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08-19 投稿


cranky 发音

英:[?kr??ki]  美:[?kr??ki]

英:  美:

cranky 中文意思翻译



cranky 网络释义

adj. 暴躁的;古怪的;动摇的

cranky 词性/词形变化,cranky变形


cranky 短语词组

1、cranky old man ─── 脾气暴躁的老人

2、cranky kong ─── 暴躁的孔

3、cranky girl ─── 脾气暴躁的女孩

4、cranky rider ─── 暴躁的骑手

5、cranky cat ─── 暴躁的猫

6、cranky bugs ─── 古怪的虫子

7、cranky sister ─── 脾气暴躁的妹妹

8、cranky xiaozhen ─── 脾气暴躁的小珍

9、cranky villagers ─── 暴躁的村民

10、cranky road ─── 弯 ─── 弯曲曲的道路

11、cranky crab ─── 暴躁的螃蟹

12、cranky lao qiao ─── 脾气暴躁的老乔

13、cranky mate ─── 暴躁的伴侣

14、cranky clothes ─── 古怪的衣服

15、a cranky fairy ─── 脾气暴躁的仙女

16、cranky villagers acnh ─── 暴躁的村民

cranky 相似词语短语

1、crankly ─── 古怪地

2、cracky ─── adj.(表面)裂缝多的,有裂纹的;(非正式)疯狂的,古怪的;多话的,唠叨的

3、crankily ─── adv.任性地;暴躁地;摇晃不定地;古怪地

4、Franky ─── n.佛朗基(男子名)

5、clanky ─── 爪

6、cranny ─── n.裂隙,裂缝

7、cranks ─── n.[机]曲柄(crank的复数)

8、crank ─── n.想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L字形)曲柄;(非正式)脱氧麻黄碱(中枢兴奋药);(诗、文)妙语;v.转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯;(非正式)注射毒品;adj.(帆船)易倾覆的;n.(Crank)(美)克兰克(人名)

9、branky ─── 盖茨

cranky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yun Tianhe: I don't want to know, either. Hearing your words then having a cranky mind in my head, my body is out of control. ─── 云天河:我又不想知道,听你那样念,我胡乱想一通,手脚都不受控制了。

2、be cranky on ─── [俚]全神贯注在..., 热衷于, 被...迷住

3、We've both been cranky, and said a lot of things we didn't mean. ─── 刚才我们俩都是因为脾气太急躁,才说了一大堆不该说的气话。

4、Always cranky to your life do not fight, the result written to these things is just speculation, trying to make money. ─── 总是会胡思乱想好好的生活不去拼搏、结果去信这些东西只是个炒作、想赚钱。

5、Literary youth: The cranky man in callous elfland always has bit of different place, the hair style that deliver quality is all different. ─── 文艺青年:冷酷仙境中的偏执男人总有点不一样的地方,发色发型皆不同。

6、3. They will bow and glance up while something like a "piano crash" sounds(Cranky, Jock, Snooty, &Peppy personalities ─── 他们会鞠躬同时伴随着两声清脆的音符声音,类似“叮叮”(懒惰&普通的性格

7、We need not say successful person is cranky surely, but we should be obtained inspire, they are to using another kind of means to achieve a goal, with insist correctly to win come an opportunity. ─── 我们不必去说成功的人必是偏执的,但是我们应该获得启发,他们是在用另一种方式达到目的,用正确的坚持赢来一个机会。

8、Gemini: Engages in intellectual conversations with the older relatives until they become cranky with confusion. ─── 双子:忙着和长辈谈天论地,直到连他们自己也被搞懵了。

9、"Why are you so cranky today? Something happened?" ─── 你今天怎么这么容易生气?发生什么事了吗?

10、a strange cranky temper ─── 刁钻古怪的脾气

11、A cranky mountain road ─── 一条蜿蜒曲折的山路

12、They will bow and glance up while something like a "piano crash" sounds(Cranky, Jock, Snooty, &Peppy personalities ─── 他们会鞠躬同时伴随着两声清脆的音符声音,类似“叮叮”(懒惰&普通的性格)

13、Who can blame them for being cranky? ─── 谁能责怪他们的暴躁?

14、The kids were getting tired and a little cranky. ─── 孩子们越来越累,脾气也有些变坏了。

15、The baby's in a cranky mood today. ─── 婴儿今天爱哭闹。

16、Regard an interior design as personnel, its are aesthetic must be comprehensive is not cranky. ─── 作为一个室内设计人员,其审美必须是全面的而不是偏执的。

17、Bynum was sidelined because of a knee injury and Lamar Odom was out because of a one-game suspension, but Bryant had six assists, five rebounds, four steals and one cranky disposition. ─── 拜纳姆由于膝伤坐在了板凳,拉玛尔-奥多姆由于暂停也不在场上,但是科比有六次助攻,五个篮板,四次抢断和一次古怪的处理。

18、Think the prognosis of cranky condition is poorer than melancholia commonly, but often ebb without intelligent obstacle or character. ─── 一般认为偏执状态的预后比忧郁症差,但往往无智能障碍或人格衰退。

19、Especially since he still has that creaky, cranky back to deal with. ─── 尤其令人欣喜的是,说这话的人还是一个后腰不那么灵光的病秧子。

20、The sicken rate of cranky condition is compared cranky model the schizophrenia is little, and than paranoiac much, still do not have this ill exact incidence of a disease at present. ─── 偏执状态的患病率比偏执型精神分裂症少,而比偏执狂多,目前尚没有该病的确切发病率。

21、Why be airtight room when me or a person when am I met very fear to meet cranky who can help me? ─── 为什么当我在密闭的房间或者是一个人的时候我就会很害怕会胡思乱想谁能帮帮我?

22、If you're tired and cranky, enjoy a treat instead of martyring yourself for no good reason. ─── 如果你疲劳并且虚弱,与其毫无理由的折磨自己不如好好犒劳下自己。

23、Study ability is very important also, a person that do poineering work cannot too obstinate, want to be good at accepting new thing and new point of view, too cranky be no good. ─── 学习能力也很重要,一个创业者不能过于固执,要善于接受新事物和新观点,过于偏执是不行的。

24、Having a peevish nature; cranky. ─── 暴躁的有易怒性格的;任性的

25、Whether we're kept awake by our partner's snoring or we stay up too late watching TV, we wake up tired, groggy, and cranky. ─── 不论是因为配偶的打鼾声还是熬夜看电视让我们没有睡觉,在醒来的时候,我们都是感到疲惫,稀里糊涂和易怒。

26、People called him eccentric, queer, and cranky; but the old man went steadily on refilling his can of oil when it became empty, and oiled the hard places he found. ─── 人们称他为怪人、疯子,但老人依然故我;罐子里的油空了,他就装满它,然后继续他的注油工作。

27、"I get cranky when I haven't been fed."? ─── 找不到的食物的时候我总是粉暴躁?

28、Kasey was not responding well to the doses of loving kindness and patience shown by those around her.There was nothing anyone could do to satisfy her.She was simply cranky. ─── 为了发挥非非的特长,老师多次鼓励小朋友向她学习,并让菲菲教给大家怎样注意动作细节。

29、" He was something of a prig, though a cranky one; ─── 他性情暴躁、古怪,但同时也是一个自命不凡的道学先生;

30、I know it is cranky to be indignant ─── 我知道,我这样的愤慨会给人看成是古怪。

31、In Fuzhou, the way to go, I am cranky: to do surgery? ─── 在去福州的途中,我胡思乱想:要做手术吗?

32、Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image. ─── 素食主义已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。

33、5.Your network interface(socket) is cranky . ─── 您的网络接口(插座)有毛病。

34、We've both been cranky, and said a lot of things we didn't mean ─── 刚才我们俩都是因为脾气太急躁,才说了一大堆不该说的气话。

35、His mother has been cranky recently. ─── 他的母亲最近常暴躁不安。

36、At work, people seem cranky and out of sorts, so you'll need to treat co-workers and subordinates with care, lest you trigger any confrontation. ─── 在工作中,也许有些人会看起来很怪异或脾气不佳,所以你要小心对待你的同事和周围的人,以免引发矛盾。

37、Person all the day cranky, depressed, vexed, it is how to be met thing, how to do? ─── 人整天胡思乱想,抑郁,烦恼,是怎么会事,怎么办?

38、It is cranky not to have, will not worry oneself needlessly. ─── 没有了胡思乱想,不会自寻烦恼。

39、Whatever the reasons, feeling on edge makes us cranky, uncommunicative and stubborn.If that is you right now, you need to loosen up. ─── 在这种时候,不管什么方法,只要它能让你重新充满力量那就是正确的选择。

40、HI Sorry, my computer is cranky so I have to use another one. Which doesn't allow me to type in Chinese. So please translate for me ─── 嗨抱歉,我的计算机不稳所以我必须用另一台。那不能让我打中文。所以请帮我翻译

41、The next time you're feeling cranky or morose, check in with your body. ─── 下一次你感觉心情烦躁或者郁闷、审视一下你的身体。

42、Planets will be in a cranky state, and something seems to be worrying you about how talks are going. ─── 行星将在胡思乱想的状态,一些如何去商谈的问题让你担忧。

43、I mentioned your health previously in your report - if you don't have a dispute with any cranky, mean person at the time near June 7, you may not feel your best. ─── 我在前部分提到了你的健康问题,如果在6月7日左右你没有和古怪、小气的人争吵的话,你或许不会感到你处于最佳状态。

44、(2) dissension character: Person behavior is eccentric and this kind is cranky, humanness is alone, disagreement group. ─── (2)分裂型人格:这种人行为怪僻而偏执,为人孤独,不合群。

45、You have a lively fun personality that I enjoyed.I do not see that you are of a "cranky" type who nags and screams when are not along your way. ─── 他总说起我的身体,说起他的迫不及待,说我可爱,说我有时呆呆的。。。

46、By now Art was gettting a little cranky, "and what special person?," and he asked the voice ─── 事到如今,阿特感到有点蹊跷,不禁问那声音:"什么特别的人?"

47、The scholar thinks cranky condition appears is interpose at paranoiac and cranky model a kind of condition between the schizophrenia. ─── 有学者认为偏执状态似乎是介于偏执狂和偏执型精神分裂症之间的一种状态。

48、Having a peevish nature;cranky. ─── 暴躁的有易怒性格的;任性的

49、The teaching methods and learning techniques are rusty, cranky and antiquated ─── 教学方法和学习方法是陈腐、呆板而过时的。

50、Cranky condition is not had with highlighting cranky covet psychedelic for the characteristic. ─── 偏执状态以突出偏执妄想而无幻觉为特点。

51、The mass of work made me cranky. ─── 大量的工作使我烦躁。

52、On the loudspeaker his voice turned dull and cranky ─── 在扬声器中,他的声音变得沉闷,听起来别扭。

53、chalie has come out 14 teeth already. he has been very cranky these days because of the teething. ─── 查理这两天又长牙了,原来有8颗,现在又长了6颗共14颗牙了。这两天很闹,又有点发烧。

54、a cranky philosophy ─── 古怪哲学

55、How can you just make a person not cranky? ? ? ─── 怎么样才可以让人不胡思乱想啊???

56、Saoirse was also cranky and vomiting. She had swelling in both her ears and a bulge the size of an egg on her right temple. ─── 西尔莎?罗南看起来很虚弱并有呕吐症状。她的双耳的位置都肿起来了,在右边太阳穴处有一个鸡蛋大小的肿块。

57、Thanks to an exhausted and cranky state, for which there is no prospect of dramatic reform, much of the job of development will fall upon the private sector. ─── 由于疲惫和暴躁的状态,并无大幅改革的前景,大部分的工作将落在私人部门的发展。

58、Ben: You're gonna be cranky? ─── 本:有什么奇怪的?

59、You're known for your sarcastic style on the air, and even being a little cranky. ─── 众所周知,你的播报带有讽刺的风格,甚至有点脾气暴躁。

60、the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary. ─── 刚毅勇猛但有时暴跳如雷的老勇士同鼓舞人心但有时夸夸其谈的青年预言家形成鲜明的对比。

61、He came with buy gaia gold, and seemed to make a thorough examination, and ordered me back to work, saying, there was no danger, and that he thought I was going 'cranky. ─── 减肥贴 见效迅速,安全给药,确保完全不损伤肠胃,也避免了肠胃吸收功能不好而影响药效的情况发生。

62、The experiment's popularity is all the more bizarre given that Dr Lebedev is far from the only cosmonaut whom space has driven a bit cranky. ─── 再加上列贝德夫博士远不是唯一一个在太空变得暴躁宇航员,实验受到这样的欢迎就更显得奇怪了。

63、She began to get cranky, not the house Shuaisui things, a messy home. ─── 她开始变得暴躁不安,随便摔碎屋里的东西,家里一片狼藉。

64、Reactivity is cranky condition, behave sometimes reach for rich covet psychedelic when, should come on with acute and the schizophrenia that has certain inducement is cranky model differentiate. ─── 反应性偏执状态,有时表现为丰富的妄想及幻觉时,应与急性发病而又有一定诱因的精神分裂症偏执型相鉴别。

65、How can ability make a person not vexed? Depressed? Cranky? ─── 怎么样才可以让人不烦恼?郁闷?胡思乱想呢?

66、Don't get your spleen all in a bunch and zip off a cranky message,unless that is how you want to crash you hard?drive desires. ─── 不要怒气冲天,发出怨言的信,除非你想拆毁自己强烈的愿望。

67、The knife fixing ,as well as have not too cranky. ─── 請勿強行鎖緊,以延長刀具使用壽命。

68、She is just old and cranky ─── 她不过是又老又怪。

69、I heard everything he said. Yankee, I would honor to help save your dad's job. (To Screwing) And he, I thought you are hard hard odd cranky. ─── 我听到他说的每个字了。杨基,我很荣幸能帮你保住你老爸的工作。(转向螺旋)我之前觉得你是个硬心肠的暴躁鬼。

70、The diagnosis of cranky condition and differentiate diagnose with paranoiac similar, although this ill covet is shown more continuously chronic form, but also have at short-term inside disappear. ─── 偏执状态的诊断和鉴别诊断与偏执狂类似,本病的妄想虽多呈持续慢性形式,但也有于短期内消失的。

71、By now Art was gettting a little cranky, "and what special person?," and he asked the voice? ─── 事到如今,阿特感到有点蹊跷,不禁问那声音:"什么特别的人?

72、The over-connected me is a cranky, tired fussbudget. ─── 因为我知道,如果我不躲开那些要联系我的人,我将失去自己。

73、Griffin seems cranky, insistently croaking, "Wanna go back. ─── 格里芬看上去暴躁不安,不住地发牢骚,“想回去。”

74、But I sense that isn't the reason that so many investors are feeling so cranky. ─── 但我觉得这不是如此众多的投资者感觉如此古怪的原因。

75、a cranky old truck ─── 一辆有毛病的旧卡车

76、My yock rises, I say charm, how are you used up cranky, do not listen to person talk rubbish! ─── 我大笑起来,我说妩媚,你怎么尽胡思乱想,别听人瞎说!

77、They gain a touch of intellectual legitimacy from a handful of cranky academics-though of these only Mr Irving has any claim to be a historian. ─── 在互联网上,这种现象尤为泛滥。他们得到了一小撮怪僻的大学教师的些许理性的认可,尽管如此,欧文先生也没权力自称为历史学家。

78、They are behaved more wait to encroach other other of cranky, suspicion, passive or actively, cause huge trouble to bring damage even to other. ─── 他们多表现为偏执、怀疑他人、被动或主动地侵犯他人等,给他人造成极大的麻烦甚至带来祸害。

79、Ah do not know how people engage in, and I hope that busy time of rest, really boring time to feel that life is empty and cranky. ─── 人啊不晓得怎么搞的,忙的时候盼休息,真到了无聊的时候又觉得空虚,胡思乱想的。

80、Gets cranky, grumpy after losing a game. ─── 比赛输了暴跳如雷。

81、Literary youth: The cranky man in callous elfland always has bit of different place, the hair style that deliver quality is all different. ─── 文艺青年:冷酷仙境中的偏执男人总有点不一样的地方,发色发型皆不同。

82、Maybe that's why you are cranky. ─── 可能这就是你为什么烦躁换个话题吧,拜托。

83、Am I always cranky before menstruation? ─── 月经前我总是胡思乱想?

84、Elsewhere, Elaine is particularly cranky ? especially when it comes to watching Ally and Larry smooch in the office. ─── 在另处,依连暴躁起来,尤其是当她看见爱莉和保罗在办公室亲吻。

85、Wj78xx: The cranky path which zigzags along the pond was paved with breeze. ─── 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。

86、I will be cranky, wife! ─── 我会胡思乱想的,老婆!

87、So, he is tired and a smidge cranky with his employees. ─── 所以,他累了,对员工有点暴躁。

88、It is melancholia of the turn of life or the turn of life no matter cranky condition, all come on slow, course of diseases is long. ─── 不论是更年期忧郁症或更年期偏执状态,均发病缓慢,病程长。

89、How to let when anything crops up with respect to be perturbed impatient, cranky person has adjusted state of mind, happy processing each thing? ─── 如何让一个遇事就心烦急躁,胡思乱想的人把心态调整好一点,开心处理每一件事?

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