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08-19 投稿


chaperoning 发音

英:[???p?r??n??]  美:[???p?ro?n??]

英:  美:

chaperoning 中文意思翻译



chaperoning 短语词组

1、chaperoning def ─── 陪伴def

2、chaperoning synonym ─── 伴随同义词

3、chaperoning mean ─── 伴随平均值

4、chaperoning meaning ─── 伴随意义

5、chaperoning teens ─── 陪伴青少年

6、chaperoning prom ─── 陪伴舞会

chaperoning 词性/词形变化,chaperoning变形

名词: chaperonage |动词过去分词: chaperoned |动词现在分词: chaperoning |动词过去式: chaperoned |异体字: chaperone |动词第三人称单数: chaperones |

chaperoning 相似词语短语

1、chaperon ─── n.(陪未婚少女上社交场所的)年长女伴;(青年社交聚会时在场的)监护人;蛋白质(如热休克蛋白);v.陪伴,护送;当女伴;当监护人;n.(Chaperon)(法、美、加)沙普龙(人名)

2、chagrining ─── n.懊恼;委屈;气愤;vt.使…懊恼;n.(Chagrin)人名;(英)沙格兰

3、chaperonage ─── n.伴随

4、aproning ─── n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;vt.着围裙于;围绕;n.(Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙

5、championing ─── n.冠军;拥护者;战士;vt.支持;拥护;adj.优胜的;第一流的;n.(Champion)人名;(英)钱皮恩;(法)尚皮翁

6、chaperoned ─── n.(陪未婚少女上社交场所的)年长女伴;(青年社交聚会时在场的)监护人;蛋白质(如热休克蛋白);v.陪伴,护送;当女伴;当监护人;n.(Chaperon)(法、美、加)沙普龙(人名)

7、chapter ring ─── 章环

8、chaperone ─── n.女伴;行为监督人;(尤指儿童表演时)在场监护人;v.伴护;当行为监护人;当女伴

9、captioning ─── n.字幕;v.在…上加标题;为…配字幕(caption的ing形式)

chaperoning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The station is shutting contrapuntal place, double foot draws close, body centre of gravity is in right leg, left hand is holding the right hand of chaperon. ─── 站在合对位置,双脚靠拢,身体重心在右脚,左手握着女伴的右手。

2、(Spain; Portugal; etc) a woman chaperon. ─── (西班牙;葡萄牙等)一个女保姆。

3、I knew it, mid-week had dissolved into the final night of camp and I was chaperoning the "last dance". ─── 我还没明白过来,星期三已成过去,露营的最后一晚来到了。 我伴随营员们跳起“最后的舞蹈”。

4、I suppose she felt she was chaperoning us and we felt we were taking care of her. ─── 我想当时她一定自动担当起了对我们的监护义务,而我们则觉得是在处处照顾她。

5、It evolved out of a courtship ritual where young women entertained gentleman callers, usually in the home, under the watchful eye of a chaperon. ─── 它从年轻妇女与来电的绅士调侃中进化成一种求爱的仪式,通常是在家中进行,往往带着寻觅伴侣的目的进行。

6、endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon GRP78 ─── 内质网分子伴侣GRP78

7、” the young lady chaperoning a group of children to the zoo asked an attendant. ─── 伴护一群小孩到动物园的年轻女子问管理员。

8、Ben: I'm just asking if my grades stay up and if Gary's parents say it's okay and if I promise to obey the chaperon, would you have any objections to me going on a ski weekend? ─── 本:要是我的学习成绩好,要是盖尔的父母也同意,要是我保证一定有人陪伴,你能答应我参加周末的滑雪吗?

9、Mabs antitumour activity is mediated through direct interaction with specific target molecules, deployment of immune cytotoxic pathways, or through chaperoning cytotoxic agents to tumour. ─── 单克隆抗体的抗肿瘤活性是通过直接和特定的靶分子相互作用,免疫细胞毒素途径的部署,或者通过对肿瘤的陪伴性细胞毒素剂等进行调节的。

10、“I don't think we need a chaperon. ─── “我想我们不需要监护人。”

11、“Perhaps if we both wait a couple weeks and you still insist on dying your hair black, mine will be purple just in time for me to chaperon your next school dance. ─── 当时他认为他接手的那个孩子并无大碍,可是麦克不知道,那个孩子也不曾告诉过麦克他能看见鬼的秘密。

12、She is chaperoning her daughter all day. ─── 她整日陪伴着她的母亲。

13、Jason: You know chaperoning isn't all that bad. ─── 杰森:你们知道,父母护送并没有错。

14、She trailed purses and scarves behind her just as I do now.I suppose she felt she was chaperoning us and we felt we were taking care of her. ─── 仅仅十几年后,当作者在珍珠港事件后举家从中国撤回美国后再次经停夏威夷,感觉就截然不同了。

15、He says: "If have,the hope continues and my chaperon people maintain connection, I still can allow in what obtain them hind, give their connection means free freely to this new ' suzerain ' . ─── 他说:“如果有合适的买主要买我的头衔并希望继续和我的女伴们保持联系,我还可以在获得她们的允许后,把她们的联系方式免费奉送给这位新‘庄主’。”

16、6.It is out of rule for an unmarried woman to chaperon the little child. ─── 由一个未婚妇人充当这小孩的监护是违反常规的。

17、the young lady chaperoning a group of children to the zoo asked an attendant. ─── 伴护一群小孩到动物园的年轻女子问管理员。

18、Maggie: A 19 year old sailor is not my idea of a chaperon. ─── 麦琪:一个19岁的水兵陪你们,我不放心。

19、Keywords endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon GRP78;reperfusion injury;spinal cord injury;rat; ─── 内质网分子伴侣GRP78;再灌注损伤;脊髓损伤;大鼠;

20、The chaperon grouped the younger children together. ─── 那年长女伴将年纪较小的孩子聚集在一起。

21、High Expression of Gene Encoding for MutL Fusion Protein and Research on Its Chaperon Function ─── MutL融合蛋白的高效表达及其伴侣功能研究

22、Carol: well she lied to you. The reason you are not chaperoning is because, you're unacceptable parents. ─── 卡罗尔:这不是真话,不请你们俩当监督人是因为你们是不合格的父母。

23、Mrs. Hinkley: Wonderful, who is chaperoning tonight? ─── 辛克力夫人:哦,真的吗?今晚是谁监督舞会?

24、I was very young in those days and ready enough to fall in with the easy morality of the times. Yet I recall that the sight of such scandalous chaperoning filled me with contempt and disgust. ─── 那时候我还年轻,很容易沾染上那个时代道德观念淡薄的社会风尚,但是我还记得,一看到这种丑恶的监视行为,我从心底里感到轻蔑和厌恶。

25、a woman employed as a chaperon in a residence for young people ─── 在年青人的住处被雇来作伴护的女性

26、Is there anyone who would like to chaperon me to see and enjoy the earthquake together at the end of the world!? ─── 英语翻译,不要机器翻译!!!翻译下,要精辟点:又有谁愿意在世界末日那天一起陪我看地震!

27、No, it was easier to shift the responsibility to Aunt Pitty, who after all was the head of the house, the chaperon and the arbiter of morals. ─── 不,还是把责任推到皮蒂姑妈身上更顺当些,她毕竟是一家之主,是监护人和道德仲裁人嘛。

28、Ben: Are you Kidding, they'd freak. They are off chaperoning some goofey dancing in the Dewey High. ─── 本:这有什么,这当然不好,谁让他们都一起跑到杜威中学跳舞去了?

29、God! My mom always insists on chaperoning me wherever I go! I can't stand. ─── 天啊,不管去哪儿我妈妈总要跟着,真受不了。

30、molecular chaperoning ─── 分子陪伴(作用)

31、In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon. ─── 在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个年长的女伴。

32、A 17-year-old girl said she was kicked out of her prom because some of the dads chaperoning the event for home-schooled teens thought her dancing would give the boys "impure thoughts." ─── 一名17岁的女孩说她被赶出自己的毕业舞会,因为一些陪同自主学习少年参加舞会的家长认为她的舞蹈会让那些少年产生“不纯洁的想法”。

33、3. Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips. ─── 在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。

34、But when they then went back to the original question of chaperoning the inmates to the zoo, compliance tripled to 50%. ─── 但接着回到陪伴犯人去动物圆的问题时,同意去的比例达到了50%,为先前的三倍。

35、Molecular chaperon and tumor innanology ─── 分子伴侣与肿瘤免疫

36、Chaperon resistor ─── 查佩龙电阻器

37、In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon . ─── 在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个女监护人。

38、To act as chaperon to or for. ─── 陪伴,护送

39、purification chaperon ─── 聚乙二醇

40、Mrs.Hinkley :That fact that you are here doesn't make you chaperon. ─── 你们在这并不代表你们就是监督人。

41、Washing dishes just doesn't sound as good as chaperoning passengers on exotic excursions. ─── 洗碗就不如陪同船上的旅客听起来体面。 。

42、Thus, before I knew it, mid-week had dissolved into the final night of camp and I was chaperoning the "last dance" . ─── 我还没明白过来,星期三已成过去,露营的最后一晚来到了。我伴随营员们跳起“最后的舞蹈”。

43、God! My mom always insists on chaperoning me wherever I go! I can't stand. ─── 天啊,不管去哪儿我妈妈总要跟着,真受不了。

44、Keywords helicobacter pylori;endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon; ─── 幽门螺杆菌;内质网分子伴侣;

45、A man also brought neighbour chaperon, he carries the hand says to attendant: "We also want two cups of beverage that that woman drinks. ─── 邻座一位男士也带了女伴,他抬手向侍者说:"我们也要两杯那个女人喝的饮料。"

46、3 Campers should not be related to the chaperon or liaison officer. ─── 营员与领队老师或联络官员无亲属关系。

47、But when they then went back to the original question of chaperoning the inmates to the zoo, compliance tripled to 50%. ─── 但哈格里斯记得,他同事当时好似觉得自己是费尽九牛二虎之力才按下了“打印”键。

48、stress and chaperon ─── 应激和分子伴侣蛋白

49、Well,he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperon! ─── 嗯,他俩单独在下午很晚的时候乘一辆轻便马车出去了,连个女伴都没有.

50、I did have fun,sweetine..don't forget,I was the one who bit the chaperon! ─── 我确实感到有趣,甜心!不要忘记,我是咬唇基的那个人!

51、I made the telephone call of a few chaperon again, they close machine. ─── 我又打了几个女伴的电话,她们都关机了。

52、molecular chaperon ─── 分子伴侣

53、The best present is to chaperoning her at home,and cooking for her. ─── 其实,最好的礼物就是能回家陪她,给她做一顿好吃的饭菜。

54、Jason: You know chaperoning isn't all that bad. ─── 杰森:你们知道,父母护送并没有错。

55、Chaperon winding ─── 查佩龙线圈

56、peptide chaperoning role ─── 抗原肽伴侣作用

57、1. The young girl would go nowhere without her chaperon. ─── 这个年轻女孩去任何地方都有监护人跟着。

58、1. She is chaperoning her daughter all day. ─── 她整日陪伴着她的母亲。

59、" a few her views that 22 years old of chaperon that arrive 25 years old agree with her. ─── 她的几个22岁到25岁的女伴都同意她的看法。

60、4.a woman employed as a chaperon in a residence for young people. ─── 在年青人的住处被雇来作伴护的女性。

61、Keywords HSP90,Thermal preconditioning,Stress adaptation,Molecular chaperon,Transfection,Coimmunoprecipitation,Two-Dimension-Electrophoresis,Proteomics; ─── 预热处理;应激保护;分子伴侣;转染;免疫共沉淀;双向电泳;蛋白质组学;

62、Jason: Carol, it's alright! We're chaperoning. ─── 杰森:卡罗尔,没关系,我们护送你去。

63、chaperon mechanism ─── 陪伴机理

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