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08-19 投稿


sportsman 发音

英:['sp??tsm?n]  美:['sp?rtsm?n]

英:  美:

sportsman 中文意思翻译



sportsman 网络释义

n. 运动员;运动家;冒险家n. (Sportsman)人名;(英)斯波茨曼

sportsman 词性/词形变化,sportsman变形

形容词: sports-manlike |

sportsman 短语词组

1、a great sportsman ─── 伟大的运动员

2、sportsman guide online ─── 运动员指南在线

3、sportsman supply ─── 运动员用品

4、sportsman guide ─── 运动员指南

5、sportsman outdoors ─── 户外运动员

6、great sportsman ─── 伟大的运动员

7、florida sportsman ─── 佛罗里达州运动员

8、sportsman classic camper ─── 运动员经典露营车

9、sportsman generator ─── 运动员发电机

10、sportsman tracker ─── 运动员跟踪器

11、famous sportsman ─── 著名运动员

12、louisiana sportsman ─── 路易斯安那运动员

sportsman 相似词语短语

1、spoilsman ─── n.分肥者;以获益为目的而支持政党者

2、sportsmanly ─── 运动的

3、swordsman ─── n.剑客;武士;军人

4、sportsmen ─── n.运动员

5、sports fans ─── 运动迷

6、spokesman ─── n.发言人;代言人

7、sportswoman ─── n.女运动家;女运动员

8、sports fan ─── 运动迷;运动爱好者

9、shoresman ─── n.陆上业务人员

sportsman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of the Chinese students at Yale several years ago was a versatile sportsman. ─── 几年前耶鲁的一个中国学生是个体育多面手.

2、Both physical fitness and mental attitude are necessary factors to be a successful sportsman. ─── 身体素质和心态都是成为一名成功运动员的必要因素。

3、Shah Rukh said he possesses good sportsman's spirit and that he would never ever behave in a bad manner. ─── 沙鲁克说他遵重体育精神,从未有过不良举止。

4、He is a real sportsman. ─── 他才配是真正的运动员。

5、Everybody thinks he is an all-round sportsman ─── 大家认为他是一个全能运动员。

6、His brother is a sportsman of our school. ─── 他弟弟是我校的运动员。

7、Henry told the police that he was a sportsman who enjoyed rowing and that he had come to Switzerland for the winter sports. ─── 亨利跟警方说他是一个运动员,爱好划船,他到瑞士是来进行冬季运动的。

8、A outstanding sportsman or sportswoman must own good visual function while visual training are supposed to improve the sports achievement. ─── 优秀运动员必须具备良好的视觉功能,而相关的视觉功能训练可望提高运动成绩。

9、international master sportsman ─── 国际级运动健将

10、He is a tractor driver and what is more, a good sportsman. ─── 他是一个拖拉机手,而且是一名好运动员。

11、He is a tutor who wants to find a sufficient sportsman. ─── 他是一个想要挖掘有潜力的运动员的教练。

12、He is a real sportsman who do not seem to care If he win or lose ─── 他是一位不在乎输赢的具有真正的运动家品格的人

13、It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never dream of cheatingin a game. ─── 不用说,一个真正的运动员绝不会梦想在比赛时作弊。

14、He was fashioned into a good sportsman ─── 他被培养成为优秀的运动员。

15、The sentence "I like it" seems to be unmindful, but he really holds the qualification of national master sportsman in mountaineering. ─── 别小看王石一句漫不经心的“喜欢”,他手里攥的可是国家登山运动健将的资格。

16、A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman. ─── 业余运动家富裕的业余运动者,尤其指业余驾驶快艇的人

17、Go from hauling gear to hauling passengers with the 2008 Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI X2 ATV. ─── 从牵引齿轮,以拖乘客与2008年北极星运动员500电喷x2亚视。

18、For the sportsman, a powerboat or a golf buggy lets you enjoy the great outdoors. ─── 对于运动员,一架摩托艇或高尔夫球车让您享受大自然。

19、This club is a sportsman's paradise. ─── (喻)这个俱乐部是运动爱好者的乐园。

20、When you’re in the mood for a long ride (or even a not-so-long ride), the 2008 Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI Touring ATV is up for the journey. ─── 当您在情绪在相当长的坐(或什至没有那么长的旅程) , 2008年北极星运动员500电喷旅游亚视是为旅程。

21、Now, here is Master Sportsman Daniel. ─── 大牛:健将大牛出场。

22、Why do people participate in an extreme sport?Mark Weller, an “extreme” sportsman who windsurfs all year around, says people do it because it’s a question of attitude, not the activity itself. ─── 人们为什么参与一项极端的运动? 马克更很好地,整年在附近风帆冲浪的一位 "极端 "运动家, 说,因为它是一个态度的疑问而不是活动本身,人做它。

23、Ready to go through anything you put in front of it, the Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI ATV 2008 is a take-no-prisoners powerhouse. ─── 准备去通过任何您提出的在前面,北极星运动员800电喷亚视2008年是采取不战俘强国。

24、Liu was the most popular sportsman in China and his grimacing departure clouded the Games for millions of home fans. ─── 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的意外离场让他的无数支持者扼腕叹息。

25、He is so tall and strong that he looks like a sportsman . ─── 他又高又壮,看起来像个运动员。

26、An entertainer or sportsman normally requires the services of a manager. ─── 学员或运动员往往需要经纪人为他们服务。

27、He'll be remembered as a true sportsman. ─── 人们将把他作为一名真正的运动员牢记在心中。

28、He became a top sportsman at some sacrifice to himself, ie by training very hard, giving up many pleasures, etc. ─── 他付出了一些代价才成为优秀运动员.

29、Franz only succeeded in killing a few partridges, and, like every unsuccessful sportsman, he returned to the boat very much out of temper. ─── 但打猎的成绩却不佳,他只打下来几只鹧鸪,于是他如同每一个失败的猎人一样,回到船上就大发脾气。

30、If you train hard, you'll make a good sportsman. ─── 如果刻苦训练你就能成为一名优秀的运动员。

31、An eminent neurologist, he is even more familiar broke liar to many as the outstanding sportsman who established a world record 40 years ago, when he was studying medicine at Oxford, by running a mile in less than four minutes. ─── 他是知名的神经病科专家,但对许多人更熟悉的身份是优秀运动员。四十年前,他在牛津读医时,曾以不到四分钟的速度跑完一英里而创造了世界纪录。

32、A sportsman pricked his spurs into the horse. ─── 一名运动员踢马上的马刺。

33、Henry told the police that he was a sportsman who enjoyed rowing and that he had come to Switzerland for the winter sports. ─── 亨利跟警方说他是一个运动员,爱好划船,他到瑞士是来进行冬季运动的。

34、Affectionately known as Tantei Galileo ("Detective Galileo"), Yukawa is brilliant, an all-round sportsman, tall and handsome but eccentric. ─── 亲切地称为侦探伽利略(“侦探伽利略”),汤川是辉煌的,全方位的运动员,高大英俊,但偏心。

35、A good sportsman should never crow over his achievements. ─── 一个好的运动员不应该因取得的成绩而沾沾自喜。

36、It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never dream of cheating in a game. ─── 不用说,一个真正的运动员绝不会梦想在比赛时作弊。

37、No entity or individual may provide dopes to any sportsman directly or in any disguised forms. ─── 任何单位和个人不得向体育运动参加者提供或者变相提供兴奋剂。

38、Philosophical Consideration About Psychological Problem of Sportsman ─── 关于运动员心理问题的哲学思考

39、She's not much of a sportsman. ─── 她并不是什么了不起的运动员。

40、Is he anything of a sportsman? ─── 他有点运动员的风度吗?

41、(Anne Giuntini - LEquipe) As a sportsman? ─── 作为一名运动员?

42、During his time in the NBA. Jordan has parlayed his breathtaking skills and overwhelming cross - cultural appeal into an industry, and he's done it more effectively than any sportsman before him. ─── 乔丹在NBA(国家篮球协会)时期,他成功地利用了他的惊人的技巧和超越多种文化的吸引力推动了整个运动行业,而且他干得比在他之前的任何一个运动员都更有成效。

43、Mr. Brown is not only a sportsman but [also] a poet. ─── 布朗先生不但是个运动家,而且是个诗人.

44、He is the very type of the sportsman. ─── 他是运动家的典范。

45、What he proposed was lighthearted seriousness or serious lightheartedness -- like that of a sportsman in a game or an actor in a play. ─── 他提倡不经意的严谨或是出于郑重的轻松——像比赛中的运动员或是演出中的艺术家。

46、Is he a sportsman??? ─── 他看起像'运动家'吗???

47、His favourite sportsman is undoubtedly Federer, whom he considers the most complete all-rounder of the last 10 years, a true champion. ─── 他最喜欢的运动员毫无疑问是罗杰.费德勒,他认为费德勒是最近10年最全面的运动员,一个真正的冠军。

48、As a sportsman, he is very proud to take part in the Olympic Games. ─── 作为一个运动员,他很自豪参加奥运会。

49、His favourite sportsman is golfer Ian Poulter. ─── 他最喜欢的运动员是高尔夫球员伊恩.保尔特。

50、Then the Chinese delegation,representing basketball,soccer and swimming,arrived late for the event and only one sportsman,a swimmer,managed to compete. He was eliminated in the heats. ─── 当时中国代表队只参加篮球、足球和游泳比赛,不仅迟到了,而且只有一名运动员(游泳选手)参加了比赛并他在预赛中就被淘汰了。

51、(of a sportsman)join a team as a substitute during a match ─── (指运动员)在比赛中上场替换他人

52、On the Cultivation of Tactical Awareness of the TaiJi Push Sportsman ─── 太极推手运动员战术意识的培养

53、With the possible exception of Muhammad Ali, he is the most famous and popular sportsman of the Millennium. ─── 可能除了(拳王)阿里之外,他是二十世纪最有名、最受欢迎的运动员。

54、In 1979 Asia Sportsman first won the world yachting champion ─── 1979年,亚洲运动员首次获得帆船世界冠军

55、On the other hand, it can expand the employment market of sportsman, alleviate the pressure of their employment. ─── 另一方面能拓展体育人才的就业市场,缓解体育人才的就业压力。

56、"The umpires are not fit for a tournament of this standard they need to improve their quality of judgement" said Lee who was named Malaysia's national Sportsman of the Year this week. ─── 在他要从匈牙利回来之前,我跟娟姐聊天的时候就说起,全英赛亚军、瑞士公开赛冠军,现在他世界第一的位置已经稳稳了,不需要再去参加印度公开赛了吧?

57、Starting from the difficult points and key points we adopt modern S&T idea,means and integrate advanced scientific methods of training,and completely raise the level of scientific training of sportsman or sportswoman and sport competition. ─── 从解决运动训练实践中的难点和关键点出发,应用现代科技理念、手段,集成先进、科学的训练方法,全面提高我国运动员的科学训练水平和运动竞技水平。

58、He is a very keen sportsman. ─── 他热衷运动。

59、He behaved like a model sportsman, and when he eventually received the chance, he showed what a model footballer he still was. ─── 他一直表现的像个模范的运动员,而当他最终赢得机会的时刻,他展示了他还是一个多么模范的球员。

60、Ready to go through anything you put in front of it, the Polaris Sportsman 800 EFI ATV 2008 is a take-no-prisoners powerhouse. ─── 准备去通过任何您提出的在前面,北极星运动员800电喷亚视2008年是采取不战俘强国。

61、He is a real sportsman who does not seem to care if he wins or loses. ─── 他是一位不在乎输赢的具有真正的运动家品格的人。

62、It's good management of the game, and to the sportsman's benefit, to crop big game judiciously. ─── 审慎地除掉一些大型动物,既是管理动物的良方,也可以为爱好运动的人提供打猎的乐趣。

63、He became a top sportsman at some sacrifice to himself ─── 他付出了一些代价才成为优秀运动员

64、I was a sportsman, was good at basketball and I also liked art, but I never thought I would take it up as a career. ─── 我爱好运动,擅长打篮球,我也喜欢艺术,不过从没想过会以此为职业。

65、As a sportsman, what is the most important issue to you? ─── 作为一个运动员,到你的最重要的问题是什么?

66、But the true sportsman keeps in a good humor even when he is losing, and shows the greater pluck the more the odds are against him. ─── 但是真正的运动员即使在快要输的时候,也保持心情良好,并且胜算愈不利于他,他所表现的勇气也愈大。

67、In 2005 Federer was the first Swiss to win the prestigious Laureus World Sports Award, naming him the World Sportsman of the Year. ─── 2005年,费德勒成为第一个被劳伦斯世界体育奖(Laureus World Sports Award)提名的瑞士人,即年度世界运动员。

68、The sportsman who participated medicine group badminton competition with honors are returns. ─── 参加医药集团羽毛球比赛载誉归来的运动健将。

69、The dumbbell was being raised continuously by the sportsman when others were resting yesterday. ─── 当昨天大家在休息时,这个哑铃正被运动员连续举起。

70、a budding novelist, actor, sportsman, etc ─── 崭露头角的小说家、 演员、 运动员等.

71、While Kenyon talks business from a plush hotel in the centre of the Chinese capital, tongues wag at home about David Beckham's move from Real Madrid to the US to become America's best paid sportsman. ─── 当肯扬在北京市中心的一家豪华宾馆中敲定他的生意时,英国的人们正在孜孜不倦地谈着贝克汉姆要离开皇马去美国做收入最高的运动员的新闻。

72、His strongly-buit boy and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. ─── 他身体强壮,皮肤黝黑,看起来像运动员。

73、He's a good footballer and,above all,a great sportsman. ─── 他是一位优秀的足球运动员,而首先他是一位杰出的运动员。

74、With the zeal of a sportsman, Gemini analyzes everything. ─── 一个运动员的热情,双子剖析一切。

75、If you are a true sportsman, you will at once cheer the winning team or shake hands with and congratulate the fellow who has beaten you. ─── 如果你是一位真正的运动员,你应立刻向胜队欢呼喝彩,同击败你的对手握手并向他祝贺。

76、My uncle,who will be seventy tomorrow,is still a keen sportsman. ─── 尽管我大伯明天就满70随了,但它仍然热衷于户外运动.

77、A single individual can be at once an intellectual, a Boy Scout leader, a business man, a sportsman, a dabbler in music or painting, a nature-lover, and one who does many of his own household chores. ─── 一个人可以同时是知识分子,童子军首领,商人,运动健将,音乐绘画的爱好者,热爱大自然的人,做大部分家务的人。

78、He is more of a sportsman than his brother. ─── 同他弟弟相比,他更像个运动员。

79、The man doesn't look like a sportsman. ─── 这个人看起来不像运动员。

80、Should China invite foreign coaches to improve the skill level of its sportsman ─── 中国应当聘请外国教练来提高自己运动员的技术水平吗

81、He brooded no more on policemen, a sportsman's sacred fire alive again within him. ─── 他不再去转警察的心思了,一个讲究义气的人的神圣火焰重又在他心里燃烧起来了。

82、Built comfortably for two, the Sportsman 500 EFI Touring offers the passenger an ultra-cushy seat and backrest. ─── 建小康,为二,运动员500电喷旅游的旅客提供一个超轻松座椅和靠背。

83、If a famous sportsman says he drinks Fizzo, ─── 如果一位著名的运动员说他喝Fizzo饮料,

84、On Early Stage of Juvenile Children Table Tennis Sportsman Training ─── 少儿乒乓球运动员早期训练应注意的几个问题

85、He is a keen sportsman enjoying basketball, golf, skiing and judo. ─── 他是一个体育爱好者,喜欢篮球,高尔夫,滑雪,柔道等。

86、as sportsman ,his aim is ge t the champin in the world. ─── 作为一个运动员,他的终极目标是拿世界冠军.

87、Okay, okay, you know I'm a master sportsman. There's really nothing to it. I have a way with it. ─── 太好了,你知道我是个运动健将。这没什么了不起的,我擅长这个。

88、Grand sport culture is an ideal carrier in building quality of sportsman. ─── 体育大文化是培养其素质的良好载体。

89、During his time in the NBA. Jordan has parlayed his breathtaking skills and overwhelming cross - cultural appeal into an industry,and he's done it more effectively than any sportsman before him. ─── 乔丹在NBA(国家篮球协会)时期,他成功地利用了他的惊人的技巧和超越多种文化的吸引力推动了整个运动行业,而且他干得比在他之前的任何一个运动员都更有成效。


我们一直提倡三段式的彗星写作方法,其中呢就要求写作文特别是写主题部分的时候多用一些高级词比如moreover,in addition,what's more it's important forsb to do sth. 等等



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