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08-19 投稿


bulldozed 发音

英:[?b?ld??zd]  美:[?b?ldo?zd]

英:  美:

bulldozed 中文意思翻译



bulldozed 短语词组

1、bulldozed def ─── 推土式def

2、bulldozed site ─── 推平场地

3、bulldozed clue ─── 推平的线索

4、bulldozed it ─── 推平了它

5、bulldozed forest ─── 推平的森林

6、bulldozed line ─── 铲平了线

7、bulldozed define ─── 推平定义

8、bulldozed meaning ─── 推倒的意思

bulldozed 词性/词形变化,bulldozed变形

动词过去分词: bulldozed |动词第三人称单数: bulldozes |动词过去式: bulldozed |动词现在分词: bulldozing |

bulldozed 相似词语短语

1、bulldozing ─── n.推土;糊炮爆破

2、bulldog ─── n.牛头犬,恶犬;短枪管大型手枪

3、bulldozes ─── vt.强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除

4、bull-nosed ─── 牛鼻子的

5、bulldozers ─── n.[机]推土机(bulldozer的复数形式)

6、bulldozer ─── n.推土机;欺凌者,威吓者

7、bulldogged ─── 固执的

8、bulldogger ─── n.牛头犬,恶犬;短枪管大型手枪(bulldog的变形)

9、bulldoze ─── vt.强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除

bulldozed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And I had that house of you father bulldozed to the ground. ─── 我把你爸爸的房子用推土机推掉了。

2、The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore. ─── 那片树正被推土机铲除,以兴建一家新超市。

3、They bulldozed him into agreeing. ─── 他们胁迫他同意。

4、Dining at many of these places requires a trip into the hutongs, the rabbit warrens of narrow alleys where -- at least before many were bulldozed -- Beijingers did much of their local business. ─── 很多美食餐馆都在胡同里面,那是羊肠小道一般的狭窄巷子--现在很多都已经被拆掉--北京人以前在那里做各种生意。

5、You can zero in on the past, on the grave mistakes that sent Kamela to jail and bulldozed her boys into instant adulthood. ─── 后半句有点儿不太准确,大概是,把他的孩子们一把推进了成年的深渊。

6、And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. ─── 我推掉了你父亲给过你噩梦的那座房子。

7、For example, a newspaper might comment that a bill that was not popular passed in Congress because the supporters bulldozed the opposition. ─── 例如,一家报纸可能评论,国会的通过的议案不受欢迎,因为支持者威胁反对派。

8、China bulldozed neighborhoods to make way for the Games and throttled factories and driving in a scramble to clean up Beijing's polluted air, but British officials enjoy no such impunity . ─── 中国为了奥运会动迁了周围社区、关闭了工厂、迅速推进北京空气污染的清洁工作,但是英国的官员却很庆幸没有这样的烦忧。

9、The next day, he claimed, soldiers had arrived at his friend's property and bulldozed his trees. ─── 他声称,第二天,当兵的就来到他朋友的土地上,用推土机推倒了他的果树。

10、They bulldozed me into signing the agreement. ─── 他们胁迫我签约。

11、The mortars had all our locations, which were ramps bulldozed up to the sand wall across the ditch at something like 200m or so intervals. ─── 迫击炮拥有我们周边所有要地的坐标,即每隔大约200米左右用推土机推出的通向沙堤用于跨越反坦克壕的坡道。

12、The mortars had all our locations, which were ramps bulldozed up to the sandwall across the ditch at something like 200m or so intervals. ─── 迫击炮拥有我们周边所有要地的坐标,即每隔大约200米左右用推土机推出的通向沙堤用于跨越反坦克壕的坡道。

13、If all the continentsmountains were bulldozed flat, the earth would be covered by water more than 12,000 feet deep. ─── 的大陆和山脉被推平,地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。

14、2.They bulldozed me into signing the agreement. ─── 他们胁迫我签约.

15、Legislative pull is needed before the city's slums and shanty towns can be bulldozed. ─── 消除城市贫民窟,需要采取立法措施。

16、During one 2-month period in 2003, authorities closed or bulldozed more than 100 churches in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Pray for persecuted Christians. Zech. 13:9 ─── 2003年在两个月间,当局在江苏无锡或关闭或拆毁了100多间教会。为受迫害的基督徒祷告。亚13:9

17、The workers bulldozed the building site. ─── 工人们用推土机把建筑工地推平。

18、The good news on January 6 was that the engineers had bulldozed a road through the fields to the front, so trucks could bring the GIs their cold-weather gear. ─── 元月6日有好消息传来,工兵在通往前线的那片原野铺设了道路,卡车可以前送上来大兵们寒季家务。

19、On January 27th the second stimulus package was bulldozed through.Until recently, a move led by Mr Nakagawa and Mr Shiozaki looked as if it might derail passage of the next fiscal year's budget. ─── 1月27日,一揽子激励方案虽得到强行通过,但中川和盐崎的主张使下一财年预算案的变数更大了。

20、Demonstrators don't wave flags for bulldozed homes, destroyed orchards, or dead Palestinian children. ─── 游行者们也不会为夷为平地的家园、成为废墟的果园和死难的巴基斯坦儿童摇旗呐喊。

21、If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat, the earth would be covered by water more than 12,000 feet deep. ─── 假如所有的大陆和山脉被推平,那么地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。

22、He bulldozed his way to victory. ─── 他一路过关斩将,取得了最后胜利。

23、And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dying' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. ─── 我把你父亲的房子摊成平地,妈妈总是说……死亡是生命的一部分,我真的希望不是这样;

24、The archaeology-rich subsoil was bulldozed to fill sandbags, and large areas covered in compacted gravel for helipads and car parks. ─── 推土机铲平了考古意义丰富的下层土,用以填充沙袋,密实的沙砾铺满了大部分地区,用作直升机停机坪和停车场。

25、They bulldozed him into buying the computer. ─── 他们胁迫他购买电脑。

26、To bring theirgoods to market, alas, many more roads must no doubt be bulldozed throughpristine forests. ─── 要想把他们的产品推向市场,哎呀,还得先从原始森林中推出无数条道路。

27、bulldozed line ─── 用推土机开辟的防火线

28、Historic monuments are being bulldozed everywhere in China in the name of development. ─── 以发展前进的名义,中国到处都在拆毁古迹。

29、After I left Bimini, I actually learned that this habitat was being bulldozed to create a new golf course and resort. ─── 在我离开比米尼之后,我真正地认识到这些栖息地正在被推平来建设一个新的高尔夫球场和度假胜地。

30、By now, it had been bulldozed, and a crew was coming soon to clear away the last traces of the building. ─── 这时,房子已被堆土机铲平,很快就会来一批人清除建筑物最后的残迹。

31、They bulldozed him into selling. ─── 他们胁迫他卖出。

32、And I had you placed here under our tree.And I have that house of your father's bulldozed to theground. ─── 贴在这里,和大家分享: 我为什么要出国读书在新东方当托福老师的时候,我经常问学生,有没有想清楚到底为什么出国;

33、He bulldozed his idea through all opposition. ─── 他不顾一切反对,使自己的意见强行通过。

34、And I had that house of your father’s bulldozed to the ground.Mama always said dying was a port of life.I sure wish it wasn’t. ─── 各种因缘际遇,人们总想安排自己的人生,但事实上,回顾人生这一历程,又有几分是自己可以把握呢?

35、Complain too little and the directive may get bulldozed through. ─── 抱怨太少了就可能被指令牵着鼻子走。

36、He bulldozed his way to victory. ─── 他一路上过关斩将,取得了最后胜利。

37、It will not, in a month of Fridays, be bulldozed into complying with America's demands. ─── 在一个坏事连连的月份,巴基斯坦军队将不会受压力而遵照美国的要求行事。

38、Past offenses can be bulldozed and buried and a better life built atop the debris. ─── 过去的恩怨就让它过去,喜乐的生活将就此展开。

39、Uighurs were not given a voice in the project, and are being forced to watch in silence as their homes, and their history, are bulldozed away. ─── 维吾尔人没有得到一个声音在该项目,并正在被迫观看默默地为自己的家园,他们的历史,是用推土机推平了。

40、Nevertheless, both sets of rocks were angular, indicating that they had been carried atop the ice, rather than bulldozed in front of it. ─── 然而,两个岩石群都棱角分明,这表明它们被携带时位于冰块顶部而不是前方。

41、Accept the possibility of rebuilding a relationship. Past offenses can be bulldozed and buried and a better life built atop the debris. ─── 确信关系是可以重建的。过去的恩怨就让它过去,喜乐的生活将就此展开。

42、It first bulldozed coastal towns in Sumatra and, farther north, washed clean over several of the Nicobar Islands, leaving in places only a handful of survivors clinging to treetops. ─── 海啸首先席捲了印尼苏门达腊沿海的城市,接著往北侵袭印度尼古巴群岛数个岛屿,肆虐之后只剩下一些紧攀著树梢的生还者。

43、The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind. ─── 需要改变在我的心里的中心推平了一条路。

44、It will not, in a month of Fridays, be bulldozed into complying with America's demands. “You can't insult a country into co-operation,” says General Masood. ─── 国家情报处将他们在部落区遭遇的大部分困难都归咎于美军的攻击。

45、They bulldozed trees and rubbles from the area and started construction. ─── 他们用推土机清除掉这地区的树木和瓦砾然后开始建设。

46、The area is bulldozed to make way for a new road. ─── 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路。

47、Andy Roland bulldozed through to score. ─── 安迪?罗兰强攻得分。

48、The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road ─── 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路.

49、The company's ambition may be impressive, but they could easily be bulldozed by the big players in this very competitive market. ─── 这个公司的雄心壮志令人钦佩。但在竞争非常激烈的此领域里,这些壮志可能会很容易就让那些大玩儿家摧毁。

50、She bulldozed her plans past the committee. ─── 她硬使委员会通过了她的计划.

51、They bulldozed the tax through Parliament. ─── 他们使税收提案在议会强行通过。

52、Until now most Chancay remains have come from sites that had been looted or bulldozed for expanding farms, making the specimens' context and origins uncertain. ─── 直到现在,大部分昌凯文明遗迹来自于被掠夺或被扩展的农业所压过的土地上,让这些样本的背景和来源变得不确定。

53、They bulldozed him into selling. ─── 他们胁迫他卖出。

54、couldn't be bulldozed into hiring a less than acceptable candidate for the job. ─── 不可能因为威胁而雇用一个不太合意的候选人做这份工作。

55、They bulldozed his plan through Congress. ─── 他们使他的计划在国会强行通过。

56、Andy Roland bulldozed through to score. ─── 安迪 罗兰强攻得分。

57、And Germany bulldozed aside the queasiness of many countries about lifting sanctions on Uzbekistan, a thuggish autocracy that provides bases to supply German troops in Afghanistan. ─── 德国不顾许多国家反对主张取消对乌兹别克斯坦制裁,正是因为这个残暴无度的独裁国家是德国驻阿富汗部队的后勤基地。

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