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dogwood 发音

英:['d?gw?d]  美:['d?ɡw?d]

英:  美:

dogwood 中文意思翻译



dogwood 网络释义

n. 山茱萸adj. 山茱萸科植物的;淡黄褐色的

dogwood 词性/词形变化,dogwood变形


dogwood 短语词组

1、dogwood family ─── [医]山茱萸科

2、poison dogwood n. ─── 美国毒漆树

3、dogwood tree ─── [网络] 山茱萸科木属植物树图片;山茱萸属;狗木树

4、striped dogwood ─── [网络] 条纹山茱萸

5、dogwood bark ─── [医] 波希鼠李皮, 美山茱萸皮

6、dogwood spray ─── 山茱萸喷雾

7、false dogwood ─── [网络] 假山茱萸

8、Jamaica dogwood ─── [网络] 北美山茱萸;牙买加木;牙买加山茱萸

9、red dogwood ─── 欧洲红瑞木

10、flowering dogwood ─── 多花崃木

11、dogwood Jamaica ─── [医] 牙买加山茱萸 ─── [皮]

12、common white dogwood ─── [网络] 普通的白色山茱萸

13、red osier dogwood ─── [网络] 山茱萸

14、American dogwood ─── [网络] 美国山茱萸

15、common European dogwood ─── [网络] 常见的欧洲山茱萸

16、eastern flowering dogwood ─── [网络] 山茱萸

17、alder dogwood ─── [网络] der木山

18、silky dogwood ─── [网络] 北美山茱萸

19、Dogwood blossom ─── 茱萸花

dogwood 相似词语短语

1、dog food ─── 狗食;一文不值,分文不值

2、dagwood ─── n.多层三明治;多层夹肉面包

3、bogwoods ─── n.埋设在地底下的木材

4、bogwood ─── n.埋设在地底下的木材

5、Hogwood ─── 霍格伍德

6、logwood ─── n.洋苏木

7、dogwoods ─── n.山茱萸;adj.山茱萸科植物的;淡黄褐色的

8、dagwoods ─── n.多层三明治;多层夹肉面包

9、dogfood ─── 狗粮

dogwood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2.we paused momentarily before proceeding; a cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch. ─── 行动之前我们休息了片刻;一只北美红雀在山茱萸上停留了片刻。

2、Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. ─── 在森林中那些无法支持草和其它草地植物生长的地方,黑尾鹿可以吃越橘类植物、沙龙白珠树、山茱萸和几乎任何其他种类的灌木和草本植物。

3、Concluaion:The HPLC fingerprint atlas may use in the dogwood tablets ready for decoction quality control. ─── 结论:HPLC指纹图谱可以用于山萸肉饮片质量的控制。

4、So, maples and everygreens, such as pine, fir, hemlock, juniper, redwood, dogwood, etc., too many to be mentioned.As a reminder, he supplies trees to Japan and Europe, in addition to the US. ─── 因此,枫树和常青的松木,冷杉,铁杉,杜松,红木,水木等,太多不及备载了.提醒各位,如了美国本土外,他也出口他的树到日本和欧洲.

5、In depraved May, dogwood and chestnut, flowering judas, ─── 在堕落的五月,山茱萸、栗子、盛开的紫荆,

6、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or redbud. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或紫荆。

7、Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. ─── 那一年春天来得早,只不过经过几番急骤温和的春雨,便出现粉红的桃花,和雪白的山茱萸花,把远处的山巅和近处的河畔,霎时都渲染成了一片锦绣了。

8、Discrimination of dogwood fruit and its counterfeit chinaberry bark ─── 山茱萸与其伪品苦楝子果皮的辨别

9、Our students do not have to take TOEFL or any other language test to apply to Canadian universities. The Dogwood Certificate is enough. ─── 我们的学生在申请加拿大大学时不需要参加像托福之类的语言测试。有毕业证书就可以了。

10、The dogwood bud, pale green is inlaid with russet markings. ─── 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。

11、dogwood bark ─── [医] 波希鼠李皮, 美山茱萸皮

12、Gastrodia elata, Coptis, Pinellia ternata, Bupleurum, Eucommia, Fritillaria, dogwood, Ciwujia are known, are the bulk of production. ─── 天麻、黄连、半夏、柴胡、杜仲、贝母、山茱萸、刺五加等都享有盛誉,均为大宗生产。

13、Dogwood tree ─── 山茱萸树

14、Gardeners like dogwood shrubs because there is a type to fit nearly every garden condition, and many produce flowers.When flowering is over, most varieties produce berries that attract birds. ─── 山茱萸灌木因为有一个类型,以适应几乎每一个花园的条件,许多生产花卉。

15、The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings ─── 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,表面点缀着褐色的斑痕。

16、I know my brothers would, with dogwood spraying in hand, Climb the mountain and think of me so far away. ─── 遥知兄弟登高处遍插茱萸少一人。

17、Red osier dogwood leaves and cotton grass in a bog. ─── 标题: Cranberry Glades Botanical Area, Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia.

18、When I die, I plan to be place an nature in a shallow hole and become fertilizer for a dogwood tree. ─── 我计划死后裸身埋在一个浅浅的坑里,变成一株山茱萸的肥料。

19、The freshly green foliage looked sickly, the dogwood pallid, and the flowering crab, so beautifully pink a moment ago, faded and dreary. ─── 那些新生的绿叶也失去了生气,山茱萸变得苍白了,开花的山楂刚才还那么娇娇艳,现在也突然凋谢了。

20、I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,climbing the mountain and thinking of me so far away. ─── 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人.

21、Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, or apple. ─── 拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或苹果树。

22、When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain ─── 遥知兄弟登高处,

23、Mom: You're weird. Dogwood leaves and chrysanthemum wine?! ─── 妈妈:亲爱的,你真怪。茱萸和菊花酒?

24、poison dogwood ─── n. (=poison sumac)美国毒漆树

25、35. The car climbed a twisting stretch of road through solid dogwood. ─── 汽车穿过密密匝匝的山茱萸,顺着一条蜿蜒的道路盘旋而上。

26、Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, apple, etc. ─── 落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、苹果树等等。

27、Upon the wooded hills above the river, the dogwood blossoms lay glistening and white, as if snow still lingered among the greenery. ─── 河岸高处林木葱茏的小山上,山茱萸开满了晶莹的白花,仿佛残雪还在万绿丛中恋恋不舍。

28、dogwood oil ─── 山茱萸油

29、the leaves of Tatarian Dogwood ─── 红瑞木叶

30、The investigation on insect species feeding on dogwood tree (Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.) was conducted. 71 insect species, belonging to 36 families 7 orders, were recorded. ─── 摘要对取食山茱萸的昆虫种类进行了系统调查和初步鉴定,共获得71种,隶属36科7目。

31、Keywords dogwood;foliage spray;fruit set;yield per tree; ─── 山茱萸;根外追肥;座果率;株产;

32、largeleaf dogwood wood ─── 椋子木

33、The sun came up on the way, and the swamp maples and dogwood glowed crimson and orange and the stone walls and cornfields sparkled with hoar frost; ─── 太阳逐渐升起来,沼泽枫与山茱萸映着深红橘黄的光辉,石墙和小麦田上的冰霜闪闪发亮,空气清新而刺骨,弥漫着希望的气息。

34、Superficial Analysis of Experience in Application of Dogwood Fruit by Zhang Xi-chun ─── 张锡纯运用山茱萸经验浅析

35、Keywords the leaves of Tatarian Dogwood;test tube testing method;paper chromatography;thin layer chromatography;chemical components; ─── 红瑞木叶;试管试验法;纸色谱法;薄层色谱法;化学成分;

36、one was partly of wayfaring tree and partly of dogwood. ─── 另一枝箭杆是以两种木材做的,忍冬与山茱萸。

37、Suddenly, daffodils smile in my face, parrot tulips wave their beaky petals, and fragrant white blossoms are pinned to dogwood trees like bows in a young girl's hair. ─── 突然,水仙花迎着我展露笑颜,鹦鹉郁金香的鸟嘴状花瓣在轻摆,山茱萸树上点缀着朵朵雪白芬芳的花,想少女头上系着的蝴蝶结。

38、The hall features a giant character of “佛” (Buddha) measuring 4.6 meters high by 2.6 meters wide.It was actually the roots of dogwood, a rare plant species. ─── 殿内的大“佛”字是风景区多个奇观之一,大佛字是稀有树种椋木的树根自然长成的,高4.6米、宽2.6米。

39、When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood. ─── 他们在尘土飞扬的大道上拐过那个看不见塔拉农场的弯以后,布伦特勒住马,在一丛山茱萸下站住了。

40、When I die, I plan to be place an nature in a shallow hole and become fertilizer for a dogwood tree. ─── 我计划死后裸身埋在一个浅浅的坑里,变成一株山茱萸的肥料。

41、The modern cottage garden includes many varieties of ornamental fruit and nut trees, such as crabapple and hazel, along with non-traditional trees like dogwood. ─── 现代村舍花园种有各种各样的观赏型果树和坚果树,如海棠和榛树,还有非传统树种如山茱萸树。

42、largeleaf dogwood bark ─── 丁榔皮

43、Pollen captures on hornbeam and field maple appeared to be higher than those on dogwood and hazel. ─── 角树和野外枫树上捕获的花粉要比山茱萸和榛树上的多。

44、Outside, the late afternoon sun slanted down in the yard, throwing into gleaming brightness the dogwood trees that were solid masses of white blossoms against the background of new green. ─── 在猎犬、坐骑、双胞胎三者之间,有一种比形影不离的同伴关系还更深的亲人和血缘关系。

45、narrowleaf dogwood flower of leaf ─── 野荔枝

46、Jamaica dogwood ─── 牙买加木

47、High-efficient cultivation techniques for dogwood fruit ─── 山茱萸的高效栽培技术

48、The dogwood benefit hepatorenal, astringent fine escapes firmly; ─── 山茱萸补益肝肾,涩精固脱;

49、littleleaf dogwood root ─── 穿鱼藤

50、The petals of the Cornus florida variety have a notch at the tip, while those of the Japanese dogwood, Cornus kousa, come to a point. ─── 花瓣的山茱萸佛罗里达品种有缺口的提示,而日本山茱萸,山茱萸照,到了点。

51、Survey of Pests in Dogwood Tree in Henan ─── 山茱萸害虫种群调查与研究

52、Study on Dogwood Extract Finger Print and Its Different Effective Parts Serum Finger Print ─── 山茱萸提取液指纹图谱及其不同有效部位的血清指纹图谱研究

53、Among the early spring-flowering trees the dogwood, Cornus florida, is regarded by most North Carolinians as unrivaled in beauty. ─── 在众多早春开花的树种中,山茱萸和北美山茱萸被众多北卡罗来纳州人认为是花中之王。

54、Thirteen of the arrow shafts were made of wayfaring tree, which produces long, straight, rigid stems of suitable diameter; one was partly of wayfaring tree and partly of dogwood. ─── 13枝箭杆是忍冬木制作的,忍冬木可以制作长而直的箭杆,即使很细,仍然坚硬;另一枝箭杆是以两种木材做的,忍冬与山茱萸。

55、Spring had come early that year,with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dapplingwith white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills. ─── 那年春天来得很早,下了几阵暖和的骤雨,一下子粉红的桃花,星星点点雪白的山茱萸花都绽放开了,把暗淡的河沼和远处的群山点缀得花团锦簇。

56、Method:The effect of the water extract of Dogwood fruits on rats model of kidney yang deficiency with the hydrocortisone was observed. ─── 方法:应用氢化考的松所致的肾阳虚动物模型,观察山茱萸水溶物对肾阳虚大鼠的影响。

57、She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest. ─── 她能告诉你第一支山茱萸花开,点亮山脊是在哪个礼拜,还有黑莓什么时候可以采摘。

58、Dogwood trees are spectacular when they flower. ─── 山茱萸树开花的时候很壮观。

59、Dogwood family ─── 山茱萸科

60、OBJECTIVE:To provide scientific basis for the discrimination of true and false Dogwood Fruit.METHOD:Shape and properties,TLC and UV Spectrum were studied. ─── 目的:为山茱萸的真伪鉴别提供科学依据。

61、Experiments on the Vegetative Propagation of Dogwood with Graft ─── 山茱萸嫁接繁殖试验

62、Son: It's a red silk gauze filled with dogwood leaves. ─── 儿子:这是一个装了茱萸的红色丝袋。

63、dogwood Jamaica ─── [医] 牙买加山茱萸[皮]

64、I know my brothers would,with dogwood spraying in hand,climb the mountain and think of me so far away. ─── 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。

65、dogwood bud, pale en, is inlaid with russet markings. ─── 山茱蓃的花骨朵儿嫩绿嫩绿的,镶着赤褐色的花边。

66、The creeping dogwood, a species similar to the red-osier dogwood, but which is pollinated by large bees, such as bumblebees, showed no significant decline in fecundity. ─── 类似红柳山茱萸的爬行山茱萸,受大型蜜蜂如熊蜂的传粉,却没有显示明显的繁殖力下降。

67、The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. ─── 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,表面点缀着褐色的斑痕。

68、Moreover, the dynamics and management of main pests in the dogwood tree discussed and suggestions on pest monitor and control were provided. ─── 分析了山茱萸昆虫动态和管理问题,并提出昆虫监测及控制建议。

69、Tilly sat in Colleen's mother's lap, still eating cake, and Karen ran around the dogwood, chased by one of her cousins. ─── 蒂莉坐在科琳妈妈的怀里,还在吃蛋糕,卡伦被一个表妹追得绕着山茱萸跑。

70、Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, redbud, etc. ─── 落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、紫荆等等。

71、Beijing New Oriental Dogwood Cultural Communications Co., Ltd. ─── 北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司。

72、The six tastes glutinous rehmannia pill governs the kidney cloudy loss by ripe, the dogwood, the Chinese yam, the oriental water plantain, the peony tree bark, Poris cocos group Fang Ercheng. ─── 六味地黄丸治肾阴亏损由熟地、山茱萸、山药、泽泻、丹皮、茯苓组方而成。

73、Tenaya Creek, Dogwood, Rain, Yosemite National Park, Ca 1948 ─── 名称:腾亚河小溪,山茱萸,雨,约塞米蒂国家公园,加利福尼亚州1948

74、dogwood frult ─── 山茱萸

75、the flowering dogwood ─── 多花狗木

76、tatarian dogwood ─── 红瑞木, 红梗木

77、The dogwood, the oak and the willow ─── 橡树及那柳树

78、Pacific Dogwood ─── 太平洋山茱萸(山茱萸科)

79、Trees such as elm, live oak and dogwood bear the heavier loads, while vines, branches and plants form a lattice for the walls and roof of the house. ─── 榆树、橡树和山茱萸作为承重部分,而藤蔓和其他植物织成栅栏,作为房子的墙壁和屋顶。

80、Today, a wide variety of trees thrive on the grounds, including ginkgo, redbud, dogwood and oak. ─── 众多种类的林木在庭园中绿意盎然,包括了银杏、紫荆、山茱萸和橡树。

81、Red-osier dogwood ─── 偃伏梾木

82、The dogwood bud, pale green is inlaid with russet markings ─── 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。

83、Flowering Dogwood ─── 美国四照花,大花山茱萸(山茱萸科)

84、Dogwood blossom ─── 山梾木花,弗吉尼亚州州花

85、Exploration and Historical Evolution of Dogwood Fruit Preparation ─── 山茱萸炮制的历史沿革及探讨

86、A cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch. ─── 一只北美红雀在山茱萸上停留了片刻。

87、Experimental Research on the Effect of Dogwood Fruit ─── 山茱萸抗心律失常作用的实验研究

88、red dogwood ─── 欧洲红瑞木

woodchuck和prairie dog区别?


A:prairie dog:草原犬鼠,prairie 是大草原的意思。


从A,B的英文名字对照来看:prairie dog的栖息地主要是大草原。woodchuck的主要栖息地应该是:森林,林地丘陵,小树林和灌木中。

其次,从外形上woodchuck要大一些,毛色总体呈现灰色偏棕,腹部毛色为淡**。prairie dog体型相对较小,毛色以黄,褐为主,腹部毛色为白色。。

最后,从习性上讲,woodchuck既然长期生长在林地,所以有些会上树。冬天来到,它们会减缓心跳,降低体温,进行冬眠。prairie dog一般不进行严格意义上的休眠,有时冬天气温高点,它们会出来觅食树根,种子。

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