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08-19 投稿


eschews 发音

英:[?s?t?u?z]  美:[?s?t?u?z]

英:  美:

eschews 中文意思翻译



eschews 短语词组

1、eschews food ─── 避开食物

2、eschews booze ─── 戒酒

3、eschews definition ─── 回避定义

4、eschews synonym ─── 避开同义词

5、eschews define ─── 回避定义

6、eschews complex ─── 回避复杂

7、eschews antonym ─── 避开反义词

eschews 词性/词形变化,eschews变形

动词过去式: eschewed |名词: eschewal |动词第三人称单数: eschews |动词现在分词: eschewing |动词过去分词: eschewed |

eschews 相似词语短语

1、eschewal ─── n.避免;回避;逃避

2、eschars ─── n.[外科]焦痂(烧伤后的疮痂)

3、eschewed ─── vt.避免;避开;远避

4、chews ─── n.咀嚼;求斯糖;咀嚼物(chew的复数);v.咀嚼;咬(chew的三单形式)

5、eschew ─── vt.避免;避开;远避

6、escheats ─── n.归还财产;充公;vt.归还;没收;vi.被没收;被征用

7、escrows ─── n.暂由第三者保存的契据;暂交第三方保管的保证金(或款项);暂由第三方保管;v.把……交由第三方保管以待条件实现

8、eschewer ─── 回避

9、escheat ─── n.归还财产;充公;vt.归还;没收;vi.被没收;被征用

eschews 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It eschews ropes for customer queues. ─── 它也避免使用绳子让客户排队。

2、Country music eschews the "electronic" sound so typical of much pop music. ─── 乡村音乐抛开了在流行乐中用得很广的“电子”声。

3、Today, he pretty much eschews the public investment arena, confining himself to an exploration of mechanical trading ideas for personal use. ─── 现在,他刻意回避投资界,把自己关起来,潜心研究自己用的机械交易思想。

4、Here, Allan Poe eschews didacticism ─── 在这种地方爱伦?坡避免说教。

5、Eschew fattening foods if you want to lose weight. ─── 你如想减肥,就不要吃致肥的食物。

6、For example, many corporate training specialists ignore or eschew my work on problem solving, because in American corporate cultures, to admit that a problem exists causes a loss of social capital. ─── 例如,许多社团的培训专家忽略或故意回避我在问题解决上的工作,这是因为在美国的公司文化里,承认问题的存在将会导致社会资本的损失。

7、Once again he eschews chalkboard economics in favour of a reader-friendly guide to the economics of everyday life. ─── 在书中,作者仍未运用经济学理论,支持在生活中的经济学上给予方便读者的引导。

8、The fund also eschews Wal-Mart, a big American retailer, because of its hostility to unions.Yet such scruples seem to go out of the window when it comes to globe-warming oil and gas. ─── 挪威政府卖掉了其在世界第二大矿业公司RioTinto中持有的股份,以免它拥有一份股权的矿区将可能在印度尼西亚引起“严重的环境破坏”。

9、Some XML programmers eschew attributes altogether for this reason, but I think that goes too far. ─── 一些XML程序员由于这个原因而完全避开了属性,但我认为太过分了。

10、But many eschew non-academic activities, as their society places greater emphasis on paper qualifications. ─── 不过,他们却对非学术性的活动不感兴趣,因为他们来自只重视文凭的社会。

11、eschew bad company ─── 不交坏朋友

12、Yet in China, firms like Mr Zhang's eschew brands of their own, and keep a low profile, in order to win contracts from several competing foreign firms. ─── 但是在中国,像张这类公司根本无视自有品牌,把自己定位于低端的制造商,只为在与国外公司竞争中能赢得合同。

13、Finally, a good Web dashboard eschews over-elaborate graphs. ─── 最后,一个好的web指示板会避开过于精细的图片。

14、Effectively, an SXML document is like an XML document that eschews attributes, but sometimes nests a child inside other elements. ─── 事实上,SXML文档非常类似于规避了属性的XML文档,但有时候在其它元素内嵌套了子元素。

15、Obama also called Monday for pay-as-you-go spending, to avoid having new programs swell the deficits, but the legislation that the House will consider Wednesday eschews that approach. ─── 奥巴马星期一还呼吁国会批准现收现付的开支,以避免新项目造成赤字的膨胀,但众议院周三的议程将避开这一议题。

16、China used to eschew multilateralism, distrusting it as some kind of (Western) conspiracy. ─── 中国曾经一直不信任并且回避多边主义,认为它在某种程度上是一种(西式)阴谋。

17、They eschew number-crunching and regression models in favour of personal issues. ─── 新一代商学院教员避免摆弄数字,也不搞衰退模型,而喜欢研究个性化问题。

18、It eschews the idea of a central repository, and works on the principle that every developer has a repository. ─── 它避开了中央资料库的概念,而采用了每个开发人员都有一个资料库的原则。

19、eschew political discussion ─── 回避政治讨论.

20、It eschews the universalism claimed for western democracy and resents the implication that its own political and social order is inferior. ─── 中国不理会西方民主普遍性之说,并对认为其政治和社会秩序不如西方的暗示表示愤慨。

21、Ideology transcends limits, eschews restraints, and disdains tolerance or conciliation ─── 意识形态越出界限,避开遏制,蔑视宽容或和解。

22、Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences may be such that the sensible person eschews certain varieties of it. ─── 寻欢本身是大善,所有的寻欢,只是结果可能是某些感性人回避欢乐的某些丰富性。

23、Of that higher plain, they would eschew. ─── 在那高高的平台上,他们将脱离尘世。

24、Hence the Sage eschews excess, eschews extravagance, eschews pride. ─── 是以为圣人去甚,去奢,去泰。

25、And policymakers mostly eschew metaphysics.Instead, they try to break such links by spending to “end child poverty” and by targeting health and education initiatives on the neediest. ─── 决策者们大都避开形而上学的空谈,他们通过投入资金以解决儿童贫穷和将穷人作为健康和教育行动的目标,试图打破这样的联系。

26、He needs to eschew easy gestures, just as he should have avoided delighting a few populists this week by closing down a scheme that lets Mexican trucks into America. ─── 他需要避免简单的回答,就像这周,他应该避免为了取悦一些平民党党员而否决让墨西哥卡车进入美国的计划。

27、Mr.Champion says he personally eschews extended warranties on nearly all products. ─── 查皮恩说,他本人几乎不会给任何一种商品办理延期保修。

28、Believe in the real, not in gods and ghosts. Be responsible, don't daydream or be reckless. Love your family, eschew wine and lust. Speak true, not hollow words. ─── 不要信神,不要信鬼,相信真理最重要;不要妄想,不要妄为,不如实干最重要;不要爱酒,不要爱色,要爱家庭最重要;不要空说,不要空话,要说真话最重要。

29、The budget, due to be presented on February 26th, promises to eschew accounting gimmicks, paint an unvarnished picture of America's fiscal future, and to reduce the deficit to 3% of GDP by 2013. ─── 2月26日提交的预算承诺会计骗局,为美国财政前景描绘了一幅蓝图,到2013年将赤字降低到GDP的3%。

30、Few have offices, many eschew e-mail and the only blackberries to be found are in the dining room, beneath a thick layer of crumble. ─── 他们没有办公地点、逃避工作,黑莓只有在餐厅才找得到,上面还覆盖着厚厚面包屑。

31、But because he chooses deliberately to eschew balance (he says “balance” is used too often to “control and select” discourse), his own account is disturbingly selective. ─── 但因为他故意选择避开平衡(他认为,“平衡”太频繁地用于“控制和选择”话语),他的解释具有令人不安的选择性。

32、In a society that eschews prejudice, favouring the beautiful seems about as shallow as you can get. ─── 在一个对”偏见“退避三舍的社会里,偏袒美丽似乎被认为是再肤浅不过的做法了。

33、But Hu eschews the limelight and the personal give-and-take that delighted his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who once tried to get Queen Elizabeth II to sing karaoke. ─── 但是他避免引人注目,不喜欢抛头露面,这和他的前任者不同。江有一次曾试图邀请伊丽莎白II去唱卡拉OK。

34、In a society that eschews prejudice, favouring the beautiful seems about as shallow as you can get. ─── 在一个对”偏见“退避三舍的社会里,偏袒美丽似乎被认为是再肤浅不过的做法了。

35、Despite Kamprad's fortune, he eschews luxury. ─── 尽管拥有巨额财产,坎普拉德一向避免奢侈。

36、Asked why LeT had been able to "bounce back so quickly" , Mr Singh eschews the platitudes of international diplomacy. ─── 当被问及为什么虔诚军能够“如此迅速地卷土重来”时,辛格抛开了国际外交策略中的陈词滥调。

37、Even companies that eschew formal open-source licenses engage in open practices in order to attract outside developers and business partners. ─── 为了吸引外部开发者和商业伙伴,甚至那些回避开源许可证的公司也参与开放实践。

38、And in Arizona, some complain that their tax dollars are being used to create programs for families who, essentially, eschew participation in public life. ─── 在亚利桑那州,有人抱怨他们缴纳的税金被用来设立一些专门为那些实际上逃避社会生活的家庭参加的项目。

39、Mr Bernstein eschews a rigidly chronological narrative in favour of a more thematic approach. ─── 威廉彭斯特恩不落窠臼,避免了呆板地按时间顺序一一赘述,而是采用了一种主题更加鲜明的方式。

40、But Ms Mantel eschews the usual damning view of Cromwell, called “Henry VIII's most notorious minister” in a recent non-fiction biography. ─── 但是曼特尔并没有和大多数人一样用批判性的眼光看待他,克伦威尔在最近出版的非虚构传记文学中被称作是“亨利八世统治时期最臭名昭著的大臣”。

41、It will take political courage for the Chinese to eschew a weak currency and for an American treasury secretary to unveil fiscal details in Beijing. ─── 中国要避免人民币疲软需要政策上的扶持,而美财长要公布其财政细节也要政策上的鼓励。

42、"Eschew evil, and do good" (Book of Common Prayer). ─── “不做恶事,做善事” (普通祈祷者手册)。

43、" Some people consider Fairs immoral altogether, and eschew such, with their servants and families: very likely they are right. ─── 有人认为这个场子完全离经叛道,于是带着全家和佣人敬而远之,恰恰他们是正确的。

44、Slow travelers eschew plane travel and especially short breaks in distant places. ─── 慢旅族们放弃搭乘飞机旅行,也不会选择去远途的地方做短暂停留。

45、Good kid should eschew bad company. ─── 好孩子应避免交坏朋友。

46、The architecture eschews the need for significant concrete foundations and aims to use simple construction techniques to touch lightly on the site. ─── 建筑杜绝需要大量混凝土基础,目的在于用简单的施工技术,轻轻触摸就现场。

47、Unlike most wealthy Chinese diners, Mr Chen eschews Hong Yan Goose Heaven's private European rooms for a table in the middle of the main floor. ─── 与多数富有的中国用餐者不同,陈修洪没有选择鸿雁鹅庄的欧式包间,而是选择了大厅中间的一张桌子。

48、We should obviously eschew political fanaticism. ─── 对政治热心过头,导致狂热,绝非好事。

49、Those who inflict injuries on themselves to eschew military duties in wartime shall be sentenced to not more than three years in prison. ─── 战时自伤身体,逃避军事义务的,处三年以下有期徒刑

50、Once again he eschews chalkboard economics in favour of areader-friendly guide to the economics of everyday life. ─── 在书中,作者再次避免经济学的刻板说教,支持在生活中的经济学上给予方便读者的引导。

51、Someone who makes responsible purchases, even if their home is full of unused doodads and Marie Osmond dolls, is no better or worse than the person who eschews such items. ─── 无论简单的生活方式是包括一个永恒的游泳池及鱼子酱还是包括稀疏的单位和拉面,这实在是一个模拟点。

52、The fact is that China's demand for oil more than tripled over the last 15 years, and few analysts expect the country's double-digit economic growth to eschew a similar demand for oil in coming years. ─── 事实上,中国的石油需求过去15年中增长了两倍以上,没有什么分析师预计经济增长率达两位数的中国未来几年中能把石油消费量增速降下来。

53、Stressing that China's growth is linked to that of the world, he warned the US to eschew "excuses to interfere in other countries' internal affairs or contain other countries' development. ─── 吴邦国强调中国的发展与世界的发展息息相关,因此他告诫美国不要干涉别国内政或者阻碍别国发展。

54、Even cognitive research that eschews brain scans is scoring intriguing results. ─── 就连回避脑部扫描的认知研究也取得了令人瞩目的结果。

55、Leffler's muted palette and fine lines eschew exaggerating the situation; ─── 把心暖暖,你会发现,关心的真正内涵是给予别人真正需要的;

56、They must take the vow of absolute continence and eschew all thought of greed and lust. ─── 他们必须发誓要绝对禁欲,避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。

57、Obama's shyness about his physique even applies on the basketball court: He eschews the shorts typical to the game in favour of long dark workout pants and a tucked-in T-shirt. ─── 奥巴马甚至在篮球场上也羞于展示自己的体格:他没有穿比赛中常见的短裤,而偏爱深色的长工作裤和掖起来的T恤。

58、Nappers often have better memories and remain more alert than people in their age group who eschew naps. ─── 打盹的人通常比他们同年龄中少打盹的人记忆力更好,警惕性也更高。

59、” Some people consider Fairs immoral altogether, and eschew such, with their servants and families: very likely they are right. ─── 他不时的会碰上一两件事,或是幽默得逗人发笑,或是显得出人心忠厚的一面,使人感动。

60、Mr Obama rightly eschews Mr Bush's crudely Manichaean simplifications of the “war on terror”. ─── 奥巴马明智的避免和他的前任一样,在“反恐战争”议题上简单粗暴地搞(摩尼教式的)正邪对决。

61、In a hectic, confusing world, it helps to step out into a quiet, clear swath of moonlight, to seek out the fundamentals and eschew the incidentals. ─── 在一个喧嚣、混乱的世界上,走进一片宁静、清新的月光,去寻循事物的根本,避开不期而至的变故,那可真是大有裨益。

62、However, Noddings eschews what she sees as the liberal tradition in favor of more important and essential centers of care (Noddings, 1992). ─── 但是, 点头避免她看见什麽作为那些慷慨道统支付给 小心(点头,1992)的更重要和必要的中心 .

63、Thus, marketing managers are encouraged to eschew the dogma of marketing warfare to assume a co-competitor mind-set and consider the potential benefits of not only competing with their rivals but also building effective alliances with them. ─── 所以,营销管理者应避免遵从营销战的教条,从而形成与竞争者合作的思想,考虑与对手其建立有效联盟能带来的潜在利益。

64、From this you may gather that Blake eschews more prosaic explanations for the circles. ─── 从这些话里你或许能发现,布莱克对怪圈的看法绝不单调。

65、In fact, Scala eschews the use of "static" altogether. ─── 事实上,Scala完全避开了static的使用。

66、Mr Fryer eschews histrionics in favour of hard data. ─── 弗莱尔倾向于避开演说,依靠实据。

67、You eschew complexity, favoring simple solutions. ─── 你不喜欢复杂,热爱简单。

68、It will eschew broad teenage farein favor of movies targeted at narrower audiences such as blacks and young women。 ─── 它将避免广泛的青少年节目,而喜欢针对更窄一些的像黑人和年轻妇女一样的观众。

69、We celebrate individuality, but eschew the individualism that stifles creativity, inhibits collaboration, and limits intelligence. ─── 我们赞美个性,但我远避扼杀创造性、限制合作和智慧的个人主义。

70、Extreme Programming (XP) -- XP is a lightweight methodology that eschews formal modeling and analysis in favor of a "test first" approach. ─── 极限编程(ExtremeProgramming,XP)——XP是轻量级方法,避免了与“测试第一”方法相关的正式建模和分析。

71、Their duty is first so to deal with other nations as to avoid strife and war and to eschew aggression in all its forms, whether for nationalistic or ideological objects. ─── 他们的职责,首先是在与其他国家交往中避免引起冲突和战争,并避免各种形式的侵略行为,不论其目的是民族主义的还是意识形态的。

72、a dictator who eschews interactive communications perhaps does so only at the peril of healthy economic growth. ─── 回避交互通讯技术的独裁者这样做,也许只会危及经济的健康增长。

73、Some thing be much better eschew than chewed; tobacco be one of them . ─── 有些东西是最好避而不嚼,烟是为其中之一。

74、Will she learn to accept the fact that the one event she has so diligently planned has turned into one she will do everything to eschew? ─── 她是否能学会接受这样一个事实:即她曾经精心策划的一个事件如今已变成她要全力加以回避的事呢?

75、Indeed, Norway, the country with the most experience in investing national wealth, has developed an endowment model that eschews direct investments. ─── 事实上,挪威这个最擅长于投资国家财富的国家已经建立了一种保障模式从来避开了直接投资。

76、However, Carr eschews an entirely dystopian vision for the future, hypothesizing without prognosticating. ─── 所以,被网民称为,最懂得美国经济的脱俗的经济学家。

77、Mr.Shi's planned do-it-yourself variety show will eschew celebrities, flash and, in some cases, talent. ─── 施孟奇计划中的“山寨版”春晚将避开名人、盛大的场面、还有专业人士。

78、Normal organisms use right-handed sugars and left-handed amino acids almost exclusively, and eschew their mirror-image equivalents.But what if shadow life developed the opposite preference? ─── 我们能确定生命已在地球上进化了一次,那么进化两次也是有可能的啰?

79、Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. ─── 11也要离恶行善。寻求和睦,一心追赶。

80、Here, Allan Poe eschews didacticism. ─── 在这种地方爱伦·坡避免说教。

81、Eschew evil, and do good (Book of Common Prayer). ─── 不做恶事,做善事(普通祈祷者手册)。

82、eschew wine ─── 戒酒

83、Once again, many users are happy to eschew higher performance in order to save money. ─── 再说,为了省钱,许多用户会舍弃更高的性能。对此,他们还是比较开心的。

84、Thus there is now a "third stream" that attempts to combine East and West, and does not eschew looking to the Chinese tradition for answers. This could well become a major trend medicine in the next century. ─── 于是,从照顾了中国人几千年的中医体系里挖宝,跨越中西医界线的“第三医学”,便可望成为下一世纪的医学主流。

85、It will eschew broad teenage fare (which is expensive to advertise) in favor of movies targeted at narrower audiences such as blacks and young women。 ─── 它将避免广泛的青少年节目(做广告非常昂贵),而喜欢针对更窄一些的像黑人和年轻妇女一样的观众。

86、To some extent, we can pick jobs we like and eschew ones we don't if the pay gap is modest. ─── 多一点收入固然好,但随着我们慢慢步入40岁、50岁,独立掌控、自我表现等无形需求开始变得很重要。

87、In a society that eschews prejudice, favouring the beautiful seemsabout as shallow as you can get. ─── 如果算上生理优势带来的过人经历,他(她)们身上又会更添魅力。

88、Domestically, US leaders eschew religious intolerance. ─── 在国内,美国领导人采取宗教上的宽容政策。

89、And all others that eschew the use of load stabilisation networks and thus carry serious health-warnings about which cables to use with them and which not. ─── 也可以用于没有对高音喇叭进行补偿的有设计缺陷的音箱。

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