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08-19 投稿


attar 发音

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英:  美:

attar 中文意思翻译



attar 网络释义

n. 玫瑰油;香精油;挥发油;花油n. (Attar)人名;(阿拉伯、土、俄)阿塔尔

attar 短语词组

1、attar oil ─── 阿塔尔油

2、attar def ─── 附件定义

3、attar of roses ─── [化] 玫瑰油 ─── [医] 玫瑰油

4、attar of rose ─── [化] 玫瑰油

5、attar source crossword attar ─── 源纵横字谜

6、attar bazaar oils ─── 阿塔尔集市油

7、attar emanation attar ─── 放射

8、attar of rose geranium ─── 玫瑰天竺葵

9、attar bottles ─── 阿塔尔瓶

10、rose attar ─── [医] 蔷薇油, 玫瑰油

11、attar oud ─── 很老了

12、synthetic attar ─── 合成attar

13、attar definition attar ─── 定义

attar 词性/词形变化,attar变形

异体字: ottar |

attar 相似词语短语

1、attach ─── vt.使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋;vi.附加;附属;伴随

2、attorn ─── v.承让;转让,让与;承认新地主

3、altar ─── n.祭坛;圣坛;圣餐台;n.(Altar)人名;(法、塞、罗)阿尔塔

4、ottar ─── n.玫瑰花精油(同attar)

5、attain ─── vt.达到,实现;获得;到达;vi.达到;获得;到达;n.成就

6、attap ─── n.亚答屋(等于atap)

7、attack ─── n.攻击;抨击;疾病发作;vt.攻击;抨击;动手干;vi.攻击;腐蚀;n.(Attack)人名;(瑞典)阿塔克

8、attaps ─── 阿塔普斯

9、attire ─── n.服装;盛装;vt.打扮;使穿衣

attar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、attar of rose ─── 玫瑰油

2、1. A variety of rose (Rosa centifolia) native to the Caucasus, having a mossy flower stalk and calyx and fragrant pink flowers, used as a source of attar. ─── 洋蔷薇:一种原产于高加索地区的蔷薇(蔷薇属百叶蔷薇),生有苔藓般的花茎和花萼,开芳香的粉色花朵,用于提取玫瑰油

3、attar of roses ─── 蔷薇油玫瑰油

4、Seek attar the markel competitiveness most applicable forour company and achieve the highest market occupation rate ─── 寻找开拓最适合我们的市场竞争力并取得最高占有率

5、Attar, A. ─── 林素华;

6、For example, a top professor is more likely to attar a student than a professor having average ones. ─── 例如,一个顶尖的教授比普通的教授要更能吸引一个学生。

7、Attar is the rarest balm, price is even more expensive than gold. ─── 玫瑰油是最名贵的香油,价钱比黄金还要贵。

8、attar of kewda ─── 露兜油

9、A coarse, prickly shrub(Rosa centifolia) native to the Caucasus, having fragrant, pink, double-petaled flowers and widely cultivated as a source of attar of roses. ─── 洋蔷薇:一种粗糙的带刺灌木(百叶蔷薇蔷薇属),生长于高加索地区,有芳香的粉红色双瓣花,被作为玫瑰油的原料而广为栽培

10、SCARLETT: Melanie, Melanie, we're home! We're atTar a! ─── 斯佳丽:梅兰妮,梅兰妮,我们到家了!到塔拉了!

11、Ingredients: Natural attar of roses, aloe essence, hamamelis, vitamin E, seaweed polypeptide nutriment ─── 主要成份:天然玫瑰精油、芦荟凝胶精华、金缕梅、维生素E、藻多肽等。

12、rose attar ─── 玫瑰

13、Can you deny the medicaments that brushs bit of red attar and so on? ─── 骨折后有损痛怎么办?可否擦点红花油之类的药物?

14、Bitter water is in Gansu Province Lanzhou, there is the oldest rose to produce base here, attar majority of China originates in here. ─── 苦水在甘肃兰州,这儿有中国最大的玫瑰生产基地,中国的玫瑰油绝大部分产于这里。

15、agar attar ─── 东方沉香油

16、floral attar ─── 香精油

17、Ingredients: Natural attar of roses, aloe essence, seaweed essence, vitamin E, liquorices extract ─── 主要成份:天然玫瑰精油、芦荟胶精华、海藻精华、维生素E、甘草萃取液等。

18、These traditions come from Farid ud din Attar a later sufi saint and poet, who used earlier sources.Rabia herself though has not left any written works. ─── 虽然拉比尔自己没有留下任何文字作品,但是这些来自里德阿塔尔,以及后来成为圣人和诗人的苏菲的传统,都使用了更早的惯例。

19、These traditions come from Farid ud din Attar a later sufi saint and poet, who used earlier sources. Rabia herself though has not left any written works. ─── 虽然拉比尔自己没有留下任何文字作品,但是这些来自里德阿塔尔,以及后来成为圣徒和诗人的苏菲的传统,都使用了更早的惯例。

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