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08-19 投稿


cosmopolitical 中文意思翻译



cosmopolitical 短语词组

1、cosmopolitical systems ─── 宇宙政治体系

2、cosmopolitical definition ─── 宇宙政治定义

cosmopolitical 相似词语短语

1、sociopolitical ─── adj.社会政治的

2、isopolitical ─── 等政治

3、cosmopolitism ─── n.大同思想,世界主义

4、cosmological ─── adj.宇宙论的;宇宙哲学的

5、cosmopolitic ─── 世界性的

6、cosmogonical ─── 天体演化(学)的;宇宙起源的

7、cosmopolitan ─── adj.世界性的;世界主义的,四海一家的;见多识广的;n.四海为家者;世界主义者;世界各地都有的东西

8、socio-political ─── adj.社会政治的

9、cosmopolitics ─── 宇宙政治

cosmopolitical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What is wrong with world history from a cosmopolitical point of view? ─── 从世界主义的观点看世界历史错在何处?

2、Contemporary American Jewish Literature: Theme of Alienation and Cosmopolitical Implication ─── 当代美国犹太文学中的异化主题及其世界化品性

3、She asks: Why does the cosmopolitical school, when it pretends to weigh in the balance the advantages and the disadvantages of the system of protection, utterly ignore this great and remarkable instance of the results of that system? ─── 它要问,世界主义学派对于保护制度的利弊。自以为是权衡过轻重的,那么对于上面所资这个制度所造成的一些非常显著的情况,为什么完全置之不顾呢!

4、secondly, that he attributes the name political economy to a doctrine which is evidently of cosmopolitical nature; ─── 其次,他把在政治经济这个名词下所包含的内容归纳到一种学说,这种学说显然是世界主义性质的;

5、wrong with world history from a cosmopolitical point of view? ─── 从世界主义的观点看世界历史错在何处?

6、We have now also to point out the mistakes which it has committed by regarding the separate interests of nations from a cosmopolitical point of view. ─── 我们还要指出它由于从世界主义观点来考虑各个国家的利益而犯的错误。

7、For our own part, we are far from rejecting the theory of cosmopolitical economy, as it has been perfected by the prevailing school; ─── 就我们这方面来说,我们绝对不是要把流行学派主张的世界主义经济理论一笔抹杀;

8、Chapter 11 Political and Cosmopolitical Economy ─── 第十一章 国家经济学与世界主义经济学

9、However,by giving his cosmopolitical economy the name political,he dispenses with this explanation,effects by means of a transposition of terms also a transposition of meaning,and thereby masks a series of the gravest theoretical errors. ─── 他用政治经济的名称来称呼他的世界主义经济时,在这一点上并没有作出说明,由于这种名词上的移动,跟着就发生了意义上的移动,这样就掩蔽了一系列最严重的理论错误。

10、Contemporary American Jewish Literature: Theme of Alienation and Cosmopolitical Implication ─── 当代美国犹太文学中的异化主题及其世界化品性

11、For our own part, we are far from rejecting the theory of cosmopolitical economy, as it has been perfected by the prevailing school; ─── 就我们这方面来说,我们绝对不是要把流行学派主张的世界主义经济理论一笔抹杀;

12、What is wrong with world history from a cosmopolitical point of view? ─── 从世界主义的观点看世界历史错在何处?

13、Quesnay undoubtedly speaks of cosmopolitical economy, i.e. of that science which teaches how the entire human race may attain prosperity; ─── 魁奈所谈的无疑是世界主义经济,是从事研究如何使全人类获得发展的那种科学;

14、it has fallen into the grave error of judging of the conditions of nations according to purely cosmopolitical principles, and of ignoring from merely political reasons the cosmopolitical tendency of the productive powers. ─── 它犯的严重错误是,以单纯的世界主义原则为依据,来衡量不同国家的情况,从而仅仅由于政治上的理由,忽视了生产力的世界性的发展趋势。

15、60. secondly, that he attributes the name political economy to a doctrine which is evidently of cosmopolitical nature; ─── 其次,他把在政治经济这个名词下所包含的内容归纳到一种学说,这种学说显然是世界主义性质的;

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