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08-19 投稿


parenthesis 发音

英:[p?'renθ?s?s]  美:[p?'r?nθ?s?s]

英:  美:

parenthesis 中文意思翻译




parenthesis 网络释义

n. 插入语,插入成分n. 圆括号n. 间歇,插曲

parenthesis 词性/词形变化,parenthesis变形

名词复数: parentheses |

parenthesis 反义词


parenthesis 同义词

forefather | genitor | cause | producer | antecedent | rear | folks | precursor | raise | forbears | agent | sire | progenitor | nurturer | guardian | father | exemplar | nurture | paternal | foster | bring up | root | maternal | architect | source | protector | origin | parental | defender | preserver | creator | cherish | author | fountainhead | protectress |mother | ancestor | mainspring | forerunner | watchdog | originator | predecessor | inventor | nourish | primogenitor

parenthesis 短语词组

by way of parenthesis

1. 附带地

I should like to mention another point here by way of parenthesis.


1、statement parenthesis ─── [计] 语句括号

2、by way of parenthesis ─── 附带地

3、miss right parenthesis ─── 未命中右括号

4、in parenthesis ─── 插入的

5、parenthesis language ─── [计] 括号语言

6、left parenthesis ─── 左括号 [计] ─── 左括号

7、parenthesis-free notation ─── [计] 无括号表示法

8、unmatched parenthesis ─── 不匹配的括号

9、parenthesis-free ─── [计] 无括号

10、parenthesis mark ─── [计] 圆括号

11、parenthesis bracket ─── 圆括号

12、right parenthesis ─── 右括号 [计] ─── 右括号

13、parenthesis grammar ─── [计] 括号文法

14、square parenthesis ─── [计] 方括号

15、parenthesis structure ─── 括号结构

parenthesis 习惯用语

1、in -ses ─── 在圆括号内, 附加上; 附带

2、by way of parenthesis ─── 附带地, 顺便

parenthesis 相似词语短语

1、paresthesias ─── n.[内科]感觉异常(paresthesia的复数形式)

2、parenthesise ─── 括号

3、parenthesises ─── 括号

4、parathesis ─── 甲状旁腺

5、parenthesised ─── 括号

6、parenthesize ─── v.将(词、短语等)置于圆括号内;作为插入成分插入

7、parenthesizes ─── v.将(词、短语等)置于圆括号内;作为插入成分插入

8、parentheses ─── n.parenthesis的复数形式

9、parenesis ─── 麻痹

parenthesis 特殊用法

1、squareparenthesis ─── 方括号

2、right parenthesis ─── 右括号

3、left parenthesis ─── 左括号

4、roundparenthesis ─── 圆括弧, 圆括号

parenthesis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also, please remember to include the number in parenthesis if any. ─── 如果可能请顺便记住包含的数字?

2、" immediately after a parenthesis was a syntax error because the "?" would have nothing to repeat, so this didn't introduce any compatibility problems. ─── ?"在括弧后面会直接导致一个语法错误,因为"?

3、in parenthesis ─── 在圆括号内; 附带提一下

4、;the right bracket ] is equivalent to the character pair of period and right parenthesis .) . ─── 左花括号 { 和右花括号 } 分别等价于字符对 (* 和 *) (左圆括号加星号以及星号加右圆括号)。

5、open parenthesis ─── 开式括号

6、by way of parenthesis ─── adv. 附带地

7、A common syntax error is to omit a parenthesis. ─── 一个常见的语法错误是省略插入语。

8、put in parenthesis ─── adj. 附加上(附带)

9、Omit the parenthesis only if the anonymous method could have been used on any delegate. ─── 仅当匿名方法可能被用于任何委托时省略括号。

10、What equles parenthesis add five? ─── 括号加五等于多少?

11、Do not end a line with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parenthesis. ─── 括号、单双引号的前半部不能置于句末。

12、The values in parenthesis are values from the ─── 括号中的值是来自

13、In the case above, use parenthesis to increment the value pi pounsigned chars to and to not increment pi itself. ─── 在上例中,可以价格括号,表示不是修改指针常量的值而是修改指针所指地址的值。

14、All I need to do is close the parenthesis and press enter and I am done. We believe this will improve accuracy and efficiency. ─── 剩下的我所要做的就是输入右括号,并按下回车键,我们确信这种方式会提高公式输入的准确性和效率。

15、The number in parenthesis represents the source address encapsulated into the IP header of the RIP update. ─── 括弧内的数字代表封装在RIP更新的IP表头之来源位址。

16、To insert the equation number without parenthesis around it, choose Numbering under Format instead of Reference. ─── 如果插入没有括号的编号,请在插入引用中选择编号替代引用。

17、omission of parenthesis ─── 括号省略

18、For the sake of discussion, we have assigned a short name to each of the actions (shown in parenthesis). ─── 为了讨论方便,我们为每种行为取了个简短的名字(见圆括号中的显示)。

19、using parenthesis mark ─── 括号法

20、Presentation Form For Vertical Right Parenthesis ─── 变形显现形式垂直右圆括号

21、Do not end a line with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parenthesis. ─── 括号、单双引号的前半部不能置于句末。

22、A bracket that looks like a parenthesis surrounds the two rows. ─── 一对类似圆括号的括号将把这两行括起来。

23、Keyword that appears between the first character of the method declaration and before the opening parenthesis of the parameter declaration, replacing it with the ─── 关键字,它出现在方法声明的前一个字符之后,参数声明的左圆括号之前,用

24、Subgroups are numbered from left to right, from 1 upward. Groups can be nested; to determine the number, just count the opening parenthesis characters, going from left to right. ─── 小组是从左向右计数的,从1开始。组可以被嵌套。计数的数值可以能过从左到右计算打开的括号数来确定。

25、In expressions: if there exist parenthesis and square brackets, you must first count the contents in the parenthesis, then in the square brackets. ─── 在一个算式中,如果有圆括号又有方括号,要先算圆括号里面的,再算方括号里面的。

26、Expressions must not end with an operator, function, comma, or opening parenthesis. ─── 不可以用操作符、函数、逗号或开括号作为表达式结束符。

27、Presentation Form For Vertical Left Parenthesis ─── 变形显现形式竖左圆括号

28、If logical_test is FALSE and value_if_false is blank (that is, after value_if_true, there is a comma followed by the closing parenthesis), then the value 0 (zero) is returned. ─── 如果logical_test为FALSE且value_if_false为空(即value_if_true后有逗号,并紧跟着右括号),则此参数返回0(零)。

29、Value in parenthesis means the relative percentage of tyrosine released as compared woith casein. ─── 3括号中之数值为酪蛋白比较之相对酪胺酸释出百分比。

30、Add parenthesis to function calls ─── 在函数调用中添加括号

31、An opening parenthesis was expected near line %1. ─── 左括号应该出现在第 %1 行附近。

32、As a resident (my comments are all in parenthesis) of a rather sizable condominium on the Upper West Side, I receive at least one or two broker solicitations a day (YES...A DAY! ─── 作为上西城区一个较大共管式公寓的居住者(我的评语都在括号里),我每天至少碰到一到两个经纪人的招揽(是的,是一天!)

33、parenthesis mark ─── 圆括号

34、In Figure 1, you can see the difference in how two tools handle the error of a missing right parenthesis in a pointcut. ─── 在图1中可以看到两种工具处理切入点中括号错误的区别。

35、1@@1 ─── 您输入的表达式缺少右圆括号、方括号 (]) 或竖直线 (|)。11

36、Parenthesis Matching: % Takes you to the matching parenthesis, curly brace, or bracket, depending on what you are on. This always comes in handy as a quick double-check. ─── 括号匹配:%可以让光标从它当前所在的括号跳转到与它相匹配的括号上去,对花括号和圆括号,方括号都有效,常用于手工检查括号是否匹对。

37、Operators in the same line are equal in precedence, and are evaluated from left to right unless otherwise forced by parenthesis ─── 位于同一行中的运算符具有相同的优先级,按从左到右的顺序进行计算,除非使用括号进行强制

38、The configuration parameters that control the sizes of these memory pools are shown in parenthesis. ─── 括号中显示了控制这些内存池大小的配置参数。

39、the calculation formulae can have up to 255 characters, with an unlimited number of parenthesis and named variables. ─── 计算公式最多可以有255个字符,具有无限的括号和命名变量。

40、Inside an attribute block, type the attribute followed by an open parenthesis. ─── 在一个属性块内,键入属性,然后键入左括号。

41、There can be no space between the left parenthesis and the function it follows. ─── 函数与紧随的左括号之间不能有空格。

42、The words in parenthesis () represent the correction. ─── 但初学者不会注意到错误在那里。

43、Controlling measurements shown in parenthesis are in millimeters. ─── 以括号中以毫米为单位的尺寸为准

44、Preface: Numbers in parenthesis refer to the room in the corresponding level in the map section. ─── 前言:在插入的括号数字请查阅主地图部分相应层的房间。

45、Omit the parenthesis only if the anonymous method could have been used on any delegate . ─── 仅当匿名方法可能被用于任何委托时省略括号。

46、parenthesis nesting ─── 括号的嵌套括号重数

47、A closing parenthesis was expected near line %1. ─── 右括号应该出现在第 %1 行附近。

48、Lecithocera parenthesis ─── n. 尼平祝蛾

49、between parenthesis ─── adj. 套入括号内

50、In a block quotation, the period marking the end of the quotation precedes the parenthesis. ─── 多分享,做达人>>崇拜楼主|分享|引用|回复|发表时间:2008-03-10

51、Cast name - Cast the named spell, which may include the rank in parenthesis ─── 使用你所指定的技能,如果技能存在等级,那么需要指定等级

52、Q. Why does using parenthesis in a POSIX regular expression change the result of a match? ─── 在POSIX正则表达式中使用括号为什么会改变匹配结果?

53、char(size) Holds a fixed length string (can contain letters, numbers, and special characters). The fixed size is specified in parenthesis. ─── 保留规定长度的字符串(可以包含字母,数字,特殊符号)大小指定在括号内

54、Your formula is missing a parenthesis--) or (. Check the formula, and then add the parenthesis in the appropriate place. ─── 公式中缺少括号“)”或“(”。请检查一下公式并在适当处添补括号。

55、Write a left parenthesis. ─── 写入左括号。

56、Use at least one space after most punctuation. However, it is incorrect to insert a space after an opening parenthesis or an opening bracket. ─── 大多数标点后面至少要有一个空格,但是,左括号后面不能有空格。

57、Explanation on the Pragmatics Value of the Parenthesis with Relevance Theory ─── 关联理论对插入语语用价值的解释

58、A delegate invocation uses the name of a delegate and method parameters in parenthesis. ─── 委托调用使用委托的名称和括号内的方法参数。

59、Named parameters without parenthesis. ─── 没有圆括号的命名参数。

60、Parenthesis in second language teaching ─── 对外汉语教学中的插语教学

61、11 There is no space between the function name and the parenthesis. ─── 函数名与括号之间没有空格。

62、unbalanced parenthesis ─── 括号不对称

63、left parenthesis ─── n. 左括号

64、when you type an opening parenthesis for a method , a tooltip window shows valid arguments for each overload of that method. ─── 当键入方法的左括号时,将出现一个工具提示窗口,其中显示该方法的各个重载的有效参数。

65、Write a right parenthesis. ─── 写入右括号。

66、balanced parenthesis ─── 平衡圆括号

67、I shall like to mention another point here by way of parenthesis. ─── 在这里我想附带再提一下另外一点。

68、mismatched parenthesis ─── 不匹配的括弧

69、parenthesis language ─── 括号语言

70、right parenthesis ─── n. 右括号

71、I should like to mention this by way of parenthesis. ─── 我想附带地提一提这个问题。

72、To capture a value from the URL, just put parenthesis around it. ─── 大致的意思是说:为了从URL中捕获值的话,使用圆括号将它包括起来。

73、Do not read the parenthesis. ─── 不要把插入语读出来。

74、parenthesis grammar ─── 括号文法

75、Put the word in parenthesis. ─── 把这词括在圆括号里。

76、Expressions must not begin with an operator, comma, or closing parenthesis. ─── 不可以用操作符、逗号或闭括号作为表达式的开始符。

77、An interpolated subrule keeps its own inner $/, so its parentheses never count toward the outer rules groupings. (In other words, parenthesis numbering is always lexically scoped. ─── 内插的子规则将保留它内部的变量$/,所以它的圆括号计数不会和外层的规则有关。(换句话说:括号数量的计算也是有域的限制的。)

78、The expression you entered is missing a closing parenthesis, bracket (]), or vertical bar (|).

79、As a very important part of Chinese grammar, parenthesis teaching did not get enough attention. ─── 插语作为汉语语法一个重要的组成部分,一直未受到足够的重视。

80、Data in parenthesis are number of pups of which their genomic DNA were analyzed. ─── 括弧内之数据为进行基因组DNA分析之仔小鼠数。

81、I would like to make it clear, in 12) parenthesis , that I do not blame my parents for their point of view. ─── 在此,我想顺带澄清一点,我并不责怪我父母的观点。

82、A parenthesis, used prior to being critical or remindful, shows that the speaker doesn't wish to intentionally censure the other person, however, due to that person's actions is doing so. ─── 插入语,用于批评、提醒的话语之前,表示不是自己有意责难对方,而是对方的言行确实不妥。

83、If the expression in the parenthesis is evaluated to be true, then the Console.WriteLine("The boolean flag is set to ture."); statement is executed. ─── 如果括号里的表达式计算为true,则执行Console.WriteLine("The boolean flag is set to ture.");语句。

84、I would like to mention another point here by the way of parenthesis ─── 在这里我想附带再提一下另外一点

85、Control statements should have one space between the control keyword and opening parenthesis, to distinguish them from function calls. ─── 控制结构应该有一个空格在控制关键字和圆括号之间,以区别函数调用。

86、parenthesis notation ─── 括号标序法

87、remove parenthesis ─── 去括弧

88、Comparative Study on the Communicative Function of Parenthesis in English and Chinese ─── 插入语言语交际功能的英汉语言对比分析

89、well-formed parenthesis string ─── 合式的括号行

90、S-expressions are fully parenthesized expressions with only one form of parenthesis. ─── S表达式是仅用一种形式的括号完全括起来的表达式。


假设,前提,这个词分成两部分,一个是hypo一个是thesisthesis的词源是thes/thet。这两个词根来源于希腊语tithenai,意思是“to place,to put”也就是“置放”的意思thesis意思是放置在此,是命题,论题,论文的意思。

而“hypo-”是词缀,意思是下面hypothesis本意是放置在下面的观点,后来意思改为前提,假说,假设。类似的衍生词还有syn(共同)+thesis =synthesis(放置到一起)意思是综合还有antithesis对立面(anti是“反”的意思)parenthesis**入语,附带,**曲,圆括号(para=beside;en=in)希望能帮到你

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