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08-19 投稿


centaury 发音

英:[?sent??ri]  美:[?sent??r?]

英:  美:

centaury 中文意思翻译



centaury 词性/词形变化,centaury变形


centaury 短语词组

1、seaside centaury ─── [网络] 海边百里

2、tufted centaury ─── [网络] 簇绒的半人马

3、centaury a ─── 半人马座a

4、centaury herb ─── 半人马草

5、centaury oil ─── 半人马油

6、slender centaury ─── [网络] 纤细的半人马

7、American centaury ─── [网络] 美国世纪

8、broad leaved centaury ─── [网络] 阔叶百里

9、lesser centaury ─── 小矢车菊

10、centaury tea ─── 半人马茶

11、centaury bach ─── 半人马巴赫

12、centaury powder ─── 半人马粉

centaury 相似词语短语

1、centauric ─── 百金

2、centaur ─── n.半人马座;人首马身的怪物;马人

3、centare ─── n.平方米,平方公尺(=centiare)

4、bucentaurs ─── n.半牛半人形怪物;礼舟

5、century ─── n.世纪,百年;(板球)一百分

6、Centauri ─── 半人马座;n.(Centauri)人名;(意)琴陶里

7、centaurs ─── n.半人马(centaur的复数)

8、centaureas ─── n.矢车菊属

9、centaurea ─── n.矢车菊属

centaury 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The third victory condition is to be the first civilization to construct a spaceship to colonize Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to Earth. ─── 最后就是空间竞赛,第一个完成向射手座阿尔法星发射殖民火箭的文明将获得胜利。

2、Light takes only 4.22 years to reach us from Proxima Centauri. ─── 从半人马座比邻星发出的光到达我们只需4.22年。

3、Alpha Centauri as a solar system along with the Grays and Reptilians missed its opportunity to ascend and was left behind due to the extreme amount of electrical distortion. ─── 作为一个太阳系,半人马太阳系与灰人、爬虫一起错失了提升机会,因其极度的电流扭曲而被遗留。

4、a variety of centaury found at the seaside. ─── 生长在海滨的矢车菊。

5、The Centauri Republic, only months ago a fading empire, is currently on an expansionist path.A deal with unknown forces enabled Ambassador Londo Mollari (pictured) to regain some of their past glory. ─── 于是明巴利对地球开战,摧枯拉朽所向披糜,在对地球本土最后一击的过程中,明巴利却突然停止进攻并宣布投降。

6、common European glabrous annual centaury with flowers in dense cymes. ─── 欧洲的一种普通的无毛的一年生的矢车菊,花组成密集的聚伞花序。

7、Earth was able to redirect the dream from Alpha Centauri back into space so that it could not reformulate itself again here. ─── 所有的恐龙此后进入睡眠并在一年内逐渐死亡。

8、Triple star in the constellation Centaurus, the faintest component of which, Proxima Centauri, is currently the closest star to the sun (about 4.3 light-years away). ─── 一颗三合星,其中最暗的子星(比邻星)是距太阳最近的恒星,距离为4.3光年。

9、During the end of 80's and the beginning of 90's in 20th centaury, under the influence of “Washington common view”, Latin-American countries implemented a big scale of banking privatizing reform. ─── 20世纪80年代末至90年代初,受“华盛顿共识”影响,拉美国家开始了大规模的银行私有化改革。

10、There are the consciousness of many species returning to the Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Orion and 18 other creations that are unknown to human genetics and history. ─── 许多物种的意识正返回昂宿星、阿尔法星、天狼星、猎户星座和其它在人类遗传和历史上还未知名的18个造物。

11、Proxima Centauri, in Alpha Centauri, the closest star to the sun, is a flare star. ─── 离太阳最近的半人马座比邻星也是一颗耀星。

12、Obviously that the queen's skin was not as good as before, when the queen was is worry, the maid discovered that the centaury blossomed on roadside, the petals appeared gorgeous and in blossom. ─── 皇后正在为此发愁之际,皇后的女仆发现路边盛开着蓝色的矢车菊,花瓣看起来娇艳欲滴,十分饱满。

13、large centaury ─── 海红矢车菊

14、Why try to go to Proxima Centauri, or any other star? ─── 为啥想去比邻星或者别的星球?”

15、The Milky Way flows through this celestial expanse whose wonders also include the closest star to the sun, Alpha Centauri, and the largest globular star cluster in our galaxy, Omega Centauri. ─── 银河流过这片广阔的天空,令人惊奇的是其中包括最靠近太阳的恒星半人马座阿尔法星,以及我们银河系中最大的球状星团半人马座欧米伽星团。

16、Since late 90s in 20 centaury, China increased invests on high-tech in energy industry, information, biology and material related field. ─── 课程的主要教学环节包括课堂知识讲授,课堂讨论与练习,专题文献调研与实验操作。

17、a variety of centaury with broad leaves. ─── 叶子宽大的各种矢车菊。

18、The stunning Omega Centauri globular cluster contains millions of stars. ─── 令人惊讶的人马座欧米茄球状星团包含了数百万的恒星。

19、The closest star system, Alpha Centauri, and the giant Omega Centauri globular star cluster also shine in the starry night. ─── 最近的恒星系统是阿尔法人马座,巨大的半人马座球状星团也在星夜闪烁。

20、Centaury eases cough, bronchitis, inflammation of liver and eye. ─── 咳嗽、支气管炎、肝脏及眼睛发炎有抑制功效。

21、Roughly similar to other large globular star clusters like Omega Centauri, NGC 2419 is itself intrinsically bright, but appears faint because it is so far away. ─── NGC 2419与半人马座欧米伽星团之类的其他大型球状星团大致相似,本身非常明亮,但是由于相隔甚远而显得模糊黯淡。

22、Proxima Centauri ─── 比邻星

23、Definition: Centaury consists of the whole or cut dried flowering aerial parts of Centaurium erythraea Rafn (C. minus Moench, C. umbellatum Gilib. ─── 本品为龙胆科植物百金花Centaurium erythraea Rafn (C. minus Moench, C. umbellatum Gilib.

24、Agra Fort, located on a hill at the bank of River Yamuna and built with red grit-stone used to be imperial palace in 16th centaury, Mogul Times. ─── 阿拉堡,位于亚穆纳河畔的小山丘上,用红色砂岩建造,曾经是十六世纪莫尔卧王朝时代的宫殿。

25、Centauri Dreams: Imagining and Planning Interstellar Travel ─── 半人马座之梦:想象与计划星际旅行

26、This was predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity at the beginning of the 20th centaury and has since been proved many times. ─── 这一点由爱因斯坦在20世纪初做出预言,并且多次得到证明。

27、lesser centaury ─── 小矢车菊

28、Jasmine Martinez, 14, applies lip gloss in her bedroom before catching the bus for Centauri Middle School. ─── 茉莉马丁内斯,14,适用于唇在她的卧室光泽赶上前半人马座中的校车。

29、The star, Alpha Centauri is the closest star besides our sun. ─── 除了太阳之外,半人马座a星离地球最近。

30、The episode "Metamorphosis", from the original series, establishes a backstory for the invention of warp drive, stating that it was invented by Zefram Cochrane of Alpha Centauri. ─── 物质-反物质反应组,包括了反应物喷射器、磁性约束节、反应腔,双锂水晶(戴立辛水晶)的角色,以及能源传输导管。

31、Such beings also speak in thought-form that is related to the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion or Alpha Centauri. ─── 这些以思想形态来说话的存有们也与昂宿星、仙女座、猎户座和阿尔法星系有关。

32、common European glabrous annual centaury with flowers in dense cymes ─── 欧洲的一种普通的无毛的一年生的矢车菊,花组成密集的聚伞花序

33、However, getting enough antimatter for the 26 trillion-mile, one-way trip to Alpha Centauri and storing such a volatile fuel for long periods is prohibitively expensive and difficult. ─── 然而,要到达26万亿英里之外的半人马座阿尔法星,携带和储存足够量的反物质难度极大,这种燃料不仅状态不稳定,而且耗资不菲。

34、Such souls often originate from the Pleiades, Andromedas, Orion, or Alpha Centauri, home of the Grays and Reptilians. ─── 这些灵魂通常起源于昂宿星、仙女座、猎户座和阿尔法星系、灰人和爬虫军的家。

35、I treated her with Centaury, Star of Bethlehem for her muscle and bone injury, and Rock Water for her over-strictness to herself and eagerness to be examples which would appeal to others. ─── 当人们肉体受伤时,同样可以将受伤的细胞,看作是遭受了伤痛和震惊,亦符合巴哈医师的指示;

36、The Bourbon Kingdom would spend the rest of nineteenth centaury trying to re-establish control over its old colonies (without success) and reform at home (were a new constitutional monarchy is established). ─── 波旁王国不得不用十九世纪余下的时间,重新建立各殖民地的统治,并且锐意改革,建立君主立宪政府。

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