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08-19 投稿


suppressed 发音

英:[s??prest]  美:[s??prest]

英:  美:

suppressed 中文意思翻译




suppressed 短语词组

1、suppressed menstruation ─── [医] 经闭

2、suppressed-carrier operation ─── [电] 遏止载波操作

3、transponder suppressed time delay ─── [电] 询答机抑制时间延迟

4、suppressed evidence ─── 被隐瞒的证据

5、suppressed respiration ─── [医] 呼吸音消失

6、suppressed ammo ─── 压制弹药

7、suppressed frame ─── [计] 抑制框架

8、suppressed time delay ─── [电] 抑制时间延迟

9、suppressed carrier signal ─── 抑制载波信号

10、suppressed carrier ─── [电] 遏止载波

11、carrier-suppressed transmission ─── [计] 载波抑制传输

12、suppressed anger ─── 被压抑的怒火

13、suppressed-carrier transmission ─── [电] 遏止载波传送

14、suppressed carrier system ─── 抑制载波系统

15、suppressed squint ─── [医] 抑制性斜视, 隐斜视

16、suppressed inflation ─── [经] 受控通货膨胀

17、suppressed-zero instrument ─── [电] 零位遏止仪器

18、suppressed strabismus ─── [医] 抑制性斜视, 隐斜视

19、suppressed gout ─── [医] 潜伏性痛风

suppressed 常用词组

suppress inflation ─── 遏止通货膨胀

suppressed 词性/词形变化,suppressed变形

动词现在分词: suppressing |动词过去式: suppressed |动词第三人称单数: suppresses |名词: suppressant |动词过去分词: suppressed |形容词: suppressible |

suppressed 相似词语短语

1、oppressed ─── adj.受压制的,受压迫的;v.压迫;折磨(oppress的过去分词)

2、suppresses ─── 抑制;封锁;压制

3、unsuppressed ─── adj.未压制的;未镇压的

4、suppressedly ─── 压抑地

5、suppressor ─── n.抑制器;消除器

6、appressed ─── adj.紧贴的;紧靠的;平贴的

7、suppresser ─── n.镇压者;抑制器

8、outpressed ─── 输出

9、suppress ─── vt.抑制;镇压;废止

suppressed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They tried to suppressed the revolt, which spread throughout the country. ─── 他们企图镇压反抗,结果反抗却遍及全国。

2、The oppressor suppressed his aggressive opinion about compressor. ─── 压制者制止了他的有关压缩机的挑衅性观点。

3、The rebellion was successfully suppressed. ─── 叛乱被成功地镇压了。

4、A ripple of suppressed laughter ran round the room. ─── 一阵抑制不住的笑声在房间里回荡起来。

5、NOSTRIP can be used to suppress trailing blank stripping. ─── NOSTRIP可用于取消去除尾随空白。

6、A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed. ─── 一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。

7、He turned back to the girls, who were trying to suppress their smiles. ─── 他回过头来看着几位姑娘。 她们正强忍着笑呢。

8、On both sides thus is simple truth suppress'd. ─── 双方对明摆的事实绝口不谈。

9、In her enthusiasm was visible, but it seemed always suppressed and restrained. ─── 在她身上,人们可以看到激情,但是这种激情却总是含而不露的。

10、Except in expert mode, non-critical kernel boot messages are suppressed. ─── 专家模式除外,隐藏非关键的内核启动信息。

11、He could scarcely suppress a laugh. ─── 他忍不住要笑出声来.

12、They suppressed news that was not favorable to them. ─── 不利于他们的消息,他们都不让发表。

13、A distressed mistress has suppressed the witnessed stiffness of the harness. ─── 一个痛苦的主妇抑制了有旁证的玩具的硬度。

14、The QRD-LSL filter can be used to suppress narrowband interference. ─── 在此基础上,设计了线性QRD-LSL滤波器用来抑制窄带干扰。

15、The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here. ─── 几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里都冰消瓦解了。

16、It is bad to suppress laughter. ─── 压抑笑声实在太糟糕。他会在你身上乱窜,最后又回到你的笑穴。

17、Internal capacitors to suppress radio frequency interference. ─── 内置抗电磁干扰电容。

18、To reduce or limit (“suppress noise”; “suppress transients”). ─── 减小或限制(如“减小干扰”;“限制瞬变过程”)。

19、A party may move to suppress or exclude certain evidence at this stage. ─── 一方当事人可以在这个阶段提议隐瞒或排除某类证据。

20、May suppress the lower abdomen fat stack. ─── 可抑制小腹脂肪堆积。

21、The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours. ─── 叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。

22、He suppressed an inclination to laugh. ─── 他忍住不笑。

23、She was unable to suppress her anger. ─── 她按捺不住怒火。

24、In computer graphics, to suppress the display of all or part of a display image. ─── 在计算机图形技术中,抑止全部或部分显示图象的显示。

25、She could not suppress a rising panic. ─── 她不能压制渐渐增大的恐慌。

26、A common person would not suppress his real name. ─── 一个平常人是不会隐瞒他的真实姓名的。

27、The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation. ─── 癌细胞的繁殖和生长可通过放射线辐射加以抑制。

28、He couldn't suppress his anger. ─── 他简直怒不可遏。


30、He suppressed the urge to respond to the question. ─── 他忍住回答这个问题的冲动。

31、Why suppress this expression of love? ─── 为什么要压制住这爱的表现?

32、The oppressor suppressed his aggressive opinion about compressor . ─── 压制者制止了他的有关压缩机的挑衅性观点.

33、She knew well enough who it was, and she suppressed a giggle. ─── 好像知道是谁拧的,她忍住了不笑,也不声张。

34、Bertha found Miss Ley tried hard to suppress her amusement. ─── 伯莎发现莱伊小姐竭力掩饰着内心的快活。

35、Increase in the size of the transaction logs can be suppressed. ─── 可以抑制事务日志大小增加。

36、I feel suffocated if I don't speak out; have an opinion one cannot suppress. ─── 如骨鲠在喉,一吐方快。

37、Therefore, anyone who tries to "suppress the Communists" is bound to fail. ─── 因此,凡“剿共”的,就一定失败。

38、The men looked grave, as if they suppressed opinion. ─── 伙计们脸色阴沉,象是憋了一肚子的话。

39、Errors can be suppressed by specifying a non-zero parameter to this procedure. ─── 可通过对此过程指定一个非零参数来取消错误。

40、First, suppressed emotions can contribute to stress-related disorders. ─── 首先,压抑的情绪会导致与压力相关的疾病。

41、There was a bang, and a flutter of suppressed laughter from along the corridor. ─── “砰”的一声后,从走廊传来一阵压抑的笑声。

42、Everyone should enjoy freedom of belief;ideas can never be suppressed by force of arms. ─── 信仰为人人之自由,而思想乃绝非武力所能压制者。

43、There was a look of suppressed anger on his face. ─── 他脸上露出一种抑制怒气的表情。

44、Some facts should be suppressed, or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them. ─── 有些事实应当弃之不顾,至少应在处理它们时遵守合理的比例。

45、You have a need to understand your emotions, not suppress them. ─── 你需要去理解自己的情绪,而不是去压抑他们。

46、Ideas should not be suppressed, but nor should they be worshipped. Kennan was right to call "Gulag" a powerful indictment of a regime. ─── 思想不应该被压制,也不应该被崇拜,凯南将“古拉格”成为对一个政体的强有力的控告也没错。

47、But he must suppress his feelings beneath his calm surface. ─── 依凡帮助他的上级写各种报告的摘要。

48、And his elation suppressed until now stimulated him. ─── 刚才还不敢太得意的心情,一下子就扬扬得意了起来。

49、He was trying to suppress the hope he was feeling. ─── 内心的盼头蠢蠢欲动,他就拼命克制。

50、If somebody hurts you, it cannot be forgotten, only suppressed. ─── 如果有人伤害了你,便无法忘记,只会抑制。

51、You shall never force him to suppress the facts of his life. ─── 你绝对不能强迫他把过去生活中的那些事实隐瞒起来。

52、It opened a door to a long suppressed public outpouring of grief and rage. ─── 它打开了通向长期压抑的大众的一扇门,悲伤和愤怒喷涌而出。

53、So sunken and suppressed it was that it was like a voice underground. ─── 它是这样的低沉而咽塞,好象是地下的声音。

54、While in Locale II, one cannot pretend, suppress, or hide. ─── 在现场II时,一个人不能假装、压抑、或隐藏。

55、The rebellion against the government has been suppressed by the government troops. ─── 反政府的叛乱已被政府军平定了。

56、She suppressed her emotion and beard all the difficulty of the life. ─── 她压抑着自己的感情,忍受着生活中的一切困难。

57、His full memoirs were suppressed even by Churchill himself. ─── 他的全部回忆录甚至被丘吉尔本人压制。

58、He tried to suppress his feelings. ─── 他尽力抑制住自己的感情。

59、The army could not suppress the guerrilla action. ─── 军队无法压制游击队的活动。

60、They tried in every way to suppress the truth. ─── 他们千方百计不让人们知道事实真象。

61、They bravely fought the police called out to suppress them. ─── 他们英勇地和调来镇压他们的警察搏斗。

62、Suppress messages related to state changes. ─── 不显示状态改变相关的信息。

63、His voice was rough with barely suppressed fury. ─── 他声音沙哑带着勉强压抑着的愤怒。

64、He found an error and rigidly suppressed the notes. ─── 他发现了一个错误,把注释硬给删掉了。

65、When organizational members believe that the boss is going to be angered by the news, the news is likely to be suppressed. ─── 当组织成员相信老板将会因这些消息而大为光火时,这些消息就可能会被抑制。

66、A prime goal was to suppress all media opposed to the government. ─── 他的一个主要目标是镇压一切反政府的新闻机构。

67、They suppressed the rebellion by firing on the crowds. ─── 他们向人群开枪来镇压反抗。

68、He suppressed his feelings of anger. ─── 他强压怒气。

69、She was struggling to suppress her sobs. ─── 她拼命不让自己哭出来。

70、If the theory was correct, breathing air with extra carbon dioxide should have triggered yawning, while breathing pure oxygen should have suppressed yawning. ─── 如果这个理论是正确的,那么吸入含有额外二氧化碳的空气应该会引起打哈欠,而吸入纯氧应该可以抑制打哈欠。

71、The proliferation was suppressed significantly in HT-29/pSNE-ILK cells(P

72、Her voice was pitched unusually low to suppress the quaver . ─── 她声音异常沉着,好把嗓子里的震颤压下去。

73、The army suppressed the revolt in the provinces. ─── 军队镇压了这几个省的叛乱。

74、Opposition forces are often brutally suppressed, and there has been a systematic abandonment of ethnic and religious minorities. ─── 反对派力量通常遭到血腥镇压,存在着有组织的种族和宗教歧视。

75、Student: is there another suppressed premise in there Prof. : that would be in the case of putting in a suppressed premise too far. ─── 学生:还有隐含的前提吗?,教授:这是在,把一个隐含前提放得太过。

76、And he found himself trying to suppress a bitterness that was soul-destroying. ─── 他发现自己在竭力抑制损伤灵魂的苦涩。

77、They suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob. ─── 他们向群众开枪镇压了叛乱。

78、Therefore the Government there must be suppressed. ─── 因此,必须取缔那里的政府。

79、She suppressed a yawn. ─── 她想打呵欠却忍住了。

80、With freedom now taken for granted, the old animosities are ill suppressed. ─── 在自由已被认为是理所应当的今天,旧有的仇恨被恶意地压抑着。

81、No drug could suppress his cough. ─── 吃什么药也不能止住他的咳嗽。

82、I shall have to think this over carefully in order to suppress idle talk. ─── "等我再斟酌斟酌,或可压服口声."

83、The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days. ─── 叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。

84、The army suppressed the insurrection at the cost of heavy casualties. ─── 军队削平了叛乱,可伤亡惨重。

85、Her face was heavily made up -under the rouge she wore a greasy base -and she had an air of suppressed sadness. ─── 她脸上的妆很浓——在胭脂下涂了一层厚厚的粉底——她似乎强忍着悲伤。

86、Again religions have said, you must suppress desire... ─── 再回到宗教,它会说,你必须压制欲望...

87、It has been a common practice to design a baffle system to suppress sloshing. ─── 一般的作法是设计一个挡流板系统来阻止晃动。

88、It was all I could do to suppress my anger. ─── 为克制我的愤怒,我做到了我所能做的一切。

89、ASA, CAT and DPI can suppress dark-induced H_2DCF-DA fluorescence. ─── ASA、CAT和DPI均能抑制黑暗诱导产生的H_2O_2荧光。

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