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awakening 发音

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awakening 中文意思翻译




awakening 网络释义

n. 觉醒;唤醒;认识adj. 觉醒中的;正在产生的v. 唤醒;唤起(awaken的ing形式)

awakening 短语词组

rude awakening

1. 猛然觉醒

I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy.


1、final awakening ─── 最终觉醒

2、awakening seed ─── 觉醒的种子

3、awakening light ─── 觉醒之光

4、awakening age ─── 觉醒时代

5、awakening time ─── 唤醒时间

6、awakening hills ─── 唤醒群山

7、awakening foundation ─── 觉醒基金会

8、awakening from the dream ─── 从梦中醒来

9、re-awakening (re-awaken ─── 的现在分词) vt. 使想起, 使回忆;再次唤醒

10、awakening secret garden ─── 唤醒秘密花园

11、awakening characters ─── 唤醒角色

12、final fantasy awakening ─── 最终幻想觉醒

13、dream to awakening ─── 从梦想到觉醒

14、awakening to ─── 意识到;醒悟

15、awakening to love ─── 爱的觉醒

16、awakening tour ─── 觉醒之旅

17、Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana ─── 觉醒大乘的信仰

18、awakening society ─── 觉醒社会

19、awakening times ─── 觉醒时间

awakening 词性/词形变化,awakening变形

动词第三人称单数: awakens |名词: awakener |动词过去式: awakened |动词现在分词: awakening |动词过去分词: awakened |

awakening 相似词语短语

1、awarning ─── 唤醒

2、unawakening ─── 未唤醒

3、reawakening ─── vt.苏醒;再度觉醒(reawaken的现在分词形式)

4、weakening ─── n.弱化;疲软;衰减;v.削弱(weaken的ing形式)

5、awakeningly ─── 觉醒

6、awaking ─── v.(使)醒来,唤醒(awake的现在分词)

7、rewakening ─── 重绕

8、wakening ─── n.唤醒;v.唤醒;醒来(waken的ing形式)

9、awakenings ─── 无语问苍天(电影名)

awakening 习惯用语

1、rude awakening ─── (对于希望或理想的)突然幻灭猛然的醒悟, 突然的惊醒; 后悔莫及

awakening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was just trying to awaken me, but in my hurry I had refused to listen! ─── 她只是想提醒我,但我在匆忙中不肯聆听!

2、Emma suffered a rude awakening when Mr. Elton, finding her alone, asked her to marry him. ─── 埃尔顿先生私下向爱玛求婚,这使爱玛猛然醒悟。

3、It was as if the spirit of life and the awakening spring had given back the soul to her youth and bade her rejoice. ─── 它犹如精神和生命觉醒的春天已经还给灵魂,她的青春和她话别感到高兴。

4、He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening . ─── 他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。

5、And yet how can humans awaken if they live so far a field from nature? ─── 可是如果人类居住在离自然界如此之远的地域,他们怎么可能觉醒?

6、Nothing can awaken his sympathy towards this matter . ─── 什么东西也不能唤起他对这事的同情。

7、Thus, without awakening Mohr, Williams operated on the left ear. ─── 就这样,没有叫醒摩尔,威廉对左耳进行了手术。

8、Operation Spring Awakening was envisaged by Hitler as a knock-out blow against Soviet forces in the Balkans. ─── 希特勒把“春季觉醒”行动看成是把苏军赶出巴尔干的一次计划。

9、People are gradually awakening to their rights. ─── 人们正逐渐意识到自己的权利。

10、He has a large bell in his hand and this he swings mechanically, awakening a deafening clangor. ─── 他手中拿着一个大铃,呆板地摇动着,发出了一阵震耳欲聋的铃声。

11、Looking for something New involves...... knowledge awakening and daringness. ─── 寻找“新”的路上,需要广博的见闻,及时的醒悟和不灭的胆气。

12、He felt his body awaken excitedly, his senses swim. ─── 他感到自己周身兴奋激动,神智飘荡。

13、It have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization. ─── 它留下了一种自动信息通讯装置,以等待高级文明的可能的萌发。

14、Are you going to awaken her? ─── 你打算唤醒她吗?

15、By developing blessings and wisdom and awakening to True Suchness. ─── 培植福慧悟真如。

16、A slur thrusts into people's heart, while wise words can awaken people. ─── 一句伤害人的话,能将人心刺破,一句智慧良言,却能唤醒人心。

17、Edna had a lot of awakening and perplexity with regards to her existence. ─── 埃德娜对自身存在有着种种觉醒及其觉醒后的困惑。

18、The discovery that her husband had an extramarital affair was a rude awakening. ─── 她丈夫有婚外情的发现是一个粗残的觉醒。

19、He faced about and blessed gravely thrice the tower, the surrounding land and the awakening mountains. ─── 他朝四下里望望,肃穆地对这座塔和周围的田野以及逐渐苏醒了的群山祝福了三遍。

20、On the other hand, he destroys them thoroughly to repudiate traditional Chinese culture, thus calls on man's awakening. ─── 又使悲剧人物的命运毁灭得十分彻底,进而批判中国的传统文化,呼唤“人”的觉醒。

21、He must awaken to the fact that failure means dismissal . ─── 他必须意识到失败了就要被免职。

22、The first step in awakening senses is to stop predicting what we are going to see and feel before it occurs. ─── 唤醒感官的第一步是在事情发生之前,不要预测我们将要看到或感觉到的东西。

23、We have agreements to support the evolution and awakening of many in human form. ─── 我们已同意去支持许多人类形体的进化和觉醒。

24、Thousands of other people have stepped into the welfare lines in Ohio's 88 counties and experienced a rude awakening. ─── 在俄亥俄州的八十八个县里,另外有几千人踏进了福利救济的行列,并且突然觉悟了。

25、Younger women who believe that this island boy actually is in love with her, will have a very rude awakening. ─── 而那些完全相信岛上的男孩们是爱着她们的年轻女士们总是在被骗之后才猛然醒悟。

26、Therefore the consumptive era must conclude and a new era of spiritual awakening amongst humans must take off. ─── 因此,消耗的时代必须终结,而一个人类灵性觉醒的全新时代必须启动。

27、Katrina was a disaster that allows us to awaken on many levels. ─── 卡特里娜是一场灾难,允许我们在很多层面上得到唤醒。

28、All species upon Earth are acting as a beacon for human awakening. ─── 地球上所有物种正为人类觉醒扮演着一座灯塔。

29、It's likely that you tll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. ─── 您可能会在许多的夜里于凌晨2至4时之间醒过来。

30、When you feel what you are doing is senseless and boring, may it also become a reminder of your awakening. ─── 当你在做一件觉得无聊的事情时,愿它也成为一种提醒的助力。

31、Ancestral Awakening - Now works on Riptide Critical Hits. ─── 先祖觉醒可以被激流的暴击触发。

32、Masters main purpose at the time was to bless the whole country and promote spiritual awakening among the people. ─── 当年师父之行,主要是为了加持大陆整个国家,提升当地的灵性觉醒。

33、Women: Would rather be fooled by beauty but not awaken by ugliness. ─── 女人有些缺点,在女人眼中或许并不为然,在有些女人眼中甚至是优点。

34、The discovery that her husband was unfaithful to her was a rude (ie shocking) awakening. ─── 她发觉丈夫对自己不忠而猛醒。

35、But I as if excessively many have not treasured, this causes me to rude awakening, but my some are the time correction mistakes. ─── 而我似乎并没有过多的去珍惜,这使我后悔莫及,不过我有的是时间改正错误。

36、The curveball becomes that rude awakening that often derails us from our tried and true plan to go from A to B. ─── 当我们计画由A点启程前往B点时,曲球就像是个突然出现的莽汉,打乱我们原有的轨迹。

37、We are God's emissaries and messengers here for your awakening, and bound to see that you safely step upon the path to Ascension. ─── 我们是上帝的使者和信使,为了你们的觉醒而在这里,有义务看着你们安全地踏上扬升之路。

38、What's the first step in awakening senses? ─── 唤醒感官的第一步是什么?

39、awakening, Pinocchio put his hand up to his head. ─── 皮诺乔一觉醒来,把手放在头上。

40、One step behind you are hundreds of thousands who are awakening. ─── 在你身后的一步是数以千计的人苏醒的一步。

41、China is like a giant awakening from a heavy sleep. ─── 中国像一个从沉睡中觉醒的巨人。

42、I am especially encouraged that the younger Singaporeans are in the forefront of this cultural awakening. ─── 尤其令我振奋的,是看见新加坡青年站在推动文化觉醒的前列。

43、The discovery that her husband was unfaithful to her was a rude(ie shocking)awakening. ─── 她发觉丈夫对自己不忠而猛醒.

44、They compared new China to a giant awakening from a heavy sleep. ─── 他们把新中国比作一个从沉睡中醒来的巨人。

45、She hadn't studied hard at school and so she had a rude awakening after the examinations. ─── 她在学校读书不用功,考试之后才猛然醒悟。

46、What were you like before Awakening? A chivalrous example to all, or a cad? ─── 你在觉醒之前是什么样的?一个绅士的典范,还是一个卑鄙下流的人?

47、If the players think they can win this match easily, they are in for a rude awakening. ─── 如果选手们认为他们可以轻而易举地赢得这场比赛,他们会遭到当头棒喝。

48、The year from 1870 to 1890 were a time of the awakening of the social consciousness of Protestantism. ─── 从1870年到1890年的那些年月,是一个新教社会意识觉醒的时代。

49、There is nothing to awaken fancy in that land of dull realities. ─── 到处是单调的现实,没有什么可使人浮想联翩。

50、It does not appear to affect awakening from general anesthesia and has no extrapyramidal effects or sedatie qualities. ─── 它不影响全麻病人的清醒,椎体外系症状或镇静的质量。

51、To rouse from sleep; awaken. ─── 使醒过来使从睡眠中醒过来;弄醒

52、However, it brings us a sense, godsend, rude awakening. ─── 形生而象象焉,象者人也。

53、By awakening the spirits, they've unwittingly unleashed erotic pleasures - and ancient, unspeakable horrors. ─── 他们除唤醒了这些灵魂外,更唤起了众人的情欲,勾起了难以抗拒的恐惧及欲望。

54、They were making enough noise to awaken the dead. ─── 他们发出的声音大得能把死人吵醒。

55、Keep awaken then; for you never know the day or the hour. ─── 你们一定要警醒,因为你们不知道究竟何时何日会有什么事发生。

56、The working people in their tens of millions are awakening. ─── 千百万劳动人民正在觉醒。

57、Life seemed particularly sweet, as it does after awakening from a nightmare. ─── 好像噩梦初醒时那样觉得生命是何等的可爱。

58、This cosmic wave held the encoded activation in its rays for the awakening of many star seeds. ─── 因为这宇宙波在它射线里拥有激活唤醒许多星星种子的编码。

59、For some this force is awakening latent skills. ─── 对于有些人,这种力量正在唤醒潜在的技巧。

60、However, spiritual awakening is essential before we realize the beautiful things that are waiting for us to enjoy! ─── 不过这需要透过灵性上的觉醒,才能够体会到有这么美好的事正等待着每个人来享受!

61、You are beginning to awaken this identity within yourself. ─── 你们已经开始唤醒自己内在这一身份。

62、We had an enjoyable time at the theatre, but then to find my car had been stolen came as a rude awakening. ─── 我们在剧场里度过了愉快的时光,但后来发现我的汽车被窃时,才猛然意识到事情不妙。

63、This we offer to each human that requests it, and is our gift to support your continued awakening. ─── 我们向每一需要它的人类提供它,且也是我们支持你持续觉醒的礼物。

64、What time shall we awaken him ? ─── 什么时候我们把他喊醒?

65、Should we not attempt to awaken the inner forces to God's presence? ─── 我们不应该去唤醒内心的力量以经历上帝的临在吗?

66、You lose half your gold, and find yourself awakening elsewhere... ─── 你将减少一半你的黄金,而且发现你醒来时身在别处...

67、Do you long for companions and friends upon a parallel path of awakening? ─── 你想有在相同的觉醒之路上的伙伴和朋友吗?

68、To awaken from or as if from sleep. ─── 叫醒唤醒或像是从睡梦中唤醒

69、Let everything vibrate in me with the universal anxiety of the beginning, just awakening from nothingness! ─── 让我体内的一切震颤,以创始的冲动,于虚无中醒觉!

70、It is an urgent task to awaken cultural criticism from its critical lethargy. ─── 如何把当下的文化批评从批判的昏睡中唤醒是一个亟待解决的问题。

71、To me the flowers became symbolical of a great release, of a wonderful awakening. ─── 对我说来,这些花卉象征着一次极大的解脱,一次奇妙的觉醒。我的视线顿时豁然开朗;

72、Intend that the love that you send assist them in their life journey and awakening to the choice to consciously ascend. ─── 意愿你所送去的爱协助他们此生的生命历程并协助他们觉醒到有意识提升的选择。

73、A place with songs and sounds. A silver guidepost is Untapped in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order. ─── 在音乐与歌声洋溢的地方,银色的标识因无声而沉寂,唯有既定的顺序方能将其唤醒。

74、Of or relating to the partially conscious state that precedes complete awakening from sleep. ─── 半醒的完全从睡眠中醒来前的半意识状态的,或与之有关的

75、The awakening time was shorter in EGA group than in GA group. ─── EGA组苏醒时间明显短于GA组(P

76、He is awaken by the song of birds in the tree. ─── 他被林中的鸟鸣声闹醒。

77、We had all been enjoying ourselves, but the rude awakening came when our firm started to lose money. ─── 我们一直过得很痛快,但当我们的公司开始赔本时,我们才猛然发觉事情不妙。

78、Standing at the streetcar stop, hearing the birds and watching the sun come up was like an awakening. ─── 站在电车站,聆听着鸟鸣,观望着旭日像梦醒时分似的冉冉升起。

79、They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. ─── 他们用他们经过时智慧的低语唤醒我们新的领悟。

80、Do not stir up or awaken love until it is. ─── 不要惊动,不要叫醒我所亲爱的,等他自己情愿。

81、But the next morning, upon awakening, Pinocchio put his hands up to his head and there he found something on his head. ─── 可是皮诺奇高兴得太早了。第二天一早,皮诺奇醒来,觉得脑袋上痒痒的

82、His shout died away in the mist, without even awakening an echo. ─── 他的呼声在暮霭中消失,连回响也没有了。

83、He would awaken them from the slep of forgetting to the remembering of God. ─── 他会将他们由遗忘之梦中唤醒,而忆起天父。)

84、It awaits this long destined awakening, from within the sacred Ark. ─── 它期待着这长久以来的觉醒,神圣的方舟就在它里面。

85、You're not just sitting here, biding your time, waiting for the accident of Awakening to happen. ─── 你并非仅是坐在这里守候时光,等待觉醒的偶发突现。

86、I don't want to awaken the others. ─── 我不想吵醒其他人。

87、So we will also support any human that so chooses to awaken and ascend. ─── 因此我们也将支持任何一个也选择去觉醒和提升的人类。

88、We had all been enjoying ourselves,but the rude awakening came when our firm started to lose money. ─── 我们一直过得很痛快,但当我们的公司开始赔本时,我们才猛然发觉事情不妙。

89、In that time, an awesome awakening will begin to manifest. ─── 在那时候,一个有威严的觉醒将开始显示。

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