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08-19 投稿


serenade 发音

英:[ser?'ne?d]  美:[,s?r?'ned]

英:  美:

serenade 中文意思翻译




serenade 短语词组

1、serenade of peaceful joy ─── 宁静欢乐的小夜曲

2、serenade estate ─── 小夜曲庄园

3、serenade chocolatier ─── 小夜曲巧克力

4、secondhand serenade ─── 二手小夜曲

5、serenade manga ─── 小夜曲漫画

6、serenade denim ─── 小夜曲牛仔

7、serenade antifungal ─── 小夜曲抗真菌药

8、autumn serenade ─── 秋季小夜曲

9、green island serenade ─── 绿岛小夜曲

10、my serenade ─── 小夜曲

11、serenade definition ─── 小夜曲定义

12、serenade synonym ─── 小夜曲同义词

13、Serenade Cove ─── 塞雷纳德·科夫

14、serenade schubert ─── 小夜曲舒伯特

15、trumpeters serenade ─── 号手小夜曲

16、taking serenade ─── 小夜曲

serenade 词性/词形变化,serenade变形

动词现在分词: serenading |名词: serenader |动词第三人称单数: serenades |动词过去分词: serenaded |动词过去式: serenaded |

serenade 相似词语短语

1、serenated ─── 安详的

2、serenata ─── n.合唱剧;小夜曲

3、serenades ─── n.小夜曲;vt.为…唱小夜曲;vi.唱小夜曲

4、serenates ─── 小夜曲

5、serenaded ─── v.唱小夜曲;为……演唱(或演奏)小夜曲(serenade的过去式及过去分词)

6、grenade ─── n.手榴弹;灭火弹;vt.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击;n.(Grenade)人名;(西、法)格雷纳德

7、serene ─── adj.平静的;安详的;清澈的;晴朗的;n.平静;晴朗;vt.使平静

8、serenate ─── n.合唱剧;小夜曲(serenata的变形)

9、serenader ─── n.唱小夜曲的人;奏小夜曲的人

serenade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3 Characteristic Pieces, Op. 10: No. 2. Serenade mauresque (arr. piano ─── 三首典型作品,作品10:第二首.阿拉伯风格小夜曲(为钢琴改编)

2、The audience joined in with her dancers to serenade the Queen of Pop with a resounding chorus of Happy Birthday. ─── 当时,在场的观众们也上台与舞蹈演员一起,为麦当娜祝贺,大唱生日歌。

3、Serenade Of The Last Wolf ─── 最后一只狼的小夜曲

4、A serenade to the night ─── 今晚的小夜曲

5、Serenade [by Franz Schubert] ─── 舒伯特小夜曲

6、How gentle is the rain that falls softly on the meadow birds high up on the trees serenade the clouds with their melodies. ─── 柔柔细雨点轻轻地洒落在牧场上。鸟儿栖息在树上中,用它们带有旋律的歌声,为云彩演唱着小夜曲。

7、Serenade in Austria ─── 奥地利小夜曲

8、Ned, getting sentimental, warbled a serenade with the pensive refrain...Alone, alone, ah!Woe, alone,and at the lines... ─── 内德动了情,用柔和的颤音唱起一首小夜曲,只听他唱那忧郁的迭句--孤独,孤独,啊!

9、He said, a gentleman that evening was going to serenade his mistress ─── 他说,当天晚上有一位先生向他的情人求爱。

10、STRAUSS, R.: Serenade / JANACEK, L.: Concertino / RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N.: Piano Quintet (Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group) (1955, 1956 ─── 施特劳斯,R.:小夜曲/亚纳切克,L.:小协奏曲/里姆斯基-科萨科夫,N.:钢琴五重奏(维也纳爱乐乐团木管组)(1955,1956

11、TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I.: Serenade in C major / PROKOFIEV, S.: Symphony No. 1, "Classical" (Pittsburgh Symphony, W. Steinberg) (1954 ─── 柴可夫斯基,P.I.:C大调小夜曲/普罗科菲耶夫,S.:第1交响曲,"古典"(匹兹堡交响乐团,W.斯坦伯格)(1954

12、DVORAK, A.: Serenade / HAYDN, F.: Horn Concerto No. 2 / HANDEL, G.: Oboe Concerto No. 2 / Concerto Grosso in C major (Winograd, Janssen) (1954, 1957 ─── 德沃夏克,A.:小夜曲/海顿,F.:第2圆号协奏曲/亨德尔,G.:第2双簧管协奏曲/C大调大协奏曲(维诺格拉德,简森)(1954,1957

13、I prefer Schubert 's Serenade . ─── 我偏爱舒伯特的小夜曲。

14、I plays for you Chopin's Serenade to mark my lost love. ─── :我为你弹奏肖邦的乐曲是为了纪念我那死去的爱情.

15、Serenade sopranoed by the Seraph ─── 天使之歌小夜曲

16、When a quiet stretch carnation, mother's Serenade of the One-Line-Sky through midnight. ─── 当康乃馨安静的舒展,母亲的小夜曲穿越了午夜的一线天。

17、To sing this summer serenade ─── 唱着今夏的小夜曲

18、Kneeling at the foot of the tower, he sang a serenade in melting tones. ─── 当然啦,他跪在塔下,柔情万分地唱起一支小夜曲。

19、MOZART, W.A.: Serenade No. 10, "Gran Partita" (Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group) (1957 ─── 莫扎特,W.A.:第10小夜曲,"大帕蒂塔"(维也纳爱乐乐团木管组)(1957

20、On the other hand, Western white knights don't hesitate to admire other beauties in the daytime, even to serenade at night under their windows. ─── 相反,西方白马骑士在白天会毫不犹豫地纵览天下红颜佳人,在晚上甚至会溜到她们的窗户下演唱小夜曲。

21、a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple. ─── 为新婚夫妇演奏的吵杂的模拟的小夜曲(通过猛击锅和壶制造)。

22、A lovestruck romeo sings the streets a serenade ─── 热恋中的罗密欧在街边吟唱着

23、by Ren Tongxiang (a Hundred Birds Serenade the Phoenix) for the suona; by Yang Yuanheng (Grazing the Donkey) for the single flute; and by Zhu Guangqing (River Waters) solo for the double flute. ─── 唢呐曲有任同祥的《百鸟朝凤》,管子曲有杨元亨的《小放驴》、朱广庆的双管独奏曲《江河水》。

24、The serenade plays again , you know what does mean.... ─── 最近事情一直很多,接到了话剧,要写剧本,要排练...

25、What if Chinese fans serenade rival teams with the guttural, unprintable “Beijing curse”? ─── 如果中国球迷的拉拉队发出低俗的“京骂”将会怎样?

26、King's College said that, according to family tradition, Hickel gave the portrait to Mozart in return for the composition of a serenade for a member of Hickel's family. ─── 国王学院表示,依据家族传统推断,希克尔可能藉由帮莫札特画肖像的方式,要求莫札特帮希克尔家族某成员谱曲。

27、Serenade for violin, viola &cello in D major, Op. ─── 小夜曲为小提琴,中提琴与大提琴在D大,作品。

28、Different timbres and different strings play one and the same soft and sweet serenade. ─── 不同声色,不同琴弦,同拨着一支温馨的小夜曲。

29、If the concerts are called off, it would be the second time China has put the kibosh on the band's attempt to serenade its fans in Shanghai. ─── 如果SMAP演出取消,则将是中国第二次阻止它在上海向粉丝献歌的尝试。

30、Serenade [by Charles Francois Gounod] ─── 古诺小夜曲

31、Mozart Serenade in G Major, K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" ─── 曲目:莫扎特G大调弦乐五重奏K.525“第13号小夜曲”第三乐章小快板

32、Design of S-Band Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Based on ADS and Serenade Software ─── 利用ADS和Serenade设计S波段压控振荡器

33、Do you like serenade? ─── 你喜欢听小夜曲吗?

34、In order to repay them, I joined the Community Service Club at my school - where like-minded students go out to convalescent homes to serenade and entertain lonely elders. ─── 为了回馈他们,我加入学校的社区服务团一群有心的学生去到老人院,以弹唱的方式娱乐寂寞的老人。

35、The talk of filial respect soon shifted to spreading universal love, leading to a final surprise: Li's children emerged, to serenade him with "Parable of the Kneeling Lamb". ─── 他将对父母的孝,转化作遍洒人间的爱,演讲的尾声有个惊喜,李伟嵩的孩子现身,为他表演了一段跪羊图;

36、Serenade for string in E, Op. ─── 弦乐小夜曲。

37、First Desire Serenade Indelicate green morning, I will be a heart.A heart.In mature night, I will be a yellowhammer.A yellowhammer. ─── 在青澈的清晨 我是一颗心 一颗心 在成熟的夜晚 我是一个古老的音符 一个古老的音符 哦!

38、Some people say that love, is it a melodious serenade? ─── 有人说,爱情,难道是一支悠扬的小夜曲?

39、The crowd was staunchly behind Roddick the entire way, often chanting “Andy Roddick” the way Yankee fans serenade Derek Jeter in the Bronx. ─── 同时,现场非准确计量配制砂浆,不可避免的造成资源浪费和环境污染。

40、sing or play a serenade to(sb) ─── 为(某人)唱或奏小夜曲.

41、4.St?ndchen Serenade My songs beckon softly through the night to you;below in the quiet grove, Come to me, beloved! ─── 小夜曲我的歌声,穿过深夜,向你轻轻飞去,在这幽静的小树林里,爱人,我等待你!

42、Applying the advanced ANSOFT non-linear circuit design software Serenade, the paper designed a high linearity FET DRO by selecting varactor and optimizing output matching. The DRO operates at the central frequency of 18GHz. ─── 在 Ansoft非线性电路设计软件 Serenade支持下 ,通过变容管的选取 ,输出端的优化匹配 ,设计了一中心频率为 18GHz的高线性度的场效应管介质谐振器稳频振荡器。

43、The best-known piece of suona music is called One Hundred Birds Serenade the Phoenix, which is particularly common in the provinces of Shandong, anhui, Henan and Hebei. ─── 在中国家喻户晓的吹打曲就是《百鸟朝凤》,它流传干山东、安徽、河南、河北等地。

44、He would thus serenade him, perhaps once a week, under his windows. ─── 他还在他的窗户下对他唱起小夜曲,大概一个星期有那么一次。

45、I use my guitar to serenade my girlfriend every Friday night. ─── 每个星期五的晚上,我都弹着我的吉他为的女朋友唱情歌。

46、He would thus serenade him, perhaps once a week , under his windows. ─── 他还在他的窗户下对他唱起小夜曲,大概一个星期有那么一次。

47、Only this last serenade,And you know I sing it for you。” ─── 不知道还要多久,只是需要时间。也许只是需要时间。也许,时间恰恰证明什么。

48、Serenade of the Roses ─── 玫瑰小夜曲

49、Serenade the clouds with their melodies ─── 用它们的小嗓子哼唱着小曲儿表示无限讶异

50、Schubert's Serenade! ─── 舒伯特的小夜曲!

51、I like the Serenade meditation, to a monthly income of mind, heart on Jiao Hui, it seems there is a resonance. ─── 我喜欢映月沉思,以月入心,心月交辉,似有一种共鸣。

52、LUENING, O.: Symphonic Fantasia No. 1 / ANTHEIL, G.: Serenade No. 1 / HOWE, M.: Stars / Sand (Adler, Antonini, Strickland) (1957 ─── 卢宁,O:第一交响幻想曲/安泰尔:第一小夜曲/豪:星辰/沙(阿德勒,安东尼尼,斯特里克兰)(1957)

53、In concert he always brings a girl or two on stage to serenade them. ─── 在演奏中他总爱带着一两个女孩上台,对着她们呤唱小夜曲。

54、10.You are like a poem or a serenade, the pleasant melody floats in silence and brings me happiness and joy. ─── 你像一首诗,像一支小夜曲,宁静中传出飘逸的旋律,柔和的音符,为我带来幸福和快乐。

55、I never tire of listening to this serenade. ─── 这支小夜曲我听多少遍也不觉得厌烦。

56、Chorus: One gift, the gift of song, melody her whole life long, the nightingale's her troubadour. Bringing his sweet serenade to her door. ─── 合唱:一件礼物,美妙的歌喉。在她一生中歌声不断,像夜莺鸣啭,将所有甜美的事物带到她面前。

57、In every form, from serenade to fugue, from piano concerto and symphony to the heights of grand opera, Mozart seduces, enchants, invades the memory, forces wonderment. ─── 莫扎特的一切音乐形式,从小夜曲到赋格曲,从钢琴协奏曲交响曲到高层次的大歌剧,无一不引人入胜,令人陶醉,侵入人们的记忆,令人叹服。

58、Venice's most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city's famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas. ─── 威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈多拉,它们缓缓漂过城市里有名的运河,这时候船夫们会为乘客唱意大利歌剧的曲调。

59、Schubert's @Serenade@, Chopin's piano concertos and so on. ─── 舒伯特的《小夜曲》,肖邦的钢琴协奏曲等等。

60、Love, this is my song, here is a song, a serenade to you. ─── 爱人,这是我的歌,这是我献给你的小夜曲。

61、Let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low boy , you make me feel so high together we can fly . ─── 让我对着你的心浅唱当你情绪跌宕男孩,你让我如此昂扬我们相拥着快要飞翔。

62、Angel's Serenade ─── 天使的小夜曲

63、to serenade one's lover ─── 为情人演奏(或演唱)小夜曲

64、Serenade Of The Green Island ─── 绿岛小夜曲

65、Placido Domingo sang his serenade of love. ─── 普拉西多·多明戈演唱他的爱情小夜曲。

66、You are like a short poem or a serenade from which waft an elegant rhythm and tender musical notes which bring about health and mirth to me. ─── 你像首小诗,像首小夜曲,宁静中传出飘逸的旋律,柔和的音符,为我带来健康和欢乐。

67、What kind of music do you like best? Do you like serenade? ─── 你最喜欢听哪种音乐?你喜欢听小夜曲吗?

68、6 Lieder, Op. 17, TrV 149: No. 2. Standchen (Serenade) (arr. W. Gieseking for piano ─── 六首利德,第二首,小夜曲(改编为钢琴)

69、I was informed that the lady for whose delectation I had been invited to sing was ill in bed, and that I would have to serenade her from her bedroom door. ─── 我收到通知,邀请我来为她唱歌的那位女士病在床上,我得在她的卧室门口为她唱小夜曲。

70、Birds high up on the trees, serenade the clouds with their melodies. ─── 昭昭,我的宝贝,你让我相信什么是“一见钟情”。

71、Serenade No. 13 in G major, K. 525, "Eine kleine Nachtmusik": II. Romanze ─── 大调第十三小夜曲,K.525,“一首小型夜曲”:第二乐章:浪漫曲

72、Venice s most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city s famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas. ─── 威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉(Gondola),坐在冈朵拉上面可以一边看风景一边听艺人们演奏的意大利歌剧。

73、In the silent, starlit nights, the winged songster sings his serenade to his beautiful scented flower. ─── 在星星闪耀着的静夜里,这只有翼的歌手就为他芬芳的花儿唱一支情歌。

74、I often prefer to play some foreign and domestic classical works, serenade,nostalgic typical songs and some popular florilegium from mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan. ─── 在演奏风格上主要偏重于深沉、回忆和冥想,经常喜欢演奏的曲目是中外古典作品、小夜曲、中外怀旧金曲及部分大陆港台流行经典歌曲等。

75、you are like a poem or serenade,the pleasant melody floats in silence and brings me happiness and joy. ─── 你象首诗,象首小夜曲,宁静中传出飘逸的旋律,柔和的音符,为我带来幸福和欢乐.

76、I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings ─── 我会唱着小夜曲,轻轻拨动你的心弦

77、It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend. ─── 对自己的女友唱小夜曲是违法的。

78、A Young Faun Playing a Serenade to a Young Girl ─── 对少女演奏小夜曲的年轻农牧师

79、Before going to bed the next morning it was customary for the guests to awaken the young couple by singing a cheerful serenade under their window. ─── 第二天凌晨,当客人们尽兴回家休息之前,按惯例还要在新人的洞房窗下唱一首快乐小夜曲,来唤醒他们早起。

80、If you do not want to go out for the night, you might think about making a special dinner with candle lights and rent a violinist to serenade you during your and after dinner drinks. ─── 如果你不想晚上活动,那么不妨来一次别致的烛光晚餐,还要请位琴师,以便在优雅的小夜曲中与她共进晚餐并在餐后浪漫地举杯谈心。

81、If you can not help drifting away Serenade heart of the waves, it will certainly let Marche passionate you think of the millions of soldiers and the fighting scenes. ─── 一个女人也许最最重要的不是她拥有漂亮的脸蛋,拥有魔鬼般身材,拥有优雅的气质,拥有满腹的学问,拥有深厚的修养,而是一个身体健康对生活充满激情的女人。

82、Serenade for flute, violin &viola in D major, Op. ─── 小夜曲为长笛,小提琴及中提琴在D大,作品。

83、Some music notes left on the five lines, a serenade, or a ballade. ─── 五线谱上的音符能拼凑成一曲狂想吗?

84、TCHAIKOVSKY, P.: Piano Concerto No. 1 / Serenade in C major / RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N.A.: Capriccio espagnol (Levant, Ormandy) (1947-1953 ─── 柴科夫斯基,P.:第1钢琴协奏曲/C大调小夜曲/里姆斯基-科萨科夫,N.A.:西班牙随想曲(黎凡特,奥曼迪)(1947-1953

85、For the study, called SERENADE (Study Ealuating Rimonabant Efficacy in Drug-Naie Diabetic Patients), the researchers inoled people who were not taking any other medications for their diabetes. ─── 一项被称为SERENADE(评估利莫那班对于首次用药的糖尿病患者的药效)的研究,涉及了没有服用其它任何糖尿病治疗药物的患者。

86、Serenade No. 10, "Gran Partita" ─── 小夜曲第10号“为十三件管乐器而作”

87、Serenade No. 13 in G major, K. 525, Eine kleine Nachtmusik: II. Romance ─── 大调第13小夜曲,K.525,一首小型夜曲:第二乐章、浪漫曲

88、Serenade: I hope to look for a flute teacher in Beijing, the charges can be consulted, thanks.I am in Hunan now, studying bamboo flute and flute. ─── 小夜曲:希望各位能帮我在北京联系一位长笛老师,学费好商量,谢谢。

89、Why he didn't stop at my favorite coffee shop here and serenade me is beyond comprehension. ─── 我真不明白为什么他不来我这里最喜欢的咖啡店为我唱首小夜曲呢。









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