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08-19 投稿


ectropion 发音


英:  美:

ectropion 中文意思翻译



ectropion 短语词组

1、ectropion surgery ─── 睑外翻手术

2、flaccid ectropion ─── [医] 弛缓性下睑外翻

3、ectropion palpebrarum ─── [医] 睑外翻

4、ectropion to lower lids ─── 下睑外翻

5、senile ectropion ─── [医] 老年性睑外翻

6、ectropion spasticum ─── [医] 痉挛性 ─── [睑]外翻

7、ectropion paralysis ─── 外翻麻痹

8、ectropion of the corpus luteum ─── [医] 黄体外翻

9、ectropion luxurians ─── [医] 肉瘤性 ─── [睑]外翻, 结膜肥厚性睑外翻

10、ectropion repair ─── 睑外翻修复术

11、ectropion uveae ─── [医] 眼色素层外翻

12、ectropion of cervix ─── 宫颈外翻

13、ectropion paralyticum ─── [医] 麻痹性睑外翻

14、ectropion severity score ─── 睑外翻严重程度评分

15、ectropion sarcomatosum ─── [医] 肉瘤性 ─── [睑]外翻, 结膜肥厚性睑外翻

16、paralytic ectropion ─── 麻痹性睑外翻

17、congenital ectropion ─── 先天性眼睑外翻

18、ectropion surgery procedure ─── 睑外翻手术

19、ectropion spasmodicum ─── [医] 痉挛性 ─── [睑]外翻

ectropion 相似词语短语

1、ectopic ─── adj.异位的;异常的

2、ectropic ─── 导电的

3、ectopia ─── n.[医]异位(器官等的位置异常,通常是先天性的)

4、Scorpion ─── n.蝎子;蝎尾鞭;心黑的人;n.(Scorpion)人名;(英)斯科皮恩

5、entropion ─── n.[眼科]睑内翻

6、Intropin ─── n.盐酸多巴胺(原商标名)

7、bupropion ─── n.安非他酮;丁氨苯丙酮

8、atropin ─── n.阿托品(含颠茄碱,用于镇痛、缓解平滑肌痉挛和散瞳)

9、ectozoon ─── n.体表寄生虫

ectropion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、eyelid ectropion ─── 眼睑外翻

2、Keywords Lower eyelid ectropion;Blepharoplasty;Repair; ─── 下睑外翻;睑整形;矫正;

3、Objective To present a simple and effective surgery technique of repairing lower eyelid ectropion. ─── 目的:介绍一种修复下睑外翻畸形的简单有效的方法。

4、Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris. ─── 临床表徵除了瞳孔偏向,葡萄膜外翻,周边连黏,青光眼之外还具有特殊的色素性节结在虹彩的表面上。

5、Keywords Ectropion;Lower eyelid blepharoplasty;Palpebral margin; ─── 睑外翻畸形;睑袋切除术;睑缘;

6、This type of ectropion often affects the upper lid. ─── 这种类型的眼睑外翻,往往影响上睑。

7、Abnormal position of the eyelids or eyelashes (ectropion, entropion, trichiasis) is a major fault. ─── 位置反常的眼睑或睫毛(眼睑内翻,眼睑外翻,倒睫毛)都属于严重缺陷。

8、Methods Repairing lower eyelid ectropion of facial palsy by strongering lower eyelid supporting structure with orbicularis oculi muscle island flap and while uplifting the loosed face. ─── 方法:用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣复合颞侧眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣加强下睑修复面瘫性睑外翻,同时利用现有切口提升患侧面部。

9、ectropion of lip ─── 唇外翻

10、ectropion paralyticum ─── [医] 麻痹性睑外翻

11、ectropion spasticum ─── 痉挛性睑外翻

12、ectropion spastic ─── 痉挛性(睑)外翻

13、Objective To investigate the ideal combination method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty. ─── 目的:探讨下睑整复术后其下睑外翻的综合矫正方法。

14、Prevention and treatment of eyelid ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty ─── 下睑袋整形术后睑外翻及下睑凹陷的防治

15、correction of ectropion ─── 睑外翻矫正术

16、Objective To investigate the best method to repair cicatricial ectropion from the aesthetic view on account of the anatomical feature of orbicularis oculi and the experience of other scholars. ─── 目的基于眼轮匝肌的解剖特点和借鉴其它学者的经验,从美学角度探讨瘢痕性睑外翻的最佳修复方法。

17、Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized. ─── 眼裂过大、眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于缺陷。

18、ectropion palpebrarum ─── [医] 睑外翻

19、ectropion of lid ─── 眼睑外翻, 睑外翻

20、Repair of ectropion by thermocauterization ─── 眼外翻修复术, 用热灼法

21、Methods Cicatricial eyelid ectropion was repaired by temporal flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle. The flap transferred to cover eyelid defect with a 180-degree rotation. ─── 方法设计以眼轮匝肌为蒂的颞区皮瓣,将皮瓣旋转180°移位至眼睑部瘢痕松解后的创面,修复瘢痕性睑外翻。

22、Dogs showing evidence of functional abnormality of eyelids or eyelashes (such as, but not limited to, trichiasis, entropion, ectropion, or distichiasis) are to be excused from the ring. ─── 有眼皮和睫毛的功能性异常(比如,但不只限于:倒睫、眼睑内翻、眼睑外翻、双行睫)的,为失格。

23、Repair method of lower eyelid ectropion with island musculo-cutaneous flap of orbicularis oculi ─── 岛状眼轮匝肌皮瓣修复下睑外翻畸形

24、Repair of ectropion with lid reconstruction ─── 睑外翻修复术伴睑重建术

25、Suture repair of ectropion ─── 眼外翻缝合修复术

26、Prevention of Eyelid Ectropion Following Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty ─── 下睑袋整形术后睑外翻的预防

27、mechanical ectropion ─── 机械性睑外翻

28、Chronic cervicitis with ectropion ─── 慢性子宫颈炎伴外翻

29、Ectropion (eyelid folding outward) is a common condition in dogs, usually affecting the lower lid. ─── 眼睑外翻是一种常见的犬病,通常影响下眼睑。

30、congenital ectropion syndrome ─── 先天性睑外翻综合征

31、relaxed ectropion ─── 松驰性外翻

32、Objective: To investigate the effect of the suspension using allogenic fascia lata in laxity and ectropion correction. ─── 目的:探讨阔筋膜兜带术矫正下睑松弛及外翻的疗效。

33、Lower eyelid ectropion ─── 下睑外翻

34、With this flap, the ectropion can be repaired as an anit in one stage besides the recovery of the eyelid.Cicatricial ectropion can be repaired by this flap well. ─── 术后不仅使眼睑形态结构恢复,正常功能恢复,而且具有良好的美学效果,是瘢痕性睑外翻最佳修复方法。

35、Surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion ─── 外伤性下泪点外翻的手术治疗

36、Conclusion This operation is an effective method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion in mid and moderate degree. ─── 结论:应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复轻重度下睑外翻是一种较为可行的手术方法。

37、cicatricial ectropion of eyelid ─── 眼睑瘢痕性外翻

38、Objective To investigate the effects of the treatment of ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty with the shortening of the palpebral margin. ─── 目的探讨睑缘缩短术对睑袋切除术后致睑外翻畸形的治疗效果。

39、Postburn eyelid skin defect should be repaired as early as possible, so that ectropion or other deformity can be prevented. ─── 烧伤后眼睑皮肤缺损的修复应尽早进行,以预防睑外翻及其它畸形的发生。

40、Objective:We repair the cicatricial ectropion of eyelid through operations in order to restore their functions, make the apperance better and reduce complications. ─── 目的:手术修复疤痕性眼睑外翻,恢复功能,改善外形,减少并发症。

41、senile ectropion ─── [医] 老年性睑外翻

42、Repair of cicatricial eyelid ectropion with axial island flaps ─── 岛状皮瓣修复瘢痕性睑外翻

43、the removal of the skin proper width, bilateral symmetry, no ectropion. ─── 切除的皮肤宽窄妥当,双侧对称,无眼睑外翻。

44、The cervix often bleeds from an ectropion of friable tissue.Hemostasis can be accomplished by applying pressure for several minutes with a large swab or by cautery with a silver nitrate stick. ─── 宫颈常因脆弱组织外翻而出血,可以用大棉签压迫几分钟止血或用硝酸银棒烧灼止血。

45、Keywords operation;ectropion of eyelid;scar; ─── 手术;眼睑外翻;疤痕;

46、Repair of ectropion by suture ─── 眼外翻修复术用缝合

47、congenital ectropion of conjunctiva ─── 先天性结膜外翻

48、cervical ectropion ─── 宫颈外翻

49、It is associated with high perinatal mortality, thick fissured skin, marked ectropion (eyelid eersion), eclabium (eersion of the lips), and flexion deformities. ─── 常伴有围产期高死亡率、皮肤肥厚、显著的眼睑外翻、唇外翻和关节弯曲畸形。

50、Cervicitis with ectropion ─── 子宫颈炎伴外翻

51、ectropion of lower lip ─── 下唇外翻

52、Entropion and ectropion is certainly seen in the breed. ─── 睑内翻和外翻是肯定的品种出现在。

53、Repair of ectropion ─── 眼外翻修复术

54、Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion. ─── 摘要目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。

55、Keywords dissociate skin petal;scaring ectropion; ─── 游离皮瓣;瘢痕性睑外翻;

56、Objective To explore a methods to repair facial palsy with lower eyelid ectropion using 0rbicularis oculi muscle island flap. ─── 目的:探索应用下睑眼轮匝肌瓣结合颞部眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣治疗面瘫性下睑外翻的一种新方法。

57、Entropion - ectropion combination ─── 睑内翻-睑外翻结合

58、Abnormal position of the eyelids or eyelashes (ectropion, entropion, trichiasis ) is a major fault. ─── 位置反常的眼睑或睫毛(眼睑内翻,眼睑外翻,倒睫毛)都属于严重缺陷。

59、Upper eyelid ectropion ─── 上睑外翻

60、Objective To investigate the method of surgery to prevent dysraphism after the upper eyelid anaplasty and rectify the lower eyelid retraction and ectropion palpebrarum in older patients. ─── 目的探讨预防上睑整形术后上睑闭合不全,同时纠正下睑退缩及老年性睑外翻的手术方法。

61、Chronic endocervicitis with ectropion ─── 慢性子宫颈内膜炎伴外翻

62、Entropion (eyelids turned in) and ectropion (eyelids turned out) is certainly seen in the breed. ─── 睑内翻(在眼皮打开)和外翻(内眼睑打开)肯定是出现在滋生。

63、No complications, such as infection, dys-morphosis of lid-margin, entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, exposure keratitis, were found. ─── 未见感染、睑缘畸形、睑内(外)翻、倒睫、暴露性角膜炎等并发症。

64、ectropion of eyelid ─── 睑外翻

65、In dogs it is most commonly caused by mechanical irritation (such as by entropion, ectropion, or trichiasis), allergies, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. ─── 在犬种,常见起因是机械刺激(例如睑内翻、外翻或倒睫)、过敏和干燥性角结膜炎。

66、The treatment of ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty with tissue expander in infra-orbital region ─── 眶下组织快速扩张纠正睑袋术后睑外翻

67、Combination of multiple procedures to repair of severe lower eyelid ectropion ─── 多方法合用修复睑袋术后并发严重下睑外翻

68、Prevention and treatment of eyelid retraction and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty with tarsal tuck procedure ─── 睑板提紧术防治下睑袋整形术后睑退缩及外翻

69、ectropion spasmodicum ─── [医] 痉挛性[睑]外翻

70、Keywords Fascia ligament of musculi orbicularis oculi;Blepharoplasty of lower eyelid;Ectropion of lower eyelid;Classification of ectropion; ─── 眼袋整形;眶肌筋膜韧带;下睑外翻;睑外翻分类;

71、cicatricial ectropion ─── 瘢痕性睑外翻疤痕性睑外翻

72、Cauterization of eyelid for ectropion ─── 睑烧灼术用于睑外翻

73、Eyes excessively light; entropion, ectropion. ─── 眼睛过度光;内翻,外翻。

74、Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty ─── 睑外翻修复术用睑成形术

75、Keywords Expander; Lower eyelid blepharoplasty; Ectropion; ─── 扩张器;眼袋;睑外翻;

76、Ectropion of cervix ─── 子宫颈外翻

77、There were 5 cases which occurred ectropion in the few days postoperatively. ─── 大部分手术者经过2周到2年的随妨,手术后取得了良好效果。

78、Keywords Operative treatment;Lower eyelid ectropion;Cicatricle; ─── 手术治疗;下睑外翻;瘢痕;

79、Methods 15 patients with different type and degree of cicatricial ectropion were repaired with the method of simple skin grafting, posterior auricular refluxing axial skin flap or anchyloblepharon. ─── 方法:对15例不同类型和不同程度的瘢痕性睑外翻,采用局部瘢痕松解睑缘粘连、耳后返流轴型皮瓣修复及瘢痕松解植皮修复。

80、ectropion of the corpus luteum ─── [医] 黄体外翻

81、atonic ectropion ─── 张力缺乏性外翻

82、Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion. ─── 目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。

83、Objective To prevent lower eyelid pouches and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty. ─── 目的:预防下睑袋整形术后睑外翻和下睑凹陷等并发症。

84、Repair of ectropion with wedge resection ─── 睑外翻修复术伴楔形切除术

85、Objective To investigate the state of the art technique of ectropion correction. ─── 目的探索符合美学要求的睑外翻修复方法。

86、congenital ectropion ─── 先天性睑外翻

87、flaccid ectropion ─── 弛缓性下睑外翻

88、Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized. ─── 眼裂过大、眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于缺陷。

89、correction of ectropion spasmodicum ─── 痉挛性睑外翻矫正术

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