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08-19 投稿


censorial 发音

英:[sen?s??ri?l]  美:[sen?s??r??l]

英:  美:

censorial 中文意思翻译



censorial 词性/词形变化,censorial变形

动词过去分词: censored |动词过去式: censored |形容词: censorable |动词第三人称单数: censors |动词现在分词: censoring |

censorial 短语词组

1、censorial or censorious ─── 审查的

2、censorial jurisprudence ─── 监察法学

3、censorial meaning ─── 审查意义

censorial 相似词语短语

1、scansorial ─── [鸟]攀禽类的;攀附的

2、tensorial ─── adj.张量的

3、sensorial ─── adj.知觉的;感觉的

4、centurial ─── adj.一世纪的;百人队的

5、cantorial ─── adj.唱诗班席位北侧的;合唱指挥家的

6、cursorial ─── adj.适于行走的,善于奔跑的

7、mentorial ─── adj.良师益友的;指导的

8、censorian ─── 审查员

9、censoring ─── v.审查;检查;修改;删掉(censor的ing形式)

censorial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Know that you can do what you like, as there is no-one to censor you, no-one to control you, no-one to inhibit you. ─── 你可以做一切你想做的事情,没有人会对你说三道四,不会有人来教育你、监督你、禁止你。

2、Bret: Not every state had its own censor board.Some states were wide open.But other states, and in some cases cities, had censor boards, where you would have to apply and get a license. ─── 并不是每个州都会有自己的审查机构,有些总会大开方便之门的,有些则会有此设置,那样你就必须申请从而得到放映许可证。

3、But, if PSC is censorial derelict, unreasonable, ship-owner also can maintain his interest through legal measure. ─── 但是,假如PSC检查官玩忽职守、不讲道理,船东也可以通过法律手段维护自己的利益。

4、differential equations of the censorial moving and running relative to censorial of the eccentric vibration seed-metering system were set up with the dynamic analysis method. ─── 动力学分析法建立了偏心振动式排种系统质心位移和绕质心转动角位移的微分方程。

5、But we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being "works of art". ─── 可是我们要牢记送到审读员面前的大量书刊、戏剧和电影远非“杰作”。

6、The Green Dam Youth Escort program is designed to block pornography, but also gives the Government the power to censor other websites it considers harmful - including those with political content. ─── 中国政府对一个新法律逐步后退其立场,该法强制在这个国家销售的所有新电脑装入审查软件。

7、The mechanism efficiency that the area in town of city of village of Shandong province jujube begins is censorial and solid, get common feelings of people greatly. ─── 山东省枣庄市市中区开展的机关效能监察扎扎实实,深得民心。

8、belonging or relating to a censor or a censor's functions. ─── 属于、关于检察官或其职能。

9、Generally speaking, PSC is censorial have absolute right, ship-owner is in the position of a relatively weak force. ─── 一般来说,PSC检查官具有绝对的权利,船东处于一个相对弱势的地位。

10、Will come 5 days on March 33, group company record be careful in one's conduct is censorial 2003 working conference is held in Beijing. ─── 3月33日至5日,集团公司2003年纪检监察工作会议在京召开。

11、Blotsky said neither Putin nor any other Kremlin official ever sought to censor his work or steer it in a specific direction. ─── 布洛特斯基说,普京和其他政府官员都没有要求审查这本书,也没有对该书的创作提出什么具体的指导意见。

12、To make clear the authenticity of 5 mail, network of information of public security bureau of forensic request city is safe censorial place undertakes checking. ─── 为弄清5封邮件的真实性,法院请求市公安局信息网络安全监察处进行核实。


14、How does the censor fight against circumvention? ─── * 监控者如何应对监控?

15、After Rentai Fu puisne, books Shi Yu Shi, Jizhou Town House Eliot, Luyang Prefecture, east of Jingzhou Prefecture, Henan Yin, censor lieutenant. ─── 后任太傅掾、书侍御史、冀州镇东府长史、鲁阳太守、东荆州太守、河南尹、御史中尉。

16、The majority of Hong Kong newspaper reporters say they are censored, or censor themselves. ─── 大多数的香港报社记者表示他们不断的被审查,甚至审查别人;

17、MING:Transport-control censor ─── 巡河御史

18、"Doing push-ups" became a way for people to vent their anger over the incident and express their disgust at attempts to censor reports and stifle discussion about it on the internet. ─── “做俯卧撑”成为一种方式的人发泄他们的愤怒超过事件,并表达他们的厌恶,企图检查员的报告和扼杀讨论它在互联网上。

19、N-S DIV (S.Dyn.): market tax censor ─── 库曹御史

20、It is not constitutional to censor the press. ─── 审查新闻是违反宪法的。

21、if the enterprise does not press a regulation to pay overwork salary , laborer is ok to labor censorial branch is informed against complain. ─── 假如企业不按规定支付加班工资,劳动者可以向劳动监察部门举报投诉。

22、Its since a kind of administration executes the law activity, have the quality with censorial administration again. ─── 它既是一种行政执法活动,又具有行政监察的性质。

23、The only effect is to make the original material stay up longer, because a request for it was made by the would-be censor. ─── 唯一的效果是使得这个材料保留的时间更长,因为这个自充为检查员的人为它提出了一个请求。

24、This year in March, after censorial place extracts mail to undertake the technology is analysed from this company computer, affirmed Zhang Hua uses the act that this email corresponds. ─── 今年3月,监察处从该公司电脑上提取邮件进行技术分析后,确认了张华用该电子邮箱通信的行为。

25、Do you sometimes censor yourself in interviews? ─── 你平时在访问中会留意下自己的语言吗?

26、"The player has game with these spot check, buy game in the center fictitious prop, undertake 2 times trading waiting, game company is hard censorial with pilot. ─── “玩家用这些点卡进行游戏、购买游戏当中虚拟道具、进行二次交易等,游戏公司是难以监察和控制的。

27、MING-QING:River-patrol censor ─── 巡江御史

28、But the censor also provides a handy way for scientists to shut off any gene at will [see “Censors of the Genome,” by Nelson C.Lau and David P.Bartel;Scientific American, August]. ─── 不过,该纠察装置也提供了方便之道,让科学家得以随意将任何基因给关上。

29、Secondly construct the perfect censor system of irregularity from the system absent to guarantee. ─── 建立完善的违宪审查制度,从宪法实施的制度缺位走向制度保障;


31、Slow to clearing, place protects serious area, undertake administrative superintend by censorial ministry, the clue is serious will make corresponding processing. ─── 对于清理缓 慢、地方保护严重的地区,由监察部进行行政督察,情节严重 的将作相应处理。

32、Yue Yang was frightened jump, give check rapidly the newspaper office is censorial room. ─── 岳明抽出来一看是现金,烫手似地赶紧扔了回去。

33、you can work to place censorial branch is informed against , request them to help you. ─── 你可以向当地劳动监察部门举报,请求他们帮助你。

34、MING:Granary-inspecting censor ─── 巡仓御史

35、But you have to remember that this is stage one, once you enable the authorities to censor at machine level, the software will get better and better. ─── 但你必须记住这只是第一阶段,一旦当局能够检查每一台电脑,这种软件就会变得越来越强大。

36、De of COSCAP De Mu is Tong Guo establish area flight safety to add up to Lai of censorial orgnaization of Ge authorized He to raise Shu of carry of aviation of this area De safe He efficiency. ─── COSCAP的目的是通过成立地区飞行安全合格审定和监察机构来提高该地区的航空运输安全和效率。

37、In the meantime, strengthen censorial, bourse has the system of conduct of business of monitoring of one a complete set of, send technical staff to be in charge of this job. ─── 同时,加强监察,交易所有一整套监控买卖行为的制度,派专门人员负责这项工作。

38、A censor is a man who knows more than he thinks you ought to. ─── 吵架该是一种沟通,不该以伤害为目的。

39、Its High Court has upheld the military censor's wall of secrecy around the talks, conducted via a German-government mediator. ─── 其高级法院赞成通过德国政府仲裁人执行的部队检查员间的秘密会谈。

40、But the system of the official censor at court of ZhenGuan Period impossibly changed the nature of absolute monarchy, and it was a different concept to democracy today entirely. ─── 但是贞观诤谏不可能改变封建专制的本质,与今天的民主更是两个截然不同的概念。

41、Cato:Roman politician and general who wrote the first history of Rome. as censor he attempted to restore simplicity to Roman life. ─── 卡托:罗马政治家和将军,著有罗马的第一部历史。在任监察期间,他试图恢复罗马社会生活的简朴作风。

42、Censorship: the office or power of a censor ─── 审查机构

43、Aaron took the censor and atoned for the sins of the people. ─── 亚伦拿著香炉为人们的罪赎罪。

44、He sent the draft to the censor's office by a runner. ─── 他让信使把稿件送到新闻检查官办公室。

45、During the inspection tours over the years the censor simply accepted all the bribes from the local officials and amassed a great fortune for himself. ─── 在数年的巡视中,这位钦差大臣全盘照收所有地方官员们的贿赂,为自己敛聚了大量的财富。

46、They had to accept the blue pencil of the censor. ─── 他们不得不接受检查员的修改。

47、Yesterday, network of public security bureau of saddle hill city is censorial detachment introduced whole details of a case to the reporter. ─── 昨日,鞍山市公安局网络监察支队向记者介绍了整个案情。

48、The director objected to the cuts ordered by the censor. ─── 导演反对按审查员的指令作删剪。

49、Various and censorial gear should admit from the altitude that maintains overall situation of entire party job.. ─── 各级监察机关要从维护全党工作大局的高度来认...

50、Roman censor and consul who built the first Roman aqueduct and began construction of the Appian Way. ─── 克劳迪亚斯,阿皮尤斯4世纪至3世纪罗马检查官和执政官,修建了第一条罗马高架渠并开始阿比恩大道的建设

51、The censor demanded that the scene be written out. ─── 审查员要求把这个情节抹掉。

52、This formidable censor of the public functionaries, by arraigning them at the tribunal of public opinion, produces reform peaceably, which must otherwise be done by revolution. ─── 强大的大众监督功能,与公众舆论仲裁结合,产生和平的变革。否则变革只能由革命达成。

53、The major mistake that Hua Wen produces in medium accountant activity, be stationed in by the Ministry of finance censorial commissioner agency instructs Hainan province finance rectify and reform. ─── 华闻传媒会计活动中发生的重大差错,被财政部驻海南省财政监察专员办事处责令整改。

54、Can China's government continue to censor all that is available online? ─── 也许不能吧,但是了解真相的渴望一定要先于真相的到来。

55、Other countries censor content, and not just rogue regimes such as the Iranian mullocracy. ─── 其他国家的审查内容不仅仅是诸如伊朗的动荡政权。

56、One ironworks catchs Tang Gang a few course of action that raw material imports censorial job can be drawn lessons from for our town enterprise. ─── 唐钢一炼铁厂抓原材料进口监察工作的一些作法可供我们乡镇企业借鉴。

57、The censor cut a bit of dialogue I had improvised. ─── 审查员删掉了我提出的一部分对白。

58、In advancing the style that opposes corrupt job and party to build a course, the discipline of the party is checked and censorial job is developing administration special main effect. ─── 在推进反腐败工作和党的作风建设过程中,党的纪律检查和行政监察工作发挥着特殊的重要作用。

59、The truth about cures without drugs is suppressed, unless it suits the purpose of the censor to garble it. ─── 关于非药物疗法的真相被压制,除非它迎合新闻审查官颠倒黑白的目的。

60、It's hard to prevent newspapers writing editorials, unless you censor them, criticizing the government if famines occur. ─── 如果发生了饥荒,是很难阻止报纸写社论来批评政府的,除非你搞审查制度。

61、Probing about Land Registration Mode and Censor Responsibility ─── 关于土地登记机关审查形式及其责任的探讨

62、Establish the special censor mechanism of the intellectual property rights in the significant economic activity. ─── 建立重大经济活动的知识产权特别审查机制。

63、So very strongly they impeached the corrupt censor for his scandalous conduct. ─── 他们群起而攻之,告发这位贪官的罪行。

64、But stealth parties offer the privileged a chance to consume without an inner censor chiding them for their spendthrift ways. ─── 但隐密的购物派对提供有钱阶级一个机会,让他们不必为了挥金如土感到内疚。

65、In the previous Q&A, you said you censor yourself in interviews sometimes. Have you ever regretted saying something to a journalist? ─── 在之前的访问中,你说你会在采访中注意自己的语言,那你有没有什么说过什么让你觉得后悔的呢?

66、Their words and deeds affected masses deeply, record be careful in one's conduct was established in masses heart the good figure of censorial cadre, it is the example that we learn. ─── 他们的言行深深感染了群众,在群众心中树立了纪检监察干部的良好形象,是我们学习的榜样。

67、MING-QING:Salt-control censor ─── 巡盐御史

68、A censor blipped the swear words ─── 审查员把粗鄙的话用哗哗声消掉。

69、The office or authority of a Roman censor. ─── 古罗马监察官的职位或权力

70、Before paragraph period Shanghai esteems bright county industrial and commercial bureau undertakes executing the law to building project project jointly with concerned branch censorial. ─── 前段时期上海市崇明县工商局会同有关部门对建设工程项目进行执法监察。

71、The goal that makes this byelaw is to enhance the security of special type equipment censorial, prevent and reduce an accident, ensure people life and belongings safety, stimulative economy grows. ─── 制定这个条例的目的是为了加强特种设备的安全监察,防止和减少事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济发展。

72、Don't write anything that will bother the censor. ─── 你可别写什么给检查员找麻烦的话。

73、His reports were blacked out by the censor. ─── 他的报导被审查员扣压不许刊登。

74、In the previous Q& A, you said you censor yourself in interviews sometimes. Have you ever regretted saying something to a journalist? ─── 在之前的访问中,你说你会在采访中注意自己的语言,那你有没有什么说过什么让你觉得后悔的呢?

75、MING-QING:Ward-inspecting censor ─── 巡视御史

76、On June 19, jiangxi province Public Security Department is communal safety of website sth resembling a net is censorial official put on record investigates total fleet. ─── 6月19日,江西省公安厅公共信息网络安全监察总队正式立案侦查。

77、In some cases they could take a film, submit it to the censor board, make the changes, satisfy the censor, get their license, and then release an UNCUT print. ─── 一般情况下,他们把自己的电影申报到审查机构,做些改变,满足审查要求,拿到许可证,然后放映未删除版本。

78、"I'm frustrated that they would want to censor that, especially because there are so many other ways of getting the same content," Montgomerie told the Guardian. ─── “我对他们的审查感到失望,特别是在有那么多其他途径可以得到同样内容的情况下”,蒙哥马利对卫报表示。

79、This house would censor the internet. ─── 应该对互联网实施审查。

80、The censorial power is in the people over the Government, and not in the Government over the people. ─── 所谓的检察权,是人民检察政府,不是政府检察人民。

81、Censor Limbaugh, Hannity & Savage! ─── 主题: Re: Censor the Oscars?

82、So, Comrade, tell me: why did you censor my website? ─── 同志能告诉我为啥封我的网站?

83、Break the law to be suspected of violating discipline, deliver discipline check in time censorial mechanism and judiciary penalize lawfully according to discipline. ─── 对涉嫌违纪违法的,及时移交纪检监察机关和司法机关依纪依法惩处。

84、For instance, in practicing a process, make patient ego censorial behavior and acknowledge. ─── 比如,在练习过程中,让病人自我监察行为和认知。

85、Censorial ministry website issues announcement, announce the country prevents corrupt bureau website to debut formally. ─── 监察部网站发布公告,公布国家预防腐败局网站正式开通。

86、Google said last week that it would no longer censor Web search results in China even if that meant it had to shut down its business operations there and leave the country. ─── 上周,谷歌表示即使意味着关闭中国区运营并撤离中国,也不会继续对中国网络搜索结果进行过滤审查。

87、) censor out risque passages in the book ─── 审查后把书中内容黄色下流的段落删去

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