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08-19 投稿


appalling 发音

英:[??p??l??]  美:[??p??l??]

英:  美:

appalling 中文意思翻译




appalling 网络释义

adj. 可怕的;令人震惊的v. 使惊愕;惊吓(appal的ing形式)

appalling 短语词组

1、appalling synonym ─── 骇人听闻的同义词

2、appalling clue ─── 骇人听闻的线索

3、appalling define ─── 骇人听闻的定义

4、appalling crossword ─── 骇人听闻的纵横填字游戏

5、appalling condition ─── 骇人听闻的状况

6、appalling crimes n. ─── 骇人听闻的罪行

7、appalling defined ─── 骇人听闻的定义

8、appalling definition ─── 骇人听闻的定义

appalling 词性/词形变化,appalling变形

现在分词:appalling 原型:appalling

appalling 相似词语短语

1、rappelling ─── v.绕绳下降(rappel的现在分词)

2、appairing ─── 骇人听闻的

3、apparelling ─── n.服装,衣着(同apparel)

4、palling ─── n.朋友,伙伴;同志;vi.结为朋友;n.(Pal)人名;(西、意、罗、印、巴基、瑞典)帕尔;(柬)巴

5、catcalling ─── n.嘘声;不满之声;喝倒采;vi.发嘘声;发尖叫声;vt.发嘘声

6、appareling ─── n.服装;衣服;vt.给…穿衣

7、spalling ─── n.(水泥的)[核]散裂;v.裂开;把(矿石等)破成碎片(spall的现在分词)

8、appealing ─── adj.吸引人的;动人的;引起兴趣的;恳求似的;vi.呼吁,恳求;对……有吸引力,有感染力;启发,劝说,打动(appeal的现在分词);vt.上诉,申诉,诉请裁决(appeal的现在分词)

9、appallingly ─── adv.令人毛骨悚然地;骇人听闻地

appalling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、S o we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition. ─── 就某种意义而言,今天我们是为了要求兑现诺言而汇集到我们国家的首都来的。

2、It is an amazing spectacle to see prosperity beginning to spread in today's India even in the presence of appalling governance. ─── 如今,印度在糟糕的统治下仍能繁荣发展,堪称奇迹。

3、Some state-owned restaurants offer slow and rude service,less than appetizing food and appalling toilets. ─── 18有些国营饭馆常慢吞吞待客,且态度粗鲁,饭菜吃了要倒胃口,厕所的卫生状况更是骇人听闻。

4、The appalling shock of the First World War severely destroyed people's faith in the Victorian values. ─── 一战的毁灭性灾难摧垮了人们对维多利亚道德标准的信奉。

5、The lopsided global developping appalling present in China. ─── 全球性的发展不均衡在中国体现得如此触目惊心。

6、Eg. This high rate of infection is being blamed on the appalling hygiene conditions. ─── 人们责怪极差的卫生状况造成了如此高的感染率。

7、People exclaim why they are living in such an appalling condition, and they tell me that they have never seen such a disciplined army. ─── 人们惊叹他们为什么要生活在这样可怕的生存条件下,他们告诉我,他们从来没有见过如此有纪律的军队。

8、They live in conditions of appalling sanitation. ─── 他们在十分恶劣的卫生条件下生活。

9、The car tempts people further out and then gives them the appalling problem of getting back. ─── 小汽车引诱着人们出远门,却又给人们造成可怕的返回问题。

10、They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism. ─── 他们忍受着恶劣天气的煎熬,表现了英国人典型的坚韧不拔的精神。

11、Russia has huge problems: crime, poor infrastructure, secessionism and chaos in the north Caucasus, appalling human-rights abuses and a looming demographic catastrophe. ─── 俄罗斯面临诸多严重问题:犯罪、基础设施落后、北高加索地区的分离主义和混乱局势、侵犯人权状况触目惊心以及人口灾难迫在眉睫。

12、The weather was utterly appalling. ─── 天气绝对恶劣到极点。”

13、Appalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness. ─── 凶恶,残暴凶恶、残暴的状态、性质或行为;残暴

14、Who lives in the town of Litang County Binyang dragon Avenue Arjun (a pseudonym), middle age, for the first time to see this appalling murder. ─── 家住宾阳县黎唐镇金龙大道的阿君(化名)人到中年,头一次见到如此惨不忍睹的血案。

15、Another kind of reporting emerged during those appalling hours and days. ─── 在那令人毛骨悚然的时日里,一种新的报道方式冒了出来。

16、In a year or so, the situation may be irretrievably hopeless.It is pretty appalling now. ─── 在一年多的时间里,可能这里的状况已没有一点希望,现在甚至到了令人骇人听闻的地步。

17、They lived in conditions of appalling sanitation. ─── 他们生活在极为恶劣的卫生环境中。

18、"Your lack of compassion and common sense in choosing to put this image of their maimed and stricken child on the front page of multiple American newspapers is appalling. ─── “在众多的美国报纸中,你们选择把他们伤残孩子的照片放在头版,你们丧失了同情心和人之常情,这是令人发指的。”

19、Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in. ─── 后悔是精力的一大浪费;你不能靠它(稳站于其上),只适宜沉迷于其中。

20、The reports on the contaminated milk powder and meat are really appalling. ─── 二恶英污染奶粉肉类等食品的事件令人心惊。

21、Most other states have had to grapple with appalling budget deficits since then. ─── 大部分其他州还不得不设法解决骇人的预算赤字。

22、Food is one of the stuff I enjoy tremendously.And in the beautiful Villa Borghese tITe is scarcely ever any evidence of nutriment.It is positively appalling at times. ─── 吃的东西是我最喜爱的物品之一,可是在这座漂亮的波勒兹别墅里几乎根本看不到吃的东西,有时这毫无疑问是很可怕的。

23、Million Dollar Point may be an indictment of the appalling wastefulness of war. ─── Million Dollar Point可以是战争导致可怕挥霍的起诉书。

24、So it was a shock to hear Mr Zoellick describe as "appalling" the bank's behaviour over a bungled project to develop the coast of Albania. ─── 因此当听到佐利克先生将该行通过一个拙劣的项目去开发阿尔巴尼亚海岸的行为描述成“骇人听闻”时,真是令人震惊。

25、People are living in appalling conditions. ─── 人们的居住环境糟糕透了。

26、Successive parliamentary inquiries have revealed appalling examples of waste. ─── 从接二连三的国会问讯里就已经能够看到严重浪费的例子。

27、Among them some people have especially shape and peculiar ability; they are appalling human outside of city. ─── 其中有几个人形相奇特,实力可怕.假设我估计不错,他们都是城外族的奇异人类.

28、Regert is an appalling waster of the energy. ─── 后悔是对精力的极大浪费。

29、Though tortured for a month in appalling conditions, the young man has no plans to flee his homeland. ─── 尽管在可怕的环境下受尽折磨一个月,年轻人却没有想过要离开祖国。

30、She had appalling headaches.I mean, these are not just headaches as you and I know them, but these are really terrible... incapacitating headaches. ─── 她常常头痛欲裂,我是指,不是你我所能体会到的头痛,而是那种会让人发疯的头痛。

31、Throughout the country people were shivering,in ill-heated housed,as they read the morning paper,ate their breakfasts and grumbled about the weather which,truth to tell,had been appalling of late. ─── 全国各地的人们在他们那取暖设施恶劣的房子里读晨报,吃早餐,报怨着天气,都冻得发抖,而近来的天气,说实话,真是冷得吓坏人。

32、It still refused to face up to the appalling consequences of Philby's being a spy. ─── 它仍然拒绝正视菲尔比是间谍这件事的可怕后果。

33、He had once walked to every part of the dilapidated ghettos in London, astonished at the appalling living conditions of the poor. ─── 他曾走遍伦敦那些破烂不堪的地区,亲眼目睹了那里的穷人令人震惊的生活条件。

34、A crowd of confounded bystanders stared at the appalling wreckage. ─── 一群困惑的旁观者瞪视着可怕的残骸。

35、So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. ─── 但是一百年过去了,我们却必须面对悲惨的事实,因为黑人仍然没有自由。

36、In a recent study of India's public services, the activist and author Samuel Paul concluded that “the quality of governance is appalling. ─── 在最近一项对印度公共服务的研究中,社会活动家兼作家保罗得出的结论是:“政府的执政能力非常低下”。

37、It was too appalling to be contemplated. ─── 太不象话啦,简直不可思议。

38、The figures for burglaries have risen alarmingly over the last few years and are now quite appalling. ─── 在过去几年中,统计数字显示入室盗窃案件大幅上升,现在情况已经非常惊人。

39、They adhered to their original plan in spite of the appalling weather. ─── 尽管天气极坏,他们仍然坚持按原计划行事。

40、Everyone is at the end of their tether with their appalling behaviour. ─── 对于他们的卑劣行为,大家已忍无可忍。

41、They are appal at the news. ─── 他们被这消息吓坏了。

42、The bus service is appalling now. ─── 现在公共汽车服务很差。

43、His handwriting is appalling. ─── 他的笔迹很糟((他所写的字太不像话))。

44、"We document, on a regular basis, an appalling lack of aid going to core infrastructure such as hospitals - in Kandahar for example," he said. ─── 他说:“比如在坎大哈,我们的记录显示,像医院等一些重点机构经常面临救援物资的短缺。

45、It would be appalling, I'd go so far as to say disgusting, if this was doctored or entirely fabricated. My intentions are only good. ─── 它将是可怕的,如果这有被篡改或完全捏造,我会有咁远走咁远去说恶心话,我是只有好的意图。

46、His manners were appalling before he got married, but his wife soon got him house-trained. ─── 他以前很没规矩,婚後不久妻子就把他管教好了。

47、With his tardiness carelessness and appalling good humor we were sore perplexed. ─── 他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又好得惊人,我们都对他毫无办法。

48、Even reputable channels suffered from appalling inaccuracies as they battled to be “first”. ─── 即便是很有名的频道,由于都争当“第一”,因此也是报道惊人的不准确。

49、The first message I got in the early morning should be so appalling. ─── 一大早看到的信息是如此让人震惊。

50、The prisoners were living in appalling conditions. ─── 囚犯的居住条件极为恶劣。

51、The latter said the crisis is given in such a high price indeed pay "appalling. ─── 后者称,在危机之际给出这样的天价薪酬实在“骇人听闻”。

52、Despite what might be considered appalling timing, given the state of the global economy, he had raised all he wanted by January this year. ─── 尽管因为现在的经济形势,都认为现在不是时候,他在今年一月得到了他想要的。

53、In discussing the appalling standard of Chinese, our concern is neither to make it a dominant language nor to raise its status - this will be a backward step. ─── 在探讨语文程度低落的事实,我们关注的绝不是如何使华文成为一个强势的语言,或者要进一步提升华文的地位,开历史的倒车。

54、He took himself so seriously; it was something appalling. ─── 他的态度那么严肃,有些使人望而生畏。

55、His manners were appalling before he got married,but his wife soon got him house-trained. ─── 他以前很没规矩,婚后不久妻子就把他管教好了。

56、His pupils always groaned at his appalling jokes. ─── 他的学生对他骇人听闻的笑话总是报以一阵哼哼声。

57、Your lack of compassion and common sense in choosing to put this image of their maimed and stricken child on the front page of multiple American newspapers is appalling. ─── 你们将那身负重伤的可怜孩子的照片放到多家美国报纸的头条上,这种缺乏同情心和常识的行为令人发指。

58、The deafening report sounded even louder and more appalling in the stillness of the little room. ─── 劈

59、The appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair. ─── 人们在享受医疗保健、财富和机会等方面存在着严重不均,这让数百万人生活在绝望之中。

60、Central Park is a hug center. The amount of love made visible in the Park is simply appalling. ─── 中央公园是公开调情做爱的中心,这里公开调情做爱之事之多,简直令人震惊。

61、Conspicuously, the whole picture was in black and white, except for her nails, which were scarlet, so appalling just like the exlamation point. ─── 引人注目的是,整个图片都是黑色和白色,只有那指甲都是红色的,就和那个惊叹号一像的触目惊心。

62、Regret being an appalling waste of energy; you can not build on it; it's only good for wallow in. ─── 后悔是精力的一大浪费; 你不能靠它(稳站于其上), 只适宜沉迷于其中。

63、So it was a shock to hear Mr Zoellick describe as “appalling” the bank's behaviour over a bungled project to develop the coast of Albania. ─── 因此当听到佐利克先生将该行通过一个拙劣的项目去开发阿尔巴尼亚海岸的行为描述成“骇人听闻”时,真是令人震惊。

64、Terrible, appalling, dire, useless, waste of space. ─── 一塌胡涂,完全不像话,非常糟糕,毫无建树,浪费位置。

65、Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. ─── 只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。

66、They think it's appalling that the American people are not taking [more seriously] the news that should be shocking everybody. ─── 他们认为,美国人民对于本应该使人人感到震惊的克林顿性丑闻竟然不当回事儿,这也太不像话了。

67、Alice has been a martyr to her husband's appalling temper for the past ten years. ─── 十年来,爱丽丝一直受着丈夫那骇人听闻听的坏脾气的折磨。

68、He forces on us the appalling questions: Of what is our Constitution made? ─── 他逼我们悚然质问我们的宪法奠定了什么?

69、The diners sat staring, open-mouthed, wondering what this appalling boy, who had somehow become the Emperor's favourite, would say next. ─── 只得哈哈的干笑几声,说道:“皇上英明仁孝,励精图治,实是自古贤皇所不及。”

70、Their hardships were appalling and many died of disease and malnutrition. ─── 他们遇到的困难令人震惊,许多船员死于疾病和营养不良。

71、Her dress sense is appalling. ─── 她的着装品位让人汗颜。

72、Pm not dramatizing the appalling conditions by citing the following examples, but being serious. ─── 下午没有渲染的恶劣条件援引下面的例子,但被严重。

73、To be blunt, your work is appalling. ─── 坦率地说,你的活干得糟透了。

74、The illiteracy level of our children are appalling. ─── 儿童文盲的程度令人震惊。

75、Sanitary conditions are appalling. ─── 卫生条件非常恶劣。

76、Though really, if Finnigan's anything like he was in school, his captors are apt to grow tired of his appalling hyperactivity and send him back regardless. ─── 尽管说真的,要是Finnigan还和在学校的时候一样的糟糕,逮捕他的人也该被他那种惊人的亢奋烦透了才是,早就对其置之不理了。’

77、Apparently he could not quite face the appalling fact that the capital of the Third Reich was now about to be captured by the Russians, whose armies, he had announced years before, were as good as destroyed. ─── 他显然不能面对这样一个可怕的现实:第三帝国的首都马上就要被俄国人所攻占,而在好几年以前他就已经宣布这些俄国人的军队已被打垮。

78、It shows appalling ignorance not to know who the present prime minister is. ─── 不知道现任首相是谁,这真是骇人听闻。

79、His ignorance is appalling. ─── 他愚蠢到极点。

80、The animals pay too, by means of the appalling conditions in which they are reared and trucked. ─── 动物也付出了代价,那就是它们在饲养和运输中遭受的种种不堪待遇。

81、Should the U. S. legal system confirm its charges, the entire Socialist Party would be deeply embarrassed by such an appalling scenario. ─── 如果美国的法律制度确认其收费,整个社会党将深受这种骇人听闻的情况下尴尬。

82、The number of people kill on the road appal me. ─── 在路上毙命的人数之多使我胆寒。

83、The Japanese can't write English worth a damn. Don't even let them try. Their grammar is appalling. ─── 不知道日本人在日翻英的时候水平如何,本人还是觉得原汁原味比较好吃的说。

84、Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can not build on it; it's only good for wallow in. ─── 后悔是精力的一大浪费;你不能靠它(稳站于其上),只适宜沉迷于其中。

85、Let me be quite blunt(with you)your work is appalling. ─── (对你)直说吧--你的工作太差劲.

86、His manners are appalling you can't take him anywhere! ─── 他没有正形--到哪儿都拿不出去。

87、His grammar is appalling. ─── 他运用语言的能力糟透了。

88、Aid agencies have promised more help for tens of thousands of Chechen refugees living in appalling conditions in the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia. ─── 在临近印古什共和国避难的大量车臣难民生活状况十分艰苦,救援机构已承诺要提供更多帮助。

89、We all feel really, in our hearts, the appalling cruelty of exploitation, if we have given a single moment's thought to it. ─── 哪怕我们只是短暂地考虑一下这个问题,我们都能从内心里真实地感受到剥削那骇人的残酷。

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