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08-19 投稿


dejecta 发音

英:[[d?'d?ekt?]]  美:[[d?'d?ekt?]]

英:  美:

dejecta 中文意思翻译



dejecta 短语词组

1、dejecta memora ─── 粪便记忆

2、dejecta definition ─── 粪便定义

dejecta 相似词语短语

1、ejects ─── vt.喷射;驱逐,逐出

2、dejects ─── v.使沮丧,使灰心;adj.沮丧的,情绪低落的

3、ejecta ─── n.喷出物;排泄物

4、reject ─── vt.拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃;n.被弃之物或人;次品

5、deject ─── v.使沮丧,使灰心;adj.沮丧的,情绪低落的

6、eject ─── vt.喷射;驱逐,逐出

7、selecta ─── n.音乐导播

8、dejected ─── adj.沮丧的,灰心的

9、rejects ─── n.不良品;[环境]选矿废渣;尾矿(reject的复数);v.拒绝;抛弃(reject的第三人称单数形式)

dejecta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Water quality in Songhuaba Reservoir in North Kunming has been polluted since 1991 because of soil and water loss,farmland fertilizer and pesticide, domestic wastes and sewages and dejecta of animals. ─── 位于昆明市北郊的松华坝水库,1991年起水质受到污染,原因有水土流失、农田化肥和农药、生活垃圾和污水、畜禽粪便等。

2、Conclusion The filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta is effective ... ─── 结论正常人新鲜粪便滤液保留灌肠能迅速有效纠正肠道菌群失调。

3、4 hours past, the DPV DNA can be detected from heart,liver,spleen, bursa of fabricius ,thymus, pancreas, brain, blood and dejecta. ─── 4小时后,能从心、肝、脾、法氏囊、胸腺、胰、脑、血、粪便中检出DPV DNA;

4、So the dejecta was going out from this place everyday. ─── 也因为这次崩开,现在每天粪便从此处排出。

5、Determination of Levels of Testosterone and Estradiol in Dejecta of Crested Ibis ─── 朱鹮粪样睾酮和雌二醇水平的初步测定

6、The resource and industrialization on livestock dejecta's disposaling innocuously by biology technology ─── 畜禽粪便无害化生物技术处理资源化与产业化

7、After diagnosing, preserving clyster was done with filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta. ─── 诊断明确后立即停用抗菌素和激素,采用正常人新鲜粪便滤液保留灌肠。

8、Keywords biological hydrogen production;pig dejecta wastewater;photosynthetic bacteria;hydrogen production; ─── 生物制氢;猪粪污水;光合细菌;产氢;

9、From this surgery, it was known that there was a leak in the recta and the dejecta was leaked to abdomen probably from the place where the stapler was used. ─── 从第二次手术得知,病人是多发性肠间脓肿引起的感染性休克,怀疑造成感染的原因是直肠手术发生吻合口瘘(因直肠有漏洞造成粪便漏到腹腔而引起感染)。

10、The dejecta of deer is high quality organic fertilizer. ─── 鹿的粪便是优质的有机肥料。

11、The evaluation on hygienic effect of using dejecta fermented by marsh gas in green vegetable growtly and feeding fish in Wuhan area ─── 武汉地区粪便经沼气发酵后用于绿色蔬菜种植和养鱼卫生效果评价

12、Design for Wastewater Treatment Project in Refuse and Dejecta Disposal Site ─── 垃圾处置场的污水处理工程设计

13、Human dejecta, excrement, garbage, sewage, waste matter and ballast-water shall not be discharged or unloaded without permission of the Inspection and Quarantine authorities. ─── 人类排泄物、粪便、垃圾、污水、污物和压舱水,未经检验检疫机构允许不准排放和移下。

14、Vacumm collecting dejecta on train monitor system ─── 列车真空集便系统

15、pig dejecta wastewater ─── 猪粪污水

16、Methods To collect the domestic animals dejecta and bacteria isolatation and culture. ─── 方法采集家畜的粪便,进行细菌分离培养。

17、3. the fixing form (2,3) is convenient, comfortable, handsome, and concealed, also it can avoid dejecta pollution; ─── 3、固定方式方便舒适、美观、隐蔽,能避免大便污染。

18、Discuss varies waste treatment technics plan with customer together for living waste, medical waste, industrial waste,dejecta waste and sludge etc. ─── 与客户共同探讨各地区生活垃圾、医疗垃圾、工业垃圾、粪便、污泥等垃圾处理工艺方案;

19、Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration. ─── 目的观察正常人新鲜粪便滤液治疗肠道菌群失调的疗效。

20、In this thesis,as an example watershed of Miyun reservoir,rural household toilet and dejecta are studied by first-hand investigation,questionnaire survey. ─── 以北京市密云水库水源保护区为例,通过实地考察、访谈与问卷调查等方法,研究考察了当地农村厕所及人粪尿排污情况。

21、Research on the Rural Household Toilets and Disposal of Dejecta in Reservoir Water Source Areas ─── 水源地农村厕所与粪污处置调研

22、Objective: to screen nitrobacter that could be used to treat ammonia nitrogen pollution, dejecta and sewage in military tunnel. ─── 目的:筛选、分离能够用于治理氨氮污染和军事坑道生活污物、污水的硝化菌。

23、Design and test of auxiliary heating cluster case type biogas system for animal dejecta ─── 辅热集箱式畜禽粪便沼气系统研究

24、The livestock raised with the straw grain feedstuff can produce dejecta as fertilizer for the field and exert the function of enriching the field and developing the ecological agriculture. ─── 目前,国家明令保护草原,牛、羊等牲畜必须圈养禁牧,发展舍养饲畜牧业。

25、Examine pH value and smear of fresh dejecta for infant intestinal flora maladjustment ─── 新鲜粪便pH和涂片检查小儿肠道菌群失调

26、dejecta collecting system ─── 集便系统

27、supervision over and inspection of the disposal of garbage, waste water, human dejecta and ballast water. ─── 监督和检查垃圾、废物、污水、粪便、压舱水的处理。

28、Disposal of garbage, wastes, waste water, human dejecta and ballast water in the inbound or outbound means of transports should be conducted sanitary supervision. ─── 出入境交通工具上的垃圾、废物、废水、人的粪便和压舱水的处理应接受卫生监督。

29、The dejecta of deer is high quality organic fertilizer. ─── 鹿的粪便是优质的有机肥料。

30、Methods To collect the domestic animals dejecta and bacteria isolatation and culture. ─── 方法采集家畜的粪便,进行细菌分离培养。

31、Keywords Household lavatory;Dejecta treatment;Health surveys; ─── 关键词户厕;粪便无害化;卫生调查;

32、After eating the milk powder for mid dle and old age,The dejecta of animals was softer and more than control gro up. ─── 动物实验组较对照组排便量明显增加、粪便软化、水分含量高。

33、Dejecta clip ─── 便洁夹

34、Keywords loop reactor;pig dejecta wastewater;photosynthetic hydrogen production;operation parameter; ─── 环流型反应器;猪粪污水;光合产氢;运行条件;

35、The investigation and significance by examining pH value and smear of dejecta for intestinal flora maladjustment ─── 粪便pH和涂片检查肠道菌群失调的研究及意义

36、Supervising and guiding the relevant departments in charge of frontier port to innocuously treat the garbage, waste, waste water and dejecta ─── 监督和指导国境口岸有关主管部门对垃圾、污物、污水、粪便等进行无害化处理

37、human dejecta ─── 人类粪便

38、Keywords lily;dietary fiber;smoothing intestine and relieving constipation;constipation model;dejecta moisture; ─── 百合;膳食纤维;调节血脂;减肥;功能评价;

39、Treatment of severe intestinal flora alteration induced by the Cefoperazone with the filtrate of fresh human dejecta ─── 正常人新鲜粪便滤液保留灌肠治疗头孢哌酮致严重肠道菌群失调

40、Number of Dejecta Harmlesslified Treatment Sites (unit) ─── 粪便无害化处理场座数(座)


42、The main function of vacuum sucking sewage truck is to suck and transport the dejecta and sullage and carpolite and the other liquid mixing big suspend impurity for Environment Protection in city. ─── 我公司生产的真空吸污车系列主要功能是为城乡环卫部门抽吸和运送粪便、淤泥、石子及其它混有较大悬浮杂物的液体。

43、The separation of human dejecta degradation bacteria from the biological stuffing in the ecological non-water sanitation and the soil of the organic fertilizer farmland were done in the paper. ─── 本文对免水型生态卫生设施中的生物填料及施有机肥农田的土壤进行了人类粪便降解菌的分离。

44、Constipation means people relieve nature once for three to five days or even more than five days due to the fact that stool is dry and rough, dejecta stays in the bowels for more than 48 hours. ─── 便秘是指大便秘结不通,粪便在肠内停留过久超过48小时以上,3-5天或更长时间解大便1次。

45、Pollution and control technology about dejecta of domestic animals and poultry ─── 畜禽粪便污染及治理技术

46、When you are lying in the dejecta pile, you ' d better shut up your mouth. ─── 当你躺在粪堆里的时候,最好把嘴巴闭上。

47、Application of Earthworm Dejecta Substrate in Raising Cabbage Plug Seedlings ─── 蚯蚓粪基质在甘蓝穴盘育苗中的应用

48、It's generally believed that the materials they had used is the animal dejecta , fish, animal bones and the plant waste. ─── 一般认为,他们使用的材料包括动物粪便,鱼,动物骨头和植物废物。

49、Study on Hydrogen Production by High Effect Hydrogen Production PSB Group with Pig Dejecta as Substrate ─── 光合细菌高效产氢菌群在猪粪污水中产氢量的研究

50、Keywords cockroach;field trial efficacy of chain killing bait;safety evaluation;dejecta;body;remain analysis; ─── 关键词蟑螂;连锁毒饵现场灭效;安全性评价;食毒粪便;虫尸;残留量分析;

51、Keywords PSB group;pig dejecta wastewater;photosynthetic hydrogen production; ─── 光合菌群;猪粪污水;光合产氢;

52、animal dejecta ─── 畜禽粪便

53、After diagnosing, preserving clyster was done with filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta. ─── 诊断明确后立即停用抗菌素和激素,采用正常人新鲜粪便滤液保留灌肠。

54、Isolated from the dejecta of health infant. The stability is very good, and not processed by any genic engineering. ─── 分离自健康婴儿粪便,未经任何基因改造,进行了大量安全性、稳定性研究。

55、GB7959-87 The sanitary standards for dejecta harmlessly[S]. ─── 87粪便无害化卫生标准[S].

56、Influence of the degree of light intensity on hydrogen production of Rhodobacter sphaeroides from pig dejecta wastewater ─── 光照度对猪粪污水条件下红假单胞菌光合产氢的影响

57、It's generally believed that the materials they hadused is the animal dejecta , fish,animal bones and the plant waste. ─── 一般认为,他们使用的材料包括动物粪便,鱼,动物骨头和植物废物。

58、Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration. ─── 目的观察正常人新鲜粪便滤液治疗肠道菌群失调的疗效。

59、Keywords dejecta of domestic and poultry;pollution;treatment technique; ─── 畜禽粪便;污染;处理技术;

60、God Uterus's Naissance,Dejecta Age's Mine. ─── 上帝子宫的诞生,粪便时代的源泉。

61、74. The main clinical symptoms were:the difficult defecation ,elongation of defecation anus distentin and non - complet defecation . dejecta turns small, &hemorrhoids. ─── 主要临床症状:均有排便困难,排便时间明显延长,伴有肛门坠胀,有排便不尽感,粪便条变细,合并痔疮。

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