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08-19 投稿


cuddy 发音

英:[?k?di]  美:[?k?di]

英:  美:

cuddy 中文意思翻译




cuddy 短语词组

1、cuddy camaro ─── 卡迪· ─── 卡马罗

2、amy cuddy “ ─── 艾米·库迪”

3、cuddy cabin ─── 卡迪小屋

4、cuddy jones ─── 奇迹离子

5、cuddy cabins cuddy ─── 小屋

6、cuddy cruiser ─── 卡迪巡洋舰

cuddy 词性/词形变化,cuddy变形


cuddy 相似词语短语

1、curdy ─── adj.凝乳状的,凝结了的;n.(Curdy)(法、美、英)柯迪(人名)

2、cruddy ─── adj.透光不均匀的

3、cundy ─── 小巷道

4、chuddy ─── n.口香糖

5、Buddy ─── n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;vi.做好朋友,交朋友;n.(Buddy)人名;(英)巴迪

6、fuddy ─── 软糖

7、caddy ─── 卡迪拉克(Cadillac)

8、cuddly ─── adj.令人想拥抱的;喜欢搂搂抱抱的;逗人喜爱的

9、duddy ─── adj.破烂的;n.(Duddy)(美、英、加、爱)达迪(人名)

cuddy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cuddy: Your billings are practically nonexistent. ─── 卡蒂:可你实际上没做什么工作。

2、Cuddy: I can still fire you if you're not doing your job. ─── 卡蒂:如果你不忠于职守我一样可以解雇你。

3、Cuddy: I assume those are two separate points. ─── 卡蒂:我认为两者之间没有什么联系。

4、Cuddy: I can't even imagine the backward logic you used to rationalize shooting a corpse. ─── 我都无法想象你怎么跟我“合理”的解释射击一具尸体这件事。

5、Cuddy: Or photocopies;you're still yelling. ─── 卡蒂:或者是你的照片,你还在嚷嚷。

6、Cuddy: Mind if I come in? ─── 介意我进来吗?

7、Cuddy: I need you to do your job. ─── 卡蒂:我只需要你做好本职工作。

8、Cuddy: Wow. Is there nobody you admire? ─── 天哪!你就没有佩服过什么人?

9、Do you wanna be the man with the answers,Or do you wanna be the man with cuddy? ─── |你是想做拥有答案的人 还是和Cuddy在一起的人?

10、Cuddy: I get your point, I'll be more careful with my tongue in the future. ─── 我明白你意思了,我以后会更小心的管住“舌头”的。

11、Is Cuddy down the hall counting to 50? ─── |Cuddy走到大厅要数到50下吗?

12、" Cuddy:" Well, Not for Emma, And not for her son. ─── Cuddy却说,” I saved a life, I savd two lives.

13、Cuddy: We are going to our office. ─── 去我们的办公室啊。

14、Cuddy: Find what's killing your patient .. and then I'll find you another patient . ─── 找出病因,然后我会给你下一个病人。

15、You aren‘t going to fire me。Cuddy: Your GetWord("reputation"); ─── 育龙网核心提示: , we have a point of agreement。

16、You got a problem with what cuddy's doing? ─── |你对Cuddy收养孩子有意见?

17、Lisa Cuddy, and Dr.James Wilson, Head of the Department of Oncology at Princeton-Plainsborough and the closest thing House has to a friend. ─── 除了这三个同事外,豪斯也常为自己的上级丽莎?卡迪和好友詹姆斯?威尔逊抓狂。

18、Cuddy: Why are you here? ─── 你怎么会在这出现?

19、Cuddy: I thought you said there were only three? ─── 你说过只有三个理由?

20、Cuddy: Good ones? ─── 够合理吗?

21、Cuddy: I need you to do your job. ─── 卡蒂:我只需要你做好本职工作。

22、Cuddy: Her only sign of mental illness is that she disagree with you, some would consider that a sign of sanity. ─── 她唯的精神病症状就是不同意你的意见,其它人会认为那是心智健全的标志。

23、Cuddy: surprised to see you're not spooning your way through the walls. ─── 很惊讶你没有用勺子在墙上挖个洞逃走。

24、Cuddy: Tell him you're sorry. ─── 告诉他你很抱歉。

25、Dr. Cuddy: Hmm, and you were supposed to keep on walking. Sorry, Iguess we both screwed up. Go on, do it again. ─── 恩,你应该继续向前走不回头的,看来我两都搞砸了,再来一遍吧.

26、Dr. Cuddy: Hmm, and you were supposed to keep on walking. Sorry, I guess we both screwed up. Go on, do it again. ─── (谈论做一个演讲)我不会去的.(离开,然后止步)你应该叫住我,重新谈条件的.

27、Cuddy, M., “A Comparison of Modeled and Measured Energy Use in Hybrid Electric Vehicle”, SAE paper 950959,1995. ─── 华志强、吴俊纬,“结合太阳能与市电之电动车之机车电池充电站之研究”,国立云林科技大学电机工程学系研究所硕士论文,2002。

28、Dr. Cuddy: I can't even imagine the backward logic you used to rationalize shooting a corpse. ─── 院长:我完全无法想像,你要用怎样的逻辑理论,解释开枪射击无名尸这件事。

29、“I think the decision is a reasonable and fair one,” said Loftus Cuddy, Tang's lawyer after the hearing,. ─── 唐的律师LoftusCuddy在听证会后向媒体表示,“我认为该决定是合理和公平的。

30、Is proving Cuddy wrong worth all this? ─── |值得为了证明Cuddy是错的做这些事吗?

31、It's a good choice for the small cabin of a cuddy cabin powerboat or overnighter sailboat. ─── 这对一些机动船的上的小的船舱或者是可过夜的帆船来说都是个很好的选择。

32、"My assumption is that it is a mental health issue, an individual issue," said Claire Cuddy, 60, who works in the education department of the Smithsonian Institution."I hope it is an anomaly. ─── “我认为这是一起由心理健康问题引起的伤害事件,一起个人行为,”ClaireCuddy说,这位60岁的老人在史密森学会的教育部门工作,她说“我希望这只是偶发的异常事件。”

33、Cuddy: You ignore requests for consults. ─── 卡蒂:你没有回应会诊请求。

34、Dr. Cuddy: (to House) I can't even imagine the backward logic you used to rationalize shooting a corpse. ─── CUDDY:我都无法想象你怎么跟我“合理”的解释射击一具尸体这件事。

35、Dr. Cuddy: It's identical to your old carpet. Except without the hazardous biological waste. ─── 现在的地毯跟你原来的一样,除了没有有害的生物垃圾。

36、Dr. Cuddy : It's identical to your old carpet. Except without the hazardous biological waste. ─── 现在的地毯跟你原来的一样,除了没有有害的生物垃圾。

37、Cuddy : Look, Dr. House, the only reason that I don't fire you is because your reputation still worth something to this hospital. ─── 卡蒂:豪斯医生,我不解雇你的唯一原因是你的名望对这个医院来说还有点价值。

38、House finds that Cuddy has all of his applicants in the clinic and House tries to run a differential. ─── House得知Cuddy让他所有的申请者们去了门诊部,而House尝试分析。

39、Cuddy: You're 6 years behind on your obligation to this clinic. ─── 卡蒂:六年中你都没有为诊所尽责。

40、Cuddy: That's it? You're not gonna argue why this case's beneath you? ─── 这就接了?不打算辩称这病例如何不值得你劳神?

41、Cuddy: Yes, why are you yelling? ─── 豪斯:你取消了我的权利。

42、Cuddy: Look, Dr.House, the only reason that I don't fire you is because your reputation still worth something to this hospital. ─── 卡蒂:豪斯医生,我不解雇你的唯一原因是你的名望对这个医院来说还有点价值。

43、Cuddy: Now that's just mean. ─── 哎呀,你也人身攻击。

44、What exactlydid cuddy tell you? ─── |Cuddy到底跟你说了什么?

45、Why are you suddenly so obsessed with Cuddy's particular brand? ─── |为何你就揪着Cuddy这一点不放呢?

46、I get your point, I'll be more careful with my tongue in the future. ─── 我明白你意思了,我以后会更小心的管住“舌头”的。

47、Hatch mounted portables: Your alternatives start with a portable unit like the Carry on, a good choice for cooling the small cabin of a cuddy cabin powerboat or overnighter sailboat. ─── / 巧妙的舱盖安装: 你的选择是以轻便为主,这对一些机动船的上的小的船舱或者是帆船来说都是个很好的选择。

48、Cuddy: I know this is awkward, but we need to talk. ─── 我知道很尴尬,但我们得谈谈。

49、surprised to see you're not spooning your way through the walls. ─── 很惊讶你没有用勺子在墙上挖个洞逃走。

50、CUDDY: Last I checked, pigheadedness was not the eighth heavenly virtue. ─── 就我所知,顽固并不是第8条天授美德。

51、Cuddy: Is your yelling designed to scare me because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be scared of. ─── 卡蒂:你这样嚷嚷是想吓唬我吗?

52、Cuddy: Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted, Jagger, and you're right, you can't always get what you want, but as it turns out if you try sometimes you get what you need. ─── 卡蒂:噢,我看了你引用的那位哲学家的话,雅格,你说的没错,你不能总是心想事成,但他还说了,只要你多试几次就能成功。

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