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08-19 投稿


desiderative 发音


英:  美:

desiderative 中文意思翻译



desiderative 短语词组

1、desiderative definition ─── 需求定义

2、desiderative aristotle ─── 欲望亚里士多德

3、desiderative define ─── 迫切的定义

desiderative 相似词语短语

1、desideratives ─── adj.愿望的;n.愿望动词

2、desiderating ─── v.渴望

3、deliberative ─── adj.审议的;慎重的

4、denigrative ─── 诋毁

5、desiderate ─── v.渴望

6、degenerative ─── adj.(疾病)恶化的,变性的;退化的,变坏的

7、considerative ─── 体贴的

8、desideration ─── 迫切需要

9、desiccative ─── adj.使干燥的,去湿的;n.[助剂]干燥剂

desiderative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、desiderative mood ─── 愿望语气

2、Desiderative: Viva o rei! ─── : "长期居住国王!"

3、Part of adjectives are restricted by style, quantum, word meaning and other factors, so they have no desiderative character. ─── 同时还受到其他因素如事实层面的影响。

4、Desiderative: Fa1ca - se luz! ─── "让那里是光!"

5、The article introduces the common uses of adjectives in writings in classical Chinese and emphatically analyzes the special uses like flexible, factitive and desiderative uses. ─── 介绍了文言文中形容词的一般用法,着重分析了形容词活用及使动、意动等特殊用法。

6、At present, the measurement techniques for gas-solid two phases flow have become a desiderative problem to be solved in multi-phase field. ─── 目前,气固两相流检测技术已成为多相流研究中的一个亟待解决的问题。

7、While the study on the desiderative morality and compulsory morality is confined in the moral field, the discussion about good human nature and evil human nature can be reflected in the law. ─── 对愿望道德和义务道德的探讨主要是在道德领域展开的,而我们此处的性善论和性恶论的探讨可以在法律中得以体现。

8、The detection and monitor of the combustible gas and the noxious gas have become the desiderative tasks of enterprises at present. ─── 各种气体尤其是对可燃性气体和毒性气体的检测和监控已成为企业当前急需解决的问题之一。

9、Politic Asisting and the Way Choice of Stimulating the Consume Desiderative ─── 刺激需求的政策支持与途径选择

10、research on variable center networking in the wireless communication is an innovative and desiderative research project. ─── 无线通信中的可变中心组网研究是一个具有创新性和需求迫切性的研究课题。

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