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cuprous 发音

英:[?k?pr?s; ?kj?pr?s]  美:[?kju?pr?s]

英:  美:

cuprous 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 亚铜的


cuprous 短语词组

1、cuprous ethyixanthate ─── [建] 乙黄原酸亚铜

2、cuprous acetylide ─── [化] 乙炔化亚铜

3、cuprous ethamolamine chloride ─── [建] 氧化亚铜乙醇氨溶液

4、cuprous acetate ─── [化] 醋酸亚铜

5、cuprous hydrosulfate ─── [建] 硫酸氢亚铜

6、cuprous hydroxide ─── [建] 氢氧化亚铜

7、cuprous bromide ─── [机] 溴化亚铜

8、cuprous oxide ─── [化] 氧化亚铜

9、cuprous carbonate ─── [建] 碳酸亚铜

10、chloro-cuprous acid ─── [化] 氯亚铜酸

11、cuprous compound ─── [建] 亚铜化合物

12、cuprous naphthenate ─── [化] 环烷酸亚铜

13、cuprous amminobromide ─── [化] 溴化氨亚铜

14、cuprous nitride ─── [化] 氮化亚铜; 一氮化三铜

15、cuprous ethanolamine chloride solution ─── [化] 氯化亚铜乙醇胺溶液

16、cuprous chloride ─── [化] 氯化亚铜

17、cuprous cyanide ─── [化] 氰化亚铜

18、cuprous fluoride ─── [建] 氟化亚铜

19、cuprous iodide ─── [建] 碘化亚铜

cuprous 常用词组

cuprous chloride ─── [化]氯化亚铜

cuprous oxide ─── 一氧化二铜,氧化亚铜

cuprous 词性/词形变化,cuprous变形

异体字: cupri- |

cuprous 相似词语短语

1、citrous ─── adj.柑橘属植物的

2、aurous ─── adj.含金的;金的;[化学]亚金的

3、cumbrous ─── adj.累赘的,成负担的;讨厌的

4、cuprum ─── n.铜

5、cirrous ─── adj.象卷云的;有触毛的(等于cirrose)

6、cupro- ─── 铜氨纤维(cuprammonuium)

7、leprous ─── adj.不洁的;麻疯病的;患麻疯病的;鳞状的

8、cerous ─── adj.(正)铈的;三价铈的

9、cupreous ─── adj.铜的,含铜的;铜色的

cuprous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords poor copper ore;cuprous thiocyanide;copper sulfate;extracte; ─── 低品位铜矿;硫氰酸亚铜;浸出;

2、Our products include cuprous thiocyanate, zinc pyrithione (ZPT), sodium pyrithione (SPT), copper pyrithione (CPT) which can be applied in coating industry. ─── 产品系列包括硫氰酸亚铜、吡啶硫酮锌(ZPT)、吡啶硫酮钠(SPT)、吡啶硫酮铜(CPT)适用于涂料行业。

3、“RUPO 177” is a medium to long-term rust preventive for all ferrous and cuprous metals, which also possesses excellent water displacement property and anti-salted property. ─── 来宝177是一中至长期防锈剂,适用于所有铁类金属、铜金属及其合金,同时具有极优良的水份驱替性和抗盐雾性能。

4、cuprous oxide nanocube ─── 氧化亚铜纳米立方晶

5、cuprous acetate ─── 乙酸亚铜

6、cuprous chloride ─── 氯化亚铜

7、Fine particles of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) were prepared and applied as photocatalysts in the heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of p-nitrophenol. ─── 本研究分别采用自制的纳米TiO2和Cu2O研究对硝基苯酚的光催化降解。

8、Keywords acetylene;monovinylacetylene;cuprous chloride;dimerization;substituted acetic acid ligand;amino-carboxlic ligand;thioglycollic acid; ─── 乙炔;乙烯基乙炔;氯化亚铜;取代乙酸配体;巯基乙酸;

9、cuprous oxide rectifier ─── 氧化亚铜整流

10、Keywords cuprous chloride;pyrazine;hydrothermal;crystal structure; ─── 氯化亚铜;吡嗪;水热;晶体结构;

11、cuprous cyanide ─── 氰化亚铜

12、The whole technological procedures for manufactu ri ng cuprous from low-quality copper oxide powder came from smelting workshop are studed. ─── 介绍了利用熔炼分厂下脚料“氧化铜粉”作为原料,生产出新产品氯化亚铜整个生产工艺过程的研究。

13、cuprous chloride electrode ─── 氯化亚铜电极

14、By use of copper ore powder as raw material,a new method for the production of cuprous chloride in the presence of ZHP-catalyst is introduced. ─── 介绍了以铜矿粉为原料,在ZHP-催化剂作用下生产氯化亚铜的方法。

15、The cuprous oxide coating that was facing up on the burner is usually the best side to face outwards in the jar, because it has the smoothest, cleanest surface. ─── 削减另一张铜的大小相同的第一个。弯曲件都轻轻地,所以他们将融入塑料瓶或罐,而不必一个。

16、a mineral consisting of cuprous oxide that is a source of copper ─── 一种矿物,由铜的来源氧化亚铜构成

17、Tin free, polishing anifouling composition with cuprous oxide. ─── 含氧化亚铜的无锡自抛光防污涂料。

18、Attach the two alligator clip leads, one to the new copper plate, and one to the cuprous oxide coated plate. ─── 附上两个阿利·盖特剪辑线索,一个新的铜板,其中的氧化亚铜涂层板。

19、Ground-test results show that cupric oxide or cuprous oxide formed on the surface of copper may break off by atomic oxygen impacting, to contaminate other surfaces. ─── 地面试验结果表明:生成的氧化铜或氧化亚铜在原子氧撞击作用下,从试样表面脱落,并沉积到其他试样的表面,从而对其他表面产生较为严重的污染。

20、cuprous pyridineacetate ─── 吡啶乙酸亚铜

21、cuprous ethanolamine chloride solution ─── 氧化亚铜乙醇胺溶液

22、Keywords microwave irradiation;cuprous oxide;nanometre particles; ─── 微波辐照;氧化亚铜;纳米粒子;

23、7.The main products cover ammonuium sulfocyanide,sodium thiocyanate, potassium sulphocyanide, cuprous sulfocyanide etc,Calcium Thiocyanate. ─── 主要产品有硫氰酸铵、硫氰酸钠、硫氰酸钾、硫氰酸亚铜、硫氰酸钙等。

24、cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents ─── 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。

25、Study on Reaction Equilibriums of Removing Chloride by Cuprous Chloride Precipitation ─── 氯化亚铜沉淀脱氯反应平衡的研究

26、[abstract] Cuprous chloride is an important inorganic fine chemical product,which was produced by nantokite reduction method. ─── [摘要] 氯化亚铜是一种重要的无机精细化工产品。

27、The quality of cuprous chloride exceeds that of Chinese National Standard GB 1619-79. ─── 其产品质量超过了国标GB1619-79的要求。

28、Cuprous chloride is widely used in organic synthetic industry. ─── 氯化亚铜有着广泛的用途。

29、cuprous halide complexes ─── 卤化亚铜配合物

30、“RUPO 177A” is a medium to long-term rust preventive for all ferrous and cuprous metals, which also possesses excellent water displacement property and anti-salted property. ─── 来宝177A是一中至长期防锈剂,适用于所有铁类金属、铜金属及其合金,同时具有极优良的水份驱替性和抗盐雾性能。

31、Keywords Carbon monoxide;Silver chloride;Cuprous chloride;Complex adsorption;Molecular modeling;ZLC; ─── 一氧化碳;氯化银;氯化亚铜;络合吸附;分子模拟;ZLC;

32、The chemical and physical properties of cuprous chloride and its manufactures and application field are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了氯化亚铜的物理化学性质、主要生产厂家及应用领域。

33、cuprous oxide rectifier element ─── 氧化亚铜整流元件

34、cuprous oxide cell ─── 氧化亚铜光电池

35、The chemical and physical properties of cuprous chloride and its manufactures and application field are introduced in this paper. ─── 摘要介绍了氯化亚铜的物理化学性质、主要生产厂家及应用领域。

36、cuprous oxide thin film ─── 氧化亚铜薄膜

37、cuprous hydroxide ─── 氢氧化亚铜

38、Keywords cuprous chloride;triethyl ammonium chloride;aluminum chloride;ionic liquid;isobutane;butene;alkylation; ─── 氯化亚铜;三乙基氯化铵;氯化铝;离子液体;异丁烷;丁烯;烷基化;

39、Study of new production process of cuprous cyanide ─── 氰化亚铜生产新工艺研究

40、Cupric ion exchanged NaY zeolite was prepared. The method to reduce cupric into cuprous exchanged zeolite was studied. ─── 离子交换方法制备了铜交换的分子筛,研究了将二价铜还原为一价铜的方法。

41、Performances Study of Environment-protection Coatings from Propane Diamine Modified Shell-lac for Cuprous Surface Anticorrosion ─── 丙二胺改性虫胶涂料用于铜表面防腐蚀性能的研究

42、The color may change after contact with seawater due to cuprous oxide dissolution into the seawater. ─── 在接触海水之后,由于氧化亚铜溶于海水之中会导致颜色改变。

43、The production method and technology progress status of cuprous chloride has been introduced, as well as it's demand status has been discussed . ─── 介绍了氯化亚铜的生产方法及技术进展情况,对其需求情况进行了讨论。

44、The supported cuprous oxide to visible light photocatalytic degradation for the methylene bule are reported. ─── 报道了漂珠负载氧化亚铜可见光催化分解亚甲基蓝溶液。

45、cuprous oxychloride ─── 氧氯化亚铜

46、Keywords cuprous oxide;visible light;photocatalyst;crystal violet; ─── 氧化亚铜;可见光;光催化剂;结晶紫;

47、Keywords bifunctional catalyst;zeolite;cuprous chloride;t butanol;carbon monoxide;carbonylation;t butyl acid; ─── 双功能催化剂;沸石;氯化亚铜;叔丁醇;一氧化碳;羰基化;叔碳酸;

48、Keywords HgCl_2;Cuprous iodide diagnosis tube;Stannous chloride; ─── 二氯化汞;碘化亚铜诊断管;氯化亚锡;

49、Keywords disproportionating reaction;copper colloid;oxidize;cuprous oxide; ─── 歧化反应;铜胶体;氧化;氧化亚铜;

50、Keywords cuprous oxide;magnesia;sepiolite;composite carriers;modification;catalytic dehydrogenation of cyclohexanol;cyclohexanone; ─── 氧化亚铜;氧化镁;海泡石;复合载体;改性;环己醇催化脱氢;环己酮;

51、Research on Heterotrophic Bacteria Attached on the Surface of Cuprous Oxide Antifouling Paint ─── 氧化亚铜防污漆表面附着的异养细菌的研究

52、When sunlight hits the electrons in the cuprous oxide, some of the electrons gain enough energy from the sunlight to jump past the bandgap and become free to conduct electricity. ─── 当阳光打电子,在氧化亚铜,一些电子获得足够的能量从阳光跳转过去的带隙,并成为免费进行电力。

53、Keywords catalyst;cuprous chloride;technological process; ─── 催化剂;氯化亚铜;生产工艺;

54、a mineral consisting of cuprous oxide that is a source of copper. ─── 一种矿物,由铜的来源氧化亚铜构成。

55、Based on the study results a new approach to improve the production rate of cuprous chloride by adjusting acidity of slurry was put forward. ─── 根据研究结果,提出了通过调控料浆酸度提高氯化亚铜产率的方法。

56、cuprous compound ─── 亚铜化合物

57、Cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents. ─── 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。

58、Keywords hydrocarbon with end alkynyl active hydrogen cuprous acetylide; ─── 关键词末端炔烃;活泼氢;乙炔亚铜;

59、Keywords cuprous chloride;production;process;technique; ─── 氯化亚铜;生产;工艺;技术;

60、The preparation of cuprous oxide by electrolytic process was studied with optimum conditions defined. ─── 对电解法生产氧化亚铜进行试验研究,提出了电解法生产氧化亚铜的工艺方法,确定了最佳工艺条件。

61、cuprous selenide ─── 一硒化二铜

62、cuprous ethylxanthate ─── 乙黄原酸亚铜

63、cuprous naphthenate ─── [化] 环烷酸亚铜

64、cuprous ion ─── 亚铜离子

65、U.S., Germany, Republic of Korea and Taiwan.The enterprise executive standard of cuprous oxide was identified as the standardof the Ministry of Chemical Industry in March 1998. ─── 台湾等国家和地区,其中氧化亚铜的企业执行标准已于1998年3月被化工部确认为化工行业标准。

66、Contains high levels of cuprous oxide; ─── 含高含量的氧化亚铜;

67、cuprous acetylide ─── 乙炔化亚铜

68、Keywords molecular dynamics;benzotriazole and its derivatives;cuprous oxide;corrosion inhibitors;binding energy;pair correlation function;deformation energy; ─── 分子动力学;苯并三氮唑及其衍生物;氧化亚铜;缓蚀剂;结合能;对关联函数;形变能;

69、The color may change after contact with seawater due to cuprous oxide dissolution into the seawater. ─── 在接触海水之后,由于氧化亚铜溶于海水之中会导致颜色改变。

70、cuprous nitride ─── 氮化亚铜

71、In this paper, we chose Cuprous Oxide as research object and focus on its preparation and application in photo catalytic oxidation. ─── 本文选用纳米氧化亚铜为研究对象,考察了其制备方法及光催化性能。

72、Keywords microwave;trimethoxysilane;silicon;cuprous choride; ─── 微波;三甲氧基硅烷;硅粉;氯化亚铜;

73、This might damage the delicate red cuprous oxide layer we need to make to solar cell work. ─── 这可能会损害微妙红色氧化亚铜层,我们需要使太阳能电池的工作。

74、cuprous salt ─── 亚铜盐

75、Keywords cuprous oxide thin film;TiO2 film;heterojunction electrode;photoelectrochemistry; ─── 氧化亚铜薄膜;二氧化钛膜;异质结电极;光电化学;

76、mercuric cuprous iodide ─── 四碘汞酸亚酮

77、Density Functional Theory Calculations of Cuprous Chloride Monolayer Supported on Activated Carbon ─── 氯化亚铜在活性炭载体表面单层分散的密度泛函理论计算

78、cuprous oxide ─── 氧化亚铜一氧化二铜

79、cuprous fluoride ─── 氟化亚铜



82、“RUPO 148” is a medium to long-term rust preventive for all ferrous and cuprous metals, which also possesses excellent water displacement property and anti-salted property. ─── 来宝148是一中至长期防锈剂,适用于所有铁类金属、铜金属及其合金,同时具有极优良的水份驱替性和抗盐雾性能。

83、cuprous oxide rectifier stack ─── 氧化亚铜整流堆

84、cuprous fluosilicate ─── 氟硅酸亚铜

85、By use of copper ash as raw material,a new method for direct production of cuprous chloride is introduced. ─── 介绍了以铜灰为原料直接生产氯化亚铜的方法,讨论了工艺条件对产品收率的影响。

86、cuprous sulfite ─── 亚硫酸亚铜

87、Keywords cuprous oxide;precipitation;cystine;hair; ─── 氧化亚铜;沉淀;胱氨酸;人发;

88、Keywords Low grade copper ore;Catalyzing;Cuprammonia complex compound;Cuprous chloride; ─── 低品位铜矿;催化;铜氨络合物;氯化亚铜;

89、The paper describes a spectrophotometric determination method for micro analysis of alkynyl by the reaction between alkynyl and cuprous ion. ─── 叙述了利用生成炔亚铜的反应来定量测定微量炔烃的分光光度法。

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