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08-19 投稿


excogitated 发音


英:  美:

excogitated 中文意思翻译



excogitated 短语词组

1、excogitated def ─── 挖掘定义

2、excogitated meaning ─── 挖掘意义

3、excogitated definition ─── 解释性定义

excogitated 词性/词形变化,excogitated变形

动词过去分词: excogitated |动词过去式: excogitated |形容词: excogitative |动词第三人称单数: excogitates |名词: excogitation |动词现在分词: excogitating |

excogitated 相似词语短语

1、cogitated ─── vt.仔细考虑;谋划;vi.思考;考虑

2、excogitation ─── n.设计;发明;方案;计划

3、excogitator ─── 挖掘机

4、excogitating ─── vt.想出;发明;设计

5、excogitative ─── 激进分子

6、excorticated ─── vt.去壳;去皮

7、excoriated ─── vt.严厉的责难;擦破……的皮肤

8、excogitates ─── vt.想出;发明;设计

9、excogitate ─── vt.想出;发明;设计

excogitated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since the first AGV is successfully excogitated by American Basrrett Electric Corp. in 1950s,AGVs are applied widely and a great deal AGV logistics systems are established in the domestic and oversea. ─── 自世界上第一台AGV由美国Basrrett电子公司于20世纪50年代开发成功以来,AGV得到了广泛应用,国内外建立了大量的AGV物流系统。

2、The advantages and main problems of hydrogen fueled IC engine are introduced.Ideas to solve these problems which are excogitated by domestic and overseas as well as their principles are presented. ─── 摘要介绍了氢燃发动机的优势和现阶段氢燃发动机本身存在的主要问题,国内外对解决或减轻这些问题的方法及其机理。

3、Excogitated process of desquamation chemically of fresh ginger which can be capable of carry out large quantities of production,in order to carry out collectively and effectively production. ─── 对鲜姜的外皮进行选择性腐蚀,实现化学方法脱皮,研制出实用于山区农村的脱皮剂和其它制剂。

4、prototype aeroplane was excogitated to validate the result . finally , the experimental waves of the prototype are given. ─── 实验样机的研制,并在该样机上进行调试,文中最后给出了试验波形。

5、Many methods of fault line selection have been excogitated. ─── 国内外已经研究出许多选线技术,以基频或谐波零序电流电压为特征的选线方法,受线路参数、过渡电阻和消弧线圈等因素的影响效果并不理想。

6、It is him, the first creates those who excogitated famed the world to turn over seasonal Majesty orange. ─── 是他,第一个创造研究出了闻名天下的反季节陛下橙。

7、Based on the principle of full flow extinction, this paper excogitated a pocketable opacity smokemeter. ─── 基于全流消光原理,本文研究开发了一种便携消光式烟度仪。

8、Based on this, kinematics relations of GPM series 2-DOF parallel mechanism, which excogitated by Googol Technology Ltd, are analyzed in this project. ─── 基于此,本文对固高科技有限公司开发的GPM系列2-DOF并联机构的运动学关系进行了分析。

9、The stratagem isn't excogitated on his own.There must be a person to teach him to do as this. ─── 他自己是想不出那个计谋的。一定是有人教他这么做的。

10、Based on this, kinematics relations of GPM series 2-dof parallel mechanism, which excogitated by Googol Technology Ltd, are analyzed in this project. ─── 基于此,本文对固高科技有限公司开发的GPM系列2 - DOF并联机构的运动学关系进行了分析。

11、The road system,which provides only for the bus operation is researched in this article.The methods of how to condemnation constructing the bus-operating road system or not is excogitated. ─── 对公交专用道进行了研究,研究了公交专用道路系统建设的现实可能,分析了设置公交专用道的条件和效益,提出了确定是否设置公交专用道的研究模型;

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