were simply introduced in order to improve studies and industrial production. ─── 从植物甾醇开发的必要性出发,简述了几种从油脂脱臭馏出物中提取植物甾醇的工艺方法,为植物甾醇的研究及工业化生产提供参考。

91、The compositions of chemical deodorizer JX-518 are briefed and process of chemical deodorization in sour water stripper using deodorizer JX-518 and precautions are described in detailed. ─── 文章简要介绍了化学除臭清洗剂JX-518的组成,并对采用该清洗剂对污水汽提系统进行化学除臭清洗的清洗过程及注意事项进行了详细介绍。

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