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08-19 投稿


anaemic 发音


英:  美:

anaemic 中文意思翻译



anaemic 网络释义

adj. 贫血的,患贫血症的;无活力的

anaemic 词性/词形变化,anaemic变形


anaemic 短语词组

1、anaemic define ─── 贫血定义

2、anaemic growth ─── 贫血性生长

3、anaemic definition ─── 贫血定义

4、anaemic eyes ─── 贫血眼

5、anaemic puppy ─── 贫血小狗

6、anaemic def ─── 贫血

7、anaemic food ─── 贫血食物

8、anaemic hypoxia ─── 贫血性缺氧

9、anaemic means ─── 贫血

anaemic 相似词语短语

1、anemic ─── adj.患贫血症的,贫血的

2、anaemia ─── n.贫血(症);无活力;脸色苍白

3、spanaemic ─── 西班牙式

4、academic ─── adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者

5、anatomic ─── adj.组织的;解剖学上的;结构上的

6、anaemias ─── n.贫血(症);无活力;脸色苍白

7、anoxaemic ─── 缺氧的

8、anthemic ─── adj.激发热情的;颂歌式的

9、anoxemic ─── adj.血缺氧的;缺氧血症的

anaemic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was a blond, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome. ─── 他是个头发金黄、没精打采的人,脸上没有血色,样子还不难看。

2、She looks anaemic. ─── 她看来像是有贫血症。

3、If although anaemic reason already was found out, but the cure of basic disease hard be successful, anaemic also difficult eradicative, can take pair of disease therapy only. ─── 如果贫血的原因虽已查明,但基本疾病的治疗难以奏效,则贫血亦难根除,只能采取对症治疗。

4、Observation of Curative Effect of Lizhusaile on Anoxic and Anaemic Enceph-Alopathy of Newborn Infants ─── 丽珠赛乐治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病疗效观察

5、Is anaemic person drinking drug from time to tome those inedible? ─── 贫血的人在喝药时有那些不能吃的?

6、Despite its anaemic condition, most visitors to San Jose at least know where downtown is. ─── 尽管并不尽如人意,到圣何塞的游客至少还能找到市中心在哪。

7、If children appears anaemic, diagnose is caused for vitamin B12 lack, can flesh notes vitamin B12, till blood picture returns to normal. ─── 如果小儿出现贫血,确诊为维生素B12缺乏引起,可以肌注维生素B12,到血象恢复正常为止。

8、Of angelica fight anaemic action, what the likelihood contains ? of B12 of nicotinic acid, vitamin to wait with its about. ─── 当归的抗贫血作用,可能与其所含烟酸、维生素B12?等有关。

9、ovine anaemic syndrone ─── 羊贫血综合征

10、As long as the global and regional equity markets remain volatile and anaemic, the INR is likely to continue to weaken as portfolio capital is pulled from EM. ─── 如果全球和亚洲股市继续动荡、低迷,那么随着投资组合资本撤出新兴市场,印度卢比很可能会继续疲软。

11、But at the other end of the trail that starts with financial woes in rich countries are underweight children and anaemic expectant mothers in poor ones. ─── 但是在这场从发达国家的财务困境开始的危机追溯中,位于其另一端的情况是穷国中体重日渐下降的儿童和患贫血症的准妈妈们。

12、Splenectomy art, anaemic to differring effect is very abhorrent. ─── 脾切除术,对不同贫血的效果很不一致。

13、Containing angelica essence for penetration into your body, it can strengthen body, activate channels, moisture intestines and enrich blood, especially loved by weak and anaemic ladies. ─── 当归药料加入汤泉药力由外向内渗透,强身健体,活络筋脉、肠,补血尤为贫血体弱的妇女衷爱。

14、an anaemic attempt to hit the baseball ─── 无力的击球动作

15、Ferreous medicaments: If fight anaemic drug vitriolic ferrous, drink milk to be able to reduce the absorption of its iron; ─── 含铁的药物:如抗贫血药硫酸亚铁等,喝牛奶可降低其铁的吸收;

16、Who knows anaemic symptom? Why to meet such ah? ─── 有谁知道贫血的症状?为什么会这样啊?

17、Tests showed that she was very anaemic. ─── 化验表明她非常贫血。

18、This helped make up for anaemic demand in the US and Europe, which had been using up their stocks, but now demand there had "stabilised" . ─── 这有助于填补了欧美国家的需求不旺。在这段时间内欧美国家已经用光了他们的库存,现在欧美国家需求趋向稳定。

19、In short, look for a post-bubble world to remain in recession throughout 2009, followed by an anaemic recovery, at best, in 2010. ─── 简言之,预计后泡沫世界将在2009年全年持续衰退,在最好的情况下,于2010年出现疲弱的复苏。

20、Is the meeting anaemic after donating blood? ─── 献血之后会贫血么?

21、His murder is a big setback for Mr Golding and for Jamaica, whose anaemic economy and indebted government are saddled with several loss-making state enterprises. ─── 乔布斯的被害对戈尔丁和牙买加则是一重创,牙买加缺少活力的经济现状和负债累累的政府还要背负挽救若干亏损国有企业的负担。

22、But if the woman hasMenstruationThe overmuch and coinstantaneous sex that be short of iron is anaemic, can be remarkable low pigment model. ─── 但如妇女有月经过多而同时发生缺铁性贫血,则可以是显著的低色素型。

23、Also some meetings control a new life hematopoiesis function, or cause serious icteric as anaemic as haemolysis sex; ─── 也有的会抑制新生儿的造血功能,或引起严重的黄疸与溶血性贫血;

24、The bigger problem is that once employment growth resumes, it will probably remain anaemic. ─── 更大的问题在于,就业一旦增加,它仍有可能持续疲软。

25、Maggie said she grew up in India and as a child was so anaemic that she was forced to eat raw liver. ─── 玛吉说她在印度长大,从小就患上了患贫血症,并被逼着食用生肝脏。

26、Haemal examination: Anaemic constant more remarkable, it is big cell, normal to belong to pigment. ─── 血液检查:贫血常较显著,属大细胞、正常色素型。

27、The February stimulus package was badly designed, and its anaemic effects offset by soaring oil and food prices. ─── 二月份一揽子刺激方案的设计很糟糕,它的效果被高涨的石油和食品价格抵消了。

28、The Relationship Between the Level of Stamina Athletes'Red Blood Cell and Anaemic ─── 耐力运动员血睾酮水平改变与贫血的关系

29、She looks anaemic. ─── 她看来像是有贫血症。

30、Malign and haemolysis sex anaemia, anaemic patient is cadaverous in contain those who fizzle out is tonal. ─── 溶血性贫血、恶性贫血患者苍白中带有黄的色调。

31、Does anaemic and serious meeting get leukaemia? ─── 贫血严重会得白血病吗?

32、anaemic spinal disease ─── 亚急性混合变性

33、Their hair was but half attended to, their ears anaemic in hue, and their shoes broken in leather and run down at heel and toe. ─── 他们的头发不大梳理,耳朵缺少血色,皮鞋已经穿破,前露脚趾,后露脚跟。

34、Can anaemic and serious word become leukaemia? ─── 贫血严重的话会不会成为白血病?

35、Does anaemic person get leukaemia more easily? ─── 是不是贫血的人就较容易得白血病?

36、The main deseases which affet children health are:hypoevolutism,low body weight,anaemic,obesity. ─── 影响儿童健康的主要疾病是发育迟缓、低体重、贫血、肥胖。

37、Accordingly, to the skin, those who observe mucous membrane of armour bed, oral cavity and eye conjunctiva is cadaverous, anaemic to judgement existence has clinical value more. ─── 因此,相对于皮肤来说,观察甲床、口腔粘膜和眼结膜的苍白,对判断贫血的存在则更有临床价值。

38、Rapid clamping of the umbilicus, then, seems to cause one child in 20 to become anaemic, at least in the early months of its life. ─── 看起来速钳法在每20个儿童中便导致一例在其出生后的最初几个月内发生贫血。

39、Beset by hunger and illness, many are scrawny(65% of adult men in Udaipur are underweight), over half are anaemic, and about a seventh suffer from impaired eyesight. ─── 由于深受饥饿和疾病折磨,很多人面黄肌瘦(乌特迪尔,65%成年人偏瘦)超过一半的人患有败血症,还约有七分之一的人视力受损。

40、If uremia, exsanguine sex is anaemic, have a fever, when much sweat, dehydrate and large dose hormone are treated, all can bring about water, electrolyte the balance is disorder. ─── 如尿毒症、失血性贫血、发烧、多汗、脱水及大剂量激素治疗时,均可导致水、电解质平衡紊乱。

41、Beset by hunger and illness, many are scrawny (65% of adult men in Udaipur are underweight), over half are anaemic, and about a seventh suffer from impaired eyesight. ─── 由于深受饥饿和疾病折磨,很多人面黄肌瘦(在乌特迪尔,65%的成年人偏瘦),超过一半的人患有败血症,还约有七分之一的人视力受损。

42、Uric road is affected (basically be chronic pyelonephritis) break out for a long time repeatedly, a certain number of likelihoods after year appear anaemic. ─── 尿路感染(主要是慢性肾盂肾炎)长期反复发作,若干年后可能出现贫血。

43、But he adds that the price of failure could be a financial crisis that would probably turn anaemic growth into a recession or worse. ─── 不过他还说,如果这个计划不能实现,那可能会导致新的金融危机,让本就增长乏力的经济陷入衰退,甚至有更糟糕的结果。

44、Occupied is when crouching to stand again, dizziness anaemic? ─── 有事蹲下再站起的时候头晕是贫血吗?

45、Others say that with supply outpacing anaemic consumption, traders need the incentive of higher forward prices to store petroleum the world does not need. ─── 也有人表示,由于目前石油供应量超过了贫乏的需求,交易商们需要更高远期价格的刺激来储存世界目前不需要的石油。

46、Mucous sex oedema and hypophysis function drop, adrenal coriaceous function drops reaching sexual gland function to be not worth is clinical appear the most easily anaemic endocrine disease. ─── 粘液性水肿与垂体功能减退、肾上腺皮质功能减退及性腺功能不足是临床最易出现贫血的内分泌疾病。

47、What therapy can anaemic person take? ─── 贫血的人可以吃什么治疗?

48、Clinical expression is complexion cadaverous, spirit is dispirited, inappetence, lack of power wait for chronic and anaemic symptom. ─── 临床表现为面色苍白,精神萎靡,食欲不振,乏力等慢性贫血症状。

49、(Hemopoietic system behaves 2) : Haemorrhage of spot of Yu of anaemic, nosebleed, skin and gastric bowel path. ─── (2)造血系统表现:贫血、鼻血、皮肤瘀斑和胃肠道出血等。

50、Clinical examination discovers, acute again the clinical body of barrier asks for expression to be anaemic countenance, eyelid conjunctiva and armour bed are cadaverous. ─── 临床检查发现,急性型再障的临床体征表现为贫血面容,睑结膜及甲床苍白。

51、Does anaemic meeting bring about leukaemia? ─── 贫血会导致白血病么?

52、Red blood cell is pressed indigestion reduce, state blood is thinner, complete blood viscosity also drops accordingly, mean airframe to have exsanguine or anaemic. ─── 红细胞压积降低,则表示血液较薄,全血粘度也相应下降,意味着机体有失血或贫血。

53、The Influence of Bazhen Decoction on Hematopoietic Modulator in Anaemic Mice ─── 八珍汤对血虚模型小鼠造血调控因子影响的实验研究

54、Just as there are signs of a nascent US recovery, Washington may be about to douse whatever anaemic growth prospects are on offer. ─── 正当美国经济初露复苏苗头之际,华盛顿可能给本已十分低迷的经济增长前景再浇上一盆冷水。

55、(3) skin: The skin is sere, hair lacks luster common at heavier chronic and anaemic patient. ─── (3)皮肤:皮肤干枯,毛发缺少光泽常见于较重的慢性贫血患者。

56、Sheet radiates with thymus cure cannot alleviate anaemic. ─── 单用胸腺放射治疗不能缓解贫血。

57、an anaemic performance ─── 一场有气无力的表演

58、Factitious what is anaemic? What symptom does anaemia have? How to treat anaemia? ─── 人为什么会贫血?贫血有哪些症状?怎样治疗贫血?

59、anaemic performance ─── 有气无力的表演

60、Sample of factitious what blood has leukaemia disease general and anaemic circumstance? ─── 白血病病人为什么血样有普遍贫血情况?

61、Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation? ─── 贫血会加重乙肝吗?

62、Containing angelica essence, it penetrates into the body in order to strengthen it, activating channels, moisturizes intestines and enriching blood, especially loved by the weak and anaemic ladies. ─── 当归药料加入汤泉药力由外向内渗透,强身健体,活络筋脉、润肠,补血尤为贫血体弱的妇女衷爱。

63、Strengthen antenatal examination, discover as intercurrent as seasonable cure disease with Li as soon as possible, if anaemic 、 is gravidHypertensiveAsk for integratedly etc; ─── 加强产前检查,以利及早发现与及时治疗并发症,如贫血、妊娠高血压综合征等;

64、What should anaemic patient notice? ─── 贫血患者应该注意什么?

65、Anaemic and serious person, eye ground is cadaverous most common. ─── 贫血严重者,眼底苍白最为常见。

66、Haemorrhage is one of anaemic and common causes, can cause because of different account, adopt proper remedy hemostatic it is very important. ─── 出血是贫血常见的原因之一,可因不同的原因引起,采取适当的治疗措施止血是很重要的。

67、anaemic economy ─── 萧条的经济

68、How ability is not anaemic, enhance strength? ? ? ─── 怎样才能不贫血,增强抵抗力???

69、I am anaemic recently, how to treat. ─── 最近我贫血,怎么治疗。

70、If many plasmodium appears in the blood of children patient, anaemic and OK special and serious, die even. ─── 如果儿童患者的血液中出现大量的疟原虫,贫血可以非常严重,甚至死亡。

71、Anaemic clinical expression decides the anoxic rate at each organ and organization, and each organ, organization is opposite the body anoxic acting countervail function and get used to ability. ─── 贫血的临床表现决定于各器官和组织的缺氧程度,以及身体各器官、组织对缺氧的代偿功能和适应能力。

72、Why to crouch long or sit long when standing up, can giddy head bilges, at the moment nigrescent! Be anaemic cause? How to solve? ─── 为什么蹲久了或坐久了站起来的时候会头晕脑胀,眼前发黑!是贫血引起的吗?怎样解决?

73、What is anaemic symptom? What treats way? ─── 贫血的症状是什么?有什么治疗办法?

74、Aguish patient can have the hemolysis of different level because of illness weight, anaemic majority is in coming gently, spend, can come sometimes very serious. ─── 疟疾患者可因病情轻重而有不同程度的溶血,贫血多数为轻至中度,有时可至很严重。

75、What should anaemic person notice? ─── 贫血的人要注意什么?

76、She looks anaemic in my opinion. ─── 我看她像有贫血症。

77、The Fed has taken pains to emphasise that the preparation does not indicate an imminent change in strategy, as the recovery remains anaemic. ─── 美联储不厌其烦地强调,由于复苏仍然疲弱,这种准备措施并不意味着立即改变战略。

78、That, investors fear, means it could be the next target for a downgrade, especially if already anaemic economic growth falters further. ─── 投资者担心,这意味着法国会成为下一个降级的目标;如果原本虚弱的经济增长继续低迷,情况会更糟。

79、Is my blood depress slight and anaemic can you donate blood? ─── 我血压低轻微贫血能献血么?

80、Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic, glossitis, diarrhoea. ─── 大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。

81、There is no clear consensus among ractising orthopaedic surgeons on rescribing oral iron tablets to elderly anaemic hi fracture atients in the ost-o erative eriod. ─── 在骨科医师中没有明确的一致意见给髋关节骨折术后的病人开口服铁剂药物吃。

82、Anaemic and serious? What symptom does anaemia have? ─── 贫血严重吗?贫血有什么症状?

83、(5) plaque reduces sexual purpura, haemorrhage sex purpura, leukaemia, anaemic, septicemia, lupus erythematosus to wait. ─── (5)血小板减少性紫癜、出血性紫癜、白血病、贫血、败血症、红斑狼疮等。

84、He is an asthmatic who is also anaemic. ─── 他是一个哮喘病人,并且还贫血。

85、By contrast, experiments at verse drama have looked anaemic. ─── 相形之下,诗剧方面的实验却显得贫弱。

86、Ample spare capacity, low levels of profitability, high and rising unemployment, anaemic growth in labour income and ongoing housing market corrections will moderate any uptick in private demand. ─── 大量的闲置产能、盈利能力偏低、居高不下且还在上升的失业率、劳动收入增长疲软、住房市场持续回调,这些因素将延缓私人需求的回升步伐。

87、To the body: Use at asthma, anaemic, burn, dermatitis, dyspeptic, the effect such as insomnia. ─── 对身体:用于气喘,贫血,烧伤,皮肤炎,消化不良,失眠等功效。

88、Anaemic patient is clinical on occurrence symptom and body are asked for, the part is the expression of anaemic itself, the part is the performance that causes anaemic the primary affection. ─── 贫血患者临床上出现的症状和体征,部分是贫血本身的表现,部分则是引起贫血的原发病的表现。

89、Terminal present angular, anaemic, bowel to absorb undesirable reach electrolyte to wait for expression mussily. ─── 晚期呈现消瘦、贫血、肠吸收不良及电解质紊乱等表现。

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