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08-19 投稿


bargainee 发音

英:[['bɑ:ɡ?ni:]]  美:[['bɑ:ɡ?ni:]]

英:  美:

bargainee 中文意思翻译



bargainee 相似词语短语

1、bar line ─── 杆形线;小节线

2、bargainer ─── n.交易者;买卖约定者;讨价还价的人

3、bargaining ─── n.讨价还价;交易;交涉;v.讨价还价;交易(bargain的ing形式)

4、bargain ─── n.交易;便宜货;契约;vt.(谈价钱后)卖;vi.讨价还价;谈判

5、margarines ─── n.人造黄油;人造奶油

6、bargained ─── n.交易;便宜货;契约;vt.(谈价钱后)卖;vi.讨价还价;谈判

7、bargains ─── n.交易;[贸易]廉价品;特价品(bargain的复数);v.讨价还价;达成协议(bargain的三单形式)

8、bargainers ─── n.交易者;买卖约定者;讨价还价的人

9、bargain on ─── 成交;商定;指望

bargainee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the retention of title, the recall right the bargainer exercises is a means to fulfill the obligatory right of money, which affects the interest of both the bargainee and the third party. ─── 在所有权保留中,出卖人行使取回权是其实现价金债权的手段,同时对买受人和第三人的利益也有重大影响。

2、Legal Reflections on the Conflicts of Rights between Bargainee and Mortgagee in the Sales of Commercial Estate ─── 商品房买卖中买受人与抵押权人的权利冲突研究

3、While the bargainee enjoys the rights of possession, using and proceeds of object in terms of the contract as well obtains the contingent right. ─── 在买卖合同中约定所有权保留,使出卖人获得了一项担保物权,买受人则获得了一项有担保物权负担的所有权。

4、Legal Reflections on the Conflicts of Rights between Bargainee and Mortgagee in the Sales of Commercial Estate ─── 商品房买卖中买受人与抵押权人的权利冲突研究

5、's side, this opportunity cost can be charged up into acount in form of" financial cost", but on bargainee's side, sometimes it cannot be charged up into account. ─── 在赊销信用双方中,商业信用的机会成本可以在供货方以“财务费用”的形式表现出来,但是由于会计的责权发生制原则,这种机会成本往往在购货方的财务处理上无法记录和体现。

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