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08-19 投稿


allopathic 发音


英:  美:

allopathic 中文意思翻译



allopathic 词性/词形变化,allopathic变形

异体字: allopathist |

allopathic 同义词

allopathic 短语词组

1、allopathic drug ─── 对抗疗法药物

2、allopathic care ─── 对抗疗法护理

3、allopathic medical school ─── 对抗疗法医学院

4、allopathic definition ─── 对抗疗法定义

5、allopathic doctors ─── 对抗疗法医生

6、allopathic or osteopathic ─── 对抗疗法或骨疗法

7、allopathic medicine ─── 顺势疗法药物

8、allopathic & osteopathic physicians adj. ─── 对抗疗法的

9、allopathic medicine definition ─── 对抗疗法医学定义

10、allopathic physician md ─── 对抗疗法医师

11、allopathic physician ─── 对抗疗法医生[医学] ─── 对抗疗法医师

12、allopathic osteopathic ─── 对抗性骨病

13、allopathic speciation ─── 对抗性物种形成

allopathic 反义词


allopathic 相似词语短语

1、allographic ─── 异体

2、allopaths ─── n.用对抗疗法的医生

3、allelopathic ─── 异株克生的

4、alloplasmic ─── 异质的

5、allopathist ─── 对抗疗法者

6、allopathists ─── 对抗疗法者

7、allopathy ─── n.[临床]对抗疗法

8、allopatric ─── adj.在不同地区发生的;[生态]分布区不重叠的

9、allopath ─── n.用对抗疗法的医生

allopathic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The impersonal approach of allopathic medicine has aroused the great revival of interest in natural therapies, the nature's way to health and relaxation. ─── 针对症状而非个人的对抗疗法,令人们对历史悠久的自然疗法恢复很大的兴趣。

2、The term "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM) encompasses a wide array of health care practices, products, and therapies that are distinct from practices, products, and therapies used in "conventional" or "allopathic" medicine. ─── 术语“补充和替代医学”(CAM)包括一系列广泛的卫生保健练习、产品和治疗法等,它们和“常规的”或“对抗疗法”医学(现代医学)的实践、产品和疗法有显著的差异。

3、This has fostered the current allopathic paradigm of "symptom care" in lieu of the more important issue of "health care. " ─── 这也导致了现在“症状护理”模式替代了(实际)更重要的“(整体)保健”模式。

4、NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving "complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine. ─── “补充与另类医学”一词涵盖许多种医疗实践、产品和疗法,它们与“常规”或“对抗疗法”医学的实践、产品和疗法有显著的差异。

5、Dr.London believes in a holistic approach to healthcare which utilizes a combination of western medicines, allopathic medicines, diet and lifestyle modification, and herbal medicines when appropriate. ─── 凯瑟琳.伦敦博士在斯坦福大学完成医学预科的学习,之后分别取得俄勒冈州健康科学大学住院医师的资格、耶鲁大学医学博士学位。

6、I wasn't ready quite yet to go hunting down chlorella.I wanted to see what the allopathic (nonalternative) world had to say about detoxification. ─── 我并不急著去找绿藻来吃,倒是想知道,现代医学(非另类医学)对所谓的排毒有何见解。

7、Allopathic medicine does not stage the disease. ─── 猫甲状腺机能亢进与人的甲亢非常相似,所有临床症状都是由循环血中过多的甲状腺素引起的。

8、{Chemical allopathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics is prohibited . ─── 禁止使用化學對抗療法的獸藥和抗生素。

9、After allopathic veterinary treatments, animals have to undergo the complete conversion period. ─── 经过对抗疗法的兽医治疗后,动物就会完全进入转换期。

10、The council also plans to undertake a third study on the impact of homoeopathic medicines, when gien in combination with allopathic anti-AIDS drugs, on AIDS patients. ─── 现在委员会正计划进行第三个项目研究,这个项目最大的特点是对经抗AIDS药物治疗的艾滋病患者进行顺势疗法。

11、Conventional medicine (WHO) 0 The broad category of medical practice that is sometimes called Western medicine, biomedicine, allopathic medicine, scientific medicine, or modern medicine. ─── 常规药品(WHO定义):药学中广义上是指西药,生物药,对抗药,科学药或现代药.

12、As an increasing proportion of the population turns to CAM therapies, whether singly or in combination with allopathic medicine, the need for quality research in this area is reinforced. ─── 随着寻求补充替代医学疗法的人口比例的增长,无论是补充替代医学被单独使用,还是与传统的对抗疗法联合应用,对补充替代医学临床报告质量的研究变得日益迫切。

13、2.NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving "complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic(conventional) medicine. ─── 中文翻译:“NCCAM(国家补充与另类医学中心)把完整医药体系描述为涉及‘与对抗疗法(常规)医学独立地或平行地演变的完整的理论和实践体系’。

14、allopathic diffusion ─── 异域传播

15、This holds true for those people who follow a reasonably healthy diet, do not use chemical drugs or allopathic medicines. ─── 如果人们遵照合理健康饮食、不使用化学药物或对抗疗法药物,那么,尿疗对他们也是适合的。

16、complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine." ─── “NCCAM(国家补充与另类医学中心)把整个医药体系描述为涉及‘与对抗疗法(常规)医学独立地或平行地演变的完整的理论和实践体系’。

17、In present time, often these types of folk wind up ill and seeking psychological therapy or medical treatment of allopathic or holistic approaches due to their sensitivity. ─── 今天,这类人由于敏感而经常会生病,并寻求心理治疗、对抗疗法的药物医疗或整体疗法。

18、2.There are currently 70 state medical boards authorized to regulate allopathic and osteopathic physicians. ─── 大约有70个州医学委员会被授权规范对抗疗法和正骨疗法的医生。

19、Besides this, there are some herbs that serve to lower your blood sugar naturally and without the side effects of allopathic medicines. ─── 除此之外,还有一些中药,有助于自然降低您的血糖,它们不产生抗药性的副作用。

20、Chemical allopathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics is prohibited. ─── 禁止使用化学对抗疗法的兽药和抗生素。

21、Sometimes when allopathic medicine has no answers, it is time to look at your illness in a different way. ─── 有时,当对症药有没有答案,现在是时候看看你以不同的方式疾病。

22、allopathic physician ─── 用对抗疗法的医生

23、NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving “complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine. ─── 什麽是“完整得医学体系?" 国家补充与替代疗法中心将完整得医学体系描述为包括完整的理论体系和医疗实践,独立于对抗性(常规)医学或与对抗性(常规)医学同时发展的医学。

24、NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving "complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine." ─── 美国国家补充与替代医学中心(NCCAM)把整体医学体系描述为:“与对抗(常规)医学独立地或平行发展的完整的理论和实践体系”。

25、Chiropractic is an alternative form of treatment distinct from allopathic practice of western medicine and surgery. ─── 脊骨疗法是另一种治疗方法,跟西方医学内外科的对抗疗法并不相同。

26、We have tried various medications (allopathic and homeopathic), but they have not helped. ─── 我们曾尝试(对抗疗法和顺势疗法)各种药物,但他们没有帮助。

27、After allopathic veterinary treatments, animals have to undergo the complete conversion period. ─── 经过对抗疗法的兽医治疗后,动物就会完全进入转换期。

28、allopathic integration ─── 异地整合

29、allopathic medicine ─── 对抗疗法

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