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08-19 投稿


chawed 发音


英:  美:

chawed 中文意思翻译



chawed 词性/词形变化,chawed变形

动词现在分词: chawing |动词第三人称单数: chaws |动词过去式: chawed |动词过去分词: chawed |

chawed 短语词组

1、chawed definition chawed ─── 定义

chawed 相似词语短语

1、cawed ─── n.鸦叫声,呱呱叫;v.发出鸦叫声,呱呱地叫,聒噪;n.(Caw)(美、英、澳)考(人名)

2、chafed ─── v.摩擦;激怒(chafe的过去式)

3、chowed ─── n.食物;松狮狗;vi.吃;n.(Chow)(英、塞舌)乔;(缅)雀(人名);(中)周(姓氏)

4、hawed ─── n.山楂,山楂果;吆喝牲畜左转;瞬膜;vi.向左转;vt.使向左转;n.(Haw)人名;(英)霍

5、chewed ─── v.咀嚼;(因烦恼或焦虑)咬住;细想,深思;反刍;(非正式)闲聊;n.咀嚼;咀嚼物,口香糖,供咀嚼的烟草;n.(Chew)(美、新、马、英、加)丘(人名)

6、chawer ─── n.一口;咀嚼物;咀嚼(chaw的变形)

7、chared ─── n.家庭杂务,日常琐事;令人厌烦的工作(等于chore)

8、chased ─── v.vt.追捕(chase的过去式与过去分词形式)

9、clawed ─── adj.有爪或螯的;n.抓(claw的过去式和过去分词)

chawed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion Chaw Gum by fasting patients after the operation has important effects on oral cavity cleaning and infection prevention. ─── 结论手术后禁食患者嚼口香胶对清洁口腔、预防口腔感染具有重要的作用。

2、Clinical study of the effect on oral cavity cleaning and infection prevention by chaw gum after operation ─── 手术后患者嚼口香胶对口腔清洁及预防感染的临床研究

3、Diverse drinking methods: decoct, boil, brew, extract juice, and just chaw. ─── 饮用方法多元性:煎、煮、冲泡、提汁、干嚼均可。

4、Support good music, support Gary Chaw. ─── 支持好音乐,支持曹格。

5、GARY CHAW ASIA LIVE 2008 LIMITED RM238 ROCK ZONE TICKET BOOKING!!! ─── 曹格亚洲巡回演唱会-限量摇滚区门票购!

6、Before englut ,chaw charefully first. ─── 食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼.

7、I ordered a platter of goose, it was very oily, the goose was hard to chaw, I dipped rice into oil, so rice became very easy to eat, I ate completely. ─── 当天中午又饿肚子,很多饭馆都没开门,后来终于找到了一家开业的饭馆,也不算正式开业,他们在准备年夜饭。

8、I can't ketch a fly in there, I can't chaw . I got to wear shoes all Sunday. ─── 在那里我既不能捉苍蝇,也不能嚼口香糖,星期日整天不能赤脚。

9、Stop being a drama queen, chaw! ─── 别大惊小怪的,吃你的东西吧!

10、Zhi Shu's mom Cyndi Chaw is a Taiwanese singer, we have visited her concert as her family members. ─── 直树妈,赵咏华是名歌星,我们曾经观赏它的演唱会。

11、Do you used to chaw chewing gum? ─── 过去常常嚼口香糖吗?

12、Dipped some stuff, and to bolt soon, if you would like to chaw it to piece.HeHe, Don't have this throught, or how strange it said. ─── 蘸上料,三两下就吞下去,您要是想嚼烂了啊,嘿嘿,一天也甭想,要不怎么说怪呢。

13、Of course ,we finally can chaw a few mild lotus seeds ,but hardly have we had a chance to taste some sweet with a little bitter walnuts. ─── 当然结果是味淡的莲子嚼了不少,却难有机会品尝那香而略苦的核桃了。

14、Hello, may I ask if Elaine Chaw is here? ─── 喂,请问曹凯玲在家吗?

15、Another big winner was Malaysian singer Gary Chaw, 29. ─── 曹格,现年29岁,是当天的另一个大赢家,他得到了4个奖项。

16、Objective To study the effect of chaw gun on oral cavity cleansing and infection prevention of post-operation patients. ─── 目的探讨手术后患者嚼口香胶对口腔清洁及预防感染的效果。

17、A very short clip of Gary Chaw in SP concert. ─── 坐的不是很靠近,所以没法拍很多。

18、Did he chaw up others? ─── 他彻底打败了别人吗?

19、The speaker chawed up his rival with some well-chosen words. ─── 演讲者用了一些恰当的言辞把对手彻底驳倒了。

20、Steward says she is "deeply sadden" by the death of her chaw known as Gengis Khan. ─── 斯丢额德说她对她小狗的死亡深感伤痛,她的小狗名小有名气,叫做成吉思汗。

21、Suddenly, the guy holds it in its mouth, back to a corner and chaw over and over. ─── 没想到平时这东西怕人怕的厉害,这会儿张嘴就叼走了,一边嚼去了。

22、Then, come out with a chinese version which is sang by Gary Chaw, whose sound can reach to very high key. ─── 每当我在课业上面对问题时,他都告诉我不要给自己太大的压力,尽力就好了。

23、be aware.......... gary chaw is on the loose... he might show up behind you!!! ─── 小心哦........曹格我解放了...他随时会出现在你背后的!!!

24、chaw up ─── vt. 彻底打败

25、Feeding was the best enjoyment, so I needed to chaw the bun in an atmosphere that was very quiet and no any disturbing, that I could taste every food molecular flavor. ─── 吃东西是最大的享受,必须在毫无干扰的、常宁静的氛围中咀嚼,才能品出每一个食物分子的味道。

26、food should be chawed carefully before being swallowed. ─── 食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼。

27、The taste is a little strong for some people yet others chaw on parsley to freshen their breath. ─── 对有些人来说,荷兰芹的味道有点重,但是其他人咀嚼荷兰芹可以使口气清新。

28、" So they got some paper and a pen, and the king he set down and twisted his head to one side, and chawed his tongue, and scrawled off something; ─── 于是他们搞来了一张纸,一支笔,国王坐了下来,脑袋歪到一边,咬了咬舌头,潦潦草草涂了几行字。

29、As what Gary Chaw always says, we should help others whenever we can, as we would never know when we will need help from others. ─── 况且,曹格也经常说:可以帮助别人就尽量帮助,因为我们不晓得什麽时候也需要别人的帮助,所以,互相帮忙是一件非常非常应该做的事情。

30、Welcome to Chaw's Family! ─── [注意] 统一新手报道帖.

31、I accustom myslef to chaw the words that are my favorate, breathe the familiar feel. ─── 不知不觉,习惯了咀嚼喜欢的文字,呼吸熟悉的感觉。

32、He enjoys chaw the cachou. ─── 他喜欢嚼口香糖。

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