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08-19 投稿


unbolted 发音

英:[?n?bo?lt?d]  美:[?n?b??lt?d]

英:  美:

unbolted 中文意思翻译



unbolted 反义词


unbolted 词性/词形变化,unbolted变形

动词现在分词: unbolting |动词过去分词: unbolted |动词第三人称单数: unbolts |动词过去式: unbolted |

unbolted 同义词

release | open | unscrew |unlock | undo | unhook | unfasten

unbolted 短语词组

1、unbolted flour ─── 生粉

2、unbolted cornmeal ─── 未煮玉米粉

3、unbolted flower ─── 无花果

4、unbolted meal ─── 未过筛粉

5、unbolted p2p ─── 未绑定p2p

6、unbolted mean ─── 无标号均值

7、unbolted rye ─── 黑麦

unbolted 相似词语短语

1、bolted ─── adj.用螺栓栓的;脱离的,分开的;v.突然说出;突然冲撞;拴住(bolt的过去分词)

2、unbooted ─── 替…脱下长统靴;脱长统靴

3、unblotted ─── 未开图

4、unbaited ─── 无信仰的

5、unbottled ─── 未绑定

6、unbaled ─── 不公正的

7、unbasted ─── unbased

8、uncolted ─── 未熔

9、unbelted ─── adj.无带的

unbolted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So she unbolted the door, and told her to come in. ─── 于是她扒开门的插销,叫她进来。

2、Feeling it was now safe to venture out Ellen Mae unbolted the door peered out and started to cry.She could look straight up into the sky. ─── 心想先在出去很安全了,梅艾伦打开门闩往外一瞧,然后就开始哭了起来,她抬头就可以直接看到天空。

3、Feeling it was now safe to venture out, Ellen Mae unbolted the door, peered out, and started to cry.She could look straight up into the sky. ─── 在现今这个移动电话普及的时代,如果避免不了要迟到超过十分钟以上,要尽可能先打电话通知,特别是生意上或职业上的会面,或者是重要约会。

4、The door unbolted, whacked back against the wall. ─── 门打开时,吧嗒一声门儿碰着墙。

5、Toyota Motor Corp. spokesman Bill Kwong says in an email that Toyota is also designing vehicles with 'front crush boxes,' which are designed so they can be unbolted after a collision and replaced. ─── 丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCorp.)的发言人BillKwong在一封电子邮件中说:丰田正在设计一种配备“前防撞盒”的汽车,在车辆发生碰撞后,能把防撞盒卸下,直接更换新的。

6、1.Snow-White and Rose-Red went sadly to unbolt the door for their dear friend. ─── 红、白玫瑰很沮丧地为她们的朋友拉开了门栓。

7、To do so, unbolt the relief valve and turn the relief valve discharge port to the opposite side. ─── 带测试旋塞的闸阀安装在防回流阀的进口一侧。

8、unbolted flour ─── 未筛过的面粉

9、I soon got into the way of drinking unbolted water ─── 我很快便习惯了喝生水。

10、Ms. Cai's memory says: "Morning 4: 00 or so, the thumb latch of shop is once unbolted. " ─── 蔡小姐回忆说:“早晨4:00左右,店铺的门被打开过一次。”

11、Unbolt the shaft coupling bolts. ─── 拧开联轴器螺栓。

12、Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and while wheeling a "frightened and humiliated" Dougherty out of the store, he passed out. ─── 为了解救多尔蒂,医务人员把马桶从底座上卸了下来。

13、However, the advantage is that there are never any inclement weather conditions to deal with, plus the footholds and handholds can be unbolted in order to reconfigure the climbing surface. ─── 不过,这也有好处。好处在于攀岩不用再顾虑坏天气的影响,还可以拆下手点和脚点重新设置岩板。

14、unbolted meal ─── 未过筛粉

15、thought Snow-White, and unbolted the door and bought the pretty lace. ─── 老太婆进来后说道:“哎呀!

16、The thief attempting to purloin a steel cable from a lift shaft - and unbolted it while standing in the lift which then plummeted to the ground, killing him. ─── 试图偷自动升降梯钢缆的贼。他站在电梯中时打开了钢缆,随后电梯猛然坠落致其死亡。

17、Feeling it was now safe to venture out, Ellen Mae unbolted the door, peered out and started to cry. ─── 心想现在出去很安全了,梅艾伦打开门闩往外一瞧,然后就开始哭了起来,

18、The man is good, honest folk, they are lost, the doors are unbolted at night. , every floor door open, convenient for travelers to and fro. ─── 山里人是善良的,民风淳朴,他们夜不闭户,道不遗失,那家家一楼的大门敞开,方便旅行者来来往往。

19、Feeling it was now safe to venture out, Ellen Mae unbolted the door, peered out and started to cry. ─── 心想现在出去很安全了,梅艾伦打开门闩往外一瞧,然后就开始哭了起来。

20、After 30 minutes, let's unbolt the flameout reboiler, the chook is fresh and easy to eat. ─── 30分钟过后,我们首先打开熄火再煮锅,里边煲出来的鸡鲜嫩易撕,又滑又香。

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