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08-19 投稿


impartiality 发音

英:['?m,pɑ???'?l?t?]  美:[,?mpɑr??'?l?ti]

英:  美:

impartiality 中文意思翻译



impartiality 词性/词形变化,impartiality变形

副词: impartially |名词: impartiality |

impartiality 短语词组

1、impartiality definitionuty ─── 公正性定义

2、impartiality duty ─── 公正义务

3、impartiality definition ─── 公正性定义

4、impartiality sop ─── 公正性标准操作规程

5、impartiality ltc ─── 不偏 ─── 不倚ltc

6、impartiality defined ─── 公正性定义

7、impartiality dod ─── 公正性国防部

8、impartiality or equality ─── 公正或平等

9、impartiality happens to be you ─── 你才是公正的

10、impartiality define ─── 公正性定义

impartiality 同义词

justice | fairness | objectivity | neutrality | nonpartisanship | nonalignment | open-mindedness | detachment | disinterest | independence | balance |equality

impartiality 反义词


impartiality 相似词语短语

1、imperviability ─── 可减损性

2、impartibly ─── 不偏不倚地

3、impracticality ─── n.不切实际;不切实际之事

4、spatiality ─── n.空间性

5、impartibility ─── n.不可分

6、partiality ─── n.偏心;偏袒;偏爱;癖好

7、impartially ─── adv.公平地;无私地

8、imperiality ─── n.帝王;帝王之尊

9、impartial ─── adj.公平的,公正的;不偏不倚的

impartiality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed. ─── 调解必须遵循自愿、公平的原则,不得强迫。

2、The MDC questions Mr Mbeki's impartiality. ─── 民革运对姆贝基的公正予以质疑。

3、Freedom from selfish bias or self-interest;impartiality. ─── 公正,无私摆脱偏见或自私;

4、Is BBC worthy of the name of impersonality and impartiality? ─── BBC的商业活动会不会危及它的公共服务性质?

5、Prior to the acceptance of appointment as a Panelist, a candidate shall be required to submit to the Provider a Declaration of Independence and Impartiality in writing. ─── 当事人一方如果在程序进行期间就争议域名提起了任何司法程序或仲裁程序,应当立即通知专家组和域名争议解决机构。

6、Freedom from selfish bias or self - interest;impartiality. ─── 公正,无私摆脱偏见或自私;公正不阿

7、In carrying out its functions, SMO maintains strict independence and impartiality at all times. ─── 在职能运作方面,它一直严格保持独立性和公平性。

8、Other violations against the litigation procedures prescribed by law which may hamper impartiality of a trial. ─── 其他违反法律规定的诉讼程序,可能影响公正审判的。

9、Regarding the recent English cases, there arises serious concern for the independence and impartiality of judges and arbitrators. ─── 从最近几年英国的判例来看 ,法官和仲裁员的独立性和公正性已引起人们充分的关注。

10、He has compromised his reputation for impartiality. ─── 他已经危机他公正的名声。

11、The trust that Member States place in us is based on our commitment to impartiality and objectivity. ─── 会员国对我们的信任基于我们对公平性和客观性的承诺。

12、To end the war in Bosnia, the West abandoned impartiality and junked the idea of proportionate response. ─── 为了结束波斯尼亚战争,西方放弃了不偏不倚的立场,摈弃了均衡反应的主张。

13、Because good, the tree of my life in a more outspoken and fearless impartiality and arrogance! ─── 因为善良,我的生命之树不偏不倚多了一份刚直无畏和傲气!

14、You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees. ─── 你对员工进行评估时应该做到公正。

15、It is a knotty issue to deal with the relationship between supervision of journalist poinion and judicial impartiality. ─── 如何处理好新闻舆论监督与司法公正的关系,是一个棘手的问题。

16、Bao Zheng's unable to impartiality, not afraid of power, impartiality and the ability to distinguish right from wrong, through television program re-shape, so that well-known story of Bao Gong. ─── 包拯的尽忠尽孝、公正不阿,不怕权势,大公无私及分辨是非的能力,通过影视节目的再塑造,让包公的故事家喻户晓。

17、Freedom from prejudice;impartiality. ─── 公正不受偏见的影响;公正

18、Impartiality: honesty and fair research is our main working principles. ─── 公正:公平公正的调查是我们工作的重要原则。

19、Freedom from selfish bias or self-interest; impartiality. ─── 公正,无私摆脱偏见或自私;公正不阿

20、To end the war in Bosnia, the West abandoned impartiality and junked the idea of propotionate response. ─── 为了结束波塞尼亚战争,西方放弃了不偏不倚的立场,摒弃了均衡反映的主张。

21、Freedom from prejudice; impartiality. ─── 公正不受偏见的影响; 公正

22、The levels of courts and the number of lawyers should be stipulated so that a normalized retrial system will be enforced to ensure the realization of its impartiality, independence and authority. ─── 对检察机关民事再审监督权作必要的限制,并规定再审法院的级别和审案法官人数,建立一整套规范的再审程序制度,以保证民事再市制度公正性、独立性和权威性目的真正实现。

23、Personnel who has an interest in the party concerned, which may affect the impartiality of the appraisement, shall withdraw. ─── 凡与当事人有利害关系,可能影响公正鉴定的人员,应当回避。

24、Interpreters and translators shall observe impartiality in all professional contracts. ─── 口笔译者应在所有的职业合同中保持公正。

25、The persons who participate in settlement of appeal and complaint shall maintain objectiveness and impartiality. ─── 2参与申诉、投诉处理的人员应保持客观公正。

26、I'm not so sure that the monarchy hasn't gained a reserve power from its unquestioned impartiality between the established parties and its assumed devotion to a numinous patriotism. ─── 君主毫无疑问地在两大党之间不偏不倚,而据信又坚持神圣的爱国主义,但我不敢肯定,王室就没有从中得到一些保留的权力。

27、Officialdom in the late Chiangs'era deserved criticism,but at least it did not gang up with the business sector for dirty profits,and could handle corruption cases with tolerable justice and impartiality. ─── 后蒋时代的政风虽也有可议之处,但至少政商分途,不使合流,而对于贪污案件,大体上也能秉公依法处理。

28、an open-minded curiosity; open-minded impartiality. ─── 乐于接受新观点的好奇心;开明、公平。

29、The High Contracting Parties may at any time agree to entrust to an organization which offers all guarantees of impartiality and efficacy the duties incumbent on the Protecting Powers by virtue of the present Convention. ─── 各缔约国得随时同意将根据本公约应由保护国负担之任务,委托于具有公允与效能之一切保证之组织。

30、Independence and Impartiality AIT will ensure that cooperation between AIT and other NGOs is consistent with the above points and with AI s Guidelines on Cooperations with other NGOs. ─── 台湾分会保证,台湾分会与其他民间团体合作将符合以上几点原则,以及AI总会和民间团体合作的指导方针。

31、Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. ─── 审核员的选择和审核的实施应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。

32、The Olympic spirit is impartiality, participation and competition. ─── 奥运精神是公平,参与,竞争。

33、Identification improve judicial justice system must uphold the principle of impartiality in particular procedure. ─── 完善司法鉴定制度必须坚持司法公正尤其是程序公正原则。

34、Some of these newcomers see claims to editorial impartiality as a cover for western hegemonic power and seek to redress the balance. ─── 一些新进者将编辑公正的主张视为西方霸权的伪装,并试图恢复平衡。

35、It is of important significance to affirm legally the principle of obvious missing of impartiality to guarantee the equitableness in business dealings. ─── 从法律上确认显失公平的原则,对保障交易的公平性有重要意义。

36、By analyzing the factors that influence the impartiality and considering the recent related methods,it gives some advice to improve ADR for medical disputes. ─── 对影响该方式的因素进行分析,思考现有的ADR相关方式,希望能对我国医疗纠纷解决有所启示。

37、Two side all have the person that play noisy, mouth impartiality inclined or force of systole of function of the flesh outside deflection ala is weaker side. ─── 两侧均有弹响者,开口型不偏斜或偏向翼外肌功能收缩力较弱侧。

38、Firstly, it has standardized the manager's criterion in order to avoid the artificial factor called "opinions differ" and achieves truly open, impartiality and equality. ─── 一是规范了管理者的管理行为准则,考核评定科技人员,避免了“见仁见智”的人为因素,真正做到公开、公正、公平;

39、The human soul is hospitable, and will entertain conflicting sentiments and contradictory opinions with much impartiality. ─── 人类的灵魂是能够容纳一切的,它毫不偏袒地接受互相对立的感情和互相矛盾的意见。

40、Miss Bart accepted this exhortation in a spirit of the purest impartiality. ─── 巴特小姐心平气和地接受了这种谴责。

41、Impartiality is essential to a judge. ─── 公平是当法官所必需的。

42、In the process of modifying or drafting the marine hull clauses, the drafter shall be neutral for avoidance of impartiality and ambiguity of wording of clauses. ─── 在具体修改或制定中国远洋船舶保险条款时应充分考虑到条款制定者的中立因素,避免利益不均衡条款的出现,也避免含义模糊条款的存在;

43、It's Girls et up inu order to better display Nice the Olympic spirit of "impartiality", participation Girls nd competition. ─── 它的设立充分体现了奥运会“公平、参与、竞争”的原则。

44、The Holy Spirit was given you with perfect impartiality, and only by recognising Him impartially can you recognise Him at all. ─── 上主是以大公无私之心赐你圣灵的,因此,唯有秉持大公无私的心,你才可能认出祂来。

45、So, cutting out the middleman could incur a loss of valuable business advice, support services and impartiality. ─── 因此,切削出中间人可能招致的损失宝贵的商业咨询,支持服务和公正性。

46、Officialdom in the late Chiangs' era deserved criticism, but at least it did not gang up with the business sector for dirty profits, and could handle corruption cases with tolerable justice and impartiality. ─── 两蒋时代的政风虽也有可议之处,但政商分明,不使合流;而对于贪污案件,大体上也能秉公依法处理。

47、The company's policy then became one of strict impartiality in matters of religion, and missionaries were allowed to work throughout its territory. ─── 公司的政策因而在宗教的因素下变得不偏不倚,传教士也允许在它的领土下工作。

48、The enterprise income tax shall be verified and collected under the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness. ─── 二、按公平、公正、公开原则核定征收企业所得税。

49、He is a justicer of impartiality. ─── 他是一名铁面无私的法官。

50、The United Nations must further strengthen its capacity// for launching coherent and coordinated humanitarian actions,// under the guiding principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality. ─── 二十世纪的历史表明,国际关系具有惊人的调整适应能力,而这种关系的基础是多边原则与准则。

51、Dualism of practical reason implicates the conflict between moral impartiality and separateness of persons, so Sidgwick's problem shows the inner dilemma of modern moral philosophy. ─── 实践理性二元论内涵着道德的不偏不倚性与个人分立性之间的对立,西季威克对实践理性二元论的揭示恰恰凸显了现代道德哲学的内在困境。

52、The impartiality is always the focus of administrating personnel and administrated persons, which regulates the relationship between both sides like a lever. ─── 公平问题一直是管理者与被管理者关注的焦点,它像杠杆一样调节着管理者与被管理者之间的关系。

53、The independence of lawyer ass whole is essential to the right protection, the realization of judicial impartiality, and the development of the profession of lawyer. ─── 律师整体独立是保障公民权利、实现司法公正、律师职业发展的内在要求。

54、Impartiality mean the unification of right and obligation;admit the equality relation between the individual and organization;the individual or organization obey the law. ─── 公正意味着个体权利和义务的统一、确认社会个体之间的平等关系、是社会个体或组织守法的表现。

55、The FA applies disciplinary charges if there is an allegation of impartiality and it is difficult to see how the United pair can expect to get away with their remarks. ─── 一旦有对比赛公正性做出断言,足总就会申请相关纪律上的指控。

56、Athenian politician who codified the laws of Athens(c.621.Lauded for its impartiality,his code was unpopular for its severity. ─── 德拉古雅典政治家,制定了雅典的法典(公元前621年),该法典因其公平受到赞扬,但因其严酷而不受欢迎


58、Its impartiality: the UN does not represent any national or commercial interest. It can develop therefore relations of trust with countries and their people to provide aid with no strings attached. ─── 公正性: 不代表任何国家和商业利益,能够与各国及其人民建立信任关系,提供援助 不附加条件。

59、Thus, with a painful impartiality, did the young man make out the case for Beaufort, and for Beaufort's victim. ─── 就这样,年轻人以一种充满痛苦的公正态度,为博福特、为博福特的牺牲品理清了来龙去脉。

60、He can do that with more authority and impartiality as a non-executive. ─── 他可以更有权威地做到这一点,并且像非执行主管一样不偏不倚。

61、Strict approval procedures shall be formulated to guarantee the scientificity, impartiality and objectivity of the examination and approval, and prevent randomness. ─── 二、制定严格的审批程序,保证审批工作的科学性、公正性和客观性,防止主观随意性。

62、The corporate culture that the company runs after is: Respection, Equality, Fairness Impartiality , Transformation , Innovation . ─── 公司追求地企业文化是:尊重、平等、公平、公正、变革、创新。

63、In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in these Olympic Games with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship. ─── 我代表全体裁判员和工作人员宣誓,我们保证将以真正的体育道德精神,尊重并遵守奥运会的各项规章,以完全公正的态度履行自己的职责。

64、Analysis shows that this protocol guarantees the security, atomicity, accountability and impartiality of network online payment. ─── 分析表明,本协议可以保证网络在线支付交易的安全性、原子性、可确认性和公平性。

65、In order to guarantee the impartiality of certification works of ICAS and safeguard the interests of applicant and the clients who have obtained the certification of ICAS, this Procedure is hereby compiled. ─── 为保证英格尔认证工作的公正性,维护申请人和已获得英格尔认证的客户利益,制订本程序。

66、Impartiality or equanimity towards all living beings in the world, whether friends or foes, and life long abstention from injury to living beings, is a vow difficult to observe. ─── 公正和平和的对待世界上的一切生物,不论他们是朋友还是敌人,永远不要去伤害他们这是一条很难做到的誓言。

67、With the principle of Independence、Impartiality、Efficiency and Accuracy, EMPL provides entrusted testing、goods inspection、quality appraisal and technical consultation for clients. ─── 实验室主要承担机电产品的检测工作,以“独立、公正、高效、准确”为宗旨,面向社会,竭诚为客户提供委托检测、产品认证、技术咨询等服务。

68、Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors shall not audit their own work. ─── 审核员的选择和审核的实施应确保审核过程的客观性和公正性。审核员不应审核自己的工作。

69、At the same time adhering to the “ open, fair and impartial ” in the scholarship of Roland, the jury will consider each and every participant to ensure that the results of fairness and impartiality. ─── 同时坚持“公开、公平、公正”的评审原则,曼罗兰奖学金的评审团,将会认真对待每一位参与者,力求评审结果的公平性及公正性。

70、For example, emotional labor may help medical students show concern while remaining sufficiently aloof in order to retain their impartiality (Ashforth &Humphrey, 1993). ─── 例如,情绪劳动可能帮助医学学生展示关怀同时仍然保持足够的冷淡以便维持他们的公正公平。

71、With "integrity, fairness and impartiality" and "mutually beneficial" cooperation and faith, we welcome you! ─── 怀着“诚信、公平、公正”和“互惠互利”的合作信念,我们欢迎您!

72、Impartiality is, if something is good, then say it is good; if something is bad, then say it is bad. ─── 平等心是什么东西好就说好,什么东西坏就说坏。

73、And as you may know, China Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality . ─── 你算知道,中国商检局的公正全球闻名。

74、The principle of good faith, ope e , fairne and impartiality shall be followed in the conduct of property rights tra actio in the property rights trading market. ─── 在产权交易市场从事产权交易,应当遵循诚实信用和公开、公平、公正的原则。

75、Athenian politician who codified the laws of Athens(c.621). Lauded for its impartiality, his code was unpopular for its severity. ─── 德拉古雅典政治家,制定了雅典的法典(公元前621年),该法典因其公平受到赞扬,但因其严酷而不受欢迎

76、But, for a purified mind, to keep away from egocentrism (instinct react of bad habits), and to keep humanity, love, good will, delight and impartiality is a natural thing. ─── 但是,对一个清净的心而言,时时保持不执著(不起习性反应),充满爱心,慈悲,善念,喜悦,平等心,是非常自然的事。

77、Theoretical Foundations of Judicial Impartiality ─── 司法公正的理论根基

78、He shows impartiality and detachment. ─── 他表现得不偏不倚,超然事外。

79、They need to care about you and your life. Ideally, they should have some impartiality to be able to offer you sound advice. ─── 其次,他们还必须关心你和你的生活。理想的是,他们应该能够公正地向你提出有用的忠告。

80、Impartiality is the soul of officiating. Accuracy extends a referee's life. ─── 公正是裁判的灵魂,准确是裁判的生命。

81、"In my eyes, and all those who have read it with anything like impartiality, it is a review driven by an almost manic desire to bad-mouth and perversely depreciate anything of value," he wrote. ─── “不仅是我,任何不抱有偏见的人读到这篇书评,都会觉得此文充斥着一股近乎狂暴的执念,因而满是刻毒的言辞;并且一棍子打死了全部有价值的内容。”

82、On impartiality to judge they're judge independence, judge neutrality, judge authority and judicial restrain, and to process they're procedure, judicial avowal and antagonism. ─── 在公正方面对法官而言是法官独立、法官中立、法官权威和司法约束,对程序而言是重视程序、司法公开、实行对抗制等内容;

83、Athenian politician who codified the laws of Athens (c. '2). Lauded for its impartiality, his code was unpopular for its severity. ─── 德拉古:雅典政治家,制定了雅典的法典(公元前'2年),该法典因其公平受到赞扬,但因其严酷而不受欢迎

84、During a swearing-in ceremony shortly after the handover, Allawi and other members of the new government placed their hands on the Koran and promised to serve with sincerity and impartiality. ─── 在交接完成后的宣誓仪式上,阿拉为和其他的政府官员手握可兰经承诺诚实并且公正的为伊拉克人民服务。

85、My question is whether a similar duty to impartiality applies on the global plane. ─── -我的问题是:这力求不偏不倚的义务,是否也应该适用到全球层次?

86、As a consequence of these problems, says a British lawyer, the trial "lacks even the appearance of independence or impartiality" . ─── 一位英国律师认为这些问题导致的后果就是,这场宣判“在外观上都缺少最起码的独立公正性”。

87、It shall also be ensured that the adopted reward and remuneration system will not affect the objectivity and impartiality of wealth mangers when recommending certain products to customers. ─── 另应确保所订定之奖励报酬制度,不得影响业务人员推介特定商品予客户之客观与公正性。

88、take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham. ─── 在以后的某一时刻偏袒某一方,就意味着先前假定的公正只是一种假象。

89、Evaluation method on bid quotation is a crucial step in engineering bid, affecting the "impartiality, equality and publicity" of final result. ─── 工程招投标过程中评标办法是影响最终结果“公正、公平、公开”的关键环节。

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