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08-19 投稿


conarium 发音


英:  美:

conarium 中文意思翻译



conarium 短语词组

1、conarium game ─── 圆锥游戏

2、conarium ign ─── 圆锥花序

3、conarium game walkthrough conarium ─── 游戏演练

4、conarium cat ─── 康乃利猫

conarium 相似词语短语

1、conidium ─── n.分生孢子;无性孢子

2、ranarium ─── 林蛙

3、conarial ─── adj.松果体的

4、contagium ─── n.接触传染物

5、orarium ─── 神龛

6、cibarium ─── n.[昆]食窦

7、corium ─── n.[解剖]真皮

8、conaria ─── 锥虫

9、conium ─── n.毒参属植物

conarium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、stimulating the cerebra conarium to excrete more conarium element, to delay the aging process of the body; ─── 刺激大脑松果体分泌更多的松果体素,延缓机体衰老进程;

2、(2) Sleep has something to do with the melatonin released by conarium of the brain.As people’s age increases, the body’s secretion of melatonin is decreasing. ─── (2)睡眠与大脑松果体分泌的松果体素有关,随着年龄的增加,人体的松果体素分泌日益减少。

3、Ultrastructure Observation of Pituitary Cell and Conarium Cell in Tupaia belangeri chinensis ─── 树鼠句脑垂体和松果体细胞的超微结构研究

4、Imaging Diagnosis of Conarium Cysts ─── 松果体囊肿的影像学诊断

5、Is the Conarium "the Third Eye" Man Look Through Everything? ─── 松果体是人类"洞悉一切"的第三只眼吗?

6、stimulating the cerebra conarium to excrete more conarium element, to delay the aging process of the body; ─── 刺激大脑松果体分泌更多的松果体素,延缓机体衰老进程;

7、Title: Is the Conarium the Third Eye Man Look Through Everything? ─── 松果体是人类洞悉一切的第三只眼吗?。

8、Title: Is the Conarium the Third Eye Man Look Through Everything? ─── 松果体是人类洞悉一切的第三只眼吗?

9、Imaging Diagnosis of Conarium Cysts ─── 松果体囊肿的影像学诊断

10、Ultrastructure Observation of Pituitary Cell and Conarium Cell in Tupaia belangeri chinensis ─── 树鼠句脑垂体和松果体细胞的超微结构研究

11、Keywords kidney corresponding with winter;conarium;testicle;differential expression of gene;rats; ─── 肾应冬;松果腺;睾丸;差异基因表达;大鼠;

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