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08-19 投稿


chiropody 发音

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英:  美:

chiropody 中文意思翻译



chiropody 词性/词形变化,chiropody变形

名词: chiropodist |

chiropody 短语词组

1、chiropody tools ─── 手足类工具

2、chiropody means ─── 手足指

3、chiropody forms ─── 手足类

4、chiropody felt ─── 手足毛毡

5、chiropody care ─── 手足病护理

6、chiropody frome ─── 手足类动物

7、chiropody chitty ─── 小足类

chiropody 相似词语短语

1、chilopods ─── n.唇足类;蜈蚣(chilopod的复数形式)

2、schizopods ─── n.裂足类动物

3、chilopodan ─── 奇洛波丹

4、chilopod ─── n.蜈蚣

5、chirology ─── n.手语术;手相学;手的研究

6、chiropodist ─── n.手足病医生;足科医生

7、chironomy ─── 摇蚊学

8、chirognomy ─── n.手相术

9、chiropodial ─── 手足类

chiropody 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the ground floor is the prehabilitation area.Here players will be worked upon prior to going out onto the training pitch.This may involve, for example, physiotherapy, massage, chiropody etc. ─── 第一层是球员恢复区,球员们在重返训练场之前都先要在这里接受治疗,这些治疗包括理疗、按摩、手足疗等等。

2、animal wool for chiropody ─── 手足医用毛

3、Doctor of Surgical Chiropody ─── 外科手足医术博士, 足外科博士

4、Podiatry (or chiropody ) is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot , ankle and lower leg. ─── 足医学(手足医学)是医学的一个分支,主要是研究、诊断和治疗足、踝和小腿疾病的学科。

5、In addition to the facilities listed, the hotel has massage facilities, manicure and chiropody, cot, special menu for children, CCTV in parking spaces and a dentist surgery. ─── 除了所列的设施,酒店提供按摩、修甲、足疗、视频监视的停车场和牙医手术治疗。地区和健康公园都提供大量节目和一流的休闲业余活动。

6、Use the particular cure of chiropody, so, lighten suffering of sufferer. ─── 治疗脚病有独特方法方式,使患者无痛苦并迅速康复!

7、Use the particular cure of chiropody, so, lighten suffering of sufferer. ─── 治疗脚病有独特方法方式,使患者无痛苦并迅速康复!

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