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08-19 投稿


oxalate 发音

英:[?ɑ?ks??le?t]  美:[??ks??le?t]

英:  美:

oxalate 中文意思翻译



oxalate 短语词组

1、antimonous oxalate ─── [机] 草酸氧锑

2、cesium oxalate ─── [建] 草酸铯

3、acid barium oxalate ─── [化] 酸式草酸钡

4、acid oxalate ─── [机] 酸式草酸盐

5、calcium oxalate ─── [化] 草酸钙 ─── [医] 草酸钙

6、barium oxalate ─── [机] 草酸钡

7、copper oxalate ─── [建] 草酸铜

8、cerous oxalate ─── [化] 草酸铈

9、cadmium oxalate ─── [机] 草酸镉

10、acid potassium oxalate ─── [机] 酸式草酸钾

11、cobaltous oxalate ─── [化] 草酸钴

12、beryllium oxalate ─── [机] 草酸铍

13、calcium oxalate calculus ─── [医] 草酸钙结石

14、cupric oxalate ─── [建] 草酸铜

15、antimony potassium oxalate ─── [医] 草酸锑钾

16、antimonyl oxalate ─── [机] 草酸氧锑

17、buty mesityl oxidr oxalate ─── [建] 避蚊酮

18、chromic potassium oxalate ─── [化] 草酸铬钾

19、cerium oxalate ─── [医] 草酸铈

20、ammonium oxalate ─── [化] 草酸铵 ─── [医] 草酸铵

oxalate 词性/词形变化,oxalate变形

动词过去分词: oxalated |动词第三人称单数: oxalates |动词现在分词: oxalating |动词过去式: oxalated |

oxalate 常用词组

calcium oxalate ─── 草酸钙

ammonium oxalate ─── [化]草酸铵

sodium oxalate ─── 草酸钠,乙二酸钠

oxalate 相似词语短语

1、oculate ─── adj.具单眼的(等于ocellate)

2、ovulate ─── vi.排卵;adj.具胚珠的

3、malate ─── n.苹果酸盐;苹果酸酯

4、palate ─── n.味觉;上颚;趣味

5、oxalates ─── n.草酸;[有化]草酸盐

6、of late ─── adv.最近;近来

7、dealate ─── adj.(昆虫)脱翅的;n.脱翅昆虫

8、oblate ─── adj.扁圆的;扁平的;奉为神圣的;n.献身于修道院生活的人

9、binoxalate ─── n.草酸氢盐,草酸氢盐酯

oxalate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hazard of Oxalate in Plants and its Control Manners ─── 植物体内的草酸危害及其调控措施

2、Patients of calcium oxalate dehydrate(COD)ate tomatoes and celeries significantly less than normal people(P?0.01). ─── 二水草酸钙(COD)结石患者少吃西红柿、芹菜,与正常人比较差异有统计学意义(P?0.01)。

3、Calcium oxalate was the most common crystal in the urinalysis (44.4%). ─── 各种结晶体中,以草酸钙结体最常见(44.4%)。

4、Calcium oxalate is the most-frequently found component of uroliths in Taiwan as well as in the world. ─── 摘要草酸钙尿路结石在台湾及全世界都是最常见的结石成份。

5、A standard volumetry for determination of cobalt in cobaltous oxalate was studied and improved. ─── 对测定草酸钴中钴含量的容量法进行了改进。

6、However, winter bamboo shoots contain more calcium oxalate, children, suffering from urinary tract stones, nephritis people should not eat. ─── 但是冬笋含有较多草酸钙,儿童、患尿道结石、肾炎的人不宜多食。

7、Moreover, nitrate content was reduced by 7.64% and 11.77% respectively through applying DCD in soil or foliar spraying compound agents of oxalate, Gly and KCl before harvest, while the yield and quality were not affected significantly. ─── 施用双氰胺和采收前喷施草酸、甘氨酸、KCl复合剂均显著减少蔬菜对硝酸盐的积累,分别使小白菜硝酸盐含量降低了7.64%,11.77%,且对产量和品质无明显不良影响;

8、methods of making perovskite functional ceramics are solid phase reaction and oxalate decompound. ─── 固相反应法和草酸盐分解法是制备钙钛矿功能陶瓷的常用方法。

9、Thus there is a greater calcium need to immobilize the oxalate. ─── 因而需要较大量钙去固定草酸。

10、The majority of renal stone obtained were calcium oxalate and the others were calcite. ─── 尿路结石之成份大多数属草酸成份,其他则属碳酸钙。

11、The ePU can obviously inhibit the formation of the urinary calcium oxalate stone in rats and sigifnicantly decrease the concentration of BUN and Cr with great protection effect on kidney. ─── 猪苓乙酸乙酯浸膏能抑制实验性高草酸尿症大鼠尿草酸钙晶体的形成,明显降低血清尿素氮和肌酐的浓度,对肾功能具有明显的保护作用。

12、Abstract: The effects of three kinds of catalyst, such as zinc acetate, potassium titanyl oxalate and titanium dioxide, on the block copolymerization of polyether-polyester were studied. ─── 摘要: 研究了醋酸锌、草酸钛钾和二氧化钛三种催化剂对聚醚聚酯嵌段共聚合反应的催化作用,以及对共聚物热稳定性的影响。

13、Thermal decomposition of ferrous oxalate dihydrate was investigated using in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and thermogravimetry in static self-generated air. ─── 摘要用原位XRD技术和热重法分析了二水草酸亚铁的热分解过程,并进行了动力学研究。

14、The outer surface of mature sclereids was smooth in Nymphoides, but with many prismatic calcium oxalate crystals in Nuphar.However, the early morphogenesis of these two kinds of sclereids was similar. ─── 小莕菜成熟厚壁细胞的外表平滑,但台湾萍蓬草成熟厚壁细胞的外表则可观察到许多多面体的草酸钙晶体,然而小莕菜与台湾萍蓬草叶部厚壁细胞早期的形态发生类似。

15、Keywords lactobacillus;nephrolithiasis;calcium;oxalate; ─── 乳酸菌;肾结石;草酸钙;大鼠;

16、Avoid the provision that at the same time edible contains oxalate to abound in great quantities as far as possible, wait like almond, nut, cocoa, pieplant and tea, also can avoid oxalate overmuch. ─── 尽量避免同时食用大量含草酸盐丰富的食品,如杏仁、坚果、可可、大黄和茶等,也可避免草酸盐过多。

17、Keywords Pinellia pedatisecta;raphides;calcium oxalate; ─── 天南星;草酸钙针晶;

18、N-2-diethyl-aminoerhy-N'-1-Naphthylamine Oxalate ─── N-二乙基-N’-1-萘胺

19、A method has been reported for the determination of As in cobalt oxalate by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG-AFS). ─── 摘要报道了采用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱(HG-AFS)法测定草酸钴中痕量砷。

20、AIM: To study the inhibition effect of extracts of Polyporus Umbellatus (ePU) on urinary calcium oxalate stone (UCOS) formation in rats. ─── 目的:观察猪苓不同溶剂的提取物对大鼠尿草酸钙结石形成的抑制作用。

21、Prolong bake time can improve weatherproofing of oxalate coating. ─── 延长烘烤时间,草酸盐转化膜的耐候性提高。

22、The Km and Vm values of oxalate oxidase and L-aspartie decarboxylase were measured by using these biosensors. ─── 我们选择了香蕉皮和苹果作为生物催化材料,以二氧化碳气敏电极为基础电极,研制了两种植物组织电极。

23、Keywords Catalyze;diisopentyle oxalate;cetane number;nano material; ─── 催化;草酸二异戊酯;十六烷值;纳米材料;

24、Typical examples are oxalate and ethylenediamine as bidentate ligands, citrate as a tridentate ligand, and ethylenediamine tetraacetate (EDTA) as a hexadentate ligand. ─── 典型的例子是草酸和乙二胺为双齿配体,柠檬酸作为一个三齿配体,和乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)作为六齿配体。

25、Objective: To RP-HPLC determination of white Fuzi take advantage of the processing of fresh-crystal samples of calcium oxalate content. ─── 目的:测定白附子趁鲜加工炮制饮片中草酸钙针晶的含量,比较炮制因素对其含量的影响。

26、Genotypic difference in Al resistance and oxalate exudation of buckwheat. ─── 反相高效液相色谱法测定植物组织及根分泌物中草酸。

27、Organic compounds: fenatrol(insecticide of agrochemicals), cadmium laurate, benzoic acid, germicide, sodium oxalate, cellulose acetate and so on. ─── 有机物:阿特拉津(农药杀虫剂)、月桂酸隔、苯甲酸、安息香酸、杀菌丹、草酸钠、醋酸纤维素等。

28、Objective: This paper defines the form of calcium oxalate crystal in Potentilla discolor Bunge. ─── 目的明确翻白草中草酸钙晶体的形态特征。

29、The zirconium nitrate is more suitable to be used as the precursor than zirconium oxychloride to get stable zirconyl oxalate sol with uniform particles. ─── 实验结果表明,硝酸锆比氧氯化锆更适合作前驱体,可获得均匀分布的稳定溶胶;

30、Stem morphology and characteristics of calcium oxalate crystals in seven species in Impatiens were studied. ─── 植物茎的解剖学及细胞组织中草酸钙结晶的特征。

31、titanium potassium oxalate(T.P.O.) ─── [化] 草酸钛钾

32、Methods:Starting from 5-cyanophthalide, escitalopram oxalate was prepared via several steps including nucleophilic addition, hydrolysis, chemical separation, cyclization and salt formation. ─── 方法:以5-氰基苯酞为起始原料,经亲核加成、水解、化学拆分、环化和成盐等反应制得抗抑郁药草酸依地普仑。

33、There are three oxalate metabolism enzymes in organisms: oxalate oxidase, oxalate decarboxylase, and oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase/formyl-CoA transferase. ─── 生物草酸代谢酶有草酸氧化酶、草酸脱羧酶和草酰辅酶A脱羧酶/甲酰辅酶A转移酶。

34、Objective An extraction process for pectin from pineapple residue was studied using ammonium oxalate as the extraction solvent combined with ultrasonication. ─── 目的:探讨采用草酸铵作为提取溶剂和超声波振荡处理法提取菠萝皮渣果胶的工艺条件。

35、Abstract: Objective To investigate the ability of rat renal Na (+ )-dicarboxylate cotransporter(SDCT1) to transport citrate and oxalate. ─── 摘 要: 目的 探讨大鼠低亲和力钠依赖二羧酸转运蛋白(SDCT1)对枸橼酸及草酸的转运特点。

36、Keywords hydrogenation;ethylene glycol;diethyl oxalate; ─── 加氢;乙二醇;草酸二乙酯;

37、Study on the growth of calcium oxalate crystal in agar-gel system ─── 琼脂凝胶体系中草酸钙晶体的生长研究

38、Prolong bake time can improve weatherproofing of oxalate coating. ─── 延长烘烤时间,草酸盐转化膜的耐候性提高。

39、lithium bis (oxalate) borate (LiBOB) ─── LiBOB

40、Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seedlings in Hoagland solution were fed with different substances, and oxalate contents in the roots and leaves were determined after 36 hours. ─── 摘要用不同化合物从根部喂荞麦幼苗,测定其根叶中草酸含量的变化。

41、Co doped ferrous oxalate dihydrate ─── Co掺杂的二水草酸亚铁

42、Howeer, the in io responses of renal epithelial cells after itamin E administration and their correlations with calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystal formation hae not been ealuated. ─── 然而,经过维生素E治疗在活体实验中肾小管上皮细胞的变化以及和草酸钙晶体形成的关系并没有研究过.

43、Purpose: We evaluated the inhibitory effect ofZhulingtang on the formation of calcium oxalate stone to prevent human recurrent urolithiasis. ─── 摘要:目的:我们研究以猪苓汤来抑制草酸钙结石的可行性,以预防人类复发性尿路结石症。

44、Method: Calcium oxalate crystallization index were determined in the group of urine of the patients in BPH with urinary retention, BPH without urinary retention and the control respectively. ─── 方法:分别测定BPH伴急慢性尿潴留(尿潴留组)、BPH不伴尿潴留(无尿潴留组)以及无BPH(对照组)的老年男性尿中草酸钙结晶形成指数。

45、Twenty four hour urine samples were collected for measuring daily excretions of calcium, oxalate, cirtate, inorganic phosphates and creatinine. ─── 每日记录饲料量、饮水量,并收集24小时尿液,测量尿量,酸碱值,钜,磷,草酸,柠檬酸,肌氨酸酐。

46、The influence of sulfated polysaccharide (ESPS) isolated from marine algae Eucheuma striatum on crystallization of calcium oxalate crystals was investigated in urine of lithogenic patient in vitro. ─── 摘要用体外模拟方法研究了从海藻异枝麒麟菜中提取的硫酸多糖(ESPS)对尿结石患者尿液中草酸钙晶体生长的影响。

47、Keywords oxalate;solution;particle size;rare earths; ─── 关键词草酸盐;溶解度;粒度;

48、Oxalic acid can be used for antimony mordant, ferric ammonium oxalate are printed on blueprint Pharmacy. ─── 草酸锑可作媒染剂,草酸铁铵是印制蓝图的药剂。

49、There are two forms of calcium oxalate crystals in Idesia polyc-arpa var.vestila Diels, prisms and druses. ─── 水冬瓜(Idesia polycarpa var.vestita Diels)体内草酸钙结晶有晶簇和棱晶两种。

50、Keywords Araceae plants;calcium oxalate crystal;irritation effect; ─── 天南星科;草酸钙针晶;刺激性作用;

51、Struvite and calcium oxalate stones are by far the most common. ─── 最常见的是磷酸铵和草酸钙结石。

52、Special determinations gravimetry Precipitate of very fine particles such as barium sulfate and lead oxide, copper, zinc and nickel sulphide, the oxalate and calcium fluoride. ─── 专门用于细微颗粒沉淀物的重量测定,如硫酸钡、氧化铅、硫酸铜、硫酸锌、硫酸镍、草酸盐以及氟化钙等。

53、Abstract: In this paper conditional experiments of cobalt oxalate precipitatio n process are made.The influence of the process on cobalt powder size is analyze d and discussed.Regularity of cobalt powder size change is summarized. ─── 文摘:对草酸钴沉淀的工艺条件进行了试验,并分别就该工艺对钴粉粒度的影响进行了分析和讨论,总结出钴粉粒度变化的规律。

54、Keywords EDTA;calcium oxalate;counterions;SEM; ─── 乙二胺四乙酸;草酸钙;抗衡离子;SEM;

55、Calcium oxalate crystals in taros were characterized by Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analyzer on SEM. ─── 利用光学显微镜、扫描式电子显微镜、能谱仪观察芋头中草酸钙结晶的特性,结果显示红梗芋中有四种草酸钙结晶形态,分别是针形、图形、砂形及角柱形。

56、The four Moringa species were high in AOA, antioxidant and nutrient contents, and low in oxalate content. ─── 水煮10分钟并不使抗氧化物失活,反之,水溶性抗氧化活性可增加;

57、Various kinds of crystals were detected from urinalysis including calcium oxalate, amorphous phosphate, triple phosphate and uric acid in 83 patients (37.9%) of the urinary calculus group and 13 patients (12.6%) of the non-calculus group. ─── 同时,我们发现在83位(37.9%)尿路结石病患及13位(12.6%)非结石病患的尿液中存在著各类结晶体,包括草酸钙、无定形性磷酸盐、三重磷酸盐及尿酸结晶体等。

58、The urinary concretion is a kind of urinary system disease which does harm to body health.The calcium oxalate stone is the most common type. ─── 尿结石是危害人体健康的泌尿系统疾病,其中以草酸钙型结石最为常见。

59、A benzene solution of di-methyl oxalate, as an oil phase, and calcium chloride solution, as an aqueous phase, were mixed together at the same volume under both unstirred and stirred conditions. ─── 以二甲基草酸于苯液中之溶液为油相,而以氯化钙溶液为水相,以相同体积比例混合,于无搅拌及有搅拌条件下操作。

60、This paper discusses the reaction principle and titrimetric operation in defining consistency of potassium permanganate titrant which sodium oxalate is regarded as the basis material. ─── 分析了以草酸钠为基准物标定高锰酸钾标准溶液浓度的反应原理,标定操作及温度、酸度、滴定速度等滴定条件对标定结果的影响。

61、Recently, the studies by Perera indicated that the irritant is associated with needles of calcium oxalate which are released from special cells idioblasts. ─── 在最近的研究中则显示,刺激性与来自异形细胞中释放出的草酸钙针形结晶有关。

62、These results suggested that oxalate has a protective role against the damage of photosynthetic apparatus during high temperature stress. ─── 这些结果说明,草酸对高温胁迫下黄瓜叶片光合机构的破坏具有保护作用。

63、To treat(a specimen) with an oxalate or oxalic acid. ─── 用草酸盐或草酸处理(样品)

64、The refining on industrial slaked lime with ammonium oxalate as a main raw material was made. ─── 本实验以草酸铵为主要原料对工业消石灰进行精制。

65、People with metabolism problems such as diabetes may be prone to developing kidney stones of calcium oxalate. ─── 本条是指肾脏机能衰竭而致昏迷。韭菜含草酸很高。多吃(尤其有糖尿病者)能致草酸钙之形成。

66、Sclerotic nests and mucilage cavities which contained calcium oxalate raphides existed in phloem. ─── 侧根横切面中,内皮层细胞呈纺锤形,每个细胞由径向壁分隔成数个类方形小细胞;

67、It was shown that different nitrogen sources affecting oxalate accumulation in buckwheat leaves were closely related to glycolic acid metabolism. ─── 将谷氨酸或丝氨酸加到含硝态氮培养液中也能显著降低其草酸含量,不同氮素影响荞麦草酸含量可能与乙醇酸途径有关。

68、The total selectivity of methylphenyl oxalate (MPO) and DPO was up to 99.2% over TS?1, which was a weak acid. ─── 以弱酸TS-1分子筛为催化剂,MPO和DPO总选择性为99.2%。

69、The products in the preparation of diethyl carbonate (DEC) from diethyl oxalate (DEO) by decarbonylation over K2CO3/AC (activated carbon) were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass (GC-MS). ─── 摘要采用气相色谱-质谱联用(程序升温)的方法对K2CO3/性炭上催化草酸二乙酯(DEO)气相脱羰基制碳酸二乙酯(DEC)的反应产物进行了分析。

70、Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Ferrous Oxalate Dihydrate ─── 二水草酸亚铁热分解反应动力学

71、The key step in the synthesis is Wittig coupling of farnesyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (8) with ethyl 2-oxo-3-methyl butyrate (3). (3) was prepared by Grignard reaction of ethyl oxalate with iso-propylmagnesium bromide. ─── 其中关键步骤是溴化法呢基三苯基?(8)和2-氧代-3-甲基丁酸乙酯(3)的Wittig反应。

72、Keywords slaked lime;calcium hydroxide;ammonium oxalate; ─── 消石灰;氢氧化钙;草酸铵;

73、The constants of Antoine equation for dimethyl oxalate were correlated by the data from literature. ─── 回归得到了草酸二甲酯的Antoine方程参数。

74、Diamond crystats are intermediate between dihydrate and monohydrate calcium oxalate,two crystal forms:pyramide and bipyramid,therefore,it is not dihydrate calcium oxalate. ─── 本研究发现菱形晶属于一水和二水草酸钙的中问晶体,菱形晶有两种晶体形式,单锥和双锥的结晶形式,菱形晶不是二水草酸钙。

75、Keywords volumetry;cobaltous oxalate;cobalt;determination; ─── 容量法;草酸钴;钴;测定;

76、lithium bis(oxalate)borate(LiBOB) ─── 双草酸硼酸锂(LiBOB)

77、Result: In the cross section of the stem, a few clusters of calcium oxalate were observed in the cortex. ─── 结果:紫果西番莲茎横切面皮层有少量草酸钙簇晶;

78、The synthesis of dimethyl oxalate (DMO) and diethyl oxalate (DEO) by CO coupling reaction in gaseous phase over the supported palladium catalysts was investigated. ─── 在固定床反应器中对钯系催化剂上CO气相催化偶联制草酸二乙酯和草酸二甲酯的空时收率、选择性和CO的转化率进行了实验研究。

79、In the downstream products of methanol, dimethyl carbonate (DMC), dimethyl oxalate(DMO) and dimethyl ether(DME) are considered to be valuable. ─── 在甲醇下游产品开发方面则应重视碳酸二甲酯(DMC)、草酸二甲酯(DMO)和二甲醚(DME)。

80、PSMA promoted the formation of strontium oxalate dihydrate (SOD) phase. ─── 实验发现, PSMA有助于促进二水草酸锶(SOD)的形成;

81、A batch crystallization system was used to explore the diffusive reactive-crystallization of calcium oxalate hydrates. ─── 本文主要是以批次系统探讨含水草酸钙扩散反应结晶现象。

82、In this study,free hydroxyamine reacted with diethyl oxalate to produce diethoxyethanedialdioxime.By the hydrolysis of diethoxyethanedial dioxime,we obtained dihydroxrethanedial dioxime. ─── 用游离的羟胺与草酸二乙酯反应制得二乙氧基乙二肟,水解得到二羟基乙二肟。

83、Objective: To decrease the unknown impurity and the main impurity C[2-diethy-laminoethyl-3-(1-naphthyl) -2-(1-naphthylmethyl) propionate oxalate] in naftidrofuryl oxalate drug material. ─── 目的:降低萘呋胺酯草酸盐原料药中的单个未知杂质和主要杂质C[3-(1-萘基)-2-(1-萘甲基)丙酸-2-二乙胺基乙酯草酸盐]的含量。

84、The precipitatation process of rare earth in nitric acid was investigated and the relationship between supersaturation and mean particle size of rare earth oxalate was obtained. ─── 本文对硝酸体系中的稀土沉淀过程进行了研究,推导出草酸盐、草酸铵盐、草酸钾盐和草酸钠盐的平均粒径与过饱和度之间的关系。

85、Keywords toluene;benzoic acid;scale;cobaltous oxalate; ─── 甲苯;苯甲酸;草酸钴;结垢;

86、Keywords: reactive-crystallization, calcium oxalate hydrates, induction time, nucleation, morphology. ─── 关键词:反应结晶、含水草酸钙、感应时间、成核、晶型。

87、Objective: To investigate the effect of ammonium oxalate on epilepsy of rats induced by penicillin. ─── 目的:研究草酸铵对青霉素致大鼠癫痫模型的影响。

88、The dehydration of ferrous oxalate dihydrate conformed to nuclei production and nuclei growth model, and the decomposition of ferrous oxalate conformed to phase boundary reaction. ─── 在静态自产气氛下,二水草酸亚铁脱水反应遵循随机成核与核增长模型,草酸亚铁热分解生成氧化铁遵循相界面控制动力学模型。

89、Add 100 ml 0.0125 M sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4) to the solution. ─── 加入100亳升的0.0125M草酸钠溶液(Na2C2O4)。

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