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08-19 投稿


requital 发音

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requital 中文意思翻译



requital 短语词组

1、requital ncis ─── 报答ncis

2、requital means ─── 报偿手段

3、requital def ─── 要求定义

4、requital game ─── 报答游戏

5、in requital for ─── 作为报答, ─── 作为报复

6、requital law ─── 报偿法

7、requital define ─── 回报定义

8、requital gaming ─── 报答游戏

requital 相似词语短语

1、requited ─── vt.报答,回报;酬谢

2、requitals ─── n.报答,偿还;报仇

3、recital ─── n.朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;背诵;独唱会

4、requit ─── 要求

5、requite ─── vt.报答,回报;酬谢

6、requites ─── vt.报答,回报;酬谢

7、requiter ─── 要求者

8、requitable ─── adj.可回报的;可报复的

9、recruital ─── n.招聘;新兵;新成员(recruit的变形)

requital 习惯用语

1、in requital of [for] ─── 为酬谢..., 为报答..., 为报恩...

requital 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In requital for, I can promise any your requests. ─── 作为报答,我会答应你的任何请求。

2、8 Behold us today in our captivity, where you scattered us, a reproach, a curse, and a requital for all the misdeeds of our fathers, who withdrew from the LORD, our God. ─── 看,我们今天仍在你叫我们流徙所到的充军地,饱受诅咒凌辱,为补赎我们祖先的一切不义,因为他们离弃了上主,我们的天主。

3、requital n. ─── 酬劳,报答.

4、Requital will be paid to anyone who brings back the documents he lost. ─── 凡能将他丢失的文件寻回者可得酬劳。

5、make full requital ─── 给予充分的酬答

6、"And now, sirs," said Prince John, who began to be warmed with the wine which he had drank, "having done justice to our Saxon guests, we will pray of them some requital to our courtesy. ─── “酒喝过了,欢呼也欢呼过了,”艾默长老道,“现在得离开这些酒瓶子了。”“修士大概今晚还得听哪位美人的忏悔,才这么忙不迭的要走吧,”德布拉西说。

7、As time went on, Goethe grew more and more impatient of this frequent requital, and can not help but complain profusely. ─── 次数一多,歌德就不耐烦这频频的还礼了,不免大发牢骚。

8、We received food and lodging in requital FOR(or of)our services. ─── 我们得到食宿作为我们服务的报酬。

9、. among the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, that of women attaining Buddhahood is first" (WND, The Sutra of Requital, p. 930). ─── 对在世的诸位来说,法跟僧能以有形的事物展现于眼前,如佛法的经典或是僧众,但佛却相对的显得好像有点虚无,让人无法见到。

10、Being moved or in love, she got her happiness as a full requital of her purity. ─── 不知道是感动还是感情,但作为对其纯洁的回报,她得到了幸福。

11、When we passed the cardboard to you we touched your hand by accident, at that time we got a full requital!!! ─── 把纸板递给你的时候,还不经意碰到你的手,这一次我们真的圆满了!

12、she made no claim upon it, in requital for what she suffered; ─── 她也没有因自己的不幸而希冀什么报偿;

13、6.on equal terms by payment or requital. ─── 我们必须坚持通常的支付条件。

14、given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts. ─── 根据价值或功过给予偿还的。

15、given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts ─── 根据价值或功过给予偿还的

16、Passed one day, friend also requital gives him, indicate likewise on ceremony post " small ceremony 4 packets " . ─── 过了一天,朋友也还礼给他,礼帖上同样标明“微礼四包”。

17、Beijing auto develop swift and violent in the requital of real situation ─── 北汽有限在真情回报中迅猛发展

18、Requital will be paid to anyone who brings back the documents he lost. ─── 例5.凡能将他丢失的文件寻回者可得酬劳。

19、in requital for ─── adv. 作为报答, 作为报复

20、but without yielding the minutest degree of control over her motions in requital. ─── 而绝不因此而稍稍控制一下自己的行动。

21、A full requital of his striving pain. ─── 对他艰辛努力的圆满回报。

22、They will declare (their) repentance when they see the Penalty: We shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers: It would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds. ─── 当他们看见刑罚的时候,他们表示悔恨。我要反枷锁放在在信道者的脖子上,他们只受他们的行为的报酬。

23、He gave her in requital of all things else, which ye had taken from me. ─── 他把她给了我是为了补偿你们从我手中夺走的一切。

24、2. A full requital of his striving pain. ─── 这是对他艰苦努力的圆满回报。

25、on equal terms by payment or requital. ─── 通过支付或者偿还而相等。

26、This moving story of gratitude and requital for past service caused quite a stir in Japan at the time and was the subject of a television special. ─── 这则感人故事,当年在日本曾轰动一时,电视台并制作专辑播出。

27、What kind of heart should a successful person possess? A heart of mercy, love, patience, faith, honesty, truth, gratitude, requital of grace, contentment, and joy. ─── 成功的人要存什么心?慈悲心、爱心、耐心、信心、诚心、真心、感恩的心、报恩的心、知足的心、欢喜心。

28、One's due, reward, or punishment; requital. ─── 报偿,报应一个人应得报酬、报答、惩罚; 补偿,赔偿

29、To The Coastlands He Will Render Requital. ─── 祂将针对海岸给予报复。

30、Thank you vs my reliance, I will struggle the job to requital you everybody! ─── 谢谢你们对我的信任,我将努力工作以报答你们大家!

31、in requital of [for] ... ─── 为报答...

32、Specific measures for obtaining reasonable amounts of requital shall be formulated by the State Council. ─── 取得合理回报的具体办法由国务院规定。

33、10.Something given as requital or recompense;a repayment. ─── 报偿给予作为回报或补偿的东西;

34、What requital can we make for all his kindness to us? ─── 我们对他给我们的仁慈,能作些什麽报答呢?

35、We received food and lodging in requital for (or of) our services. ─── 我们得到食宿作为我们服务的报酬。

36、"In requital for, I can promise any your requests. ─── “作为报答,我会答应你的任何请求。”

37、She never battled with the public, but submitted, uncomplainingly, to its worst usage; she made no claim upon it, in requital for what she suffered; she did not weigh upon its sympathies. ─── 她从来与世无争,只是毫无怨尤地屈从于社会的最不公平的待遇;她也没有因自己的不幸而希冀什么报偿;她同样不依重于人们的同情。

38、"Even though the bitter-hearted pauper threw back a gibe in requital of the food brought regularly to his door, or the garments wrought for him by the fingers that could have embroidered a monarch's robe." ─── 尽管那些心肠狠毒的穷人对她定期送到门口的食物或她用本可刺绣王袍的手指做成的衣物,竟会反唇相讥。

39、Wrath To His Adversaries, Requital To His Enemies; ─── 对祂的敌人愤怒,报复祂的敌人;

40、What requital can we make for all his kindness to us? ─── 我们对他给我们的仁慈,能作些什么报答呢?

41、"He gave her in requital of all things else which ye had taken from me. ─── “他把她给了我是为了补偿你们从我手中夺走的一切。

42、Something given as requital or recompense; a repayment. ─── 报偿给予作为回报或补偿的东西;报偿

43、a full requital of his striving pain ─── 对他艰苦努力的圆满回报

44、Such will be their entertainment on the Day of Requital! ─── 这是他们在报应之日所受的款待。

45、As if in requital, she insisted upon having her own will in the domestic and commercial department which her husband abandoned to her. ─── 作为交换条件,在家务和店务方面,丈夫既已授权,她坚持按自个儿主张办。

46、One's due, reward, or punishment;requital. ─── 报偿, 报应一个人应得报酬、报答、惩罚;

47、Mocked were (many) messengers before thee: but I granted respite to the unbelievers, and finally I punished them: Then how (terrible) was my requital! ─── 在你之前,有许多使者确已被人嘲弄了,俱我对不信道者缓刑。随后,我惩治他们。我的惩罚是怎样的呢?

48、in requital of ─── 作为对

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