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08-19 投稿


ethnarchy 发音

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ethnarchy 中文意思翻译



ethnarchy 相似词语短语

1、endarchy ─── 内执政

2、eparchy ─── n.郡;州;大主教管区

3、thearchy ─── n.众神;神权统治;神政

4、heterarchy ─── n.变态分层结构

5、dinarchy ─── 二人政治

6、ethnarch ─── n.行政长官;殖民地等的统治者;(罗马和拜占庭帝国)总督

7、exarchy ─── 无政府状态

8、ethnarchs ─── 民族族长。

9、anarchy ─── n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序

ethnarchy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1 1 Antiochus, son of King Demetrius, sent a letter from the islands of the sea to Simon, the priest and ethnarch of the Jews, and to all the nation, ─── 德默特琉王的儿子安提约古,从海岛上致书给犹太人的首领息孟大司祭,和一切犹太人民,

2、In Damascus the ethnarch under Aretas the king was guarding the city of the Damascenes in order to seize me, ─── 在大马色亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马色城要捉拿我。

3、 双语使用场景

5、47 5 and Simon accepted and agreed to act as high priest, governor general, and ethnarch of the Jewish people and priests and to exercise supreme authority over all.' ─── 息孟接受了,也乐意作大司祭,作犹太人及众司祭的统帅和元首,主理一切事务。

6、The election of Makarios iii to archbishop gave him the status of the ethnarch of Cyprus. ─── 马卡里奥斯三世被选为大主教,这使他拥有了塞浦路斯统治者的地位。

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