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08-19 投稿


becalmed 发音

英:[b??kɑ?md]  美:[b??kɑ?md]

英:  美:

becalmed 中文意思翻译



becalmed 词性/词形变化,becalmed变形

动词过去分词: becalmed |动词过去式: becalmed |动词现在分词: becalming |动词第三人称单数: becalms |

becalmed 短语词组

1、becalmed piano sheet becalmed ─── 钢琴床单

2、becalmed eno becalmed ─── 埃诺

3、becalmed sea ─── 平静的大海

4、becalmed ost ─── 安静下来

5、becalmed piano ─── 贝卡尔梅钢琴

6、becalmed ship ─── 沉船

7、becalmed sailing ─── 沉稳的航行

8、becalmed poem ─── 沉闷的诗

becalmed 相似词语短语

1、beamed ─── adj.有梁的;有支撑的;v.射出;发光;用梁支(beam的过去分词)

2、becalms ─── v.(使)帆船因无风而停航;(使)平静,平息

3、becrimed ─── 受骗

4、became ─── v.变得(become的过去式)

5、becharmed ─── vt.迷人,使销魂

6、becalm ─── v.(使)帆船因无风而停航;(使)平静,平息

7、bechalked ─── 陷入困境

8、becalled ─── 被叫

9、becapped ─── 被封住

becalmed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A large ship, with three masts, lay becalmed on the water, with only one sail set; ─── 一艘有三支桅的大船停在水上不动,船上只升起了一片帆。

2、becalm (To make calm or still;soothe. ─── 使平静:成为安静的或静止的;

3、becalmed in a sea of molten steel. ─── 两个钟头了,白昼没有动;

4、The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine phantoms. ─── 两艘停在死寂海面上的船,我相信准是两个海中的幽灵。

5、The doctor becalmed the agitated patient. ─── 医生使烦躁不安的病人镇静了下来。

6、to being becalmed on the ocean of scientific knowledge. ─── 必须习惯在科学知识的海洋中经常停滞不前。

7、The doctor becalmed the agitated patient. ─── 医生使烦躁不安的病人镇静了下来。

8、The constitutional renewal bill, now becalmed in parliament, is a ragbag of issues. ─── 目前搁置于议会的宪法修正案,是各种问题的大杂烩。

9、If you want to be creative, then you will have to get used to spending most of your time not being creative, to being becalmed on the ocean of scientific knowledge. ─── 如果你想使自己变得有创造性(或者说有创意),那么你就必须习惯自己在大部分时间里没有创造性(或者说有创意),而是使自己在科学知识的海洋中沉着镇静。

10、repsing on becalm and warm affection, to relax our spirit from a thousand distractions, a thousand wild wishes and tumultuous passions; ─── 他一页页地读下,不住的挥出眼泪。

11、If you want to be creative, then you will have to get usedto spending most of your time not being creative, to being becalmed on the ocean of scientific knowledge. ─── 如果你想成为有创造性(的人),那么你必须时常利用你的大部分时间沉浸在科学知识的海洋中,而不是花费大量时间单纯为了成为有创造性(的人)。

12、Does continental Europe, becalmed for so long, at last have the wind in its sails? ─── 那么这是否意味着欧洲大陆的经济在沉寂数年之后,终于苏醒了呢?

13、For the moment, the world's potentially second biggest deal is becalmed. ─── 目前,这宗有可能排行全球第二的并购交易暂时陷于停顿。

14、The region was becalmed, even as democratisation and economic liberalisation swept through so much of the rest of the world. ─── 尽管当时民主化和经济自由化浪潮正席卷世界其它大部分地区,但该地区纹丝不动。

15、We were becalmed off Cape Raoul for several hours. ─── 我们被迫在劳尔岬停留了几个小时。

16、Merchant fleets are becalmed. ─── 船队因为无风不能前进。

17、Does continental Europe, becalmed for so long, at last have the wind in its sails? ─── 那么这是否意味着欧洲大陆的经济在沉寂数年之后,终于苏醒了呢?

18、In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here. ─── 在使用帆船的那些年代里,船员们都害怕船走到那里就会原地不能动了。

19、1. The ship was becalmed for two weeks. ─── 船由于没有风而停驶了二周。

20、John F. Kennedy died with his program becalmed and his promise unrealized ─── 约翰·弗·肯尼迪一死,他的纲领便无声息了,诺言也未能实现。

21、in that he can tackle the problem in a becalmed manner. ─── 佢面对重大既既困难,都可以冷静咁解决

22、The ship was becalmed for three days. ─── 船因无风停航三天。

23、Although the breeze had now utterly failed, we had made a great deal of way during the night, and were now lying becalmed about half a mile to the south-east of the low western coast. ─── 虽然风已全息,我们的船夜里还是走了一大段路,此时正停在地势较低的西岸东南约半英里外。

24、The hills were framed with trees, and beyond them stretched a band of sea on which the sky, like a sail becalmed, rested in all its tenderness. ─── 树木为山搭起了框架,在他们上面,延伸着一段大海,而其上的天空,像一面平静的帆,静静地休憩着。

25、In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed on the ocean. ─── 在使用帆船的时代,船员们担心他们会因為无风而无法在海洋上航行。

26、Much the same is true of climate-change legislation, currently becalmed pending health-care reform. ─── 气候改变立法与当下的停滞未决的卫生保健改革如出一辙。

27、My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed. ─── 当双桅帆船因无风而抛锚停泊时我的胃病加重了。

28、The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine phantoms. ─── 两艘轮船停泊在水波不兴的海面上,我以为它们是海上的鬼怪。

29、The group's share price has been becalmed, like that of rivals, for the past two years. ─── 过去两年,和竞争对手一样,该集团股价一直波澜不惊。

30、The prevailing currents cause flotsam from around the world to accumulate in a vast becalmed patch of ocean. ─── 季节性洋流把全世界的废物带到这片辽阔而平静的海面。

31、The ship was becalmed. ─── 没有风,帆船静止不动。

32、The grassland stretches evenly before you, like a becalmed sea. ─── 无边的草原是这样平展,就象风平浪静的海洋。

33、This ship was becalmed for ten days. ─── 船因无风而停航10天.

34、Although the breeze ha now utterly ceased, we had made a great deal of way during the night, and were now lying becalmed about half a mile to the south-east of the low eastern coast. ─── 虽然现在风已全息,我们在夜里还是前进了一大段路,眼下正停在距离低矮的东岸东南方约半英里远的地方。

35、"5 September. Still becalmed and very hot. Feeling rotten all day and am sure I've got a temperature. Of course they haven't the sense to keep a thermometer on board. ─── “九月五日。还是停航。天气炎热。全天都感到虚弱。我确定我是在发烧。当然他们没有航海时应该带上体温表的基本常识。

36、The prevailing currents cause flotsam from around the world to accumulate in a vast becalmed patch of ocean. ─── 季节性洋流把全世界的废物带到这片辽阔而平静的海面。

37、Thus becalmed, the clouds are more susceptible to wave instabilities. ─── 所以,这些云气较易受重力不稳定性的影响。

38、Many astronomers were convinced that they were witnessing the end of cosmic history and that the future held nothing but the relentless expansion of a becalmed and senescent universe. ─── 许多天文学家因此深信他们正目击宇宙历史的终结,宇宙的未来仅存无休止的膨胀,与年华老去后的凋蔽和寂静。

39、The ship was becalmed for two weeks. ─── 船由於没有风而停驶了二周。

40、was becalmed. ─── 帆船静止不动。

41、The sky was heavy with becalmed banks of grey cloud, behind which sidled a watery sun. ─── 天空挤满了灰色的云块,呆滞滞地不动。 淡黄色的太阳光偶然露一下脸,就又赶快躲过了。

42、After six months at sea on an unassisted solo circumnavigation, Georgia Perry's 44-foot sloop is becalmed for several days. ─── 为了逃避生活中种种的困扰,她决定独自巡海路展开流浪旅程。在这六个月的时间里,她一直在44呎长的船上生活。

43、He was becalmed for a whole week north of the island. ─── 他在海岛北面因无风而停泊了整整一周。

44、The fact that the US stock market has been becalmed this year while investors have poured $80bn into private equity indicates that something is awry. ─── 事实上,虽然投资者向私人股本投资公司注入800亿美元的资金,但今年美国股市却相当平静,这说明有地方不对劲。

45、Forty fathoms up, through wisps of plankton, the moon danced on a becalmed sea. ─── 向上两百多英尺,穿过一群群的浮游生物,可以看到月光在宁静的海面上舞动着。

46、Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. ─── 眼前不远,渔舟三五,凝滞不前;

47、As welch again seemed becalmed, even slowing further in his walk, Dixon relaxed at his side ─── 威尔奇似乎又静下来,步子也迈得更加缓慢起来。这时,走在旁边的狄克逊才如释重负。

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