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08-19 投稿


muttered 发音

英:[?m?t?d]  美:[?m?t?rd]

英:  美:

muttered 中文意思翻译






muttered 词性/词形变化,muttered变形

动词第三人称单数: mutters |动词过去式: muttered |动词现在分词: muttering |名词: mutterer |动词过去分词: muttered |

muttered 短语词组

1、muttered a quick spell ─── 咕哝了一声

muttered 相似词语短语

1、buttered ─── adj.涂奶油的;加奶油的;v.涂黄油在…(butter的过去分词)

2、cluttered ─── v.使凌乱;胡乱地填满(clutter的过去式和过去分词)

3、mutterer ─── 咕哝者

4、fluttered ─── v.飘动;(鸟或昆虫)鼓翼;飞来飞去;(心脏等)怦怦乱跳;(人)奔忙;n.振动;(非正式)小赌注;紧张兴奋;(心脏的)怦怦乱跳;扑动;(重放录音的)颤振

5、uttered ─── adj.完全的;彻底的;无条件的;v.说出;发出,表达;发射;使用伪钞;n.(Utter)(美、瑞、德、加、法、俄、匈)乌特(人名)

6、puttered ─── n.推棒;置放者;新进的矿工;噗噗响(机器低速运转时发出的声音);vt.混过;vi.闲荡;行为懒散;n.(Putter)(德)普特;(英)帕特(人名)

7、guttered ─── n.排水沟;槽;贫民区;vi.流;形成沟;vt.开沟于…;弄熄;adj.贫贱的;粗俗的;耸人听闻的;n.(Gutter)人名;(罗)古特尔;(英)格特

8、mustered ─── vt.召集;对…进行点名;使振作;n.集合;检阅;点名册;集合人员;vi.召集;聚集;n.(Muster)人名;(德、罗)穆斯特尔;(英)马斯特

9、mattered ─── n.物质;事件;vi.有关系;要紧;n.(Matter)人名;(英、法)马特;(西)马特尔

muttered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"It is time lost," muttered Cedric apart and impatiently, "to speak to him of aught else but that which concerns his appetite! ─── “这真是对牛弹琴,”塞德里克有些不耐烦,自言自语道,“跟他讲什么都是白搭,他关心的只是他的肚子!

2、"What an idiot you are-" he muttered to himself, but a wave hit him straight in the face, forcing him to swallow the last half of the sentence. ─── “你真够浑的,”他说出了声,一个浪头哗地打在他脸上,使他把后半句咽了回去。

3、It's impolite to mutter to one another in class. ─── 上课交头接耳不礼貌。

4、The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut. ─── "按钮咕哝着发出声音说:"蝴蝶喜欢涂了奶油的花生.

5、He muttered a curse at the other driver. ─── 他低声咒骂另一位开车的人。

6、"I'm glad I wasn't in it," one of the patients muttered. ─── “幸亏我没赶上”,一个伤员唧咕了一句。

7、They muttered about the high taxes. ─── 他们抱怨重税。

8、"He's been detained on business," muttered Tang Yun-shan in reply, lighting a cigarette. ─── “吉翁有点事勾留住了。

9、"No matter," my lady muttered, "I could not have left it burning. ─── “没关系,”爵士夫人喃喃自语道,“我不能留下还在燃烧的灯的。

10、"I've been cutting bamboo here for fifty years and I've never found anything like this before," he muttered. ─── 他喃喃自语道:“我在这里砍竹长达五十年了,以前从没发现过这种事。”

11、He waved his hand deprecatingly and muttered that it was nothing at all, what he had done, and that any fellow would have done it. ─── 他不以为然地挥挥手,含糊地说那算不了什么,别人也会那样做的。

12、He had a loud voice, but he deliberately muttered in an undertone at the moment. ─── 他本来嗓门挺大,但是此时却故意用了低调。

13、He muttered reassurances in a low voice to the callers. ─── 他叨咕着一再向电话那头保证。

14、"Here we go again,"muttered Jane as she handed the money to her cousin, for the sixth time this month. ─── “又来了,”简咕哝着把钱给了她表妹,这是她本月第六次借钱给她表妹了。

15、"Quite delightful is he?" muttered Dick. ─── “他十分快人,真的吗?”狄克嘟囔着说。

16、It's grotesque", he muttered, "you can't expect me to accept this! ─── “这件事太离奇了,”他喃喃自语道,“你们别指望我会接受!

17、"I don't like to have people put on airs like that," muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony. ─── “我不喜欢有人装这种腔,”宠儿气愤愤地说。

18、"It will be odd if I thwart myself," he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him. ─── “要是我妨碍了我自己,那才古怪哩,”他咕噜着,不知道我在他背后。

19、"There's death below, Pilot," Hendrik muttered and put his eyes ahead, letting himself drift. ─── “舱里面就是死人呆的地方,掌舵的。”亨德里克还在嘀咕着,一边望向前方的海面,身子随着风浪涌动晃来晃去。

20、He muttered something (to the salesgirl) (about losing his wallet). ─── 他低声(向女售货员)述说着(他的钱包丢了).

21、He muttered that he would not agree. ─── 他喃喃地说自己不赞成。

22、He pissed in darkness, filling his chamberpot as the Old Bear's raven muttered complaints. ─── 他在黑暗中小解,在寝室的小便斗中,而熊老那只乌鸦在旁边滴滴咕咕。

23、"You'd think I was shoving bamboo splinters under your nails," Alice muttered to herself as she followed me in. ─── “你还以为我要给你指甲里插竹片吗?”艾丽自言自语,跟着我走进房间里。

24、muttered Jo, rolling her eyes and clutching at the air, as she had seen a famous tragedian do. ─── 乔轻声朗诵,像她所见过的一位著名悲剧演员一样,转动着眼珠,两手抓向空中。

25、"Just God!" he muttered, "whence comes this thought? ─── “他自言自语地说,”是谁使我有这个想法的?

26、"Pen, ink, and paper," muttered Fernand. ─── “笔墨纸张?”弗尔南多咕哝的说。

27、"Yeah, who cares what they think," I muttered under my breath. ─── “就是,谁在乎他们怎么想。”我将自言自语藏在呼吸中。

28、Jacob glared and muttered something. ─── 雅各布怒目而视,嘴里嘟哝着什么。

29、He muttered the beginnings of an incantation, his eyes fixed upon the growing vortex. ─── 他嘴里一边咕哝着一个咒语的开始几句,一边死死的盯着不断长大中的漩涡。

30、"Have you been standing me treat?" Muttered the son. ─── "我站在你对待"?吞吞吐吐的儿子。

31、While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. ─── 他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。

32、"She's got to eat," Mrs. Hopewell muttered, sipping her coffee, while she watched Joy's back at the stove. ─── “她得吃呀,”霍普韦太太嘀咕着,一边品尝咖啡,一边注视着欢姐背着她站在炉边的身影。

33、He muttered something unintelligible. ─── 他嘀咕些莫名其妙的话。

34、"Who cares about my stupid arm?" I muttered in disgust. ─── “谁会那么无聊去管我的手臂?”我厌恶地喃喃自语。

35、"The man's a fool!" muttered Miss Ley to herself, but quite audibly. ─── “这人是个傻瓜

36、NIV] what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long. ─── [和合]并那些起来攻击我的人,口中所说的话,以及终日向我所设的计谋。

37、He deciphered the few lines written by Marius, and muttered: "Gillenormand, Rue des Filles-duCalvaire, No. 6. ─── 他看清了马吕斯写的几行字,嘴里咕哝着:“吉诺曼,受难修女街六号。”

38、"Well, brace yourself for complications," Stacy muttered, then nodded toward the door. ─── "那么,就让它一团糟吧! "斯泰西低语道,朝着门那边点了点头。

39、muttered his martyred wife. ─── 他那故作可怜的妻子嘟囔道。

40、A few muttered curses fell from his lips. ─── 他嘴里咕哝出几声低微的咒骂。

41、Only just let me get at him!' muttered Toad, grinding his teeth. ─── “我非过去揍他不可!”蟾蜍咬牙切齿地低声说。

42、"I'm glad I wasn't in it." one of the patients muttered. ─── “幸亏我没赶上”,一个伤员唧咕了一句。

43、"Mike-schmike. " I muttered, preoccupied by the way he'd said "you and I. " I liked it more than I should. ─── “迈克——笨蛋迈克。”我喃喃自语着,被他说“你我”时的口吻迷住了。我异常喜欢这个说法。

44、"I must be frightfully cruel," she muttered. ─── “我一定冷酷得可怕。”她嘟囔道。

45、"Dat's Mist' Johnnie's privut flour an' coffee," Rebecca muttered frightenedly. ─── "那是约翰尼先生自己的面粉和咖啡,"丽贝卡低声说,害怕得不得了。

46、Feeling embarrassed, he muttered a few words and walked off. ─── 他很尴尬,搭讪着走开了。

47、I heard the muttered exclamations of the people, "It is all over-the last hope of European liberty is gone. " ─── 我听到人民悄声叹息:“一切都完了。欧洲得到自由的最后希望已经熄灭。”

48、"And a good riddance if he has, I say," muttered Rhince. ─── “这家伙最好不在。要我说,”伦斯低声咕哝着。

49、Verflucht sei, wer seinen Vater oder seine Mutter unehrt! Und alles Volk soll sagen: Amen. ─── “‘轻慢父母的,必受咒诅。’众民都要说:‘阿们。’

50、He mutter a few words of apology and with that he leave. ─── 他支支吾吾地道个歉就马上走了。

51、"Jim got half a crown," he muttered sullenly. ─── “吉姆得两个半先令呢

52、"He's a small boy," Pamela muttered. ─── “真象个小孩子,”帕米拉咕哝着。

53、He scowled into his cereal bowl and muttered the words "monkey suit" under his breath. ─── 他几乎将自己的整张脸都埋进麦片碗里,并暗自小声叨念着“制服”。

54、" Aisidier felt the tears about to fall, to hear the silence for a while the prince muttered: " It was' I love you ' Meaning. ─── 艾斯蒂尔觉得自己的泪水快要落下时,听到了沉默了一阵的王子喃喃道:“那是‘我爱你’的意思。”

55、Some members of the government are beginning to mutter about the prime minister. ─── 一些政府官员开始咕咕哝哝地抱怨首相。

56、"Well!" muttered Quilp, as he marked her earnest look. ─── “好

57、Nor-ne me! I'll hae no hend wi't,' muttered the head, vanishing. ─── “我不会,这事和我没有关系。”他缩回头,不见了。

58、He muttered a few words of apology and with that he left. ─── 他一边低声地说抱歉一边就离开了。

59、The record-breaking bottle had, some muttered, suffered suspiciously little ullage (evaporation). ─── 一些人私下里说,这瓶破记录的天价酒的蒸发损耗少得令人起疑。

60、"Coward! Huh! I'm not afraid of you," he muttered, standing desolately on the shore, panting. ─── “你这胆小鬼,哼,我不怕你,”他嘟哝着,绝望地站在岸边,哧哧地喘着粗气。

61、"So that you have lived for three months on sixty francs," muttered Edmond. ─── “这么说,三个月来你就只靠六十个法朗来维持生活!”青年自言自语地说。

62、He muttered some rude remarks. ─── 他咕咕哝哝地说粗鲁的话。

63、"The cursed monks have joined the fray," he muttered angrily. ─── “该死的武道家们来找打了,”他愤怒的咕哝道。

64、"Well,brace yourself for complications," Stacy muttered,then nodded toward the door. ─── "那么,就让它一团糟吧!"斯泰西低语道,朝着门那边点了点头。

65、"I am quite positive that I did not make the shoes last night," he muttered. ─── “我相当确定昨晚我并没有把鞋子做好,”他喃喃自语。

66、"We've no use of toys," muttered McTeague, looking at her in perplexity. ─── “咱们用不着玩具呀。”麦克梯格咕哝道,一边手足无措地看着她。

67、Hearken, hearken, shoo's cursing on 'em!' muttered Joseph, towards whom I had been steering. ─── “听,听,她在诅咒他们!”约瑟夫咕哝着,我刚才一直都在朝着他的方向走。

68、"Isn't it a bore I've got to go out at three o'clock?" she muttered. ─── “我非得在三点钟出去不可,这不够烦人的吗?”她低声说。

69、"It's my back," Red muttered in embarrassment. ─── “我是背上不舒服,”雷德局促不安地咕哝说。

70、"Chattering daws," Martin muttered under his breath, and went on talking with Ruth and Arthur. ─── “乌鸦嘴。”马丁低声说了一句,又和露丝与亚瑟谈话去了。

71、"Oh, father! father!" muttered she. ─── “啊,爸爸,爸爸!”她自言自语地说。

72、"Oww..." Ken muttered, dabbing at the cut in his lip with a tissue. ─── "肯恩喃喃自语,在和薄的纱织品的他唇削减轻拍。

73、He muttered that he would not agree with me. ─── 他喃喃地说他不赞成我。

74、"Go to the devil, you old hag," he half muttered as he stared round upon the scattered company. ─── “见你的鬼去吧,你这个老母夜叉,"他盯着四周分散的人群,低声咕哝着。

75、They laughed, rocked back in their chairs, shook their heads, stared at the ceiling and muttered oaths to each other. ─── 人们大笑,欢喜地在椅子上摇摆,疯傻地摇头,对着天花板发呆,相互胡言乱语地嘀咕着。

76、The muttered articulations of the wind in the hollows were as complaints and petition from the "souls of mighty worth" suspended therein. ─── 下面空谷里呜咽的风声,就是悬在林苞里面那些“品格高贵的灵魂”抱怨呼求的声音。

77、"Knew this was coming," he muttered to himself, frowning. Then, suddenly, his face went perfectly smooth and blank. ─── “我就知道会碰上的。”他皱起眉,自言自语,然后,很突然的,他表情全无,两眼放空。

78、The fourth guy leaned against a telephone pole, standing unsteadily, occasionally muttered some words out his mouth and shivered non-stop. ─── 还有一个靠着旁边的电线杆摇摇晃晃地站着,偶尔说些听不懂的话,并且不停地抽搐。

79、"Tomorrow you shall see that with your own eyes"Tomorrow come never"muttered the coxswain. ─── “明天你会亲眼看到的。”“永远会不会有那一天!”艇长喃喃地说。

80、He muttered answers to Ken's questions about his measuring. ─── 他小声对肯回答了他的测量结果。

81、"Her father's name was Maldon," George muttered;"he could never have sent her here to die alone. ─── “她的父亲叫马尔东,”乔治喃喃说道:“他决不会把她送到这儿,孤零零地死去的。”

82、"Good! Now, there's stuff in that fellow," muttered Phineas, between his teeth. ─── "好得很!这小伙子真有几下子," 斐尼亚斯从牙缝里咕哝道。

83、Some analysts mutter that Phelps Dodge embarked on the merger chiefly to save itself from being taken over. ─── 一些分析人士暗自抱怨说,菲尔普斯-道奇公司进行此次合并,主要是为了让自己免于被别人兼并。

84、While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. ─── 他一面含混地表示他做的事不值一提,一面也按她的希望打算坐下,也还有时间欣赏她坐下时的优美轻松。

85、To mutter discontentedly; grumble. ─── 不满地嘀咕;发牢骚

86、George stared at him, muttered something indistinct, and ran down the ladder to the boat before Mr.Maldon could repeat his request. ─── 乔治凝视着他,口中含糊地喃喃自语,赶在马尔东能重提这要求之前,快步走下梯子,登上汽艇。

87、"Someone forgot to take his meds this morning," a journalist muttered. ─── 一个记者轻声说:“在这样的场合,某些人忘记了使用自己独特的一些方法。”

88、They muttered negative replies, staring fixedly at the table. ─── 他们两个人咕隆了一阵,但是没有回答,只是盯着桌子看。

89、"Changed!" The keeper of the wine-shop stopped to strike the wall with his hand and mutter a tremendous curse. ─── “变化!”酒店老板停下脚步,一拳揍在墙上,发出一声凶狠的诅咒。

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