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08-19 投稿


forgettable 发音

英:[f??get?bl]  美:[f??ɡ?t?b?l, f?r-]

英:  美:

forgettable 中文意思翻译



forgettable 同义词

boring | mediocre | uninteresting | unremarkable |unmemorable | undistinguished | ordinary

forgettable 词性/词形变化,forgettable变形

动词现在分词: forgetting |名词: forgetter |动词过去分词: forgotten/forgot |动词过去式: forgot |动词第三人称单数: forgets |

forgettable 短语词组

1、forgettable nightcore 10 hr ─── 遗忘夜店10小时

2、forgettable definition ─── 遗忘定义

3、forgettable by thomas rhett ─── 托马斯·瑞德的《遗忘》

4、an forgettable trip ─── 一次难忘的旅行

5、forgettable tale ─── 遗忘的故事

6、forgettable nightcore forgettable nightcore

7、forgettable lyrics ─── 遗忘的歌词

forgettable 反义词


forgettable 相似词语短语

1、forgeable ─── adj.可锻造的

2、gorgeable ─── 狼吞虎咽的

3、forceable ─── 可强制的

4、unforgettable ─── adj.难忘的

5、forfeitable ─── adj.能没收的

6、gettable ─── adj.能得到的;可以获得的

7、forgivable ─── adj.可宽恕的;可原谅的

8、targetable ─── 可命中目标的

9、unforgettably ─── 令人难忘地;不可磨灭地

forgettable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whatshisname is the most forgettable star.Ever. ─── 无名氏是最容易让人忘记的球星。

2、" And if you reflect on government announcements of these things, all places seem to fall into one of three categories: catastrophic flooding, catastrophic drought, or forgettable. ─── 如果你怀疑政府的通告的话,所有地区似乎应该是可以被划分为3类:洪灾区,旱灾区,基本稳定区。

3、Hitman, the movie adaptation of the video game franchise, is largely predictable and therefore forgettable. ─── 昨天晚上很无聊,一个人吃饭。

4、Sometimes looking out of the window I feel that I am such a forgettable character. ─── 有时候,静静的看着窗外,会觉得自己是个很容易被遗忘的人。

5、And I'm totally forgettable. ─── 貌不惊人的男人的悲哀。

6、It's adult who are really forgettable, not children. ─── 真正把人忘记的是大人,而不是小孩。

7、Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock (though I have since enjoyed many of those, too). ─── 夏日里的阅读并非我过去所认为的单纯的娱乐,也非无忧无虑的,转瞬即逝的,犹如躺在吊床上一般的消遣(尽管我此后也的确享受了不少此类消遣)。

8、And though the action on the court was largely forgettable, the atmosphere at the Olympic Basketball Gymnasium was hardly so. ─── 虽然行动上法庭,主要是遗忘,气氛在奥林匹克体育馆篮球是很难做。

9、If it weren't for that metallic orange "Copperhead" paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4, 460 lbs of generic SUV. ─── 如果不是橙色的金属“铜斑蛇”油漆工作,博雷戈是一个相当忘记四千四百六十英镑通用的SUV。

10、It was a forgettable trip for Jordan Farmar. He had two points against Denver and was scoreless against Phoenix, making a combined one of seven shots in 27 minutes. ─── 法玛尔在这次客场之旅似乎被忘记,在和掘金及太阳比赛中上场27分钟7投1中。

11、Those of you wondering why they always blow you off when youcall, now you know the answer; you were simply forgettable. ─── 你想知道为什么打电话时她们总是推脱你,现在知道答案了,你只是被忘记了。

12、By then Connery had appeared in five forgettable films-but in one of them, he caught the eye of Walt Disney, who brought him to the United States in 1958. ─── 那时候,康纳利已出演过五部不起眼儿的影片--但在其中一部中,他引起了沃尔特·迪其尼的注意,1958年迪斯尼把他带到了美国。

13、On the other hand, I shall avoid discussing minutiae and wil not load this essay with fleeting and instantly forgettable references to hundreds of names,topics and titles. ─── 另一方面,我将避免谈论细节,不会装载这篇杂文在上百的暂短和立即易被忘记的关于名字、题目和标题。

14、Within a mere half-hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized. ─── 在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。

15、For the development of college students, the important aspect of higher education is to make students with the quality that is not forgettable. ─── 摘要高等教育对于学生的发展,其重要的方面是让学生得到不能忘却的素质。

16、And after a forgettable second half, the dying moments proved full of incident. ─── 经过下半场一段波澜不惊比赛,补时阶段充满变故。

17、Instead we scrape away the earth, erect the structure itself, and cap it with a rainproof, presumably forgettable, roof. ─── 我们会刮除土地、立起结构体,然后在顶端罩上一个想必盖好就会被人遗忘的防雨屋顶。

18、After the fall of the Merkel government in 2009, Germany was governed by a succession of unstable coalitions and forgettable chancellors. ─── 自打2009年默克尔政府垮台以来,在德国执政的是一连串脆弱的联盟和没人记得的总理。

19、It sounds like a commercial: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable. ─── 它听起来像句广告语:顺耳却平淡易忘。

20、The desserts were functional though forgettable: “The tart is tart,” the diner said, of an underwhelming lemon curd. ─── 新的完美可能还有很多不完美。

21、It's a forgettable movie; it's hard to believe that people are swarming into cinemas to see it. ─── 这时一部看了就忘的电影,很难想象人们还蜂拥进电影院去看。

22、He has acted in three forgettable action films. ─── 他已出演了三个反响不大的动作片。

23、Every player today are very goodand their performance are brilliant and forgettable. ─── 听了选手们的精彩演讲,留给我们的是难以忘怀的瞬间,今天每位选手都非常出色。

24、think about your happiness, do a forgettable person . no matter how others regard you to be wired, you should insist your qualities. always asking yourself; ─── 常想想你的幸福.做一个“健忘”的人:释怀过去。不管别人觉得你有多怪多离奇,都要坚持自己的本色。

25、Reviewing Past Fifty Springs, He Who Ever Lead Us is Never Forgettable ─── 回首五十春,难忘引路人

26、forgettable thing ─── 可以忘却的事

27、4、And I'm totally forgettable. ─── 而我太不起眼.

28、Yet otherwise he seemed forgettable, an almost disembodied and unphysical being. ─── 不过,除了数学成就,他似乎很健忘,简直是个心不在焉、不食人间烟火的人。

29、If it weren't for Asano, the film would be utterly forgettable. ─── 如果不是让浅野来演,这片子注定会被人轻易遗忘。

30、They must work to get center Andrew Bynum's game back in gear after five forgettable games against the Jazz. ─── 接下来的比赛湖人必须尽力避免重蹈覆辙。

31、He threw about 15 more pitches in the bullpen to finish a forgettable day. ─── 小王后来到了牛棚多投了15球让自己好忘掉这一天的表现。

32、On a forgettable night for the Dutchman, his handling was far from its best 5 Har... ─── 曼彻斯特晚报评分 朴智星最高 Van der Sar: Kicking has been suspect of late.

33、I’d like to remain our present relation, for I like it.I hope this talk will be forgettable . ─── 我想和你保持这种关系,因为我喜欢这种感觉.希望这是一场美丽的误会.

34、These men are at the head of a vast army of even more forgettable bosses. ─── 这些人在容易让人遗忘的总裁大军中位列前茅。

35、Some of the menu sounds border on being grating, the music is mostly forgettable, and some of the tracks loop too frequently. ─── 上的一些菜单声音边境炉栅, 音乐大多数易被忘记, 并且一些轨迹(磁道)太经常地环(回路)。

36、If it weren't for that metallic orange “Copperhead” paint job, the Borrego is a pretty forgettable 4,460 lbs of generic SUV. ─── 如果不是橙色的金属“铜斑蛇”油漆工作,博雷戈是一个相当忘记四千四百六十英镑通用的SUV。

37、an instantly forgettable tune ─── 转瞬即忘的曲调

38、Math skills are also easily forgettable for kids during the two months of school break. ─── 在两个月的学校假期里,孩子们也容易忘记数学技能。

39、Why I am busy to be fidgety But to the forgettable and to can't find out the beauty ─── 为什么我忙碌着去烦躁而去遗忘了不找出了美丽

40、Subject: T-REX 450X for 3D, forgett Zoom! ─── 主题:小暴龙可飞3D,忘掉炫风吧!

41、a movie with very forgettable characters. ─── 人物让人印象不深的影片

42、Wait! Youngman! Your luggage! Your burden may be forgettable, but your Love should be always conscious! ─── 你们的行李,你的负担可以忘记,可你的爱要总是清醒!

43、Is it that forgettable? You really don't remember? In the park? ─── 这事这么容易忘记吗?你真的不记得了?在公园里!

44、Flitted in and out of the game but showed a rare moment of quality with a great goal in a largely forgettable encounter . ─── 但是,对方首发阵容中包括了瓦塞尔、本贾尼和麦克波尔等成名球员。下一场内梅特应该可以复出。

45、time-varifying forgettable factor ─── 时变遗忘因子

46、Forgettable is not a bad manner, on the contrary, it is an advanced attitude to one's living. ─── 遗忘不是个坏习惯,相反,它是一种高级的生活态度。

47、Forgettable likely to be forgotten ─── 容易被忘的,可忘记的

48、Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock. ─── 盛夏阅读不是我原先认为的仅仅借以消磨时光的娱乐不是躺在吊床上无忧无虑打开书本就什么都忘掉的一种消遣。

49、The ones I've seen have all been Hollywood films which I've found instantly forgettable. ─── 这个之后看的那些所有的好莱坞电影我都很快会忘记。

50、And I learned that summer that reading was not the innocent pastime I had assumed it to be , not a breezy , instantly forgettable escape in a hammock ( though I've enjoyed many of those too). ─── 在那个夏季我明白了一个道理,阅读不是像我想的那样简单,躺在吊床上悠闲地消磨时间,(虽然多数情况下我还是很享受这样的时光的)。

51、In reality, SPOT found its way into a few forgettable products, including watches and a line of coffee makers. ─── 但事实上,SPOT带来了不少没人记得的产品,包括手表以及一系列咖啡机。

52、Stinky/as Skunky: Sorry Jim, you're just so darn forgettable. ─── 臭蛋:对不起,吉姆,你太容易使人忘记了。

53、dig that feature of other forgettable, ─── 发掘别人容易忽略的特色,

54、There is no long-term comparative advantage in being forgettable. ─── 被人遗忘,并没有长期的比较优势。

55、Brown did not speak to the media after the game Thursday, when he invoked boos from the sellout crowd particularly after a forgettable sequence in which he missed a dunk and lost the ball trying to make a move in the paint. ─── 布朗在周四的比赛后并没有接受媒体访问,在比赛中他因自己一系列数不胜数的表现(比如一次次扣飞扣篮或者在试图单打对方油漆区时丢球)而被主场球迷喝倒彩。

56、you see ,i'm a forgettable person, ─── 你看见了,皒是歌健忘的人,

57、She is so forgettable,and always puts off the things she should do. ─── 她这人就是爱忘事,做什么事情总是拖拖拉拉的

58、It's a good thing Collins' books are so forgettable;otherwise, readers might have the sneaking suspicion they've read all this before. ─── 本书对于被肥胖问题困扰着的女士来说,是一部不可多得的减肥指导书;

59、Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock. ─── 盛夏阅读不是我原先认为的仅仅借以消磨时光的娱乐不是躺在吊床上无忧无虑打开书本就什么都忘掉的一种消遣。

60、LA will have had a full week off and may not be ready for the kind of defense Houston has to offer after getting whatever they wanted against the Jazz (except for a forgettable Game 3). ─── 湖人已经休息了整整一周的时间,或许从爵士那予取予求(除了可以被遗忘的第3场)之后,他们还未做好充分的准备来应对火箭的防守。

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